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Ground Improvement Techniques: Soil Stabilization Methods

Ground Improvement
Dr. K H S M Sampath
Need for ground improvement
• Rapid urbanization and industrial growth driving demand for land . In
order to meet this demand, land reclamation & utilization of
unsuitable or environmentally affected lands have been taken up
• Where poor ground conditions make traditional forms of construction
expensive, it may be economically viable to attempt to improve the
engineering properties of the ground before building on it
• To improve load bearing capacity and shear strength
Need for ground improvement
• Mechanical properties are not adequate
• Swelling and shrinkage
• Collapsible soils
• Soft soils
• Organic soils and peaty soils
• Sands and gravelly deposits.
• Foundations on dumps and sanitary landfills
• Handling dredged materials
• Handling hazardous materials in contact with soils
• Use of old mine pits
Need for ground improvement
Effect of shrinkage
Collapsible soil
Effect of swelling
Effect of liquefaction
Need for ground improvement
Ground improvement techniques help
• to reduce permeability
• to reduce compressibility
• to increase shear strength
• to increase bearing capacity
Full or partial replacement of soil
• One of oldest and simplest methods is simply to remove and replace the
• Soils that will have to be replaced include contaminated soils or organic
• Method is usually practical only above the groundwater table
• Most common admixture is Portland Cement.
• When mixed with soil, forms soil-cement which is comparable to a weak
• Other admixtures include lime and asphalt.
• Objective is to provide artificial cementation, thus increasing strength
and reducing both compressibility and hydraulic conductivity.
• Used to reduce expansion potential of clays.
• Used in surface mixing applications.
Mechanical Compaction
• This method utilizes mechanical compactors and rollers which reduce voids
• This method has very low depth of influence and hence can be used only for
shallow soils
• In the event of weak soil being present up to certain depth, the same is
replaced with a layer of good soil
• Sheepsfoot roller and vibratory rollers are used for cohesive and
cohesionless soils respectively
• Need to achieve a specified degree of compaction considering the field dry
density and maximum dry density
• Compaction may be done in different layers to achieve the required fill height
Vibro Compaction
• Vibro compaction densifies clean, cohesion less granular soils by means of a down hole
vibrator which is typically suspended from a crane and lowered vertically into the soil
under its own weight.
• Penetration is usually aided by water jets integrated into the vibrator assembly. After
reaching the bottom of the treatment zone, the soils are densified in lifts as the probe is
• During vibro compaction, clean sand backfill is typically added at the ground surface to
compensate for the reduction in soil volume resulting from the densification process.
The vibratory energy reduces the inter-granular forces between the soil particles, allowing
them to move into a denser configuration, typically achieving a relative density of 70 to 85
percent. The treated soils have increased density, friction angle and stiffness.
Vibro Compaction
Dynamic Compaction – Impact method
Uses a special crane to lift 2-50 tons to heights of 7m-35m and then drop
these weights onto the ground.
Cost effective method of densifying loose sands and silty soils up to 15 to 30
feet deep.
Good densification occurs up to a depth of 5 m-10 m.
There are two main methods:
• Rapid Impact compaction: In this method, the soil is compacted under
the pounding action of heavy hammer
• Dropping of heavy weight: In this method, steel or concrete weight
around 500-600kN is dropped from a height of 40-50m with the help of a
Dynamic Compaction – Impact method
• The micro-blasting technology is used for the improvement of subsoil under civil
and hydro engineering structures.
• It employs high-energy explosions to modify the surrounding soil.
• The energy generated by the explosion of 1 kg of TNT = the energy of 5 tons of
tamper falling free from a height of 100 m.
• Applications: harbour areas, reclaimed islands, breakwaters, road
embankments and airfield pavements, nuclear power plants, dams, etc.
• Blasting is most effective in loose sands that contain less than 20% silt and less
than 5% clay.
• Although blasting is quite economical, it is limited by several considerations, as it
produces strong vibrations that may damage near by structures or produce
significant ground movements.
Loose soil before
Underwater explosive
explosive compaction
with surface charges
explosive compaction
with hidden charges
Densified soil after
Grouting & Injection
• Grouting is normally done to fill the cracks present in soil or rock strata
• It proves effective in following situations
• When foundation is to be below ground water table
• When site is located in an area where direct access is restricted
• When design of foundation is restricted by no. of boundaries & contact zones
• Excavation is not possible besides the proposed structure
• The grout used may be a combination of cement slurry with different
• Bentonite slurry may be commonly used grout, it is basically a highly
plastic clay which has advantages and disadvantages
Due to its highly plastic nature, it can enter into even its smallest present crevice
It compacts quickly & forms a monolithic structure
• It is costly and hence used in special situations like to protect the sides of tunnels from
Grouting Methods
Permeation grouting
• Permeation grouting, also known as cement
grouting or pressure grouting, fills cracks or
voids in soil and rock
• Permeates coarse, granular soils with
flowable particulate grouts to create a
cemented mass.
• Depending on the conditions, Portland
cement or microfine cement grout is injected
under pressure at strategic locations
through single ‘port’ or multiple ‘port’ pipes.
• The grout particle size and void size must
be matched properly to allow the cement
grout to permeate. The grouted mass has
an increased strength, stiffness, and
reduced permeability.
Grouting Methods
Compensation or fracture grouting
• Injection of a cement slurry grout
into the soil creating and filling
fractures that then lift the overlying
soil and structures.
• A pipe with rubber sleeves covering
ports is inserted into a pre-drilled hole
beneath a structure and grout injected
under pressure at strategic locations
through the ports.
• Once the hydrofracture pressure of the
soil is exceeded, fractures open in the
soil and are immediately expanded by
the influx of grout. This results in the
controlled heave of the overlying soils
and structures.
Grouting Methods
• Compaction grouting
• When low-slump compaction grout is
injected into granular soils, grout bulbs
are formed that displace and densify the
surrounding loose soils.
• Used to repair structures that have
excessive settlement
• An injection pipe is inserted, typically to
maximum treatment depth, and the grout
then injected as the pipe is slowly
removed in lifts, creating a column of
overlapping grout bulbs.
• The expansion of the grout bulbs
displaces surrounding soils, and the
grouting increases the density, friction
angle, and stiffness of surrounding
granular soils.
Grouting Methods
• Jet grouting
• Uses a special pipe with horizontal jets
that inject grout into the ground at high
• Commonly used for ground water control
• Suitable for stabilizing soils before
excavation or tunneling.
• Jet grouting creates in situ columns of soilcrete
(grouted soil), using a grouting monitor
attached to the end of a drill stem.
• The jet grout monitor is advanced to the
maximum treatment depth. Then high velocity
jets (cement grout with optional water and air)
are initiated from ports in the monitor.
• The jets erode and mix the in-situ soil with
grout as the drill stem and monitor are rotated
and raised.
• Simply place a surcharge fill on top of the soil that requires consolidation
• Weight of the surcharge fill is decided based on the load from the
• Once sufficient consolidation has taken place, the fill can be removed,
and construction takes place
• Surcharge fills are typically 10-25 feet thick and generally produces
settlement of 1 to 3 feet.
• Most effective in clay soil
Graph: Time vs.
Pre-loading - Application
• Can be used to densify sanitary landfills
• Used to facilitate consolidation settlement
• Pre-load is applied in the form of an imposed earth-fill left for a long period over
an area to be compacted
• When soil is being laid on the garbage and kept for long period, the leach-ate
present in it is squeezed out, as a result, there is reduction in volume of garbage
and more space is available
• Advantages
• Requires only conventional earthmoving equipment
• Any grading contractor can perform the work
• Long track record of success
• Disadvantages
• Surcharge fill must extend horizontally at least 10 m beyond the
perimeter of the planned construction, which may not be possible
at confined sites
• Transport of large quantities of soil required
• Surcharge must remain in place for months or years, thus delaying
Vertical Drains
• Vertical drains are installed with pre-loading to accelerate the drainage of
impervious soils and thus speed up consolidation
• These drains provide a shorter path for the water to flow through to get away
from the soil
• Time to drain clay layers can be reduced from years to a couple of months
• Sometimes vertical drains are filled with sandy soils which are known to be the
most cohesionless soils and therefore drainage through sand layers is very
easy and convenient. Known as Sand Drains.
Vertical Drains
Vertical Drains - Advantages
• Minimum disturbance to soil layer during installation.
• High water discharge capacity.
• High tensile strength prevents the collapse of flow path.
• Fast and easy installation up to 40 m.
Wick Drains
• Also known as Prefabricated Vertical Drains
(PVD) are prefabricated geotextile filterwrapped plastic strips with molded
• These act as drainage paths to take pore
water out of soft compressible soil, so it
consolidates faster, often from decades to
• Installed by being pushed or vibrated into
the ground.
• Most are about 100 mm wide and 5 mm
Compaction Piles
• Compaction piles are used to compact loose granular soils, thus
increasing their bearing capacity, preventing liquefaction, reducing
• Sand compaction piles :
• It consists of driving a hollow steel pipe with closed bottom & fitted with
collapsible doors
• Sand is filled in the hollow steel pile
• Similar to Tremie method , the pipe is slightly lifted
• Due to the load the bottom plate opens out and sand backfills the void
created during driving of pipe
• The refilled sand prevents the surrounding soils from collapsing
Stone Columns
• The method of installation is similar to that of compaction piles
• The size of stones used is 6-40 mm
• The spacing of stone columns is kept between 1-3m
• It is particularly applied to soft soils
• It is not suitable for highly organic soils
Stone Columns
Wet soil mixing
• Wet soil mixing, also known as the deep
mixing method, improves the
characteristics of weak soils by
mechanically mixing them with
cementitious binder slurry.
• A powerful drill advances a contra mixing
tool as binder slurry is pumped through
the connecting drill string, mixing the soil
to the target depth. Additional mixing of
the soil is completed as the tool is
withdrawn to the surface. Columns,
typically, are constructed at diameters of
1.0-1.5 m
• This process constructs individual mixed
columns or rows of overlapping columns
with a designed strength and stiffness.
Dry soil mixing
• Dry soil mixing is a ground improvement
technique that improves soft, high
moisture clays, peats, and other weak
soils, by mechanically mixing them with
dry cementitious binder.
To construct the columns, a high-speed drill
advances a drill rod with radial mixing paddles
near the bottom of the drill string into the
During penetration, the tool shears the soils to
prepare them for mixing.
After the tool reaches the design depth, the
binder is pumped pneumatically through the
drill string to the tool, where it is mixed with the
soil as the tool is withdrawn.
The dry soil mixing process constructs
individual columns, rows of overlapping
columns, or 100% mass stabilization, all with a
designed strength and stiffness.
Ground Anchors
Ground anchors transfer tensile loads and
consist of an anchor head, a free length and a
bond length. Anchors can offer an advantage
for basements and large excavations by
minimizing horizontal deflections.
Common uses
• Excavation support
• Temporary or permanent slope stabilization
• Tie down applications for permanent
A stable borehole is executed to the right
diameter and designed length, filled with
cement grout and then the anchor (strand or
bar with free and bond length) installed. Post
grouting can be done after a few hours if
necessary. The anchor head is then installed,
and stressing completed.
Rock Anchors
• Rock bolts are tensile units employed to keep rock mass in compression
• It is installed as nearly perpendicular to joints as practicable
• The ordinary types consist of rods installed in drill holes by driving and
wedging, by driving and expanding, or by grouting with mortar or resins
• Bolt heads are then attached to rod and twisted against a metal plate to
impose the compressive force on mass
• Fully grouted rock bolts, provide more permanent bolts than ordinary types
• Rock bolts are used in slope stabilization, open excavations, in tunnels,
caverns, mines, concrete dam foundations to provide resistance to uplift and
Soil Nails
Soil nailing uses grouted steel nails to reinforce
in situ soils and create a gravity retaining wall
for permanent or temporary excavation
Common uses
Stabilise slopes and landslides
Support excavations
Repair existing retaining walls
Soil nail walls are generally constructed from the top
down. Typically, soil is excavated in 1-2 m deep
stages. After each excavation stage, near-horizontal
holes are drilled into the exposed face at typically 1-2
m centres. Tension-resisting steel bars are inserted
into the holes and grouted in place. A drainage
system is installed on the exposed face, followed by
the application of reinforced shotcrete wall facing.
Precast face panels can also be used. Bearing plates
are then fixed to the heads of the soil nails. This
installation process is repeated until the design wall
depth is reached. The finished soil nails then produce
a zone of reinforced slope.
Reinforced Earth Technology
• The sides to be retained are
fixed with sheet piles
• The soil on the backside of
the sheet piles are removed
• A layer of thin metal is laid
on ground
• Soil is spread on this layer of
metal strip and strip is
bracketed around the layer
of soil
• The same process of laying
metal strips and soil
alternatively is continued till
required height is achieved
Reinforced Earth Technology
Vegetated steep slopes
Stabilization with Geo-products
• These include use of Geo-textiles, Geomembranes, Geo-grids, Geo-spacers, geo-webs,
geo-composites, etc
• These in general are porous of polypropylene
polyester, nylon or PVC and their variations
• The main functions of these are :
Fluid transmission
Electrical methods
• Electro-osmosis
• This method is employed for cohesive soils (clays)
• Metal strips are inserted and a well point system is also
• The current is passed through metal strips thus becoming the
anode and well point system as cathode
• Water being charged with anions flows to well point system and
is pumped out
Thermal Stabilization by Heating
Formation of
Gradient in soil
Particle Electric
Flow of pore
Strength of soil
Thermal Stabilization by Cooling
Pore water in
soil freezes
Soil is reinforced
barriers/walls are
Ice is formed
Soil Strength
• The technique is to flood the area prior to construction
• As in natural expansive soils, extensive network of fissures and cracks present
initially, ponding process is easily facilitated
• Because of pre-wetting, the water content will be closer to be attained after
construction, hence volume changes will be small subsequently
• It is usual to treat the surface with a layer of lime to a depth of 0.3-0.5 m after
• This treatment provides a working platform for construction and an impermeable
moisture barrier to retard subsequent desiccation of pre-wetted soil
• Ground improvement is a rapidly developing field as suitable sites for
construction are not available these days.
• Its applicability has been proven in the recent past for a wide range of
structures such as roads, runways, ports, power plants, railways,
dams & other infrastructure facilities.
• These techniques have been used all over the world for a wide range
of soils starting from loose sands, silts, marine clays to weak rocks.
• Based on the soil conditions, loading intensity and intended
performance, an appropriate ground improvement technique can be
designed to attain the desired performance.
Thank You.