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Grammar Quiz Answer Key: Future Tenses

Group A
Group B
4.2 Future time clauses
4.2 Future time clauses
Exercise 1
Exercise 1
1 if: If expresses a condition.
2 as long as: As long as means the same as if.
3 unless: Unless means the same as ‘if not’.
4 as soon as: If you do something as soon as another thing
happens, you do it immediately when the other thing
5 before: This is the correct conjunction here. You should
wash your hands first, and then start cooking.
6 when: When means that the two actions in the sentence
happen at the same time.
7 until: If you do something until another thing happens,
you continue, and then stop when the other thing
8 after: Everyone will leave, and then we can tidy up.
1 if: If expresses a condition.
2 when: When means that the two actions in the sentence
happen at the same time.
3 as long as: As long as means the same as if’.
4 until: If you do something until another thing happens,
you continue, and then stop when the other thing
5 unless: Unless means the same as ‘if not’.
6 before: This is the correct conjunction here. You put the
stamp on the letter and then post it.
7 as soon as: If you do something as soon as another thing
happens, you do it immediately when the other thing
8 after: This is the correct conjunction here. We will finish
our exams and then go on holiday.
Exercise 2
1 if you win: If is the correct conjunction, and we use the
present simple in future time clauses.
2 he feels: Unless means the same as if not, so unless he
feels ill means the same as if he doesn’t feel ill. We use
the present simple in future time clauses.
3 after you fry: After is the correct conjunction, and we use
the present simple in future time clauses.
4 soon as Andy sends: As soon as is the correct
conjunction, and we use the present simple in future
time clauses.
5 until you are: Until is the correct conjunction, and we use
the present simple in future time clauses.
6 long as you pay: As long as is the correct conjunction,
and we use the present simple in future time clauses.
7 before we arrive: Before is the correct conjunction, and
we use the present simple in future time clauses.
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Exercise 2
1 until it gets: Until is the correct conjunction, and we use
the present simple in future time clauses.
2 before everyone gets: Before is the correct conjunction,
and we use the present simple in future time clauses.
3 long as they aren’t: As long as is the correct conjunction,
and we use the present simple in future time clauses.
4 after you add: After is the correct conjunction, and we
use the present simple in future time clauses.
5 soon as I get: As soon as is the correct conjunction, and
we use the present simple in future time clauses.
6 if you finish: If is the correct conjunction, and we use the
present simple in future time clauses.
7 unless the weather is: Unless is the correct conjunction,
and we use the present simple in future time clauses.
Group A
Group B
4.5 Future Continuous and Future Perfect
4.5 Future Continuous and Future Perfect
Exercise 1
1 will have lost: We use the future perfect to talk about an
action that will be completed at a certain time in the
2 ’ll be having: We use the future continuous to talk about
an action in progress in the future.
3 Will you have finished: We use the future perfect to talk
about an action that will be completed at a certain time
in the future.
4 will be working: We use the future continuous to talk
about an action in progress in the future.
5 will have sold: We use the future perfect to talk about an
action that will be completed at a certain time in the
1 will be sleeping: We use the future continuous to talk
about an action in progress in the future.
2 will have cleaned: We use the future perfect to talk about
an action that will be completed at a certain time in the
3 won’t have finished: We use the future perfect to talk
about an action that will be completed at a certain time
in the future.
4 will be doing: We use the future continuous to talk about
an action in progress in the future.
5 will have found: We use the future perfect to talk about
an action that will be completed at a certain time in the
Exercise 2
Exercise 2
1 (a) will be waiting: We use the future continuous to talk
about an action in progress in the future.
(b) will have sold: We use the future perfect to talk about
an action that will be completed at a certain time in the
2 (a) will be planning: We use the future continuous to talk
about an action in progress in the future.
(b) will have sent: We use the future perfect to talk
about an action that will be completed at a certain time
in the future.
3 (a) will Ann have sent: We use the future perfect to talk
about an action that will be completed at a certain time
in the future.
(b) will/ll be asking: We use the future continuous to talk
about an action in progress in the future.
4 (a) won’t have completed: We use the future perfect to
talk about an action that will be completed at a certain
time in the future.
(b) won’t be looking: We use the future continuous to
talk about an action in progress in the future.
5 (a) will have finished: We use the future perfect to talk
about an action that will be completed at a certain time
in the future.
(b) will/’ll be having: We use the future continuous to talk
about an action in progress in the future.
1 (a) won’t be living: We use the future continuous to talk
about an action in progress in the future.
(b) will have started: We use the future perfect to talk
about an action that will be completed at a certain time
in the future.
2 (a) will/’ll be visiting: We use the future continuous to
talk about an action in progress in the future.
(b) will/’ll have got: We use the future perfect to talk
about an action that will be completed at a certain time
in the future.
3 (a) will have passed: We use the future perfect to talk
about an action that will be completed at a certain time
in the future.
(b) will/’ll be travelling: We use the future continuous to
talk about an action in progress in the future.
4 (a) Will you be talking: We use the future continuous to
talk about an action in progress in the future.
(b) will have bought: We use the future perfect to talk
about an action that will be completed at a certain time
in the future.
5 (a) will have landed: We use the future perfect to talk
about an action that will be completed at a certain time
in the future.
(b) will/’ll be lying: We use the future continuous to talk
about an action in progress in the future.
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