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G1000 Student Revision History: Software Updates & Fixes

G1000 Student Revision History
G1000 Version 1.59
Corrected No Wind Data while on ground.
Corrected vector track information.
Added approach selection from nearest page.
Fixed the radio altitude display showing in Cessna prop aircraft
Added hardware support for GMC705/GCU478
Added second PFD plug-in option.
Heading bug sync.
FLC mode on takeoff - I added prevention not to pitch down when climbing.
Ability to disconnect VNAV mode.
G1000 Version 1.58
Correct skewed moving map on flight plan page.
Corrected issues for upgrade kit.
Latest Waas and approach data. Included.
G1000 Version 1.57
Internal maintenance build.
G1000 Version 1.56
Correct a few approach issues reported by customers
Added support for upcoming Citation Mustang and Cessna 208 upgrade kits.
G1000 Version 1.55
Correct certain throttle issues reported by customers
Latest waas approach data included.
G1000 Version 1.54
Support for Lockheed Martins Prepar3D 3.1 and connection problems – You must
reinstall the network module installer on the Simulator machine.
Corrections to F1tech Cirrus SR20 – SR22 Plug-in
Latest waas approach data included.
G1000 Version 1.53
Support for Lockheed Martins Prepar3D 3.0 – You must reinstall the network
module installer.
Added support for F1tech Cirrus SR20 – SR22 Plug-in
Fixed issue with Navigraph data changes.
Latest waas approach data included.
G1000 Version 1.52
Fixed the wind vector option 1 calculations.
Added support for F1tech GFC 710 autopilot hardware.
Improved stability when running the G1000 alongside Orbx scenery
Latest waas approach data included.
G1000 Version 1.51
Internal maintenance build.
G1000 Version 1.50
General bug fixes in all aspects of the software + fixed some approach problems.
Latest waas approach data included.
G1000 Version 1.49
General bug fixes in all aspects of the software + fixed some approach problems.
Fix for crash with new Navigraph data update.
G1000 Version 1.48
General bug fixes in all aspects of the software + fixed some approach problems.
Added G1000_Transponder.ini to G1000 root folder. Editing as per below:
VFRCodeEurope = 1
Sets the transponder to 7000 when the default value softkey is pressed.
G1000 Version 1.47
Improved menu system.
Extended runway centerlines – selectable via the menu.
Other user reported fixes.
Improved user interface.
G1000 Version 1.46
 Added a checkbox to not show the message again:
The warning box if an F1tech approved aircraft is not selected.
G1000 Version 1.45
The simulator will now advise with a warning box if an F1tech approved aircraft
is not selected.
Refined logic when selection of an arrival after already selecting an approach and
Better management of deleting waypoints/procedures.
G1000 Version 1.44
Internal maintenance build.
G1000 Version 1.43
Corrected reports of missing airspaces.
G1000 Version 1.43
Various reported fixes
Corrected a problem with identifying some joysticks
Support for new “Safer-Taxi” plugin available via Flight1tech website.
G1000 Version 1.42
Various reported fixes
Now includes the G1000 Control Center interface. This app allows you too easily.
Access tools, options and documents from an easy to use interface.
Course to DME distance problem corrected.
G1000 Version 1.41
Adds supported aircraft flight model installers for FSX and P3D
The aircraft do not display 3D exterior models or virtual cockpits but are
selectable and flyable in FSX and P3D.
Added current WAAS and Obstacle data. (this will be subscriber based in the
Added the MFD Flightplan “WIDE View”, this is accessed from the “VIEW”
sub-menu of the FPL pop-up. This is a G1000 V12 feature.
Added the MFD Flightplan distance option to show cumulated distance instead of
leg to leg, this is accessed from the “VIEW” sub-menu of the FPL pop-up.
Fixed a bug when a duplicate approach point was found incorrectly in a
Fixed ETA calculation for the MFD top menu labels.
When flying in Europe, the first letter of the scratchpad starts with an “L” instead
of a “K”
G1000 Version 1.40
In the MFD approach page, the Enter button now changes from the ident field to
the approach.
The countries Poland and Portugal were mixed up when displaying information.
Baron B58 plug-in interface graphic was missing.
G1000 Version 1.39
Various reported fixes.
Added core support for additional and upcoming specific aircraft plug-ins.
Changed optional switch panels adding better support for singles and twins.
Added optional alignment grid for moving and sizing windows more accurately.
Added window size and location information on title bar when window borders
are enabled.
Added new generic airspeed indicator for twin aircraft configurations.
G1000 Version 1.38
Internal maintenance build.
G1000 Version 1.37
When loading an approach that has altitude constraints, the first waypoint now
prefills with the correct value.
STD Baro is displayed in the altimeter box when the softkey from the PFD menu
is used.
ACT Leg softkey on the MFD FPL page is working correctly, along with the ACT
Leg menu option which now turns grey when a waypoint is not selected.
G1000 Version 1.36
Altitude Alerter defaults to “disabled”
The Autopilot will now fly nav source VOR2 when selected.
Other minor fixes.
G1000 Version 1.35
Support for Lockheed Martins Prepar3D version 1.3
G1000 Version 1.34
Numerous approach fixes and tweaks.
New WAAS data set.
Added Go Around mode option in the F1G1000_keyboard.ini - Users can define
their hardware device button to call Go Around mode. (located in network
module folder)
Further Refined VNAV functionality and added Altitude constraints for
Approach profiles are now rendered on the MFD when selecting or sorting
through approaches.
G1000 Version 1.33
Internal maintenance build.
G1000 Version 1.32
Numerous approach fixes and tweaks.
New WAAS data set.
New Obstacle data set.
Refined VNAV functionality and added Altitude constraints for Procedures.
ASOS/AWOS frequencies to show up in the WPT Airport Info page.
The ability to access the WPT page when highlighting a waypoint from the FPL
G1000 Version 1.31
Internal maintenance build.
G1000 Version 1.30
Reduced G1000 memory footprint significantly.
Numerous approach fixes and tweaks.
New WAAS data set.
New Obstacle data set.
G1000 Version 1.29
Internal maintenance build.
G1000 Version 1.28
Improved Flight Director logic.
Two waypoints would have the same identifier, but they would draw on
different locations on the map, fixed.
G1000 Version 1.27
Borderless version of the windows
Changed the keyboard logic: the app does not accept keyboard commands when
minimized and the polling of the keys is done at a higher update rate
Fixed MFD Proc page CTD when loading a departure/arrival
Fixed EDRZ loading a departure CTD
Fixed total distance when loading a flight plan – must resave flight plan for this to
Fixed PFD STD baro soft key
Fixed Direct To selection of waypoints form the MFD waypoints page
Fixed PFD Direct To search by city/name
Fixed ADF/DME windows
Added “Activate Missed Approach” option to the PFD/MFD Proc pages
Fixed a CTD when loading airways under certain conditions
Fixed and updated obstacle data
Fixed Terrain soft key for the PFD inset map
Fixed centering of the CRS knob
Added CNCL VNV/VNAV DTO functionality
Fixed map TRK/DTK options
For auto-tuning to work, we found a bug with the Navigraph data 1103 so we
recommend an update to 1108
Fixed rendering bug when a procedure page and the DTO popup were opened in
the MFD
Added a background to the standby gauges – Non hardware Version
Added a background bitmap which can be activated as a checkbox – Non
hardware Version
Added a switch panel – Non hardware Version
Added flap sound when activating the flaps (must have the engine sound option
Fixed a map orientation bug in P3D
G1000 Version 1.26
Added Terrain Proximity!
Global Rivers
Many other minor fixes
G1000 Version 1.25
Aural tones associated with altitude alerts are now simulated.
Minimum Descent Altitude/Decision Height Alerting – audio now says
"Minimums" twice not once.
Engine Hours indications are now displayed for Cessna 172R and 172S.
Engine gauge tick marks are no longer missing for turbocharged aircraft.
Turbine Inlet Temperature Indicator (TIT) are now displayed for Turbocharged
Emergency quick tuning and activation of 121.500 MHz is now simulated.
ADF now works correctly.
DME tuning is now fully functional.
After 45 seconds of transponder soft key inactivity, the system should revert back
to the top-level soft keys. It now does.
Manually activating a missed approach was not simulated.
Lighted obstacles are not distinguished from unlighted obstacles on the
Navigation map.
Nav Range Ring on the MFD Navigation Map – add checkbox on G1000 Student
UI Options to display/hide.
Fuel Range Ring on the MFD Navigation Map – add checkbox on G1000 Student
UI Options to display/hide.
The departure header did not appear in either the PFD or MFD flightplan. It now
Removing arrivals by highlighting the arrival header in the active flight plan on
the MFD and pressing CLR was not simulated. It now is.
Removing approaches by highlighting the approach header in the active flight
plan on the MFD and pressing CLR was not simulated. It now is.
Display of the Topographic Scale on the MFD Navigation map and it is also
Display of Airways both lo and high are now implemented.
Waypoint selection by facility or location name on the Waypoints page is
Airport selection by facility or location name on the Waypoints page is functional.
Selection of Direct-To waypoints via Facility or City name is functional.
Adding airways to a flight plan can now be done.
Added X-Track feature