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Common Prac Report Errors: Guidelines

Common Prac Report Errors
Please make sure you read the prac hand-out and ‘Guide to Prac Report style 2016’ in
the resources folder before writing the report.
The report needs to have ALL the relevant sections included, not just the results.
The aim should be a statement of intent, written in broad terms. It should emphasize
what is to be accomplished, NOT how it is to be accomplished.
DO NOT introduce graphs or any new information in your discussion section.
Apparatus diagram should have labels and a caption.
Don’t forget table and figure captions; units in your tables and graphs; legends and
vertical/horizontal titles in your graphs, page numbers.
All theory should be under ‘Theory’. Do not introduce theory in your discussion or
The methodology should be presented in bullet points.
Formatting should be CONSISTENT throughout the report.
Refer to the graph and figure numbers when discussing a specific graph or figure.
Be CONSISTENT with significant figures.
The method should be written objectively. Avoid using phrases like ‘I did..’ ‘We put..’
and ‘Our results…’.
Avoid describing results as ‘fairly accurate’ or ‘quite accurate’, as these are relative
terms. Rather just write ‘accurate’ and give some justification.
Try to cite and reference images and equations that you have obtained from elsewhere
( even if it is from your course notes).