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Assurance Services Principles Handout

No. 125 Brgy. San Sebastian
Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines
: 0927 283 8234
: (043) 723 8412
: icarecpareview@gmail.com
AT 05-01 – Fundamental Principles of Assurance Services
1. It refers to an engagement in which a practitioner expresses a conclusion designed to
enhance the degree of confidence of the intended users other than the responsible
party about the outcome of the evaluation or measurement of a subject matter against
a. Assurance Engagement
b. Attestation Engagement
c. Audit Engagement
d. Non-assurance Engagement
2. Which of the following is not included in the elements of an assurance engagement?
a. Appropriate subject matter
b. Sufficient appropriate evidence
c. Written report
d. Professional fees
3. Which of the following statements about the three-party relationship in an assurance
engagement is incorrect?
a. The term practitioner is broader than the term auditor as used in Philippine
Standards on Auditing (PSAs) and Philippine Standards on Review
Engagements (PSREs).
b. The intended users may include the responsible party, but the responsible party
cannot be the only intended user.
c. The organization represented by the responsible party and the intended users
may or may not be the same.
d. The responsible party may include the intended users, but the intended users
cannot be the only responsible party.
4. Statement 1: Subject matter refers to the nature of the assertion the practitioner
gathers sufficient evidence.
Statement 2: Subject matter information pertains to the outcome of the evaluation or
measurement of the subject matter.
Statement 3: The subject matter of an assurance engagement may be financial, nonfinancial, physical characteristics, systems and processes, or behavior.
a. All statements are correct.
b. All but one of the statements are incorrect.
c. All but two of the statements are incorrect.
d. All statements are incorrect.
5. Which of the following is most difficult to use as criteria across multiple assurance
a. Financial reporting framework of a foreign jurisdiction
b. COSO internal control framework
c. Governmental requirements for compliance
d. Requirements for operational effectiveness and efficiency
6. Suitable criteria must contribute to conclusions that are clear, comprehensive, and not
subject to significantly different interpretations. This characteristic of criteria is called
a. Reliability
b. Understandability
1P a g e
No. 125 Brgy. San Sebastian
Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines
: 0927 283 8234
: (043) 723 8412
: icarecpareview@gmail.com
c. Neutrality
d. Relevance
7. Jason, CPA, and Rain, CPA, were both engaged to express an opinion on Coffee
Corp.’s financial statements prepared based on PFRS for SMEs. As this criteria is
expected to be ________, Jason and Rain should’ve arrived at similar conclusions,
provided similar set of circumstances and procedures.
a. Reliable
b. Neutral
c. Relevant
d. Understandable
8. All information gathered by the practitioner in evaluating the subject matter against
criteria, on which the conclusion is based.
a. Subject matter
b. Subject matter information
c. Evidence
d. Criteria
9. Statement 1: Sufficiency is the measure of the quantity of evidence, affected by the
risk of the subject matter information being materially misstated, and the quality of
such evidence.
Statement 2: The relationship between the quantity of evidence and its quality is direct
(the higher the quality, more would be required).
Statement 3: Appropriateness is the measure of the quality of evidence, its relevance
and reliability.
a. All statements are correct.
b. All but one of the statements are incorrect.
c. All but two of the statements are incorrect.
d. All of the statements are incorrect.
10. Materiality is a very important concept for assurance engagements. For example, in
an engagement to provide assurance on financial information, the more risks that the
practitioner considers to be present under client’s circumstances, the _______ the
materiality level that he/she defines. At the same time, the ________ material the
information is to intended users, the more procedures and evidence that the
practitioner should gather related to it.
a. Lower, less
b. Lower, more
c. Higher, less
d. Higher, more
11. It refers to the risk that the practitioner expresses an inappropriate conclusion when
the subject matter information is materially misstated.
a. Assurance engagement risk
b. Audit risk
c. Risk of material misstatement
d. Risk of non-detection
12. In an assurance engagement, a practitioner may express an inappropriate conclusion
in two scenarios. Beta risk refers to ___________.
a. Expressing an inappropriate conclusion when the subject matter information is
not materially misstated.
2P a g e
No. 125 Brgy. San Sebastian
Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines
: 0927 283 8234
: (043) 723 8412
: icarecpareview@gmail.com
b. Expressing an inappropriate conclusion when the subject matter information is
materially misstated.
c. Expressing an appropriate conclusion when the subject matter information is
not materially misstated.
d. Expressing an appropriate conclusion when the subject matter information is
materially misstated.
13. Which of the following statements in relation to cost-benefit consideration of gathering
evidence in assurance engagements is always correct?
a. In gathering evidence, the practitioner chooses the procedure that provides the
most reliable evidence.
b. In gathering evidence, the practitioner chooses the procedures that incurs the
least cost.
c. In the absence of alternative procedures, the practitioner is required to perform
evidence-gathering procedures, even if the cost of performing them exceeds
the benefit derived from the engagement.
d. The decision whether to remove an evidence-gathering procedure depends on
its usefulness and the matter of difficulty or expense involved in performing the
14. The attitude of having a questioning mind, being alert to possible misstatements, and
being critical of evidence gathered, especially those that contradicts other evidence or
representations by the responsible party, and most important to detect fraud / fraud
a. Professional judgment
b. Professional skepticism
c. Professional license
d. Professional behavior
15. Which of the following statements relating to generalizations about reliability of
evidence is incorrect?
a. Evidence obtained from external and independent sources is more reliable than
internal evidence.
b. Evidence obtained from a system of effective internal controls is more reliable
that those from ineffective controls.
c. Evidence that exists in documentary form is more reliable than those obtained
orally or from results of inquiry.
d. Evidence provided by photocopies is more reliable than those provided by
16. When the subject matter information is presented fairly, in all material respects, in
relation to the established criteria, the type of opinion expressed is __________.
a. Unmodified/unqualified
b. Qualified
c. Adverse
d. Disclaimer
17. When a practitioner wishes to reduce assurance engagement risk to an acceptably
low level, the form of conclusion expressed in the report is ___________, providing a
__________ level of assurance.
a. Positive, reasonable
b. Positive, limited
c. Negative, reasonable
3P a g e
No. 125 Brgy. San Sebastian
Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines
: 0927 283 8234
: (043) 723 8412
: icarecpareview@gmail.com
d. Negative, limited
18. This refers to representations about the evaluation or measurement of the subject
matter, either made available to intended users or otherwise.
a. Assertion
b. Assurance
c. Evidence
d. Professional skepticism
19. Which of the following most likely performs the evaluation or measurement of the
subject matter in a direct reporting engagement?
a. Practitioner
b. Responsible party, where assertions are made available to intended users.
c. Responsible party, where assertions are not made available to intended users.
d. Both A and C.
20. It is a characteristic required from a professional providing assurance service to one
or multiple clients, which, aside from subject matter expertise, improves the reliability
of the reports issued.
a. Objectivity
b. CPA license
c. Professional competence
d. Independence
21. Which of the following statements is always correct?
a. All assurance engagements are attestation in nature.
b. All audit engagements are assurance engagements, but not all audit
engagements involve attestation.
c. All attestation engagements are assurance engagements, and all audit
engagements involve attestation.
d. All audit engagements involve attestation, but not all attestation engagements
involve assurance.
22. Which of the following engagements below is non-assurance in nature?
a. Audit of historical financial statements
b. Examination of prospective financial statements
c. Reporting on a client’s accounting information systems
d. Providing tax management advisory
23. Which of the following pronouncements apply to all engagements covered by the
Auditing and Assurance Standards Council (AASC)?
a. Philippine Framework on Assurance Engagements (PFAEs)
b. Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs)
c. Philippine Standards on Assurance Engagements (PSAEs)
d. Philippine Standards on Quality Management (PSQM)
24. When a practitioner’s conclusion is expressed in a report on factual findings, the type
of engagement is most likely
a. Audit
b. Assurance
c. Agreed-upon procedures
d. Compilation
*End of Handout*
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