Uploaded by Oscar Taylor

BIOL10009 Syllabus: Semester 1 2023

BIOL10009 Semester 1 2023
Week 1
27 Feb - 3 Mar
Week 2
6 Mar - 10 Mar
Week 3
13 Mar - 17 Mar
7. The flow of information from
genes to proteins
8. Energy in the Cell
9. Harvesting energy from
organic molecules
Week 4
20 Mar - 24 Mar
10. Photosynthesis
11. Utilising energy to maintain
12. Cells sensing and respond to
the environment
Week 5
27 Mar - 31 Mar
13. How does genetic variation
arise and how is it maintained?
14. How do organisms transmit
genetic material?
15. How is genetic information
transmitted over generations
(part 1)?
Week 6
3 Apr - 6 Apr
16. How is genetic information
transmitted over generations
(part 2)?
17. Genotype to Phenotype
18. Gene expression and
1. What is Life
2. Biomolecules of Life
3. The development of life on
Earth - Prokaryotes
Workshop and Project Meeting
Module 1: What is Life?
4. The rise of the eukaryotes, part 5. The rise of the eukaryotes, part
6. Cell division
Prac 1: Life on a small scale
Workshop 1 and Project meeting 1
Module 2: Maintaining Life
Module 3: Passing on
Prac 2: Obtaining energy for life
Combined Progress & Prac Test 1
(Open for 24h Due Tuesday 9am)
Individual Project Introductions Due
Friday 11:59pm
Workshop 2 and Project meeting 2
Prac 3: Genotype to phenotype
Project Group Hypothesis Due
Wednesday 11:59pm
Non - teaching week including Good Friday (7th April to Sunday 16th April)
Week 7
17 Apr - 21 Apr
19. Multicellularity: Origins and
20. Building the plant body
21. Transport in plants
Week 8
24 Apr - 28 Apr
22. Building the animal body
23. Animal circulatory systems
24. Communication and
Week 9
1 May - 5 May
25. How do organisms exchange
26. Reproduction systems in
humans (female)
27. Reproduction systems in
humans (male)
Week 10
8 May - 12 May
28. Digestion, part 1 - How are
nutrients absorbed?
29. Digestion, part 2 Communication and regulation
in digestion
30. Excretion and regulating
body fluids
Week 11
15 May - 19 May
31. How do organisms and cells
adapt to changing
environmental conditions?
32. Innovations in
photosynthesis to adapt to
challenging environments
Week 12
22 May - 26 May
34. Who's winning the battle
between host and disease?
35. How do our own cells cause
Combined Progress & Prac Test 2
(Open for 24h Due Friday 5pm)
Workshop 3 and Project meeting 3
Module 4: Multicellularity
Prac 4: Heart and Lungs
Workshop 4 and Project meeting 4
Module 5: Systems of Life
Module 6: Challenging Life
Prac 5: Challenges of
Combined Progress & Prac Test 3
(Open for 24h Due Tuesday 9am)
33. How do organisms cope with
Workshop 5 and Project meeting 5
36. How do humans impact
biological variation?
Combined Progress & Prac Test 4
(Open for 24h Due Tuesday 9am)
Project Posters Due Friday 11:59pm
Team Evaluations Due Friday 11:59pm