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Gontents lntroduction to loglistics 72 *O"t* servicesLogisticsacronyms Productranges 3PLproviders Value-added services I 20 28 53 I I I I I I Settingthescene fobsin togistics Regularactivities Sellingservices Explaining onlineservices Inventory managcmentand procurement Inventory management Continuous replenishment Jobadvertisements Thepassive Givingandaskingfor opinions Making suggestions Agreeing Modesaf transprt Transport andhandtingequipment Containertypes Typesofgoods Adjectives Makingcomparisons Describing features PlanninE!and a]langing transport Transport options Measurements Quotations Makingenquiries andrequests Advisingandofferingalternatives Numbers, dimensions, andweight Shippingl€loods Markings Loading Adviceof shipment Shippinginstructions Explaining howto do something Prepositions problems Tatking aboutshipping Warehousing and stofage Handlingequipment Warehouseareas lYareftousingtoday Thepassive with modals Tatking aboutimprovements Describing a process Documentation andfinance DocumenG in fureigntnde lmportinstructions Paymentmethods Apotogizing by anduntil payments Handling Deating withmistakes *g 69 7t 73 82 88 97 92 94 jobs Describing Talking aboutregular activities lestyourseff! Partner Files Answe*key Transcripts Ueefulphrasesandvocahlary Glossary of acronyms and abireviations l-Zword list Weigms aBd meaaures qDnversion chart About the book Englishfor Logisticshasbeendeveloped for peoplewhoworkin the specifically logistics industry andwhoneedEnglish with to communicate in a varietyof situations partners. youwiththetargetvocabulary colleagues, clients, andbusiness lt supplies andcommonly usedexpressions thatareessentiaI to communication whetheryouwork for a shipping agent,a customs broker,or a freightforwarder. Englishfor loglstirs coversa rangeof subjectsassociated with the logisticsindustry. positions Learners in management-leveI wiltfindtheirneedscatered for,justas much and asthosein warehousing or administration. Unitsfromthe bookworkindependently participants. Engllsh canbeselected accordingto the needsandinterests of the course forLogistic is alsoidealforself-study. Eachunitbeginswitha Startar,whichconsists of a shortexercise ora quizand servesasan introduction to thetopicofthe unit.Practical exercises, listening extracts, industry-specific textsaswellas photosandil[ustrations helpyouto acquirekey giveyoutheopportunity Realistic role-plays vocabulary andexpressions. to put atlyou intopractice. havelearned Eachunitcloseswithan Outputactivity, an articlerelated questions Finatly to thetopicof the unitfotlowedby for reflection anddiscussion. the bookfinishes up witha funquizto Testyourself!on someof thefactsandfigures discussed overthe previous eightunits. TheiluttiR0ll containsallthe Listenirgextractsfromthe book.Thesecanbe ptayed throughtheaudioplayeronyourcomputer, CDplayer.In order or througha conventional give yourself to extralisteningpractice, listento it in yourcar.TheInteractiveexercises let you reviewyourlearningby doingUsefulphrases,VocabularyandCommunlcatlon exercises on yourcomputer. Thiswill be particularly if you areusingthe book valuable for self-study. ln the appendixof fnglis} for Logistitsyouwill find the Partnerfiles for the rote-plays andtheAns*erkay so thatyou cancheckyourownanswers if you areworkingalone. Thereare also Tran*ripts of the listeningextracts,an A-Z word list, and a list of Usefulphrasesandvotabulary. Finatly, we haveinctudeda Glossaryofacronymsand abbreviationsand a Welghtsand measuresconversionchart; these can be used as handyreferences at work. ls lntroduction to logistics Makea list of al[ the different areasof logistlcsyou canthink of by completingthe diagram helow. I Fivepeoplegivetheir definition ol logistics.Conrpletetlre sentencesusing the wordsf rom the box. provide. storage. supportr distribution. deliveryo maintenance z 3 4 5 Logisticsmeansthat you manage the procurement and movement of goodsandthe of inventorv. lt meansthe of the goodsthe customer needsat the righttime,in the rightplace,and of the rightquatity. is this:it's to plan,organize, My definition of logistics and manageoperations that services andgoods. - that'sthe purchasing, Logistics maintenance, and reotacement of material andstaff. is the ptanning Logistics and of operations suchas warehousing, procurement, inventory, transport, suppty,and AUDIO ,',it't 4:.1 Listento the racardinga*d checkyour' answ er5. Introduction to logistics 6 | UNIT1 : 2 Gompletethe foltowing table using the words from ejxerciseI Noun storage distribution l6 , itomaintain transoortation ''-'.:' purchasing 8i 3 with the correctformof the wordsfromthe table. ilow completethe sentences 7 2 ? 4 6 4 ln my iob I oversee the of vehiclesand machinery. parcelsand packages Dotheyalso on Sundays? boughtin the Goodsarenormally department. We a z4-hourdeliveryservice. goodsby road. Thiscompany only We all ourgoodsin the warehouse. iiatch the definitions(a-f) with thewords(r-6) betow. r carrier z freightforwarder 3 supplier 4 haulagecontractor/haulier 5 6 courier consignee n n n n T l UNIT1 b c d e f Introduction to logistics| 7 goodsby road whichcarries company personor firm namedin a freightcontractto whomgoodshavebeenshippedor turnedoverfor care companythat specializes in the speedyand securedeliveryof sma[[goodsand packages companythat transportsor conveysgoods partsor services company whichsupplies to anothercompany; alsocalledvendor personor business that arranges documentation andtravelfacilitiesfor companies dispatching goodsto customers AUDIO a 3 5 Listento threepeopledescribing theiriobsin togistics:a warehouse manager, a freight forwarder,anda shippingoperationsmanager.lllatcheachiob to the correctperson. 5 l{ow tisten again and completethe sentences. Personr 1 My job is to the transport of goodseitherby sea,air,road,or rail. partof thejob is z An important requests withcustomer aboutthe most suitablemodeof transport. goodshippingrateswithshippinglines alsoinclude 3 My responsibilities andtransport companies. customs clearance on behatfof my clients. 4l Personz 5 InmyjobI haveto thatthe cargois not damaged onboardthe shipor whileloadingor unloading. customers 6l on shippingratesand preparequotationsfor our salesoffice. Person3 with departments suchas transportand 7 Anotherpartof my job is to production. 8 Apartfromthat, I thatvehicles, machines, andanyotherkindof equipment aremaintained to a highlevet. Introductionto togistics 8 | UNIT1 : 7 I Thentisten ilatch theverbs(r-a) with the activities(a-h) to makephrasesfromthe recordings. againto checkif necessary. r book z consolidate 3 deal 4 keep 5 6 make use check T tr T T I n T 7 8 take care a b c d e f g h underonebil[of lading a numberof shipments bookingreservations are maintained that healthand safetystandards moderncomputersystems spaceon a ship,train,lorry,or plane whereto put them in the warehouse an eyeon the budget with all the necessary documentation TI Work with a partner to descrtbetwo different jobs. The phrases in the bor wilt help you. Li Questions Whatdo you do? What'syour line of work? Whatdoesyour iob involve? Descrlbingjobs I work for a major shipping compqny. I work in the regionol depot. Describingresponsibilities I'm responsiblefor ... ln my job I have to ... My job involves... Remember... You workfor or of a company. You work in an area or a department. Youare responsiblefor or in chargeof something. Herearesomeusefulverbsfor describing keyjob responsibilities: to advise to prepare to train to manoge to estimate to monitor to carryout to oversee to provide or supply to ensure to review to liaise with to orgonize PartnerA til€ or, p. 7r PartnerB Fileo9, p.7z UNIT1 9 Introduction to logistics| 9 verbswithwordsfromthe boxthat havethesamemeanlng. Replace the underlined '' .: :. .,,,..:,':.,,:,'r:1,].],,,.,,...,.. :: :. l .. . .:i,,,,'.,r,,:::,::,1ili:]::ll.:,,1:l,l provide. train . organize. ensure. informabout . check r z 3 4 5 6 Wesupplvsoftwarefor the carindustry. I oftenadviseclientson the mostsuitabletransportmethod. arriveon schedule. In my job I haveto makesurethat passengers goods. incoming My job is to supervise of goods. | alsoplanthetransport | instructstaff. 1O Comptetethe form with your own job detaits.Usecompletesentencesand expressionsfrom this unit. Jobprofile: Company: I worK for Jobtitte: Mainresponsibilities: 3-5 keyactivities: ACT IVIT IES T A I K I l { G A B OUTREGUL AR whatwe normalty do, WhentatkingaboutgeneraIfactsand describing we usethe presentsimple.lt is oftenusedwith wordsthat sayhow oftensomethinghappens,e.g.usually,often,always,sometimes,every, and negativestatements: etc.We usethe verbdo to makequestions I workfor on internationallogisticscompany. He usuollyspendsa lot of time with his customers. Do you ship goods to Asia? He doesn'twork in the Europeanoffice. 10 J\ l- 1 In trod uction to L oeis t ic s 11 put thewordsin theright order.Usethecorrectformof theverb. 1 2 3 4 5 6 an exceltent service / provide/ delivery / my company. you/ how much/ handleI cargo/ peryear? products. to othercountries / not ship/ we / chemical responsible for/ be/ the warehouse manager andmachinery. I alsolvehicles to foreigncompanies / carparts/ thisvendor/ suppty? usually / arrange / for companies / a freightforwarder / documentation. 1 2 Workwith a partner.Followthe stepsbelowto practisethis diatogue. A AskB whathe/shedoes. B Respond. TetlA whereyouwork. give yousomedetailsaboutthe job. A AskB to job. B TettA aboutyourmainjob activities. ThenaskA abouthis/her job your A Respond. Describe activities. 1J Completethe crcsswordpuzzlewith wordsfrom this unit. Across 4 Anotherword for freight. 5 Whatyou storein the warehouse. 6 Workcloselytogether withsomebody. Down r Anotherword for organize. z To giveinformation aboutthe price. 3 Anotherword for supervise. 5 Sendgoods. tr T T T UNIT1 Introduction to logistics| 11 Readthis article and answerthe questions. CHINA'S BOOMINGEXPORTBUSINESS China'seconomyis developing at a rapidpacewith double-digit growthratesin exportbusiness and an expectedincreaseof40 per cent by 2O7O.Withan estimated tradevolumeof nearly2 trillionUS dollarsin 20O6,Chinahandles morecargothan anyothercountry in the world.Giventhesegrowth rates,it is not surprisingthat the Chineselogisticssectorincreased by morethan 12 percent lastyear. In orderto supportthe booming industry,the government is currentlyinvestingmassivelyin the country'sinfrastructure. Over the nextfew years,the Chinese government wantsto improveand extendthe existingroadand railway networksas wellas maritime harboursand airoorts. Fortransportlogistics,Shanghaiis one of the mostattractivelocationsin China.lt is the secondlargestcityin the countryand hasgoodlinksto the most important industrialregions.AndShanghaiis also a modernandwelcominghostfor visitors andbusinesspeoplefromChinaandaroundthe world. 1 Doyou knowanyothercountries withconsiderable exportgrowthrates? play Howdoeslogistics an important rotein a country's economy? industryin yourcountry? Whatdo you knowaboutthe logistics L2l Logistics services Logisticsuseslots of acronyms.Howmanydo you know?Testyourself by writing theseonesout. r FCL z 3PL 3 HGV 4DC 5 LCL 6 EDI 7 VAS 8 RFID 9 lS0 ro GPS ilatch the words(r-8) with theirdefinitions (a-h) betow. 1 transshipment z break-bulk 3 cross-docking 4 orderpicking 5 6 reversetogistics 7 8 a b c d e f g h tracking andtracing warehousing collection n T T u T I l n directflow of goodsfromreceiptat warehouse to shipping,bypassing storage goodsor of reusable collecting and handling of usedor damaged transitequipment loadinggoodsfromonemeansof carriage ontoanother setecting andassembling itemsfromstockfor shipments packinggoodsin small,separable units pickingup goodsat a namedplace receiving andstoringgoods locating itemsin transit UNIT2 2 Logistics services| 13 r anduseyourdictionary(if necessary) thetabte. Lookat thesewordsfromexercise to complete Verb 7 receive equipment 2 3 Noun carry 4 assembly 5 location AUDIO tr\ t:r 3 presenting theirservices. Complete thetabte. Listento threelogisticsproviders specializesin transportmodeused Providerr (GFTGtobalCarrier) Provider z (HomeTexInternational) Provider3 (CargoExpress) 4 Listento the recordingagalnand completethe sentences. . fleetof vehicles. air carriersr transportcompanies providerr 5[ippin$,lines; o documentation with a freightvolumeof 6oo,ooo Weareoneof the wortd'sleading peryear. containers zWecanofferourcuStomerscompetitiverateSwithattmajor-. we canensurefast,safedeliveryof yourconsignments. 3 Witha modern r 8 5 4 :. 0ur services includeorderpicking,packing, distribution, and handling of alltransport 5 6 CargoExpress is Asia'sleading Wework ctoselvwith of air freightservices. aroundthe worldfor the fastestdelivervavailabte. Complete thesentences with wordsfromthe box. 5 happy o provide. range . specialize. major . ensureo customized r Asa 3 As a specialist in hometextites, we canofferourclients services to meet theirneeds. Ourteamwi[[be your order. to assistyou in all mattersregarding youwithtailor-made Wecan your solutions for airtransport requirements. We ctoselyco-operate with air carriersaroundthe worldand canofferour customers a wide of flexibleand cost-effective services. non-vessel operating commoncarrier, we canofferour customers competitive rateswith all maiorshippinglines. zWe in solutions for full container toads(FCL) and lessthancontainer consolidated loads(LCL). 4 5 6 l{ow listen and check your answets. youRcompAly'sloosrrg: sERvtc_Es sELuNG ro rHEcusromER _ Whendescribing a company's services or portfolio,we oftenusethe fottowingexpressions: Wecan offer you a wide range of ... Wecan provide (you with) customized/tailor-made logisticssolutionsfor ... Wespecializein ... As a specialistfor/in ... we can ... With our many years of experience... Wehave experienceand expertisein providing ... you ... Ourteam will be happyto handle/assist With our dedicatedteom of logisticsexpertswe can ... O I i Complete the list withyourowncompany's services. Thenpresentit to yourpartnerusing phrasesfrom this unit. 1 z 3 4 7 rangeof products or services in specialist experience extraservicesfor customers Presentthecompany's seryiceg to yourpartner.llse phrasesfromthis unit. Parln€r A Partner B F;te 02, p.7x Fite to, p.72 UNiT2 I Logistics serviceslr s Readthe foilowing text from a logistics companymagazineabout newtrends in third-party logistics.Thenlabel the paragraphswith the correctheadingsfrom the list. . Changing Today'sroleof major,providers logisticsrequirements for manufacturers r 3PLin the past . Newchattenges for 3PL . Change in logistics conceprs Recent trendsin 3P[ Untila fewyearsago,companies used to outsourceonlypartsof theirlogistics operations to providers specializing in services suchas distribution or warehousing. A singlecompany sometimes hadseveraIthird-party[ogisticsproviders (rPLs). Theglobatization of tradeandincreasing however,hasled to demandfor services, a drasticshiftin logisticsconceptsand management withan impacton both producers and logisticsproviders. As far as manufacturers areconcerned. logistics management hasbecome a lot morecomplex.By now,manyof themhave learnedthat outsourcing singlesegments to differentprovidershasnot reallymade theirlogisticsoperationsmoreefficient. Thatis why theyare lookingfor providers who canprovidea higherlevelof service andmorecomprehensive supplychain solutions. For3PLsall overthe world,requirements keepgettingmoredemanding with askingfor a widerrangeof customers logisticssolutions.Apartfromthat, logisticsproviderstodayarefacingan increasingty toughand highlycompetitive market.In recentyears,growingpressure in profit on priceshasled to a decrease for margins. In orderto compensate providers many this, third-party logistics now offervalue-added for their services Due fierce in the customers. to competition 3PLmarket,however,expertspredictthat playerswitt be onlythe big international ableto work profitablyin the future. Thebig gtobatplayers, alsocaltedsuperprovide can their customers with 3PLs, comprehensive supplychainor end-to-end solutions. Theseservices usuallyinclude forwarding, transportation, consolidation, warehousing, customs brokerage, and distribution, as wellas a rangeof valueaddedservices. 16 | UNIT2 9 Logisticsservices l{owsaywhich of thesestatementsare true E or fabeE. r In the past,companies usedto outsource onlysegments of theirlogistics operations. z Manufacturers foundout that outsourcing to 3PLprovidersis not efficient. 3 In the pastfewyearsmany3PLprovidershaveincreased theirprofitmargins. 4 morecomplex Customers todayaredemanding logistics solutions. 5 problems. providecomprehensive solutions to logistics Super-3PLs n n n n n 1O matctrthewords(r-6) fromthetextwith thecorrectdetinition(a-f). 11 n r outsourcing z comprehensive 3 consolidation 4 requirements 5 6 demand a b c d e f including a widerangeof services detailsof whatis expected and needed providers contracting functions out to third-party goodsor services the needfor particular companies tryingto se[[thesameor similarproducts to customers the grouping of smallshipments intoonecontainer competition T I n n n Lookatthethreewebsiteadvertisementsforvalue-addedservices.Thencomptetethetable. e n6 a .&f MaxwellExpressLogistics Warehousing isjustoneof theintegrated logistics we provide. Herearesome services value-added we canoffer: services Pickand pack Literature fulfilment Returnsprocessing Creditprocessing ...and muchmore! *9-"9-9*** @' & t SichuanInternationalLogistics Ourlogisticsteamat SichuanInternational Logistics hasthe experience and expertise to provideour customers with value-added services that complement theirbasicwarehouse ooerations. Ourservices include: Packaging Kitting services packing Import/export Export cargocustomsclearance and crating UNIT2 *qe9*__"-. *-.-__ <e' A; 6t Logisticsservices| 17 O! - r - JI Lr rt t'I GLXWorldwide Logistics We providevalue-added services whichcomplement and enhanceall kindsof logistics go far beyondthe basicdistributionand warehousing operations.Ourservices services logisticsservicesinclude: usuallyoffered.GLXvalue-added Potybaggingandshrink-wrapping Bundling/unbundling Recycling Labelting t$ Fg IF r4 ! :i O- i payment : documentationr : product assembly packing/ otherservices packaging Maxwe[]Express Logistics Sichuan International Logistics GLXWortdwide Logistics A UOIO tr\ 'rty 6 12 tisten to two short presertationsahout online logistics services.Thensay which of the statementsare tru€ M or fatseE. ExpressLogisticsOnlineShipping r ...helpsyou book pick-upsand trackshipments. 2 yourcountry. ...you canlog on by selecting 3 ...you cancheckshipmentrecordsfor up to 6o days. u n l IntercargoE-Shipping 4 ...allowsyou to makepriceenquiries. 5 6 ...you cancancelorders. ...you candownloadpdf documents. I T I EXPtAtNiltG Ot{L|l{E SERVICES Whendescribing onlinefunctionsor tools,you canusethe following phrasesand expressions: Theprice requesttool allowsyou to obtain pricesfor shipments. ipp i ng helps you prep are/print/track/select... onIine. E-Sh To ... , (jus] sign up/registerfor/og on to ... Forprice requests,pleaseuse ... To accessshipmentdetails,click ... 18 I UNIT2 lJ Logistics services fromthe of thesentences trtatctrthe beginnings {r-6) with theendings(a-0 to makesentences recording. z you canfind WithQuickOnlineShipping Thisonlinetoola[towsyou 3 To useQOS,simplylog on 4 you canmake with E-Shipping, Afterregistering 5 6 Youcanalso a b c d e f bookcollections and deliveries. to planshipments, pricerequests, andobtainreal-time shipmentinformation. schedule transport, anddeliveries. trackpick-ups documents in pdf format. downloadcommercial yourtownor regionfromthe drop-down menuon the left. by selecting to suityourshippingneeds. the rightservice r Witha mouseclickvou canalso t: l tl i! 1/1 fnree peopledescribehow lT has changedtheir iobs.Comptetetheir statements$tith wordsfrom the box. r tag RFID . enter o track o mobilephone. device . digitat . GPS-based r Customer NowI canusemy withSMS-Fast Track. is a lot easier Tracking shipments my air waybittnumber to find out wheremy shipmentis. I just haveto on my mobileand wait a few seconds.ThenI get a replywith the detailsof my consignment's currentstatus.lt's sucha greatidea! z Truckdriver Allourtrucksareequipped witha : trucksupportsystem now.Forme that'sa greathelpas I canalwaysusemapsthat showme exactlywhereI am and whereI have . my vehicle it's alsousefulfor the company.Theycan to go. Obviously, at anytime,seethe routel'm takingand whereI makestops. Andwhat'sveryhandyfor me 5cameraso I cantake photosif there'sa - the systemalsocomeswith a problemwhilel'm on the road. Managerat a trailerstorageyard goodsarekeptuntiltheygo outto fitledwithpackaged I workat a traileryardwheretrailers Untit four different areasfortrailerstorage. Thesiteis verylargeandwe have thecustomers. 6tag systemwas introduced, it couldeasilytakea coupleof the new hoursto find the trailerwe wanted.Nowit's a matterof minutesto locatethe vehiclewe're z on a trailerand usea lookingfor.Atl we haveto do now is put the I to identifiTit. lt reattysavesus a lot of time. mobi[e UNIT2 Logistics services| 19 A ne w t r o c k i n g d e v i c e fo r US p o sto l se r vice s An Americoncomponybosed in Colifornlo hos recently d c,,o l 6 n p6l n t.nekinn eJgyi6- ^ wh ch mcy l'e'p post o{ficesto improve their services. lt con be used to find out more obout hold-upsond deioys in postol operolions. The smoll trcckei, cclled the . e. ' he Clobc l lette r In ar - ' Positioning Sysiem (GPS) 1o store informotion obout on rtem'sp os it ionin t r ons it Sim . ilor deviceshovebeenusedin Iheposito trocl.expensive cons-rrer goodslikecors b-t uniilnownone of thesesystems wos smollenoughto trovelin on envelope. Now fhot'sollchonged. Aswellosfittingintoo USstcndord-size business letter, theGPSLetter Logger ir is bendobleor d oble lo w;t^stond olsomeetsotherposto'equiremenis: roughhondlingThisis porticulorly importonl os theenvelopes orethrowninlosocks,thentronsporled by vonfo outomotic sortinglocotions wheretheyrunthrough highspeedshuffling systems. Thetrockeritsef doesnottronsmit ltsposition duringtronsit, butstores lheiourney 1ogon o memory TheGPSdevce otfe'sseverol cordwh;c[ conbe reodbv o loptopcompLter. p'ogromming opl o^s rongingfromchecking ilsposition everyfewminutestochecking onlywhenon themove. Logger TheLeffer doesnothelp,however, if fheenvelope ccrryingil doesnolorriveoi itsdestinotion withinobouisevendovs,os thebottervrunsflotofterobouto week. t#F't€==:.+.xw[Nfl *<.=<-44€$F.*.+=#y$ft !wN\w@#ez@2,:::.-..:.---. @ 1 Haveyou everexperienced letters? delaysin postalservices whensendingor receiving you your postal 2 Do thinkthisdeviceshouldbe usedin homecountry's service? devices in logistics andtransport? 3 Doyou knowanyotherusefuletectronic lnventory managementand procurement bychooslngthe Checkyourknowledge of keytermsin inventorymanagement andprocurement bestdefinitionsfor theseterms. Economies of scale: a Reducing costsper unit by increasing production b Cuttingcostsby reducingoutput Bufferstock: a Goodskept in storeto coverseasonal demande.g.Christmas sale b Goodskept in storeto coverunforeseen in demand shortages or fluctuations Factorygatepricing: a Transportcostsare not includedin the purchase priceofa product you buy directlyfromthe manufacturer b Thepriceis lowerbecause 4 Supplychain: a Thecloseco-operation of all partiesinvolvedin the making,selling,and deliveringof a product with a widevarietyof products b Networkof storesthat supptycustomers 5 Tender: a An assessment or calcutation of the approximate costor valueof a productor service b An offerfor goodsor services follows a request for a quotationmadeby an official that body,e.g.localgovernment llatch the beginningsof the sentences(r-6) with the endings(a-f) to makedefinitions of more key terms. r Leadtime is the time z Procurement is 3 A retaileris a business I Customer ordercycletime is the time 5 6 A wholesaleris JIT- just in time is a concept n I n n T n UNIT3 a b c d e f Inventory management and procurement I 21 customers arepreparedto wait for the deliveryof theirorder. justbeforetheyareneeded. inventories by co-ordinating the detivery of reducing of materiats it takesto produce andsupplya product. an intermediary betweenmanufacturers and retailers whichbuysin largequantitiesand resells in smallerquantities. fromwholesalers thatbuysproducts or manufacturers and resells themto the uttimate consumer. parts,supplies, the purchasing of goods(materials, equipment) required to runan enterprise. A UDIO fl\ {v 2 7 3 Listento an expertpresentingan inventorymanagementsystemto the managersof a large retail store. Thensaywhich of the statementsare true Z or fakeE. I I r Theinventory systemis cattedCPR. z ll's a sales-based system. 3 Thesystemco-ordinates the flowof information andgoodsin the togistic chain. 4 YoungFashion hasusedthe systemfor sixyearsnow. 5 Ordersareelectronically transferred to the warehouse. 6 Thestorehasreduced and inventory costsby about25 percent. transport u n l n Listenagainand completethe sentenceswith the wordsfrom the box. '.. .:,r,::,..:.,:tl,,i.i. ... . .::.,:lt.r,,:ii::l:ltlli:l:a,l:::ll:.i]]t... . processin$:;1;,...f.enerateO . Oatitinit!*gng" . ,stockr leadtime9.,,t...,'*trttrnment 'i r:r:,:r:':r": . invento'ry o retailer PointI schedule Todayl'm goingto tellyousomething aboutCRP,thatmeanscontinuous l'ltalsoexplainhow it canbe usedto lowerinventory andoperational costsandto shorten product youwantto orderat what Ievet. 3 Firstof a1[,you decidewhatproducts at the of salein the retailstore. 4 Thesystemwitlusethisinformation The leading Russian clothes Young Fashion introduced continuous 5 replenishment threeyearsago. data by computers, whichprocess 6 Withthe newsvstemall ordersare fromcashregisters. received Theordersaresentto the warehouse bv electronic wheretheyare processed. to a 8 And finattythe goodsaredeliveredto the differentouttetsaccording YoungFashion havemanaged of the CRPsystem, to cut 9 Sincethe introduction costsby aboutr5%. andtransport havebeenreduced 10 Moreover. errorsin order considerably by using technology andEDl. scanning 7 2 22 I UNIT3 Inventory management and procurement T H E P A S SIVE Weoftenusethe passivevoiceto describeprocesses, if we aremoreinterested in the especially actionitselfthanin the personwho doesthe action.lt is formedusingthe verbfo be andthe past (thirdformof the verb).We useby at the end of the sentence participle to saywho or whatdoes the action. Thegoods aredelivered to a depot. Theorder isgenerotedby the computer. 4 Put the processesdescribedin the presentationabout CRPin the correctorder. 1 ?; a b c d e f 5 ".f Ordersaregenerated basedon datareceivedfromcashregister. Goodsaredelivered to the retailoutlet. Systemis activatedat the pointof sale. Ordersaresentto the warehouse. Ordersare processed. Salesinformation is transferred to the CRPcomputer system. Hereare somemoreinventorymanagemcnttechniques.Gompletethe sentenceswith the passive form of the verbs in brackets. z 3 (monitor), plannedand managed A systemin whichthe inventory by the manufacturer on behalfof the customer(oftena retaiter), (use,often)for productsthat needto A svstemwhichis simitarto CRP.lt be suppliedfrequently andin sma[[batchsizes. (transfer) lt meansthat orders electronically to the manufacturer. Then (detiver) they to the retailstore. (identifl/by electronic Rea[-time demand cashregisterandthe product (co-ordinate) movement fromsupplierto the retailstore. Products that havesimilarcharacteristics regarding theirsellingprofile (categorize) into'families'. U N I T3 6 lrloriv matchthe planningtechniquesbelowwith the definitions in exercise5. a b c d e f I n v e n t o rm y a n a g e m eannt dp r o c u r e m e n| t 2 3 DSD= Directstoredelivery management CM: Category = inventory VMI Vendor-managed replenishment CRP: Continuous QR: Quickresponse (ompletethe iob advertisement for a corporateprocurement managerwith wordsfromthe box. . 3PLproviders. procurement . command. vendors fulfilment. negotiatiop . supplychain. relationship v We are looking for a proactive and dynamic professionalto take care of our strategic I management. procurementand supplier to theDirectorof Corporate wiil be Reporting Procurement, thesuccessful applicant responsible for managingbothinternalandexternalcustomers andfor workingwith the appointed team, '. While liaising with the a,andrelatedstakeholders, you will also be involved in providing businesssupportto optimize finance-logisticsprocesses,order and losisticscosts. Other responsibilitiesincludeproviding initiativesto help marimize companybusiness profitability and effi ciency. The ideal candidateshouldhavea desreein manasementor logisticsmanagementwith a deepunderstandingand knowledgeof the China logistics market.You shouldhaveat least5 years' experiencein a multinationalcompanyandyou shouldpossessoutstanding skills. Basedin Macau.excellent of English and Cantoneseis a must with Mandarin an advantage. If you are interestedin this role, pleasesendyour CV in Word format to ... I Readthe iob advertisement again and answer the questions. r z 3 4 5 procurement Whatareawi[[the newcorporate manager head? manager's main Whatarethe procurement Listtwo or three. resoonsibilities? in Whowiltheishecollaborate withctosety job? his/her Whatqualifications areexpected? Whatkindof experience is required? Canyou think of otherareaswhichareimportantin procurement?Discusswith a partner. 24 | UNIT3 Inventorymanagement and procurement AUDIO tr\ \a? 8 9 Threepurchasingmanagersare discusslngstrategiesfor negotiatingwith a supplier. Listento the discussionand answerthe questions. r z 3 4 5 do theywantwith the supplier? Whatkind of relationship Whatwouldbe the benefitsof sucha relationship? have? Whatmarketpositiondoesthe company Whatkind of productsdo they make? in? Whatkindof agreement aretheyinterested 1O matctrthe beginnings(r-6) with the endings(a-f) of the sentencesfrom the diatogue. n r Howdo you z I thinkwe could 3 Whatareyour 4 Yes,and I alsosuggestteltingthem 5 6 In my opinionit wouldalsobe important Goodidea.Andwhy don'twe a b c d e f in establishing a long-termagreement. to pointout that we'reinterested good with a brand like ours. a opportunity to associate that this feelaboutthat? lowercostsconsiderably. market? saythat it's theirchanceto enterthe pharmaceutical thoughtson that, Gisele? T il FOROPtl{rOr{S ASK|t{G Whatdo you think? Howdo you feelaboutthat? Whatareyourthoughtson that? Do you agree? suGGEsnoNs Grvr{copn{lotts/rulxlnc , i I suggestthat we ... I n m y o p i n i o nw e s h o u l d... Perhaps we should... W hydo n ' tw e ...? AGREEil{G . i rnurr a goodidea. good. I Thatsounds I , I agree. That's right. . ,: n n n UNIT3 t! Inventory management and procurement l2s You havereceivedthe foltowing emaiIfrom the purchasingdepartmentin your company.Work out a few suggestionsand reply to this email. Dear colleagues processes looking intoallareasofprocurement Wearecurrently toseehowwecanoptimize andsavecosts. youcouldgetbacktouswithafewsuggestions possible regarding improvements in Perhaps yourowndepartment orworkenvironment. foryourco-operation. Thanks inadvance Regards Luke onyourpartner'ssuggestlons, 12 Worhwith a partner:suggestthesepointsandcomment Fa!tner A, iil€ 03, p. Z1 FartNrerg File il, p.?2 notes. receives a quotationfor packinglabelsandconsignment 1J A Spanishcouriercompany Thefirst partshavebeendone Putthewordsor phrasesintothecorrectorderto makesentences. foryou. :,# u;;* :.**;.*,u,t'il,'u;*, , ;; +"r*****=**=' ,s4S on/ Barcelona orMadrid. / pallets to/ wewilldeliver 3 Asrequested twoyears. termof/ a discount / atleast I contract 4 Fora/ wecanofferyouI of2.5o/o / listed in/ yourrequirements / quotation sheet / allprices / have been 5 Intheattached to. according columns questions let. / please / meknow / anyfurther 6 lf youhave to/ yousoon. from/ forward 7 Welook/ hearing 26 I UNIT3 Inventorymanagement and procurement Whengivinga customera quotationit is necessary to includedetailson a numberof things e.g.prices,discounts, and deliveryterms. HerearesomeusefuIphrasesfor quotations: Prices Pleasefind aftachedour quotation for ... Weare pleased to quote as follows. Wecan quote you a gross/netprice of ... Theprices quoted obove include ... Wecan offer you a price of .,.per ... Discounts Wecan offer you too/ooff the retail price. Weallow a 2o/ocash discountfor payment within jo days. Ourprices are subject to a z5% trade discountoff net price. Wegrant a trade/quantity/cashdiscountof ... % on our list prices, lf your order exceedsz,ooo items, we can offer you a further rco/odiscount. Detivery Deliverycan be effectedimmediatelyafter recelpt of order. As requested,we will deliver on pallets to ... Wewould be able to deliver within rc days of receiptof order. 1{1 ff atctrthe beginnings(r-6) with the endings(a-0 of the sentences. 2 Forordersexceeding 5oo pieces, We granta cashdiscount 3 Thepricesquoted 4 As requested,we 5 6 Ourpricesaresubject 7 a b c d e c I 1t Thenet price T u n n r n wi[[ detiveron palletsto Rotterdam. to a z5o/o tradediscountoff net price. we granta discountof 5o/". of this articleis fz5.oo. aboveincludetransportcharges. of 3% on our Iist prices. e ive a customer a guotation by emait basedon the following detatls. GPSsystem'RoadNavigator TX-z3oo' price:$9z5.oo morethanro items:additionalS% discount priceincludesr5% VAT deliverywithin6 daysof purchase order UNIT3 Inventory management and procurement | 27 andgovernments today ostcompanies pressure to operate areunderincreasing moreefficiently. Andmanyofthemarerealizing procurement canreduce costs, thateffective processes productivity. increase improve and past years few has lnthe strategic sourcing inthis become a frequently usedapproach context. Butwhatis strategic sourcingJ Toputit it means thatcompanies areadopting simply, for howtheybuyservices and a newstrategy oroducts. processof is a systematic Strategic sourcing internal analyzing expenditures, andexternal influences, andfinding outwhatkindof supplier relationships arenecessary to help goals.Before thecompany's thecompany decides to purchase a product or achieve service,strategic sourcingis usedto consider thetotalcostof a productor action,not justthepricealone. managers neglected thefactthatlowpurchase costdoes Inthepast,manypurchasing processothercostsare notnecessarily meanlowtotalcost.Ina strategic sourcing maintenance, aswelle.g.thecostof purchasing, transport, support, and examined disoosal. haverealized howmuchtheycanbenefit fromstrategic Leading companies sourcing, achieved impressive costreductions. andmanyhavealready @ sourcing approach? r Whatdo youthinkof the strategic in yourcompany? z Howaregoodspurchased procedure? Whatis the standard 3 Doyou buygoodsfor the company? 28i Nlodesof transport l$atehthe pieturesof transportarndhandlingequipnrent{a-f} with the words{r-6}. swap-body container ship grappler lift road-railer trailer riverbarge LGV(largegoodsvehicle) Matchthe differenttypesof freighttraffie(r-6) with the definitions(a-f). r multimodaI z piggyback 3 intermodaI 4 unaccompanied 5 6 btocktrain single-wagon UNIT4 o b 9 Modesof transportI 29 by raiIor ferry. Thedriverdoesnot staywith his roadvehicleduringtransport in the sameloadingunitorvehicleusingdifferent modesof transport. Goodsaretransported whenchanging modes. Thehandting of the freightitselfis not necessary fromthe loadingpointto the A singleshipperusesa wholetrainwhichis rundirectly is required. No assembting anddisassembting destination. modesof transport, e.g.shippingby motorlorryand Carriage of goodsby at leasttwo different aircraft. originsand or setsof wagonswhichhavedifferent Trainis formedout of individualwagons destinations. different roadand railtransport: wholemotorlorries, traitersor swap-bodies arecarriedby Combines rait. Twoempleyeesof a forwardingr$mpa*y ar€ eomparingtranspert modesfor a shipmentfrocrl westernChinato Shanghai"Listenand correctthe inforrn*tion in the tabte. rail (expressservice) inland waterways road speedin days 7 + cost low compared with barge:6o%higher with road: compared higher 4o% flexibitity high veryhigh low Cornptet*the sentenceswith the ccrrectform of the wordsin braekets.Thenlisten again to check. r - Normatly aboutsixdays,but it oftentakes Howlongwoutdit takeby barge? (tong)if the weather's bad. _ (cheap) of all the transport options. It'scheap- it's actually It wouldonlytakefourdaysto shipby truck,but the costwoutdbe about5o% (high)thanby barge. 30 | UNIT4 Modesof transport 5 (fast)thanthe truckoptionif we usethe express Railwoulddefinitelybe servicethat takesthreedays. (expensive) But it wouldalsobe than shippingby road- transportcosts areabout4o% higher. And then perhapswe'd haveto usethe standardtrain,whichis much (slow). Answerthese questions. r z Whyis the bargeoptionnot veryflexible? Whatdo theydecideto do at the end of theirdiscussion? flflPAn'lSOXS Whencomparingtwo or morethingswe usecomparativeadjectives.Thecomparativeform is -er for shortadjectives with one syllable,andtwo-syllable adjectives endingin -y. Transportby sea is cheaper than transport by oir. Steelis hewier than paper. We usemore+ adjectivewith longerwords. Shippinggoods by road is more expensivethan shipping them by rail. Sometransportmodesare more relioble than others. Someadfectives haveirregutar forms. good / wetl - better Our rates are befrer than theirs. bad / badly- worse Theirserviceis worse than ours. far / further- furthest Thisshipment will travelfurther than the last one. 4 Workin pairs.Compare differenttransportmodesuslngsomeof the adiectiyesin the box. Exampla: I thinKshipping goodsby rail isfastarthansoatransport. gPgryiy_g /!! gq_ i 9ir _ safe suitable reliable environmentatly friendly pipeline i UNIT4 M o d e so f t r a n s p o r t| 3 1 F*latchthe pictures(a-d) with the names{r-4}. 1 z 3 a O ganrrycrane ISOcontainer reachstacker transtainer ilow completethe desrriptionsof intermodaltransportand handlingequipmentwith the verbs from the box. fittedostraddlermounted.loading.attached.reach.handte.piling.made.move t A pieceof machinery usedfor and unloading containers fromshipsonto trucksor railwaeonsandviceversa.lt is rail-mounted andcan at leastfour paralleI railwaytracks.lt is motorized andcan to the ship'sside. 32 | UNIT4 Modesof transport 2 A specialtypeof devicewhichis ableto 'very heavyloads.lt is usedfor swap-bodies fromrailwagonsto trucksandviceversa.lt hasfour legs transferring and containers s withwheelsanda spreader beamwhichcanspana widearea.lt canbe 6 on railsor rubbertvresand is ableto straddle severalrowsof containers. A kindof forklift truckusedin container handling. lt is equipped witha spreader beamanda tifting armand canbe usedfor liftinscontainers ano themon top of eachother.lt is veryflexibte andhasa highstacking andstoragecapacity as it is ableto beyondthe firstrow of containers to tifta container. 4 A rigidbox_'r freighttransport. lt of steelwhichis verycommonin intermodat for canbe used transport by sea,rai[,air,and road.lt is available in manydifferent versions and sizes.Forexampte, thereareopen-topandflat-rack versions. Someof themhavewheelsor a bogie 'oto them.Themostcommonlengthsate20,4o,and45 feet.lt is madeto the specifications of the InternationaI Standards Organization. 7 Replacethe underlinedwordswith verbsfrom the box that havethe samemeaning.Usethe correctverb forms. stack . comqr:r run e fix .':lattach r lift . fit :,:li ..:... a . :i t,t Thistypeof craneis usedfor raisingcontainers. z Containers in a varietyof versions areavailable andsizes. 3 lt's a heavy-duty forktifttruckequipped witha spreader beam. 4 Withthisdeviceyou canpilecontainers on top of eachother. 5 Somecontainers havea bogiefixedto them. 6 Thisdeviceis mountedon rails. 7 Thecraneis motorized andabteto movealongside the quay. UNIT4 Modesof transport| 33 AUOIO {s . ' JT\ rA 10 An employeeof a transport companypresentssomecontaineroptionsto a potential customer. Listenand completethe tabte with the missinginformation. Typeof container suitablefor transportof 7 2 3 tanktainer + 5 flat-rack I Listenagainand completethe sentences. . lashing. removed. contro[ledr plugs level o tarpaulino frame. machinery t a 5 5 z 8 It comeswitha timberfloorandhasvarious devices to secure the load. Theselashingpointsarelocatedhorizontally floor at It is temperatureand is particutarty suitablefor cargothat needsregulated cooI temperatures. or witha tankfittedinside. Thisis a standard container As an extra,we alsooffertank containers with electric in casethe cargo needscoolingor heatingduringtransport. lt comeswith a PVC coverinsteadof a roofpanelto allowloadingfrom thetop. Thedoorscanbe to makeloadingeasier. for the transportation Werecommend thisspecialtypeof container of heavy pipes. and l{ow label the different types of containersr-5" 34 | UNIT4 Modesof transport COI{TAItIER F EAT URES We recommend thistypeof container for ... It is particularly suitablefor ... It comeswith ... As an extra,we also offer... It has...for loading 1O Oescribe thecontainerfeaturesto a partnerusingwordsfromthis unit. Par tnerA Par l n€r B 11 F i i e $4, p. l j F i l e::, p.7: So* ttre geods under the correct heading, perishablecargo non-perishable cargo heavyweightand overwidthcargo meat . steelpipes . crudeoil r freshproduceo industrialboilers. seafoodr alcohol r dairVproducts. tractorsr chilledor frozenfoodstuffs. harmfulchemicals €an you think of other types of goods?Discussin a small group. UNIT4 Modesof transportI 35 ! 2 ttowsaywhichof the fotlowingcontainersyouwouldrecommend for the dlfferenttypesof cargo from exerclserr. a reefer container b flat-rack c tankcontainer lt this crosswordpuzzleontransportmodeswlth wordsfromthe unlt. Comptete Across r Anotherwordfor rubbish. 4 A devicefor liftingheavyloads. 6 Another wordforshrp. 7 fhe oppositeof sofror flexible. Down z Anotherwordfarpipe. .3 A container for liquidsis a ...container. notfrozen. Kept coo[, but 4 fittedwitha coolingsystem. 5 A container - 4 i,lodesof transport FreightTransport Logistics in Europethekeyto sustainable mobility : . : : ' ' ' : t ,, ,, ' , ,, , : : ' i : I i ' policy Europe's transporl hasbeen characterized byliberalisation and harmonization overtheyears. Thishasslowly thetransport intowhatit is shaped system today. Globalization andtheconcept ofwider Europe further challenges. Thefast create growth - driven offreight transpoft toa large - contributes extent byeconomic decisions togroMhandemployment butalsocauses pollution, congestion, accidents, n0ise, increased reliance onimported fossilfuels, andenergy loss.Infrastructure resources are limited andanydisruption inthesupply chain (i.e.energy) hasnecessarily a negative impact ofltheEUeconomy. Without adequate measures, willcontinue thesituation worsening undermine andincreasingly Europe's competitiveness andtheenvironment thatwealllivein. Toovercome suchproblems, Europe's transport system needs to beoptimized logistics bymeans ofadvanced solutions. Logistics theefficiency canincrease of individual modes oftransport andtheir combinations. Asa result, fewerunitsof transport, suchasvehicles, wagons, and vessels should carrymorefreight, lmpact on theenvironment willdecrease accordingly. :,'i:.::;rnr' - i:lti:li:: r,ii:.:.:=ii, -i!:!a!:-l: ':::r:iiii: , rll::::1!: j':'1I: Railandinland watenuays needto be modernized. Airfreight should bemore integrated inthesystem. Thepositive closely should development ofshortseashipping be Deep-sea accelerated. shipping andits need hinterland connections tobeenhanced, friendly modes Shifts tomoreenvironmentally mustbeachieved whereappropriate, especially onlongdistance, inurban areas, and oncongested corridors. Atthesametimeeachtransport mode mustbeoptimized. Allmodes mustbecome moreenvironmentally friendly, safer,andmore i.e.the energy efficient. Finally, co-modality, modes ontheirown efficient useofdifferent andincombinations, willresult inanoptimal andsustainable ofresources. utilization riil r:.t:r litHililGn r Doyou alsohaveto dealwith growingfreighttrafficin yourcountry? z Howdo you thinktransport systemscouldbe improved? canmakefreighttransportmoreefficient? systems 3 Howdo you thinkintermodaltransport .:: lsz Plannin$and arrangiin$transport f,llakea list of all the different factorsthat would influenseyour choiceof transport methodfor a shipment.Completethe diagrambelow. destination A UDIO A1 \1 vu - Listento the telephonedialogueand answerthe questions. L7 a:.1111...,:. r z 3 4 5 6 Whatarethe two different railtransport options? Whendo theywantto ship? go? Wherewitttheshipment Whichtrainoptionis recommended for largevolumeshipments? cheaper? Whatwouldmaketransport Howmuchtimewitttheyhavefor toadingthe raiIwagons? 38 1 UNIT5 Planningand arrangingtransport {. 2 €omptete the sentsnseswith the words from the box. Then listen egein to check 7 2 3 4 5 l'm the trainoptionsdescribed on yourwebsite. tell me a bit moreaboutthem? What the best rail option for us? Forlargevolumes,lwould usingblocktraintransport. lf you wantto shipsmallerquantities, the single-wagon optionwouldbe 6 lf flexibilityis important,I would trainoption. 7 8 As 9 10 you bookthe flexitrainblock I cansuggestsingle-car transport,whichis evenmoreflexible. In that casewe should the otherblocktrainoptions. time wouldwe havefor loading? At least7 hours,but we couldarrangelongerloadingtimes Whenaskingfor informationwe alwaysusepolite language.We oftenstartwith a more gene,ral requestfor informationbeforewe ask morespecificquestions.Indirectquestions suchas Couldyou tell me how muchit wouldcost?aremorepolitethan directquestionse.g. How much would it cost? I'd like to ask/enquireabout .,. I'm callingabout ... (on the telephone) I'm writing about/withregard to... (in an email or letter) Couldyou tell me how much/manyflong/often...? Customers mayneedadviceontransport options,fteightandinsurance rates,shipping and packing details, theroute,detailsregarding weight,dimensions, andmeisurements. Forthisconsignment I wouldrecommend/suggest usingair transport. I recommend/suggest thatyaushipthegoodsby road. WeTYou shouldalsoconsiderair transportfor ... Thatdependson yourspecificrequlrements. Sometimesyou needto providethe customerwith severalatternatives beforea decisioncan be made. Another option would be to ... Of courseit would also be possible to ... (instead). Alternatively,you/we could ... UNIT5 3 Herearesomemorephrases.Sortthemunderthe corect headlng. regarding... | (would)needsomeinformation In that caseI recommend/suggest that you use/ship... I thinkthe bestoptionwoutdbe to ... lf you prefer..., w€ couldalsoarrange... about...? Couldyou let me havesomeinformation ... if you like. We canprovide/arrange/ship As an alternative,we canofferyou ... Whatwould be the cheapest/fu stesVsafest/most convenient way/option? 4 ilatch the beginnlngs of the sentences(r-6) with the endingp(a-0. n T n u r I wouldneedsomeinformation z Couldyou let me know 3 In that caseI suggestthat you 4 Fora consignment this sizeI 5 6 Of courseit wouldalsobe We canalsoarrangetransport a b c d e f railtransport. wouldrecommend if youprefer. by courier regarding loading times. whatthetransittimesare? possible instead. to shipby express service seafreightoption. usethecheaper T I Ptanningand anangingtransport| 39 40 ..]lrl-5 Planning and arranging transport :.. 5 Work with a paftner. Followthe steps belowand practisemaking enquiriesand giving advice. Usephrasesfrom this unit. A B Tell B what you would liketo enquireabout. \ GiveB somedetailsof yourshipment. ,/ \ TeltB you are not sureyou wantthis option. ThankB for help. Recommend oneor two options. / \ Ask B aboutorder/cancellation deadtines. AskA to be morespecific. / \ Offeranotheralternative. AnswerB's question.TettB you wil[ givehim/ her a quotationwithinthe nexthour. / AUOIO trr ry 6 72 Listento a shippingagentdescribingoneof the containers themissing availabte. Gomptete detailsandlabelthe drawingwith thewordsfromthe box. height . payload. length r Typeof container: 4o ft opentop 1 : 4,O3okg z : 3z,5OO kg 3 maximum E InternaI measurements: N o1 4 5 6 N 7 28,47okg Listenagainandnotethe non-metricmeasurements theagentmentions. 1 z 3 tareweight: internallength: internalheight: i 72.02 m | 2.35m :2.32 m UNIT5 I Ptanning andarranging transport| 41 Rewritethe sentences. Example: Thecontaineris 6 metreslong. Thalangthof tho containeris sixmelras.(Or: Thaconlainar'slangthis b metres.) Thepackageweighs45 kg. Thisseagoingvesselis about3o m wide. Thecasewe needto shipis r m [ong,5o cm wideand 35 cm high. lts depthis nearly3 cm. Theship'slengthis morethan65 m. Theopencontainer's doorheightis 7 ft ro in. r z 3 4 5 6 9 Whatdotheseabbreviations standfor? r ft 2kg 302 4cm 5lb 6 cuyd 7m' 81" 9pt 10 gar the tablewlth other 1O put ttrewordsfromaboveIntothe correctcolumnin the tabte.Complete you measures andwelghts canthink of. length weight surface I volume t;;t fluid ounco(fl oz) 42 JNir 5 tt Plan ninagndar r anging t r ans por t Describe the measurements andweightof a containerto yourpartner.Usephrasesfrom this unit. Partner A File 05, p.71 Partner B fils 13, p.72 S|IllgilgUl,t{!l-U!Mr.9l3:r:y-El9Tli-4It-QI$!919NI. Numbers Whendealingwithconsignment detailsit is oftennecessaryto talk aboutnumbers. I : We writea commato showthousands(butwe don't say it!): 235,ooo two hundred and thirty-five thousand , We usea oointto showdecimals: 7.5 onepointfive We usethe word and afterhundreds: 185 one hundredond eighty-five Whenarranging transport,we needto givedetailsaboutthe sizeand weightof the c ons ign m e n tot b e s h i p p e d . Size Our consignmentis 3 by z by 2.5 metres. This box measuresz by t.5 by 2.5 metres. Its measurementsare zo by 85 by 5o centimetres. Weight Theemptycontoinerweighs5,ooo kg. Thenet/tare/grossweight of the containeris ... kg/tons. Thecontainer'smaximumpayloadis ... Dimensions Thebox is 4o cm highlong/wide/deep. Its/Theheight/length/width/depthis 4o cm. Rem emb e r: This containeris almost six metres/feet long (not six metre/foofl) But: lt's a twenty-foot container. (notfeet!) AUDIO trl \cy t9 12 tlsten to the dialoguebetweena forwarderanda customeraskingfor a shippingguotation. Thensaywhetherthe statementsaretrue E or fake Eaccordingto the dialogue. r KarlaHanssen needsa quotationfor air freightto the UnitedArabEmirates. z Theywantto shipcoolingunitsto Abu Dhabi. 3 Theconsignment consists of r8 boxes. 4 Theywantto shipfromSweden. 5 6 Theunitsshouldbe pickedup on August6th. Martinwitl callbackwithinthe nexttwo hours. n T I T T n UNIT5 lJ Planning andananging transport| 43 t istenagainandcomptete themissingdetaitsin theonlinequotationform. Quotationform name: Company Contact: KarlaHanssen TelNo: oo4689oz65o3o FaxNo: oo46 89o265o39 Emailaddress: khanssen@coolair.se Shippinginformation Pointof originr Destination: Methodof transport: Air Numberof units/items: Pick-up date: Deliverydate: Freightinformation Volume(m3): 30.37 (kg): Totatweight (cm): Dimensions t7o cm high,r45 cm wideand8z cm deep Typeand natureof goods: Speciatrequirements Hazardous: 0ther: mustarrive 1/1 Worf with a partner.WriteanemaiIaskingfor a quotation.Includetheinformationfromthe orderformabove. Rlgy-lllll!9-1-glqr!Ie!!',ll'. .--,, - ll.'.l,ii,.l -.--.--,-,- We/lneeda quotationfor a shipmentto ... Pleasequotefor (thesupply/transport o0 ... Pleasesendus a quotationfor ... Pleasequoteyourlowestpricesfor ... rates, Yourquotationshouldincludedetaitedinformation on freightand insurance detivery terms,deliverydate,andtermsof payment. 44 U NIT5 1$ Plan ninagnda nanging t r ans por t nut the wordsin the right order. r 2 3 4 5 6 a shipment/send lus la quotation / please lfor lto Madras your quotation state/ delivery date/ ptease in / / yourearliest tetus/could/thefotlowing/ptease/haveaquotation/inctuding/detaits lyou? a parttruckload/shipping rates/what/your/for/to Birmingham lare? rates/ also on sailingtimes/ yourquotation / should/ andinsurance / detailedinformation include the foltowing consignment / please I forI of I quote/ the transport In thi; week's issue of our GLOBAL TRADE maga:ine wq qf.feysome expert advice on how to successftrll-tship ,8,oa,ils,a6, nod fr om Hank Wil cox. As th e exp o r t rnan ag er for Jonston Cosmetics, Hank overseesthe distribution of ;,,,;,,,,t,,.:,;,,,,;;:::,,;;,;;,:,:,':, cosmetic products to more thttn 40 countrie.s worldwide. Overseas trade and logistics issuesplay amajor ysls if' t;'::t:':;,;:,'.:,';;';a;,:,:, :r'r":' the:iompany's business. How do you successfullymanage shipping advice.We usuallyaskfor four quotationsfor logisticsat Jonston Cosmetics? eachshipment. I think it's most importantto work with good freight forrvarders.So before we actually choose a freight forrvarder,we check whether their servicelevel comesup to our standards. who discussthe bestpossiblefreight options What exactly does that mean? with the customerandhandleall the paperwork. Documentationis really very important, forwarderswho meetcertainrequirements. especiallyif thingsgo wrong. So we always One thing that's really importantis reliability. make surewe havecopiesand duplicatesof every We needto be 100per cent surethat our documentin casesomethingis lost. the right time. We also expect a high level of communication and co-operationbetweenthe forwarder and ourselves.And our forwarders must be ableto provideflexible transport solutionsat shortnotice. 4 We have a team of experiencedlogistics people Well, it meansthat we only want to work with consignmentsaredeliveredto the customerat 1. What about all the documentation required in oYerseastrade? Consignments can easily be damaged in transit. Are your customers aware of that? Yes, rvealwaysadviseour customerson the risks and offer them the most suitableinsurance for their consignments.Unfortunately,handling damageis quitecommonso it's alwaysa good And what about transport costs? ideato insurea consi_enment. And insuranceis The price is also importantobviously,but asI lessexpensivethan mostpeoplewould expect;it said,thereareotherthingsto considersuchas usuallycostsbetrveenone andtwo per centof the quality of service,handlingofpaperwork and consignment'svalue. Doyou haveanyexperience in dealingwithfreightforwarders? Doesthe textmentioneverything a 'good'forwarder shouldbe ableto do?Canyouadd otherasoects? lf you hadto choosea forwarder, whatcriteria wouldbe mostimportant foryou? In whatcasewouldyou recommend freightinsurance? l+s Shipping goods Doyou knowwhat thesemarkingsrepresent?0iscusswith a partner.Try to labelthe shipping markingswith the correctwords. Doyou know any other rnarkings? I Hereis an extractfrom a manualprovidingrail loadinginstructions.(ompletethe sentences with wordsfrom the box. carefu[tyr attention. overhangifrs.isure o place o examine. secure. instructions . fit . distribute. exceeded. diagonalty z 3 4 vehiclecarefully. 2arnqq fho rll:qnn Do not ptaceitems Whenloadingis complete, ensurethatit fultycomplies withthe givenin our RailInstructions Manual. Examine loadcarefutly andmake it is undamaged andsuitablefor loadin g . 6 longer,heavierpieceson the bottomof the load. Makesurethat loadis 45 - 6 S- :: :e goocs Ensure vehicte is to be loaded. Strap loads. givespecial the vehicle, to doorsecuring mechanisms. 9 Whenchecking 10 Examine vehicleand load afterloading. t7 loadas evenlyas possible and makesurewheelsareevenlyloaded. t2 Checkwhethervehiclecapacity hasnot been 7 8 2 ilow matchthecorrectsentences with the instructionsbelow. a b c 3 beforeloading: duringloading: afterloading: Matchthe beginnings of thesentences {r-8) with theendings(a-h). r protruding Remove z Coverthe damaged wall 3 Secure the loadto 4 Filtempty 5 6 pallets Replace damaged Alignthe load Stackthe boxes 7 8 Sealthe container after a b c d e f g h preventmovement. on patlets. vertically. staplesor naits. spacesbetweenproducts. loadingis complete. of the container. with newones. n n T T T u l n M@ w lrul ffimffi [,-] ItrYril lffiil tH*|+t"l W ffi EXPTAINING HOW T O DO SOM ET HT NG you canusethe imperative Whenexplaining how to do something, formof the verb, Usethe infinitivewithoutfo, likethis: Examinethe load carefully. Do not overloadthe vehicle. U N I T G S h i p p i n g g o o d |s 4 7 4 Gomplete this emailaboutanurgentshipmentwith prepositions fromthe box. :.:a:.. :::a:.,. .', . with o in r Out . tO . betWeen r,rl1Of by r g6rrr hd "_-**** $ Sonja fi rthescheduled there isa problem deliveries { I'mafraid : France nextweek.Ourcustomer Pharma GLP inBresthasjustinformed 3ofstockandneedanurgent methattheyarealready delivery ofthe5 mg onextweek. packs thisweekinstead 30and90piece wemusttryto makeonepartialdelivery lf possible, 5Wednesday (oras isfinished) s00nasthepackaging ofthe5mg30packs. 6ourproduction plantinGermany Weneed a directtruck andBrest.lf we morning, thetruckshould canshipthefirstpaftonWednesday arrive Brest onThursday afternoon. Thesecond delivery should bemadeonFriday withtherestoftheSmg30andthe90packs. As 8Monday, theproducts areneeded thetruckmustbeunloaded inBreston Saturday orSunday. Please letmeknowif thereareanyproblems! : =. Regards JonFrederikson Logistics Manager i:ffi @w =3 iV :;' Ff5frts,,i*r.t=:..-= :i::::::rfi,s,rfW '"'"'=4 AUDIO ff, w 74 5 Soniaand fon are discussingthe urgent deliveryoverthe phone.Listenand answer the questions. r z 3 4 5 6 Cantheyuseoneof theirusualforwarding agents? Howlongwouldthe fastestdeliveryservicetake? Wouldexpress deliverybe a goodoption? Whyis it not possibleto deliverat the weekend? WhatdoesJonwantto do next? Put the words in the orderthey are mentionedin the dialogue.Thenlisten againto check. r 2 3 4 5 6 reallylhere llthink/a problem/we've/got use/thisshipment/our lfor lone/unfortunatety/wecan'tlof/regularforwarders we/smallerllhis ldeliveries / means/ partiatlthat lwoutd/ haveseveral haveto / a lot more/ and/ as lwe'd lpay/ a resutt Saturdays andSundays/because of /deliver/we/ can't/atthe weekend /drivingbanI on I the HGV problems/this deliveryino idea/ l/woutd/cause/somany/had 4 8 | U NITG g oo ds Sh ipp ing I N T O R M I NG SOM EOI{ EABOUTPROBL EM S T et ling s o m e o n th e a ts o m e th i ncga n n o b t e handted i n the w ayi t w aspl anned or that something hasgonewrongcanbe difficutt. That'swhy it is importantto staycalmand use polite[anguage. lt is usuallya goodideato saywhatthe problemis exactlyandthenexplain the situation.Weoftenusebeginnings suchas I'm afroid...or l'm sorry,but...,evenif we arenot responsible for the problem. First,we givea briefintroduction andthengo on to explainthe situationin moredetai[: problem fm ofroid there is a with customsclearance. I'm sorry, but therewill be o deliverydelay. Wemayatsowantto givereasonsfor the probtem: Thedelay was causedby a rail strike in ltaly. Theconsignmenthas to be repackedbecausethe cartonis damaged. Therewasa delaybecauseof bod weother. Therewasa delavbecausethe weatherwas bad. Wemayalsowantto talk aboutcontrast, e.g.whenwe explainthat therewasa problem,but it hasn'taffectedthe outcome: Althoughthe load wosn'tsecuredproperly,it arrivedintact. Theload wasn't securedproperly,but it arrivedintact. ln spite of the strike,the consignmentarrivedon time. Despitebeingdelayed,the consignmentarrivedon time. Sometimes we alsoneedto explainthe consequences of certainevents: Theresult wos thot the goods didn't leave the worehouseuntil Friday. As a result,the shipmentorrivedtwo hourslate. There'sfog at the airport so the flight hasn't token offyet. 7 Comptete thesentences with wordsfromthebox. so . because. although. due. asaresulto despiteo becauseo inspiteof r z 4 5 5 Z Ourcustomer wantsto shipvatuabte freight, we needto thinkaboutinsurance. A partof the shipment seemsto be damaged of roughhandting. _ neededthemurgentty, the customer the goodscouldn'tbe delivered at the weekend. Theflightwascance[led to bad weather. Thedriverhadthe wrongaddress. , it took himthreehoursto deliverthe Dallets. Theconsignment arrivedon time formatities at the border. atlthecustoms Weareunableto shiptoday_ we'vehadproblems with ourdispatch. beingwellsecured, the loadwasdamaged on arrival. UNIT6 I Choosethe correct words to completethese sentences. r z 3 4 5 6 I S h i p p i n g g o o d|s 4 9 As a reason/result/cause, Thedocuments statedthe wrongquantities. the shipmentwas not acceoted at the warehouse. Thedelaywasfound/noticedlcaused by an accidenton the motorway. WhenI spoketo the logisticsmanager, it noticed/sadturned out that they had useddifferent packingmateria[. we are unableto deliverthe consignment Unfortunately, due to/because/so technicalproblems in ourwarehouse. Although/ln spiteof/Butthe delay,the deliverywitl stittarriveon time. for this delay? Whatis the cause/reason/result Youarea freightforwarder. Caltyourpartnerto informhim/herabouta deliverydelay. phrases from this unit. Use Pafiner A Partner B Fite 06, p. 71 File 74, p.72 1O fnerearesix mistakesin this email Ganyoucorrectthem? Dear Cheng packing thefollowing Please findattach documents: delivery noteN"70007'108, list,andshipping order. hasjustpicked upthegoods fromourwarehouse. Thegoods beatyour Ourfonruarder should 2009. disposal atMonday 31October thatacopyofthebatch willbesend Please notice certificate toyouassoon byemail. aspossible Assoon theoriginal wewillsendittoyou. aswerecieve batch certificate, questions, please lfyouhave letmenow. anyfurther Regards AnaGarcia Logistics Manager L , ADYIC! Er{r 91 9tl1l_l! Whendealingwith shipments it is commonpractice to advisethemthat a shipment to customers, hasbeensent.Oftendetailson departure and arrivaltimes,ordernumbers, and documents aregiven. Weare pleasedto inform you that your order has been dispatchedby truck todoy. OrderN" 3otz has been dispatchedby flight 84479 today. Weore pleasedto advisethot your order N" z3/tj46 was shipped on board the Line'. vessel'Ocean Theconsignmentis due to arrive in Sydneyon August z5th. Theabove order has been handed over to our forwording agents todoy. Theconsiqnmentwill be deliveredto vour warehousein Brussels. 5 0 | UN I T6 11 g oo ds Sh ipp ing txrite a similar email informinga custcmerabcut dispatch. Include the fotlowing information: r Theordernumber. z Whenthe consignment wassent. wasshipped 3 Howthe consignment (road,air,rail,sea). a Whereit wittbe delivered. site. 5 Whenit willarriveat the customer's t T f* 12 Uatctrthewords(r-5)with thepictures(a*e). r bale 2 chest i^ t^ ^,.^ t t- ^- 1. u o t | tr L /LoJN 4 drum 5 Crale ilru a-b U N I T6 lJ S h i p p i n g o o d s| 5 1 Xow match the items in exerciserz with the correct definition. Largecylindricalcontainerwith a flat bottomandtop. lt is madeof woodand is usedfor tiquids. Woodenboxmadeof woodenslats.lt canbe openor closedand is usedfor packinggoods. goods(oftenraw materiaD, Largepackageof presspacked whichis tighttybound,wrapped,and banded. Sturdyboxwith a tid whichis madeof metaIand oftenusedfor storage. metaIcontainer for tiquids. Cylindrical a b c d e 1/1 USff, internationalfreight forwardersb*sed in Ghicago,glvesomeshipping instructionson with wordsfromthe box. their website.€ompletethe sentences lmarko clearance o withstandr,wqight. appointqd . exhibitqr. importinil:,'.ina*iAuaffy 6e6 S' ._* fu t www.e xp och ica g o .io m - G'*-- o, ; r* IE rc Shipping Instructions [:F A s t h e o f f i ci a |i n te rn a ti o n a |fre i ghtfonalar der - |byEXP0CH|cAG0,W eW i|| l i E I'F c o . o r d i n ate a ||i n te rn a ti o n a |shipm entsandar r angecUstomS- 2for thisevent.l q Please read thefollowing information regarding carefully shipping requirements for 3goods intotheUS. Packing andMarking 4handling packed 1 Ensure thatallboxes aresecurely inorder to bycarriers andonsite contractors, 5allcartons. cases. orcrates ontwosides. 2 Clearly you your goods inacontainer, makesurethatallcartons are 3 lf ship inthefollowing marked manner: andlabelled Address: of Name ofstand: Number (...)of(".) number Case inkg: Total----'---..---------B _ 6 i- --;.g goods Terminal I A lhenHeathrow's 5 was Y Y officially opened bytheQueen in March2008,operator BAAsaidthatit wouldputtheairportatthecutting edge of global travel. Thecomplex, which costf4.5bn,includes 50 newaircraft stands, a largecarpark aswellasrailandunderground linksto London, lt isdesigned to handle 12,000 bagsanhour. passengers BAAclaimed thatchecking inforflightswouldbesimplified forupto 30 million a yearbyonline fastbaggage facilities handling. check-in, dropping andsophisticated baggage Twoweekslater,onlaunch day,however, dozens of flightsinandoutofthenewterminal hadto becancelled dueto a breakdown ofthebaggage handling system, Bytheendof thefirstday, hundreds of passengers wereleftstranded attheairportandtherewasa backlog of morethan 15,000bags. Whathadgonewrong? 0n launch dayproblems started immediately, almost whenstaffandpassengers hadtrouble parks. queues. Iocating Delayed car opening of check-in thenledto long Additionally, workers in thebaggage sorting areahadproblems logging onto thecomputer system or couldnothandle theRMS(Resource Management whichallocates System), baggage handlers to loador unload aircraft. Asthecheck-in staffwerenotawareofthesituation, theycontinued to addluggage to the system.Asa consequence, check-in hadto besuspended intheafternoon. Anaviation laterexplained analyst thatthebacklog of baggage wasmainly caused byproblems processing withtheterminal's three-stage baggage system. Thefirststage,thefastbagdrop-off, wasworking asplanned, stage,an butthesecond underground conveyor system, hadbecome clogged workers werenot upbecause baggage ableto remove thebagsquickly enough attheotherend, BAsaidthattheyknewthefirstdaywouldbecritical ofthe because ofthesizeandcomplexity moveintoTerminal 5, andthattheywereworking hardto resolve theseissues. 16@ r z 3 problems Whatarethe mainlogistics mentioned in thisarticle? Haveyou everexperienced similarproblems at an airport? Howimportant is logistics for an airport? 153 Warehousingand storage (a-0withthewords(r{}. Lookatthepictures ofwarehouse equipment. Matchthepictures !ffi! tr\ UJ r handpatlet-truck z tote bin 3 fork-tifttruck(CBtruck) 4 pallet rotl-cage 5 6 (Europalletor UK)pattet t:l tl trolley Readthe text describingwarehouseareasand label the areaswith wordsfrom the list. anddispatcho receiving. collation sortation. marshalling andvalue-added services o back-upstorage. orderpicking goodsarriveand Firstof a[1.thereis the 'area.That'swhereall incoming is checked documentation and recorded. Goodsareoftenunpacked or repacked hereto maketheir formatmoresuitablefor warehouse handling. inventory. ' areaholdsmostof ourwarehouse rareathe goodsareselected ln the in the rightquantities, that meansthe quantities required by the customer.Herewe alsobreakbulk.Thatmeans,for example, after (e.g.paltets), goodsin [argequantities receiving we needto packthemin smallerseparate unitsfor the customer. - areawe dealwith smatler In the ordersizes.Sometimes several orders havebeenbatched togetherto simptifu the pickingprocess and nowneedto be sorteddownto individual orders. 54 | UNIT7 Warehousing andstorage : Afterpicking, the goodsareconsolidated and madereadyfor dispatch. Depending on the customer's requirements the goodsmaybe packedinto cartonsor casesor theyarewrapped (i.e.stretch-wrapping or shrink-wrapping). Somewarehouses alsoprovidespeciaIservicessuchas labelling. Thispartof warehouse operations is called 6area.Thegoodsare brought Thefinalstagein warehouse operationsis the _ togetherto formvehicleloadsand arethen loadedonto vehiclesfor onwarddispatch. 2 3 ilatch the warehouseareas(rg) to the activltiesthat take placein them (a-f). n n n r dispatch z co[[ation 3 reserveStorage 4 orderpickingandsortation 5 receiving a b c d e goodsare broughttogetherfor loadingand transport wherethe goodsare kept until required the goodsareselectedand put togetherin the unitsrequiredby the customer completeordersare packedand wrapped the goodsarepreparedfor warehouse operations T t tatch the verbs (r-8) from the text in exerciser to the correct definitions (a-h). r label z repack 3 handle 4 select 5 6 batch sort n n n I u u l u 7 8 wrap a b c d e f g h put goodson a palletor vehicle providespecificinformation on the productitselfor the packaging dealwith pickor choose put severalthingstogether packin specialmaterialfor protection put into new unitsor formats arrangein a specialway or order load UNIT7 Warehousing andstorage| 55 THE PASSIVE processes, Whendescribing the passivevoiceis oftenused with modalverbssuchas con,must,moy,should,etc. Theforks conbe raised by a simple pump action. Thissystemmusthefitted with detectors. Or we canusethe passivein othertensese .g.the present oerfecttense. After the goods hovebeenchecked,theygo into back-upstorage. Theunloading hos beencompleted. 4 Completethe sentencesusing the correctactiveor pa$siyefcrm of the verbsin brackets. o b c e f (check), Afterthe unitload it goesintoautomated storage. (identifrf) As soonas an appropriate location by the warehouse (must,issue). management system,a put-away instruction (report) driver Afterthe vehicte to the gatehouse, the vehicle (check)by staff. documentation (process) (may,[abel) Thenthe packages i.e.they with barcodes. (check) Thegoods on unloading. (direct)the driverto an unloading Afterthat,staff bayor a parkingarea. Nowput the steps in the goodsreceivingprocessin the correctorderr-6. A UD I O efi\, {3 75 5 Listento this extractfrom a presentationabout a new warehousemanagementsystem. Nowsaywhichof thesestatementsistrue 7 fatse:f . r z 3 4 5 Theexistingsystemis not veryefficient. Theycoutdcentralize inventories in oneCanadian warehouse. can be reduced Cycletimes by at leasthalf. Theycouldreducewarehouse areafromfourfloorsto one. Printon demandallowsthemto printinvoices in severaI languages. 56 ' riNlT7 Warehousing andstorage :. 6 ilow listen to the recordingagainand completethe sentences. r I thinkthisnewwarehouse areamanagement systemWMSzX wouldhelpus cutcostsand z Onegreatadvantage of WMSzX is thatwe couldreducethe numberof warehouses acrossCanada. Anotherinterresting featureof WMSzX is customer order Warehouse couldbe improved as weilby transferring departments. WMSzX woutdalsohelpus reducewarehouse areaandground Thecouldbe achieved by instalting an automated sysrem. storageand given Thenewsystemwouldalsoenableus to material flow at any the moment. Thisallowsprintingof [abels,brochures in z5 languages. and customer ourprocesses. 3 a 6 8 ADVAI{TAGES ANDPOSSIBrE IMPROVEMENrs ..,.II![TI9ABOIJT is ... Onegreatadvantage featureis ... Themostinteresting It wouldhetpus reduce/increase/improve/optimize ... Anothermajoradvantage is/woutdbe ... It woutdalsoguarantee/ensure ... 7 Workwith a partner.Eachof youhasa warehous€ rnanagement system.Presenttheadvantages of yoursystemto yourpartner.Usephrasesin the box. Partner A Par t&erB I File 07, p- 71 F i l e r 5" p.7z Comptete thedescriptions of typiratwarehouse equipment andsystems.Usetheadiectives from the box. :::rr,a:1.t:::r , t. .. .ir.r': . mO'Uite . aUiuiiltrco suitable. bulky. driverless. rigid . collal0sibite stackable guidedvehicleis a r An automated truckwhichis controlled bycomputer powered. andelectricalty z lBCs(intermediate butkcontainers) madeof metalor ptasticare but there arealsoonesmadeof canvas. whichare and sides.Theyare usuatly 3 Cageand box palletsarefittedwith corner-posts paltetracking, storage APR,i.e. is used. 4 In paltetized products pattetization not Some are for itemsor e.g. expensive electronic 5 largeand items. 6 shelving is oftenusedfor smallerproducts in non-palletized systems. UNIT7 Warehousing andstorage| 57 AUDIO a 76 9 Putthestepsin this integratedpackinglocationsystemin thecorrectorder(r-8). Thenllsten andcheck. T il I n n n n n Youscanthe barcode of the shippinglabel. Thesystemcatculates theweightofthe package. Youenterthe system. Youchoosemeansoftransport. Youcanput togetherpackages. Theshippinglabetsareprinted. Youcanseeandaccess all positions in the container. - systemprintsdelivery Theorderis complete note. tO Xowlistento thedialogueagainandcomplete thesentences. r Afterthe goodshavearrivedat the packinglocation, to scanin the barcode ofthe shippingbox. youenterthe packinglocationdialogue. 2 got I What is oK. that. 3 youcanaccess a[[positions in the pickingcontainer. + Wel[, package the is complete, the system witlautomatically the calculate 5 weight. printthe shipping[abels. Thesystemwill automatically 6 Thatis Andnowwe of thisprocess. has the order beencompleted, the deliverynoteis printedautomatically. 8 O Itff Z Warehousingandstorage First0y)/First of atl ... Second(ly) ... (oftheprocess) Thefirststep/stage is ... Then... Afterthat... Thenextstep/stage is ... Fottowing that... Finally... Thelaststepis ... Once/After X hashappened ... 11 Workwith a partneranddescrlbea proceisftomyourowniob in yourownwords.Usephrases fromthls unit. 12 Completethis crossord with wordsfromthe unit Across 2 Keepgoodsin a warehouse. 4 Puton top ofeachother. products. forsmaller 5 Container 6 Selectthe rightitems. D,OWn r Formsmaller unitsfromlargerunits(z words- 5,4). z Putintotherightorderor package. 3 Anotherwordfor orticleor piece. U N I T7 Warehousing andstorage| 59 Readthe text about modernwarehousingand answerthe questionsbelow. WAREHOUSING TODAY the past,a warehousewas only seenas a place fn Ito storethings.[t oftentook up a lot of ground spaceand goods were usually picked by hand or using a fork-lift truck. During the last few years,however, the role and the designofthe warehousehaveradically changed. The warehouseis now considereda critical link between a manufacturing plant and the external world with a strong impact on the performanceof the entire manufacturing and logistics system. Warehouseautomation and complex technologiesare now usedin order to produce effective operations.Many warehousestoday are equippedwith warehousemanagementsystems (WMS), which automatethe product flow throughout the warehouseand maximize the use ofwarehousespacethrougheffectivepicking methods,locationconsolidationand cross docking. Automated Storageand Retrieval Systems(ASiRS) have been introduced in many warehouses.AS/RS involves high-racking storagewith a machine operating within the aisles, serving both sidesofthe aisle. Thesesystemscan pick, replenish, and perform inventory checkswithout a human operator. In fully automatedsystems,conveyor belts are very important as they link the different areas of the warehouseand carry the goods to where they are required: for example between the receiving areasand reservestorage,or betweenthe picking and loading areas. The warehouseoftoday would be unthinkable without the barcode.The barcodelabel on each item provides specific information about the product, which can be transferredto a computer system.This makesit possibleto locatethe item's positionin the warehouseand find it again.By using automatedtechnology,suchasbarcodescannersand RFID (radio frequency identification), warehouseinventory and product flow can be efficiently mana-eed.Combined with modern IT systems,barcodesenablewarehousestaff to track and trace all items in the warehouseat any given time and usuallyin real time. I 2 firPnrtwer+.?5 lilE@ warehouse r Howis yourcompany's organized? yourselfz 2 Doyou workin a warehouse changed overthe lastfewyears? 3 Howhaswarehousing ttru Documentationand finance Herearesomemoreabbreviations. Theyall relateto documentation andfinance.Doyou know what they mean? t z 3 4 5 5 7 8 t BIL DIP: EXW CIF AWB IMO BIE L/C B--tof t----Do-u---ts aga---tp-y---Ex----C--t,in-------, fr----Airw--b--Int----t----m----yo-d-B--lof ex-----L--t--of cr---- Completethis list of documentsusedin foreign trade with wsrds from the box. approvedrauthority.required.commercialoindicating.draft.receipt.conditions o carriage. hazardous r Commercial invoice A document that contains specific information regarding the goodsshippedandthe agreedbetweenbuyerandselter. z Certificateof origin Document lt is often usedin foreigntradewhichstateswherethe goodswereproduced. by customs authorities. 3 Packinglist A document whichspecifies the contents of anyformof packaging, e.g.boxes,containers, thevalueofthe goodsshipped. cartons, without 4 Air waybitt A contract betweenairtineandshipper.lt is a shippingdocument whichstatesthe termsand conditionsof-andisalsoarecei ptfortheconsignment. 5 Consularinvoice A specialkindof invoicesometimes required by the importing country.lt needsto be by an embassy. 6 Proformainvoice A p [ ac e . invoicewhichthe sellerprepares beforethe actuaIshipment takes UNITB Documentation andfinance| 61 Exportlicence A document whichis grantedby a government goodscanbe exported. and statesthat soecified Customsinvoice goods.lt required by customs in somecountries A specific document e.g.USwhenimporting invoice. includes moredetailsthana Dangerousgoods declaration preparedby the shipper/consignor whichstatesthat Certificate handledaccording to internationat shippingregulations. goodsare ro Bil[ of lading betweencarrierandshipperwhichspecifies A contract the goodsto be shippedandthe deliveryterms.lt is alsoa of shipment andaccompanies the goodsuntilthey reachtheirdestination. 2 CBGtOBAtSHlPPlt{G,UScustomsbrokershandlinganinternationaltradeevent,providesome instructionsontheirwebsite.Putthewordsin thecorrectorder.Thefirst wordhasbeendone already. -e-e,6::.--g +' ,:*--* - f '-wwwfB-sio6eGFipfinsrom i,Gi' --- @rF I I;E : To ensurecustoms entryandavoiddelays,pteasereadthe followinginstructions carefully: l:E t detaited/of/wish Providelyoulthe goods/toship/descriptions/clearand z ldentifir / by using/ the goods/ shipped / to bei HTSor BTNnumbers / of / the items/ the value/ indicate 3 Clearty / the goods 4 State/ were/ where/ manufactured invoiceI of I priorto arriva[ / fourdays 5 Send/ and packingtist/ sixcopies/ the commercial 6 Thedocuments / details/ include/ the following/ must ListI of I each/ the quantity/ item 8 Inctude / the person/ the name/ preparing / the documents / andsignature / of descriptions / values/ yourinvoices 9 Donot use/ andlumpsum/ on / generaI 10 Specifu I of I box I eachlweight/ anddimensions / the contents IE lE u 62 | U NrrE Documentation and finance AUDIO dr\ !i3 17-79 3 Thereis a Problemwilh an urgent delivery.Listento the three phoneconversationsand answer the questions. Conversationr r Whyis the customer in lcelandupset? z Whydo theyneedthe consignment so urgently? Conversation z 3 Whatwentwrongwiththe shipment? 4 WhendoesMs Egbertsaysheneedsthe consignment? ., '1"'t'' Conversation 3 be shippedto 5 Whenandhowwillthecontainers lcetand? 6 Whenshouldthe containers arrivein lceland? Why could the consignment rejected be at the gate? I 4 Completethe sentenceswith wordsfrom the box.Thenlisten againand check. get back . the least r V€fVsorry . be OK . just tatked . find out . shouldhave r tee tO . See,ms that r SOrtedsu1,r,aget On ,.;.:. ,1. t 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 ...' Sorry,I haveno ideaat the moment,but l'il oK,l'il to this straightaway. just l've checked a[[the documents and it we usedthe wrongaddress. I'm aboutthis,Ms Egbert, but l't[do everything I canto getthis probtem l'Il I've Thatwayyou Wouldthat Yes,I'll It's to you as soonas I'vespokento the forwarder. to our freightforwarders herein the UK. themby Fridayafternoon. for you? that. I cando for you. T A K I N GA C T IONAND APOT OGIZ ING Aftera problemor mistakehasbeenbroughtto yourattention,it is importantto dealwith it promptiy. Notethat we tendto usea moreformalstytein writtencommunication. Whenrespondingto a customer, it is a goodideato acknowledge that we areawareof the probtem: Weare replyingto your emailof April z4thinformingus that... (moreformal) Thankyou for informingus about an errorin our December statement.(moreforma[) Thanksverymuchfor pointingout the mistake. I understondthere is a confusionin addresses/delivery dates. UNITg Documentation and finance I 6it wewantto d,o(or havedone)to solvethe problem.Weoftenusephrasalverbswhen Thenwe saywh'd.t tatkingabouttakinga,Ctionr Wearelookinginto thismatterandwlll contactyou agalnlatertoday,(moreformal) fgttslvwill get in touchwith fhefo,mardingogentat once. l'll fnkecareof thisstralghtaway. I'l[ get on to that now. I'ilseeta thislmmcdiate[y. I'll get backto you on thot assoonaspossible. for the problemor mistake: Wettsualtyalsoapologize (morefornal) Wewouldliketo apoloEi..ze far the inconvenience. (moreformal) Vleverymuchregretthismisun'derstanding. l'n ve'tysorryaboutthgt (onceagain). Letmeapologizefor thisdelay/mistake/error 5 Comptetethe sentencelrwith verbgfrom the bor. r l'll 2 CanI to this immediately. to youonthatin abouthalfanhour? of that straightaway. 3 o K, l ' [ with the courierpeopleat once. 4 Fine.I'll Thanks for letting me know. l'll thisrightaway. 5 6 Yes,we'll into the caseand callyou backtomorrow. 6 Xlorkwith a partnerto solvea problem.Usephrasesfrom thls unit. 64 -\ - 8 Documentation and finance : 7 Afterarrangingtheexpresstransportwith the forwarder,Peter,the logisticsmanagerwritesan emailto confirmwhathasbeenagreed.€hoosethecorrectpreposition. Dear MsCharleswofth thephone thismorning, Please Asdiscussed aVon/to1 weenclose shipping order No09/13087-02. transport tolceland through Cargo Worldwide Express, asagreed. arrange express oftheconsignment 3Selfoss, premises Please notethatthegoods mustarrive on/in/at'zthe customer's aVon/n lceland, on 4 August 22untilllolby 4 p.m.atthelatest. Friday, 6 5thisconsignment Asagreed, theshipping costs trom/for/to aretl,570,payable aVwithin/during 8 7 address: invoice. Please sendthefreight invoice aVon/tothefollowing 30daysofreceipt of/from/by VITA Ltd COSMETICS 1BSouth Road Bournemouth BHB sSX Bestregards Peter Bott Logistics Manager '.Pl-s9-ll!{l$-..-'',-,,,-..'',,.",, ..:-;--,r,,,::-..'.'-:.. I ) -" ,..,,". *--:,, We usethe prepositions by and until to describedifferentsituations: by = somethinghappens(or shoutdhappen)not laterthana specificpointin time Theconsignmentmust be deliveredby Friday. until/tiil= somethingcontinuesup to a specificpointin time Thelogistics managerwill be away until Friday. I Complete thesentences with byot until. r 2 5 + 6 l'll makesurethatthedocuments arrive the end of the week. We haveto arrangeshipment August 4th. l'm afraidtherewilI be delavs the begi nni ngof Juty. Theysaidwe wouldreceive Monday. the consignment 6.3otoday. Callmeif thereareanyproblems. l'[[be in my office We requirethe goods March r5th UNITS Documentation andfinance| 65 I Matchthe paymentmethods(r-5) with thedefinitionr{a-f}. 1 payment advance z cashon delivery 3 Openaccounr 4 documents againstpayment 5 5 documentary credit bankguarantee n n n I l n paysimmediately Customer on receiving the goods.This serviceis usuatlyprovidedby the postofflce. Usedto coverfinancial riskin international transactions e.g.if a buyerdoesnot pay. Theexporter suppties the goodsandthe importer/customer paysfor themat an agreeddatein the future. Invotves the buyer'sandthe sel[er's bank.lt is a promise madeby the openingbankthat paymentwittbe madeon receiving documents that complywith the termsagreed. (CAD). Alsocalledcashagainstdocuments lt meansthatthe exporterhasfull controloverthe payment documents until hasbeenmadeby the importer. Customer/importer hasto payfor the goodsbeforetheyareshipped. AUDIO s: 't.Y 20 1O ftree peoplearetalking aboutpaymentmethodsin their companies. Listenandcomplete the table. LOWRISK Methodof paymentused ^^. Howsecureis it for theseller? (verysecure,secure,not secure) Company A: I v Company B: Company C: HIGHRISK 11 tistenagainandsaywhichof thesestatementsaretrue Z orfatseXaccordingtothe recordings. r Mostof theirEuropean customers expectopenaccountfacilities. z Openaccount termsaregoodfor the exporter. 3 Theycantakeout specialinsurance againstthe riskof non-payment. 4 A letterof creditis oftenusedfor customers you haveworkedwith for a longtime. 5 6 A letterof creditis a verysecurepaymentmethod. pavmenr. Mostcustomers do not likeadvance l n T n n u 66 uNiT8 Documentation and finance It is commonto let tradingpartnersknowwhenpaymentis requested, hasbeenmade,or has beenreceived. Thisis usuatlydonein a shortstandardemailor letter.Morecompticated internationaI transactions sometimes requireadditionaIinformation. Requestingand arrangingpayment Pleasefind ottachedour pro forma invoicefor order N" 45-og-23. Weenclosea copy of your invoice. Theoriginal will be sentto you together with the documentson settlementof our draft. Wehave instructedour bank today to transfer/remitthe amount of f6,jzo to your account with RoyalBank of Scotland. Pleasefind encloseda chequefor $ZqS.SSin payment ofyour invoiceN" z/o9/2457. Weencloseour draft for $z3,B4odrawn on PacificBank,Seattle.Couldyou please acknowledgereceipt? Acknowledgingpayment Thankyou for your credit transferfor f4,5oo in payment of our Julystatement. Our bank hos advisedus today that your tronsferfor invoiceNoFRt45 has been creditedto our account. Wehave receivedyour draft for invoiceN" n349. Thankyou for sendingit so promptly. 12 Herearesomemoresentences. (r-8) with the ilatch the beginnings of thesentences endings(a-h). r We encloseyourstatementof 2 Ourbankinformsus that they havereceived the documents and will transfer 3 Thankyou for sending 4 Weare pleasedto informyou that we havearrangedfor a 5 6 Pleasefind enclosedour bankdraftfor ft3,468.4oas Wewouldliketo informyouthatthe amountof f2,567.89has Please transfer the amountof $z,zoo 7 8 As agreed, we aresendingyou a b c d e f g h credittransfer throughour bankfor the amountof $zo,ooo. our invoicefor orderNo9o89in duplicate. yourdraftfor invoiceNoSR-56o2. account as of 3o September. beencredited to ouraccount today. to the followingaccount. paymenton pro formainvoiceN" o8/5543. the amountof f&,67oto youraccount. n n n l T T il n UNITe Documentation and finance| 67 lJ t ookat thewordsin the boxandexercise rr anduseyourdictionary(if neeessary) to complete thetabte. Verb Noun r remit transfer 3 receive draft 4 5 advise 6 pay 7 8 acknowledge credit 1/1 Wrltea shortemaiIto a tradingpartner. Par tner A Partner B F i l e 08, p.Z : File $, p.7z DE A t |l{ G w|T H ER R o R s A i l D M| s T AK E5 | N TR A D E D ocU ME t{Ts' sTA TE ri .E I{TsA t{D !!!-v-o| cE :..Whendeatingwith errorsit is particularly importantto usepoliteand diplomaticlanguage. lt is alsoa goodideato usepassivesentences to makeyourstatements lessdirectand personal. lf we wantto ' informsomeonethat therehasbeena mistake,we oftenuseimpersonal expressions with the verbs seemano appear. ' lt seems/appeorsthat a mistske has been made with regard to the customsinvoice. Thereseemsto be a discrepancybetweenthe items listed on your lune stotement ond the goods delivered. ) Whencheckingyour stotement,we noted that invoice TX274 has been debited twice. I : , : 1t lt is importantto saywhatwe will do or expectthe otherpersonto do: Weare returningyour invoice as the 2 per cent discounthas not been deductedfrom the total amount. Couldyou please let us have o corrected/anamendedinvoice by return? Pleaseconftrmthe correctedomount of ... Couldyou mokesure that weight and dimensionsof the items are specifiedon the commercial invoice? Saywhich sentencein eachpair is morepolite and/or less direct. r z 3 4 5 6 a b a b a b a b a b a b Youhavemadean erroron the December statement. Thereappears to be an erroron the December statement. Thediscounthasnot beendeducted fromthe totalamount. Youdid not deductthe discountfromthe totalamount. Thereis a discrepancy betweeninvoiceand packinglist, lt appears thatthereis a discrepancy betweeninvoiceand packinglist. Coutdyou let us havea corrected invoice? Sendus a corrected invoice. A mistakehasbeenmadein invoiceNoo9-234. Thereis a mistakein invoiceNoo9-234. Usethe abovebankaccountnumberfor futuretransactions. Pleasemakesurethatthe abovebankaccountnumberis usedfor futuretransactions. Readtheseansruersto frequently askedquestiansrelating to financial risk in international trade. Answer the questi*ns below. Handling financialrisk in international trade Whatare the main financial risksfor compani es doi ng busi nessoyerseasT Thefirstriskareaobviously hasto do withthe customers' creditratingandstatus.There's alwaysthedanger thatthecustomer doesnot payforthegoodsyouhavesupplied. Butthere arequitea lot of othercountry-related trade riskswhichneedto beconsidered. Couldyougive someexamples? Well,thiscouldbeanything thatdelaysor stopstradeor paymente.g.someunexpected political measures, economic unrest,import bans,or breakdown of banking systems in the you country aredoingbusiness with. Whatcan tradersdo to minimizefinancial risks? Before doingbusiness abroad,it is essential to investigate bothcustomerandtarget countrycarefully. Checkwhetherthe potential customeris solvent,thenstudyyourtarget country'saccounting andcreditpractices andlearnsomething aboutimportand exportprocedures. To reducethe riskof nonpayment, youcantakeoutan exportcredit policy. insurance "_ r z 3 4 ililif"''"' Whatpaymentmethadswouldyou recommendfor exportinggoods? That'sa difficultquestion The to answer. exporter should,of course,alwaystry to minimize financial riskbychoosing a secure payment payment methode.g.advance or a confirmed, irrevocable letterof credit.Onthe otherhand,that'snotalwayspossible or even desirable. Whyis that? Well,if youwantto do business in a country or market,youhaveto seewhatpayment facilitiesyourcompetitors areofferingandoffer something similar- evenif that'snotwhaiyou reallywant.Andsometimes exporters may decideagainst securepayment methods such asa letterof creditbecause the bankcharges arehighandeatuptheirprofits. .=, :....<:.:.:..:=..= Whatarethe mainfinancial risksin foreigntradementioned in thisarticle? Howcantradersreducetheirfinancial risk? Doesyourcompany exportor importgoods?lf yes,do you knowwhatmethodsof payment are used? Haveyou everheardaboutpaymentor creditproblems withcustomers? Testyourselfl| 69 Test yourself! Seehow muchlogisticsvocabularyyou've learned. Usethe cluesto conrpletethe crosswordpuzzle. Across in arranging z A company whichspecializes and handling the transport of goods. with goods. 3 Anotherword for send,usedin connection prices An offerstating and conditions. 4 is worthin money. 8 Howmuchsomething 9 A woodenbaseon whichgoodscanbe transported. 74 Thisis wheregoodsarestored. goods. t6 A company whichtransports goods. 20 A company whichprovides 27 To sendmoney. 23 To chooseor selectgoods. 24 A document thatgivesdetailsaboutthe costof something and is alsoa requestfor payment. z6 Anotherword for freight. goodson inlandwaterways. 27 A shipusedto transport z8 A boxmadeof cardboard. 29 Anotherword for consequence, e.g.as d .... Down r A securepaymentmethodusedin international trade.(3 words- 6, z, 6) specific information, eitheron the productitselfor the packaging. 5 A pieceof paperproviding goods A sells 6 business that to the end consumer. 7 Theweightof goodswhichcanbe loadedontoa vehicle. goods. 10 A motorvehicleusedfor transporting 77 Thismeansthatsomething breakseasily. 72 Anotherword for buying. t3 Anotherword for inform. 15 lmportant document usedin international trade.(3 words- 4, 2,6) t6 A [argemetaIboxin whichgoodsareshipped. 77 Anotherwordfor get. r8 Theoppositeof export. 19 Findingan itemin transit. 22 Themeasurement systemusedin mostcountries. 25 To put thingson top of eachother. z6 A deviceusedfor liftingheavygoods. 7O I Testyourself! l7t Partner Files UNITl Exercise 8 File OL PartnerA lob specificationfor positionas store supervisor . Responsible for storeand inventory. . Makepurchase requests for all stockeditemsthat ar eat m inim u m . . Receive and processincomingorders. r Ensurematerials received arein goodcondition. o Informcustomers of collection or detiverydates. . Checkinvoicesagainstorders. UNIT2 €xercise 7 File O3 PartnerA processes in the r examineatl purchasing companyto seewherewe canmakeprocurement moreefficient z sort itemsto be boughtinto differentcategories ac c or ding t o th e i ri mp o rta n caen dv a l u e suppliers 3 devetopa systemof preferred (suppliers mustmeetcertaincriteriaand go throughformaIapprovaIprocess) UNIT4 Exercise 1O File O5 PartnerA File O2 PaftnerA IndiaLogisticsLtd - IntemationalFreight Fonvarders Highq ualityinternationaI freightforwarding fromIndia. services Air andseafreight,distribution services, order customsbrokerage. management, Manyyearsof experience in shippinggoodsquickly and cost-effectively. Sophisticated softwareto preparedocuments quicklyand correctly. IJSIIT3 Exereise 12 UNIT5 Exercise 11 File O4 PartnerA Flat-rackcontainer machinery, suitablefor: heavyloads,e.g.industriat pipes consistsof: steeIframewith a tlmberfloor,with or wit houtc ollaos i b e l en dw a l l s loading:f r omt h e s i d eu p zoft standardcontainer Max.paytoad: 47,999lb Tareweight: 4,9t6 lb Capacity: r,r72cu ft l nsi del ength: t9 ft 4i n lnsidewidth: 7 ft B in lnsideheight: 7 ft rc in UNIT6 Exercise I zt,7z7kg z,zz9kg 33.18m: 5.89m 233 m 238 m File OG PartnerA A consignment hasbeen of 35 laptopcomputers detivered to the company's branchin Hanoiinstead of Ho ChiMinhCity.Thedistribution centregave you the wrongaddress. Youhavejustarranged transportto Ho ChiMinhCityby VietnamAir.The computers shouldarriveon Friday. PartnerA Youarea customerin Canada. Youareexpecting to havesomethingpickedup fromyourpremises tomorrowat 9 a.m. UNIT7 Exercise ? File O7 PartnerA o invoicesareautomatically generated . accurate stockcontroIandwarehouse tracking . hand-helldaserscanners provi despeedand accuracy r processi ng of pi ckedgoods UNIT 8 Exercise 14 File OB PartnerA (buyer) o Youhavereceived pro formainvoiceNo3598 - thankDartnerB. . Thebankdraftfor €6,1+Sas paymentis enctosed. . Askfor detailsregarding shippingdateand expected arrivaIof consignment. 721 Partner Files UNIT1 Exercise I PartnerB for positionas distribution fob specification manager o Extensive knowledge of currenttariffs,rates,and importand exportregulations. r M onit orsh i p p i n go p e ra ti o n s . r Hireand trainstaff. o Dev elop b u s i n e spsl a n s . o Assesswarehouse operations and provide feedback. r Ensure the budgetis not overspent. UNIT2 Exercise 7 File 10 PartnerB BatticLogistics- LogisticsServices Officesin atl threeBalticStates. Air and seafreight,warehousing and distribution services. Integrated, flexibtelogisticssolutions. Teamof 5o logisticsspeciatists. UNIT S €xercise 12 Fite 11 PartnerB r reducethe numberof suppliers to 10-15 z useonlinecatalogue for routineitems(prices havealreadybeennegotiated by the purchasing department) 3 takea closelookat existingsupplier r et at ions h i p a sn dth i n ka b o u te s ta b ti s h i ng long-termpartnerships with somesuppliersof imoortantitems UNIT4 Exercise 1O UNIT5Exerciset1 F i l e 09 File 12 PartnerB Bulk container suitablefor: unpackaged dry butkcargo,e.g.grain extras:linerbagscoatedfor moistureprotection loading:severalspoutsand discharge tubesfor loadingand u n l o a d i n g File 13 Partner B zoft reefer Max.payload: 45,76oIb Tareweight: 7,o4olb Capacity: r, ooo cu ft Insi del ength: r7 ft B i n l nsi dew i dth: ZftS i n l nsi dehei ght: 7ft5i n &JNIT6 Exerelse 9 2o,756kg 3,193kg z83t mz 5.38m z.z6m z.z6m File 14 PartnerB Youarethe managerof an lT storein Ho ChiMinh City.Youwereexpecting a deliveryof 35 taptop computers. You needthe computers to arriveby Fridaymorning. PartnerB Youhavejust checkedthe documents for a shipmentto a customerin Canadaand noticedthat thereis something wrong.Thepalletheightis not the sameas i n the packi ngl i standthe shi ppi ng labelsarenot correcteither.You needto wait for correctdocuments. That'swhy pick-uptime mustbe changed to t2.3otomorrow. UNIT7 Exercise 7 File 15 Partner B o . . . preparati on andpri nti ngof shi ppi ngtabel s inter-warehouse transfers handl i ng of returns scanning of caselabetbarcodes UNITI Exereise 14 File 1& PartnerB (selter) . Youhavereceivedbankdraftas paymenton invoiceNo3598- thankpartnerA. o Theconsignment is dueto leaveLiverpool on r September, expected arrivalin Churchitl, Canada, on September r5th. lzs Answer key il ry 9 STARTER Suggestedansweni purchasing, procurement, transportation, inventorymanagement, maintenance, distribution, stockcontrol,storage,freightfonruarding 2 3 4 5 6 provide informabout ensure check organize train 1 1 z 3 4 5 storage delivery provide distribution maintenance support, tl - 1 Mycompanyprovidesan excellent delivery service, z Howmuchcargodo you handleperyear? products to other 3 Wedo not shipchemical countries. manager is alsoresponsibte for 4 Thewarehouse vehiclesandmachinery. 5 Doesthisvendorsupplycarpartsto foreign companies? 6 A freightfonararder usuatty arranges documentation forcompanies. t3 Across 4 cargo 5 stock 6 tiaise Down r olan 2 quote 3 monitor 5 ship ru 2 r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 provision to store support to deliver to distribute maintenance to transport to purchase 3 t 2 3 4 5 6 maintenance deliver purchasing provide transports slore 4 rd zf 3e 4a 5c 6b re il 5 1 2 STARTER L full container load 2 third-party togistics 3 heavygoodsvehicle centre 4 distribution load 5 lessthancontainer ge 6 electron ic datainterchan vatue-added services 8 radiofrequency identification freightforwarder manager shipping opemtions warehouse manager 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 organize deating negotiating arrange makesure advise tiaise enSure Standards Organization 9 Intemational ro Gtobal Positioning System il 7 1e 2a 3h 4C Sb 6d lf 8c 1 1c 2e 3a 4d Sb 6h 7S 8f Answerkey | 75 4 point 5 retailer 6 generated 7 datainterchange 8 schedule 9 inventory ro processing ffi 4 is activated at the pointofsale. 1c System is transferred zf Salesinformation to the CRP computer system. basedon datareceived 3a Ordersaregenerated fromcashregister. aresentto thewarehouse. 4d Orders areprocessed. 5e Orders to theretailoutlet. 6b Goodsaredelivered 5 r z 3 4 5 is monitored is oftenused aredelivered aretransferred; is co-ordinated is identified; arecategorized ffi 6 a3 bS c7 d4 e2 7 r z 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 r relationship 3PLproviders pr0curement vendors futfilment supptychain negotiation command procurement retationship strategic andsupplier management customers, 2 manageinternalandexternaI processes, orderfutfilment andlogistics optimize LU5L5 team 3 withthe procurement in supptychainmanagement or logistics 4 degree management of fiveyearsin a multinational 5 minimum company, ranguages ffi 9 relationship, strategic 1 moreco-operative partnership andworkmore z lowercostsconsiderably efficientty 3 marketleader products 4 pharmaceutical agreement 5 long-term 1() tc zd 3f 4b 5a 6e ffi 77 Suggestedanswer DearLuke in Wehavetalkedaboutpossible costsavings purchasing in ourteam.Wealsothinkit woutdbe a goodideato discuss thisin moredetail. in Wefeeltherewouldbea lot of savingpotential management. someareas, especiatty in supplier Inouropi ni on w eshoutd: r choose morecarefulty oursupptiers z establish standards foroursupptiers stricter moreclosely withsomeof our 3 co-operate importantsuppliers(to achievebetterresults). l'll caltyounextweekto giveyousomemoredetails on that. Regards Mike t3 forthreenew r Please findattached ourquotation products to yourrequest. according z Ourpricesarecalculated on thebasisofyour figures. forecast of annualconsumption we will deliveron palletsto 3 As requested Barcetona or Madrid. 4 Fora contracttermofat leasttwo yearswe can offeryoua discount of z,5o/o, quotation sheetall prices 5 Intheattached to your havebeenlistedin columns according requirements. pleaselet me 5 lfyou haveanyfurtherquestions know. fromyousoon. to hearing 7 Welookforward ffi 14 1c zf 3e 4a Sb 6d 75 Suggested answer Dear... Pleasefind attachedour quotationfor our GPS system'Road NavigatorTX-z3oo'. We can offeryou a priceof $975.ooper item includingVATat r5%. lf your orderexceedsro items,we can offeran additionaldiscountof 8%. Deliverywill be made within 6 daysof receiptof purchaseorder. lf you haveany furtherquestions,pleaselet me know. Roct raqardc 76 | Answerkey ru wn I r generalpurpose:drycargo z reefer,refrigerated: delicatecargoand perishables liquids 3 tanktainer: 4 opentop: bulkycargo heavymachinery andpipes 5 flat-rack: 5tatter a3 bz c4 dS e6 ft t rd zf lb 4a 5c 5e re 9 2 8 tashing level controlled frame prugs tarpaulin removed machinery r 2 3 4 5 reefercontainer tanktainer general purpose container flat-rackcontainer open-top container 7 inland waterwavs road loeed in davs rail (express servlce) 2 3 4 5 6 3 lost tow 50%higher l0% higher than barse :han truck flexibilitv low iiervhish low 3 r longer z the cheapest 3 higher 4 faster 5 moreexpensive 6 slower Suggestedanswers r Infrequent sailings:therearebargestwicea week. z Checkwiththe customer firstto find outwhat theywant. 3ffiW 5 a2 b4 ca dr 6 r toading z straddle 3 move 4 handle 5 fitted 6 mounted 7 piling 8 reach g maoe ro attached rc 7 x. lifting 2 come 3 fitted 4 stack 5 attached 6 fixed 7 run ry tt perishable: meat,freshproduce, seafood,dairy products, chilledor frozenfoodstuffs non-perishable tiquids: crudeoi[,alcohol, harmfut chemicals heavyweight: andoverwidthsteelpipes,industrigl boilers,tractors ffi t2 a reefer:perishable cargo b flat-rackcontainer: heavyweight and/or overwidthcargo c tankcontainer: non-perishable liquids t3 Across 1 Waste 4 Crane 6 vessel 7 rigid Down z tube 3 tank + chitled 5 reefer re Stafter Suggestedanswerc size,dimensions, typeof goods,infrastructure, time factor/speed/urgency, natureof the goods,security Answerkey | 77 9 r foot z kilogram 3 OUnCe 4 centimetre 5 pound 6 cubicyard 7 squaremetre 8 i nch 9 pi nt ro gallon ! 2 3 4 5 6 btocktrain,single-wagon nextmonth London, UK blocktrain if theycouldplanwellahead at least7 hours ffiffi 2 r calting about z Couldyou 3 wouldbe 4 recommeno 5 moresuitabte 6 suggestthat 7 an alternative 8 alsoconsider 9 Howmuch ro if youlike 1() metric re (mmr) cubicmiltimetre centimetre(cm;) metre(m:) capacity litre (t) non-metric inch(r in) foot (ft) yard (yd) mile (m) ounce(oz) pound(b) shortton (t) US longton UK squareinch (sq in) foot (sq ft) yard (sq yd) mile (sq m) cubicinch(cuin) foot (cu ft) yard (cuyd) fluid ounce(fl oz) pint (pt) quart (qt) eailon (eal) :'ffiiif t2 4a 5e 6b r z 3 4 5 5 tareweight grossweight payload tength width height True False: theyaregoingto Dubai. False:therearer5 boxes. True False: August3'd. True re 13 r CoolAir z Stockholm, Sweden 3 Dubai,UnitedArabEmirates 7 r tareweight: B,B8opounds z internal tength: 39 foot5 inches height: Z footZ inches 3 internal 4t> ffi 8 r Theweightofthe package is 45 kg. z Thewidthofthisseagoing vesselis about 30 metres. ofthe casewe needto ship 3 Themeasurements arer m (tong)by 5o cm (wide)by tS cm (high). deep. 4 lt is nearly3 centimetres 5 Theshipis morethan65 metreslong. dooris 7 footro inches 6 Theopencontainer's high. gram (g) kilogramftg) tonne (t) votume re 6 r z 3 4 5 6 weight centimetre(cm') metre(m') kilometre(km') Couldyoulet mehavesomeinformation about ...? Whatwoutdbe the cheapest / fastest/ safest/ way/ option? mostconvenient In that caseI recommend / suggestthatyou use/ ship... I thinkthe bestoptionwouldbe to ... Wecanprovide / arrange / ship...if youtike. lf youprefer... ... , we couldalsoarrange Asan alternative, we canofferyou... zd lf millimetre(mm) centimetre(cm) metre(m) kilometre(km) surfuce squaremillimetre(mm') 3 regarding... A | (woutd)needsomeinformation 4 lc length l 5 August3'd 6 August6th 7 r5o kg xt5 = 2,250kg 8 Cooting units 9no ro August6th r4 Suggestedanswer fortheshipment Please of r5 senda quotation coolingunitsfromStockholm, Sweden to Dubai, Theunitscanbe pickedup UnitedArabEmirates. August3'dandmustarriveno laterthanAugust by air.The 6th.Wewouldlikethemtransported unitsweigh15okg each.Theyarer7o cmhigh, 78 :-s,,' :'(e ,' : r45 cmwide,and8z cmdeep.Yourquotations shouldinclude detaited information on freight andinsurance rates,detivery terms,andtermsof paymenr. Bestregards PaEq''41{i;i.i t5 r Please sendusa quotation for a shipment to Madras. z Please stateyoureartiest detivery datein your ouotation. 3 Couldyoupleaselet us havea quotation including thefollowing details? ratesfora parttruckload 4 Whatareyourshipping to Birmingham? shouldalsoinclude detailed 5 Yourquotation information on sailingtimesandinsurance rates. quoteforthetransport 6 Ptease of thefottowing consignment. !.1;P!$e45.:., Starter r z 3 4 5 5 7 8 Fragile T hiss id eu p Useno hooks Donotsiack Explosive Storeawayfromheat Keepdry Toxic I>U 0ecause atthough due as a resutt despite because in spiteof ==aq#$#i 8 r 2 3 4 5 6 ..:i 2 a be forel oading:\ 4, 7, g b lo ad ing :z , 5, 8, r t c afte rloa ding:3, 6, t o, 72 4e 5 1 N o,theycan' t. z Thefastestoptiontakes48 hours. theyhaveverylimitedloading 3 No,because capacity. ofthe HGVdrivingbanon Saturdays 4 Because andSundays. 5 Hewantsto callGLPandthengetbackto Sonja. 6 r I thinkwe'vereatlygota probtem here. z Unfortunately, wecan'tuseoneof ourregular fonrvarders forthisshipment. smaller 3 Thismeansthatwewoutdhaveseveral partialdeliveries. 4 We'dalsohaveto paya lot moreasa result. because of the 5 Wecan'tdeliverat theweekend HGVdrivingbanon Saturdays andSundays. 5 | hadno ideathisdetivery wouldcauseso many problems. 2 3 4 5 6 Z 8 7 3a 2to 3 out 4cf 50n 6 between 7i n 8bv 7 r examine z diagonalty 3 instructions 4 SUre 5 place 6 secure 7fit B overhanging 9 attention ro carefully n distribute 12 exceeded 29 4 1 with t+i}t * F.48gdi$; 3 td ig-sls .. 5h 6c tb 8f result CaUSeo turned due to In spite of reason 10 Pteasefind attachedthe followingdocuments: detiverynote No 7ooo7to8,packinglist and s h i p p i n go r d e r . Ourforwarderhas iust pickedup the goodsfrom our warehouse. The goodsshouldbe at your disposaI on Monday3r Octoberzoo9. Pleasenote that a copyofthe batchcertificate will be sent to you as soon as possibleby email.As Answerkey | 79 we soonas we receivethe originalbatchcertificate, willsendit to you. pleaselet me lf youhaveanyfurtherquestions, know. m I 72 zd :b 4a 5c ffi 73 1c zd 3a 4e 5b t4 r appointed z clearance 3 importing 4 withstand 5 mark 6 individuatty 7 exhibitor 8 weight 6 r z 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 r z 3 4 5 6 m 3 4 Starter 1e zd 3f 4c 5a 6b t receiving back-upstorage orderpicking sortation andvalue-added services collation anddispatch marshalling m 3b 4c 5e 3 rb 3c 4d 5e 2g optimize warehouses service reorganize space tracking cyctetimes ensures driverless rigid,collapsible stackable adiustable suitabte,butky mobile re 2 2 1a zd True False: mention invoices. shedoesn't % 9 r z 3 a 5 6 True True cycle byupto False: timescouldbereduced 25o/o, 4 u Suggestedanswer wasdispatched OrdernumberN"68809986 yesterday, r3thby rail.lt witl be detivered February UK.lt is expected to the customefssitein Banbury, r5thbeforero a.m. to arriveFebruary 1e 5 6h 7f 8a U 6 7 8 Youscanin thebarcode. Youenterthe system. Youcanseeandaccessatl positions... Youcanput togetherpackages. Thesystemcalculates theweight. Youchoose meansoftransport, Theshippinglabelsareprinted. Theorderis complete ... 1(, r z 3 4 5 6 7 8 the firststepis Afterthat the nextstep fottowing that Once actuallythe nextstep cometo the laststage After ffi 72 4 a b c d e f hasbeenchecked hasbeenidentified;mustbe issued hasreported;is checked maybe tabetled areprocessed; arechecked direct 1c zf 3e qd 5a 6b Across 2 store 4 stack 5 bi n 6 pick Down r breakbulk 2 sort 3 item S I Ansrrer kev 4 r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ro ffi Startel t BIL z DIP 3 EXW 4 CIF s AWB 6 rMO 7 BIE 8 L/C bitlof lading documents againstpayment ex works cost,insurance, freight airwaybitl international moneyorder bill ofexchange letterof credit t r conditions z required 3 indicating 4 carriage 5 approved 6 draft 7 authority 8 commercial 9 hazardous 10 receipt ffi 5 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 10n zat 3i n 4by 5 for 6 within 7 U^f 8to 2 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ro Provide clearanddetaileddescriotions ofthe goodsyouwishto ship. ldentifu the goodsto be shippedby usingHTSor BTNnumbers. Clearly indicate thevalueof the items. Statewherethe goodsweremanufactured. Sendsixcopiesof the commercial invoiceand packing listfourdayspriorto arrivat. Thedocuments mustincludethefoltowing details. Listthe quantityof eachitem. Include the nameandsignature ofthe person preparing the documents. Donot usegeneral descriptions andlumpsum valueson yourinvoices. Specifu the contents, weight,anddimensions of eachbox. 8 1by zby 3 untit 4by 5 unti l 6bv ffi 9 tf za 3c 4e 5d 6b 1() Company A: openaccount, not secure Company B: letterof credit,oneof the mostsecure payment, Company C:advance the mostsecure ffi 3 r Because theshipment of bothpearlsin plastic containers hasn'tarrivedyet. z Because theywantto startpackaging on Monday. 3 lt wasdeliveredto the wrongaddress/customer. 4 ByMonday. 5 By expresscargo. 6 ByFridayafternoon. theaddress on the documents is wrong. Z Because get on get back takecare getin touch seeto look ffi ffi r findout gei on seemsthat verysorry,sortedout get back justtatked shoutdhave beOK seeto the least tt r True z False:they'regoodfor the buyer. 3 True 4 False:it's for newcustomers. 5 True 6 True ffi 72 rd zh 3c 4a 5C 6e Zf 8b Answerkey | 81 ffiw t3 r z 3 4 5 6 7 8 t5 rb remittance transfer receipt draw advice payment credit acknowledgement 2a fb 4a 5a 6b Testyourselfl Across z forwarder 3 dispatch 4 quotation 8 value 9 patlet r4 warehouse p6 carrier zo supplier 21 remit z3 pick z4 invoice z6 cargo z7 barge 28 carton 29 result Down 1 letterof credit 5 label 6 retailer z paytoad ro truck u fragite rz purchasing 13 advise r5 bitlof lading 16 container 17 receive 18 import r9 tracking 22 mettic 25 stack z6 crane 82 1 Transcripts tr\ w Speaker t Logisticsmeansthat you managethe procurement and movementof goodsand the storageof inventory. Speoker e lt meansthe deliveryofthe goodsthe customerneedsat the righttime, in the right place,and of the rightquality. Speaker 3 My definitionof logisticsis this: it's to plan,organize,and manageoperations that provideservicesand goods. Speaker 4 Logistics- that'sthe purchasing, maintenance, distribution,and replacement of materialand staff. Speaker 5 Logisticsis the ptanningand supportof operationssuchas warehousing, inventory, transport,procurement, suppty,and maintenance. .<r\ Speaker t Myjob is to organize thetransportof w 5 goodseitherby sea,air,road,or rail.An partof thejob is deating important with customer requests aboutthemostsuitable modeof transport. Myresponsibitities goodshipping alsoinclude negotiating rateswithshipping linesandtransport companies. I alsomakebookingreservations, that meansI bookspaceon a ship,train,lorry, partof thejob is to or airplane. Another consolidate a numberof shipments under onebittof tading. Apartfromthat,I haveto deatwithatIthe necessary documentation and,in manycases, I arrange customs clearance on behalfof myclients. Speaker z l'm responsible for gettingfreightand passengers to theirdestination safely andon schedule. Mostof mycustomers areinternationaI transport or shipping companies. In mylob I haveto makesure thatthecargois notdamaged onboard t h es h i po r w h i l el o a d i n og r u n l o a d i ng. I'malsoresponsible forfinanciaI aspects; thatmeans, forexample, I haveto keep an eyeon thebudgetandestimate costs. Additionatly, I advisecustomers on quotations shipping ratesandprepare for oursalesoffice. Speaker myiob is to knowwhereevery 3 Generally pieceof stockis at anygivenmoment. Whennewgoodsanive,I checkwhere to putthemin thewarehouse. Forat[ this,I usemoderncomputer systems and sophisticated hardware andsoftware. 0ur warehouse management system helpsusstoreandretrieve thegoods quickly. Anotherpartof myjob is to tiaise withdepartments suchastransport and production. Apartfromthat,I ensure machines, andanyother thatvehicles, ki ndof equi pment aremai ntai ned to a hightevel.Andlastbutnot least,I take carethatheatthandsafetvstandards are maintained. c\ w 4 (GFTGtobalCarrier)Providerr Weareoneof theworld'sleading transport companies peryear. witha freightvolumeof 6oo,ooo containers Asa majornon-vessel common carrier operating (NVOCC), we canofferourcustomers competitive rateswithall majorshipping tinesaswetlas flexible solutions for different seafreightrequirements. Wespecialize in sotutions forfullcontainer toads(FCL) andlessthancontainer consolidated toads(LCL). Wealsoprovideourcustomers withservices suchas web-based tracking for cargoin transit. (HomeTexInternationa[) Providerz Asa specialist in hometextiles, we canofferourctients customized Withmore services to meettheirneeds. thanz5 years'experience in theindustry anda modern fleetofvehicles, we canensure fast,safedelivery of yourconsignments. include Ourservices orderpicking, packing, distribution andhandling of alltransport documentation. Ourteamwittbe happyto assistyou yourorder. in all matters regarding (CargoExpress)Provider3 provider CargoExpress is Asia'sleading of airfreight services. Specializing in consotidated airfreight youwithtailor-made forwarding, we canprovide foryourairtransport solutions requirements. We workclosety withaircarriers aroundtheworldand canofferourcustomers a widerangeof flexibte and cost-effective Theseinclude services. collection, consolidation, customs clearance, distribution, and ontinetracking of atlcargomovements. Transcripts les system whichis activated by consumer demand and whichco-ordinates theflowof information andgoods in thelogistic chain. CRPis a sales-based orderingsystemwhichworkstike youwant this:firstof all,youdecidewhatproducts to orderat whatstocklevel.Thesystemwitl usethis information at thepointof salein theretailstore.Then theorderis processed Andfinatly at thewarehouse. thegoodsaredelivered to theretaiter. To illustrate howthisworksin practice, I'llgiveyou an example. Theleading Russian clothes retailer YoungFashion introduced continuous replenishment threeyearsago.Withthenewsystem, all ordersare generated by computers, whichprocess datareceived program, fromcashregisters. whichis Thecomputer extremely flexibte,is cattedRetailOrderingAssistant. Theordersaresentto thewarehouse by electronic datainterchange, wheretheyareprocessed. And finatty thegoodsaredelivered to thedifferent outlets according to a schedule. Sincetheintroduction oftheCRPsystem, Young Fashion havemanaged to cutinventory andtransport costsby about15%andhavereduced leadtimeto onlyr8 hours.Moreover, errorsin orderprocessing havebeenreduced considerabty by usingscanning technology andEDl. Asa maiornon-vesset operating common carrier,we canofferourcustomers competitive rateswithall majorshipping lines. in solutions for fullcontainer Wespecialize loads(FCL) andtessthancontainer consolidated toads(LCL). Asa specialist in hometextiles, we can offerour clientscustomized services to meettheirneeds. Ourteamwitlbe happyto assistyouin atl yourorder. regarding matters youwithtailorWecanprovide foryourairtransport madesotutions requirements. Weclosely co-operate withaircarriers aroundtheworldandcanofferour customers a widerangeof flexible and cost-effective services. &! w 5 t ExpressLogisticsOnlineShipping Speaker WithourQuickOntine Shipping toolyou canfindthe rightserviceto suityour needs. ThisonlinetooIallows shipping youto planshipments, bookcollections anddetiveries, andkeeptrackofyour you consignments. Usingthissystem canalsoprepare shipping andcustoms documentation andcheckshipment recordsfor up to 9o days.To useQOS, yourtownor simplylogon by selecting regionfromthedrop-down menuon the teft. Speaker z Intercargo E-Shipping Ourweb-based bookingsystem offersyoL rangeofe-services an extensive designed yourshipping to simptifu requirements. youcan Afterregistering withE-Shipping, makepricerequests, schedule transport, andobtainreal-time shioment information. Withthisuser-friendty tooIyoucanreceive quotations forworldwide shipments and ptaceorders. Youcanalsotrackpick-ups Witha mouseclickyoucan anddeliveries. in alsodownload commercial documents odf format. a7 Todayl'm goingto teltyousomething aboutCRP. That l'tlalsoexplain meanscontinuous replenishment. how it canbe usedto lowerinventory andoperational costs andto shortenproductleadtimes. whatCRPmeans. Letmestartby explaining lt is a A o E Petel Gisele OK,let'sgetstarted.Youknowthatwe needto discuss with negotiation strategies oneof ourmedical equipment supptiers today.I suppose we atlagreethatwe areinterested in a moreco-operative relationship withoursupplier, BAF.I think we woulddefinitety benefitfroma strategic partnership. Howdo youfeelaboutthat? I agree.I thinkwe couldlowercosts considerably if andworkmoreefficiently we co-operated moreclosety. Butwe need to thinkaboutreasons whytheyshoutd enterintoa partnership withus.Whatare yourthoughts on that,Gisele? I thinkyou'reright.That'swhyweshould tellthemthatit willbe to theiradvantage to workwith us because we arethe market leader. Yes,andI alsosuggest tellingthemthat thisa goodopportunity to associate witha majorpharmaceutical brandlikeours. Thatsoundsgood.In myopinionit woutd alsobe important to pointoutthatwe're interested in establishing a long-term agreement. Goodidea.Andwhydon'twesaythatit's theirchance to enterthepharmaceutical market.So fartheyhaven'thadaccess to thismarket. Yes,goodpoint. 84 | Transcripts Excellent. Thanks foryourcomments. I'll workouta catalogue withthe pointswe havecovered todayandwillsendit to you tomorrow. A 9 Hao Ying Ying Hao Ying Hoo Ying Ying plugsin casethecargoneedscoolingor withelectric heating duringtransport. Forbulkycargowe recommend theopen-top container. lt comeswitha PVCtarpaulin coverinstead of a roofpanelto atlowtoading fromthetop.The doorscanbe removed to makeloading easier. Lastbutnot least,thereis our'flat-rack'container whichis especiatly designed for heavyloads.We recommend thisspecial typeof container forthe transportation of heavymachinery andpipes. Wett,basicatly we havethreeshipping options: we canuseinlandwaterways, road,or rai[. Right.Let'sstartwith the riverbarge.How longwoutdit taketo shiptheconsignment by barge? Normally aboutsixdays,butit oftentakes @ Simon tongerif theweather's bad. Andwhataboutcostandflexibility? Paula It'scheap- it'sactuatty thecheapest of all thetransport options.lt's notveryflexibte though,mainlybecause thereareonly infrequent saitings. Therearebarges to Simon Shanghai twicea week. OK,tet'slookat roadtransport. lt would Pau!o ontytakefourdaysto shipby truck,but thecostwouldbe about5o%higherthan by barge. Yes,butwouldn'tit be mucheasier? That'strue.Let'sseehowthiscompares withrail. Railwoulddefinitety be faster thanthetruckoptionif we usetheexpress - that takesthreedays. service Butit wouldalsobe moreexpensive than shipping by road- transport costsare about4o%higher. Andthesystem isn't veryflexible. Sometimes it is ontypossible to bookspaceon the express traina few weeksin advance. Andthenperhaps we'd haveto usethestandard train,whichis muchslower. So,I thinkwe needto checkwithour customer firstandfind out what'smost important to them. Paula Simon el ry to Firstof all,we offerthe generalpurposecontainer for anygeneral drycargo.lt comeswitha timberfloorand hasvariouslashing devices to secure theload.These pointsarelocated lashing horizontally at floorlevel andvertically nextto thedoorcornerposts. Ourrefrigerated container, calted'reefer', canbe used for delicate cargoandperishables. lt is temperaturecontrolled andis particularly suitabte forcargothat needsregulated or cooltemperatures. Withourreefer yourcargoreaches its destination in perfectcondition. lf youwantto shiptiquids, for example, foodstuffs or youwithour'tanktainer'. chemicals, we canprovide Thisis a standardcontainer framewith a tankfitted inside.Asan extra.we alsooffertankcontainers Paula Simon Paula Simon Poula GtobalFreight Logistics. SimonDawson speaki ng. Hetto, thisis PaulaSantinifromMarmi Italia.I'mcallingaboutthetrainoptions described on yourwebsite. Couldyoutell mea bit moreaboutthem? Yes,of course. Whatexactly wouldyoutike to know? Wehavesomenewcustomers in theUK andwitlneedto shipmarbte andgranite to Londonnextmonth.Whatwouldbe the bestrailootionfor us? Thatdepends. Fortargevolumes, I would recommend usingbtock-train transport. quantities, lf youwantto shipsmaller thesingle-wagon optionwouldbe more suitable. I see.Howflexible arethevarious options? I mean,howearlywouldwe needto place ourorder? lf flexibitity is important, I wouldsuggest thatyoubooktheflexitrain btocktrain option.lt'sa bit moreexpensive, butwith thatyoucanplaceyourorderup Io 24 hoursbeforetheactualshipping date.As an alternative, I cansuggest single-car transport, whichis evenmoreflexible - youcanorderup to two hoursbefore cottection. Thatsoundsgood. Ofcourse, it is alwayscheaper if youcan plantransport wetlahead.Inthatcasewe shouldalsoconsider theotherblock-train options. OK.Justonelastquestion: howmuchtime wouldwe havefor toading? At least7 hours,butwe couldarrange longerloading timesif youtike. Thankyouverymuchforyourhetp.I'tt getbackto youassoonas I haveour customers' c transport specifi requirements. Fine.I lookforwardto hearingfromyou again.Goodbye. Bve. Transcripts le s Martin A) w 72 - the4oft OK,so thisis oneof ourlargercontainers 0penTop.ltstareweightis 4,o3okitos,thatis 8,88o pounds. lts grossweightis 3z,5ookilos.Andhereare theinternal measurements ofthecontainer. TheOpen - or 39 foot Topcontainer's lengthinsideis 12metres lts internal widthis 2;5 m,andits height 5 inches. Andthecontainer's is z3z m - that's7 fool7 inches. paytoad is 28,47okitos. maximum Korla Mortin Karla Maftin 6 lvlartin 13 Karla Karla Martin Korla Martin Karl0 Martin Karla Martin Karla Martin Karla Martin Karla Martin Korla Martin Karla IFTInternational Forwarders, MartinSmith. HowcanI hetpyou? Hetlo, thisis KarlaHanssen fromCoolAir, I needa quotation Sweden. for airfreight to theUnitedArabEmirates. I'vebeen & tryingto complete theonlinequotation 74 form,butit keepscrashing. Sorryaboutthat.Wehavehadsome problems withit recently. I'ttseeif I it. YousaidVournamewas canretrieve Hanssen, didn'tyou? Yes,that'sright. OK,hereit is.Welt,it'ssavedsomeof your details. Wecango throughthe restof the detailsoverthephoneandI'lt consignment fill in thequotation foryou. go ahead. Thanks, OK.Um...let'sstartwiththefreightdetaits. Couldyoubrieflydescribe thegoodsyou wantto shio? They're coolingunitsandthey'regoingto Du b a i . materiat. How OK,so that'snon-hazardous manyunitsdo youwantto ship? r5 boxeswitha grossweightof r5o kg eacn. Right. Andthesizeof eachbox? Eachboxis r7o cmhigh,r45 cmwideand w o u l dbe 8z c md e e p .I th i n kth ev o tu me about3om3 OK,let mejustcheckthatforyou.Hotdthe Hetlo? line.IPause] Hi. OK,so thevolumewouldbe 3o.3rm: for ...Wheredo you thewholeconsignment wantto shipthegoodsfrom? Stockhotm. Sweden. Andwhenwoutdyouliketheunitsto be d\ 'tv cotlected at yourpremises? 75 0n August3'd. OK,gotthat.Whenshoulddetivery be made? It'sveryimportant thatourcustomer receives theunitson August6th.Would thatbe a probtem? Karla Jon Sonia lon Sonja Jon Sonja Sonja Jon Sonja lon I don'tthinkso,but I'llcheck.Doyouhave anyotherspeciaI requirements? No,justthatdelivery date. OK- I'llgetbackto youwitha quotation withinthenexttwo hours.Coutdyou givemeyourtelephone andfaxnumbers, ptease? Yes,of course. Mynumberis oo46 89oz65o3o andthefaxnumberis oo46 Andmy nameis Karla 89o265o39. Hanssen. Thanks verymuchMsHanssen. I'ttspeak to yousoon.Goodbye. Thankyou.Bye. ExportLogistics. JonFrederikson, H iJon,thi si s S onj a. I' mj ustphoni ng about youremail. HiSonja.Thanks forgettingbackto meso quickty. Sowhatcanwe do aboutGLPin France? I thinkwe'vereatlygota problem here. Unfortunately, we can'tuseoneof our regutar forwarders I've forthisshipment. talkedto all ofthemandthefastest service wouldtake48 hours. Can'twe usesomeone thatspecializes in express deliveries? Notreally.I'vechecked thisoptiontoo,but I'm notsureit wouldworkfor us because theyoffera verytimitedloadingcapacity. Thismeansthatwewouldhaveseveral partialdeliveries. smaller Andwe'dhaveto paya lot moreasa result. Hmm.Whatabouttheweekend detivery? That'spossible, isn'tit? I'mafraidnot.Wecan'tdeliverat the weekend because ofthe HGVdrivingban on Saturdays andSundays. Ohdear.I hadno ideathisdetivery would causeso manyprobtems. I'tttalkto GLP againandwittgetbackto youlater. foryourhelp. Thanks Noproblem. Speakto yousoon.Bye. Bve. Weareheretodayto discuss OK,let'sgetstarted. how we canimprove management ourwarehouse system which,asyouall know,is outdated andnotvery efficient. I thinkthisnewwarehouse areamanagement WMSzXwouldhelpuscutcostsandoptimize system ourprocesses. Letmegiveyousomeof its main features andbenefits. 86 | Transcripts Onegreatadvantageof WMSzX is that we could reducethe numberofwarehousesacrossCanadaby centralizing the inventoriesin one singlelocation.This meansthat we couldservicealt our NorthAmerican customersfrom one warehouse. Anotherinterestingfeatureof WMS2X is customer ordercycletimes.lt optimizesprocesses and can reducecustomerordercycletimes by up to 25"/".lf we manageto improveour processes in this area,we couldincreasecustomersatisfaction by gettingthe goodsto them faster. Warehousemanagmentcould be improvedas well by transferring departmentsnow workingat different placesto one singleplace.Thiscouldinvolvethe areas receiving,orderpicking,and packing. WMSzX woutd atsohelp us reducewarehousearea a nd g rou pspac e.I t hink it is anot herbig plus po i n t that we couldhavejust one warehousefloor instead ofthe four we havenow. Thiscoutdbe achievedby instattingan automatedstorageand retrievalsystem. The new systemwould also enableus to trackthe materialflow at any givenmoment. And one last advantageis the print-on-demand feature.Thisallowsprintingof labets,brochures, and customerguidetinesin z5 languages. Peter Simon Peter Simon d: v3 18 2 Brit Peter B{it Peter /il\ g Peter a6 Mike Peter Mike Pete{ Mike Peter €r, G t 17 Simon Peter Simon OK,this is how the systemsworks.lt's actuatlyquitesimpte.Afterthe goods havearrivedat the packinglocation,the firststep is to scanin the barcodeofthe shippingbox.Afterthat you enterthe Packinglocationdialogue. OK,I gotthat.Whatis thenextstep? Wetl,following thatyoucanseeandaccess al[positions in the pickingcontainer. I see. lfyou usethisfunction, youcanformone packages or severaI andoncethepackage is complete, thesystem willautomatically calculate theweightusinga datainterface between thescales andthesystem. . h aa S o u n dgso o dW t b o u th t es h i p pi ng labets? Thatis actually thenextstep.Thesystem wittprinttheshipping [abetafteryouhave selected themeansoftransport. Andnow we cometo the laststageof thisprocess. Aftertheorderhasbeencompleted, the detivery noteis printedautomatically. Hi Peter.lt'sSimonhere. H iS i mo nH. o wa rey o ud o i n g ? Fine,thanks.Um,listenPeter,I'vejusthad a callfromourcustomer in lceland. Thev areveryupsetbecause thatshipment of Brit Peter g: !a:s 79 bath peartsin olasticcontainers whichwas supposedto be deliveredthis morning, hasn'tarrivedyet. Do you know anything a b o u tt h i s ? Sorry,I haveno ideaat the moment,but I'tl flnd out. Do you want me to get in touchwith the customeras soon as I know what the oroblemis? Yes,that would be great.The customer saysthey urgentlyneedthe consignment becausethey want to start packagingon Monday. 0K, l'tt get on to it straightaway.Talkto you laterthen. Bye. Bye. Bio BeautyPharma,Brit Egbertspeaking. HelloMs Egbert.Thisis PeterBott from Vita Cosmetics. I understandthereis a problemregardingthe shipmentof bath pearlsyou shouldhavereceivedthis morning. Yes,well ...the containers still haven't anived.What'sthe problem? l've just checkeda[[the documentsand it seemsthat we usedthe wrongaddress. Yourconsignment was deliveredto another customerby mistake.l'm reallysorryabout this, Ms Egbert,but l'I do everythingI can to get this problemsortedout. lf I tatk to our forwardersherein the UK now, I'm surewe'll find a solution. OK.But makesurethat we havethe consignment by Monday,otherwisewe'tI be in serioustrouble. Yes,I understand.l'tt get backto you as soon as I've spokento the forwarder. 3 Pete/ Erit Peter Brit Peter Brit He[[o,Ms Egbert.This is PeterBott again.l've iust talkedto our freight forwardersherein the UK.They'tlpick up the containers at the othercustomer's premisestomorrowmorningand get them shippedto lcetandby expresscargo. Thatway you shoutdhavethem by Friday afternoon.Woutdthat be OKfor you? Yes,that soundsgood. Excellent. There'sjust one otherthing. As I said before,the addresson the documentstravellingwith the containers is wrong.Coutdyou makesurethat your logisticspeopteknow that?Otherwisethe consignment might be rejectedat the gate. Yes,I'ttseeto that. Thanksfor your help. It's the leastI can do. Let me know if there are any other probtems. I witt.Bve. Transcripts | 87 t Openaccount € Speaker 20 Wemainlydo business in Europe, where mostof ourcustomers expectus to give terms.Obviously, this themopenaccount methodof paymentis goodfor the buyers, but not for us as exDorters because we don'trealtyhaveanycontroloverthe paymentprocess. Wecanaskthe customer to payat a certaindateor withina certain period,butwe canneverbesurethatthey witl paythen.To protectourselves against we non-payment or customer insolvency, takeout creditinsurance. usually z Lefterofcredit Speaker Withcustomers we haven'tdonebusiness with before,we atwaysusea letterof credit.lt allowsus to agreedetailedterms withthebuyer,whichcan'tbe changed oncetheyhavebeenfixed.Aboveall, it's oneof the mostsecurepayment methodsin foreigntrade.Thebuyer'sand setler'sbankworktogetherandofferthe of payment. Witha sellera commitment documentary creditlikethiswe canbe sure thatwe'llbe paidforthegoodswe supply. Speaker 3 Advancepayment in high We'rea smallcompany speciatizing qualitycomputer hardware. Ourcompany policyis thatcustomers haveto payup front.Thatmeansthe customers transfer the moneybeforewe shipthe hardware we'rea smallbusiness, to them.Because ourcashflowsituationdoesn'tallowus to offercustomers longercreditperiods. Wewoutdn'tbeabteto copewithdetayed payment or customers notpayingat att. it's the mostsecure Forus asse[[ers, payment method. Weknow,of course, that mostof ourcustomers wouldpreferother paymentfacitities. 88 I Useful phrases and vocabulary Whatdo you do? What'syour line of work? I workfor a majorshippingcompany. I workin the regional depot. I'm responsible for ... In my job I haveto ... Myjob invotves ... I often... I workfor an international logistics company. Heusualty spendsa lot of timewith hiscustomers. Doyoushipgoodsto Asia? Hedoesn'twork in the Eurooean office. Whatdo you think? Howdo you feetaboutthat? Whatareyourthoughtson that? Doyouagree? I suggest thatwe ... In my opi ni onw e shoul d... Perhaps we shoutd... Whydon'twe ... That'sa good idea. Thatsoundsgood. I agree. That'sright. Wecanofferyou a wide rangeof ... Wecanprovide(youwith)customized/tailor-made logistics solutions for ... Wespeziatize in ... As a specialist forlin...we can... Withour manyyearsof experience ... Wehaveexperience and expertisein providing... Ourteamwilt be happyto handle.../assist you with ... Withour dedicatedteamof logisticsexpertswe can... Thepricerequest tool allowsyouto obtainpricesfor s hipm ent s . pping helpsyou preparelprint/track/select E-Shi ... on[ ine. To ... , (ust) sign up/register forllogon to ... pleaseuse... Forpricerequests, To access shipment details,click... We/lneeda guotation for a shipment to ... Pleaseguotefor (thesupply/transport of) ... Please sendus a quotation for ... quoteyourlowestpricefor ... Please Yourquotation shouldincludedetailedinformation on freightand insurance rates,deliveryterms,delivery date,andtermsof payment. Thegoodsaredelivered to a depot. Theorderis generated by the computer. Problems arequicklyidentified. Information is transferred to the warehouse. Theforkscanbe raisedby a simplepumpaction. Thissystemmustbe fittedwith detectors. Afterthe goodshavebeenchecked, theygo into backupstorage. Theunloading hasbeencompleted. Please find attached our quotationfor... Weare pleasedto quoteas follows. Wecanquoteyou a gross/netpriceof ... Thepricesquotedaboveinclude... Wecanofferyou a priceof ... per ... Wecanofferyou too/ooff the retailprice. Weatlowa zo/ocashdiscountfor paymentwithin3o oays. Ourpricesaresubjectto a z5o/o tradediscountoff net orice. Wegranta trade/quantity/cash discountof ... % on our [istorices. lf yourorderexceeds z,oooitems,we canofferyou a furtherro% discount. Deliverycanbe effectedimmediately afterreceiptof oroer. As requested, we will deliveron palletsto ... Wewouldbe abteto deliverwithinten davsof receiptof order. Transport by seais cheaper thantransport by air. Steelis heavier thanpaper. goodsby roadis moreexpensive Shipping than shipping themby rait. Sometransoort modesaremorereliable thanothers. Ourratesare betterthantheirs. Theirservice is worsethanours. Thisshipment will travelfurtherthanthe lastone. Usefulphrases andvocabulary le s I'd liketo ask/enquire about... I'mcatting about... I'm writingabouVwithregardto ... Couldyou tell me how much/many/long/often ...? Forthisconsignment I wouldrecommend/suggest usingair transport. I recommend/suggest thatyoushipthe goodsby roao. We/You shouldalsoconsiderair transportfor ... Thatdepends on yourspecific requirements. Anotheroptionwouldbe to ... 0f courseit wouldalsobe possible to ...(instead). you/wecoutd... Alternatively, is 3 by z by 2.5metres. Ourconsignment Thisbox measures z by t.5 by 2.5 metres. Its measurements are20 by 85 by 6o centimetres. Theemptycontainer weighs5,oookg. Thenet/tare/gross weightof the containeris ... kg/tons. paytoad Thecontainerb maximum is ... Thebox is 4o cm highilong/wide/deep. Its/theheight/length/width/depth is 4o cm. Theaboveorderhasbeenhandedoverto our fonararding agentstoday. Theconsignment will be detivered to yourwarehouse in Brussets. Onegreatadvantage is ... Themostinteresting featureis ... It woutdhetpus reduce/increase/improve/optimize ... Anothermajoradvantage is/woutdbe ... It wouldalsoguarantee/ensure ... First(ty)/First of att ... (of the process) Thefirst step/stage is ... Second(ty) ... Then... Afterthat ... Thenextstep/stage is ... Fotlowing that... Finally... Thelaststepis ... Once/After X hashappened ... I'm afraidthereis a problemwith customsctearance. I'm sorry but therewilt be a detiverydelay. Thedetaywascausedby a raitstrikein ltaty. Theconsignment hasto be repacked because the cartonis damaged. Therewasa delaybecause of badweather. Therewasa delaybecause the weatherwas bad. Atthoughthe toadwasn'tsecuredproperly, it arrived intact. Thetoadwasn'tsecuredproperly, but it arrivedintact. In spiteof the strike,the consignment arrivedon time. Theresultwasthat the goodsdidn'tleavethe warehouse untitFriday. As a resutt,the shipmentarrivedtwo hours[ate. There's fog at the airportso the flighthasn'ttakenoff yer. Thankyoufor informing us aboutan errorin our (formaD December statement. Thanks verymuchfor pointingout the mistake. I understand thereis a confusion in addresses/ delivery dates. you Wearelookingintothismatterandwill contact againlatertoday.(format) I witlget in touchwiththe forwarding agentat once. I'lt takecareof this straightaway. I'll get on to that now. I'll seeto thisimmediatety. I'ttget backto youon thatas soonas possible. Wewouldliketo apologize for the inconvenience. (formal) (format) Weverymuchregretthis misunderstanding. l'm verysorryaboutthat. (once Letme apologizefor this detay/mistake/error again). Theconsignment mustbe delivered by Friday. Thelogisticsmanager will be awayuntil Friday. Wearepteased to informyouthatOrderNo3o-rzhas beendispatched by trucktoday. by flight OrderNo3o-rzhasbeendispatched BAoz3TA today. Wearepleasedto advisethat yourorderNo41846 wasshippedon boardthe vesselOceanLine. Theconsignment is dueto arrivein Sydney on z5th August. Ptease findattached our Droformainvoicefor order No45-o9-23. Weenclose a copyof yourinvoice. Theoriginal witl be sentto youtogether withthe documents on settlement of our draft. Wehaveinstructed our banktodayto transfer/remit the amountof f63zo to youraccount with Royat Bankof Scotland. 9O I Usefulphrasesand vocabulary I Please findenclosed a chequefor 9745.55 in payment ofyourinvoiceNozlo8lz457. Weencloseour draftfor $23,84odrawnon Pacific Bank,Seattle.Couldyou pleaseacknowledge receipt? Thankyoufor yourcredittransfer for 4,5ooin payment of ourJulystatement. Ourbankhasadvisedus todaythatyourtransfer for invoiceNoFRrz35hasbeencredited to our accounL Wehavereceived yourdraftfor invoiceNo12349. Thankyoufor sendingit so promptty. It seems/appears that a mistakehasbeenmadewith regardto the customsinvoice. Thereseemsto be a discrepancy betweenthe items listedon yourJunestatement andthe goods detivered. yourstatement, Whenchecking we notedthat invoice fX 274 hasbeendebitedtwice. Weare returningyourinvoiceas the z"/odiscounthas not beendeducted fromthe totalamount. Couldyou pleaselet us havea conected/an amendeo invoiceby return? Pleaseconfirmthe corrected amountof ... Couldyou makesurethatweightanddimensions of the itemsarespecified on the commercial invoice? lg r Glossary of acronyms and abbreviations APR A5/RS AWB R/F BIL BTN CAD CM co coD CRP DIP DC DS D E DI ETA ETS FCL GPC GPS HG V HT5 IATA tBc tMo tso JIT LC LCL LGV NVOCC POD QR RFID RMS RORO SCM SMS 3PL VAL VAS VMI WMS palletracking adjustable automated storageand retrievalsystem air waybitt biltof exchange bi tto f ta d i n g Brussels tariffnumber cashagainstdocuments categorymanagement of origin certificate cashon delivery replenishment continuous documents againstpayment distribution centre directstoredelivery electronic datainterchange estimated timeof arrival timeof sailing estimated full container load genera[ purpose container globatpositioning system goods heavy vehicle harmonized tariffsystem AirTransport Association International intermediate bulkcontainer moneyorder international InternationaI Standards Organization just-in-time letterof credit lessthancontainer load goods vehicle large non-vesset operating common carrier proofof delivery quickresponse radiofrequency identifi cation resource management system ferry rott-on/rott-off supplychainmanagement service shortmessage logistics third-pafty value-added logistics value-added services inventory vendor-managed management system warehouse e2 l A-Z word list Yourtranslation A= iB".r depend:to - on [dr'pendnn] destination[,destr'nerJn] device[dr'vars] discrepancy [dr'skrepensr] dispatch[dr'spetJ] to display[dr'spler] distribution[,drstrr'bjurJn] draft [drc:ft] drivingban['drarvr4 ban] dueto [djurtu:] dumpsite[d,tmpsart] dupticate['dju:phkert] to access ['rkses] to accompany [e'krmpeni] accountIe'kaunt] to acknowledge [ok'nohd3] actua[ ['ektluell adiustable Ie'd3rstabl] advance[ed'vo:ns] advice Ied'vars] to advise [ad'varz] to align [e'larn] amend [e'mend] amount [e'maunt] appropriate [e'preupriet] approva[ [e'prurvl] as agleed [az e'gri:d] to assemble[e'sembl] assembly [e'sembli] to aftach [etefl] economies of scale ov skerl] Ir'konemrz embassy['embesr] to enctoseIrn'kleuz] enquire: to - about Irn'kwarere'baut] equipped:to be - with [bi r'kwrptwrd] evenly['irvnli] to exceed[rk'sird] to examine[rg'zemrn] exhibitor[rg'zrbrta] expertise[,eksp3r'tirz] bar code [bo: keud] barge [bo:d3] batch [batJl] behalf on - of[onbrhorfov] benefit ['benrfrt] bogie ['baugr] break bulk [brerkbdk] buffer stock ['b,rfe stnk] carrier ['karre] cottapsible [ke'lepsebl] collection [ka'lekJn] competitive [kem'petatrv] comply: to - with [kam'plarwrd] to consider [kon'srde] consignment Iken'sarnment] consist:to - of[ken'srstov] to consolidate [kan'sohdertj contractor ['kDntrekte] contract term [ken'trekt ts:m] convenient[ken'virnrent] to convey [kan'ver] courier ['kurre] credit ['kredrt] cross-docking[kms'dokrq] Customized['k,rstemarz] customs clearance ['krrstemz'kharens] D, Yourtranslation debit ['debrt] declaration ['dekle'rerJn] deduct [dr'd,rkt] delay [dr'ler] delivery [dr'lrverr] f, feature['firJe] fitted: to be - with lbi'fitrd wrdl fleet [flir] forecast['fcrkorst] fragile['f6dar1] freight[frert] freightforwarder Ifrert'fcrweda] G to generate['dgenerert] to get backto [getbak tur] to granta discount [grornte drs'kaunt] groundspace[graund spers] handlingdamage ['hendlq 'dremrdg] to handover[hend'euva] haulagecontractor ['hcrhd3'kDntroktel hazardous/non-hazardous non'hezedes] ['hezedes4 heavy-duty ['hevr'dju:til +!jiir insurancerateIrn'Juerens rert] intermediary [,rnte'mi:drerr] A-Zwordtist | 93 Yourtranslation Yourtranslation retailer['rirterte] retrievalIn'trirvet] tigid['ndsrd] rubbish['r,tbrJ] inventory ['rnventrr] invoice['rnvors] to issue ['rJu:] to labet ['lerbl] tashingpoints ['leJr4 pornts] lead time lird tarm] lump sum [l,rmp s.Lm] IT s, maintenance['merntenens] manual['mrenjuel] to mark [mo:k] material flow [me'trerrelflau] measurement['me3ement] mistake:by - [barmr'sterk] mode of transport [meudov trren'spcrt] to monitor ['monrte] to mount [maunt] to negotiate[nr'geuJrert] to note [neut] -.1i1 onward ['onwed] origin ['orrdsrn] outdated Iaut'dertrd] packinglist ['pekrrlhst] partiat['po:Jl] paytoad ['perleud] pick-up ['prk,rp] piggyback['prgrbrek] to pile [parl] to placeorders [plers'crdez] point of sale [porntov serl] to prefer [prr'fsrr] premises['premrsrz] to prevent [prr'vent] prior to ['praretur] processing['preuses14] proculement Ipre'kjuement] to protrude [pre'trurd] to purchase['ps:tJas] a quotation[kweuterJn] to quote [kweut] lR,- raw materia[ [rcrma'trerrel] to reach [rirtJ] receipthr'sill to recommend[,reke'mend] to record[rr'kr:d] to reject[n'dsekt] reliable[rr'larebl] to remit [rr'mrt] to remove [rr'murv] replenishmentIrr'plenrJment] reguirements:to meet Imi:t rr'kwarements] to schedule ['Jediu:l] to seallsirl] to secure[sr'kiua] ship [Jrp] shipment['Jrpment] g shrink/stretch-wrappin IJrr4k/stretJ'rreprr1] solutionIsa'tu:Jn] kertrd] sophisticated Ise'fistr sort:to - down[sc:tdaun], to - out[scrtaut] to span[spren] to stack[stek] to state[stert] stock[stok] stotage['stcrrrdgl to straddle['stredt] to strap[strep] sturdy['sts:dr] subiect:to be - to turl lbi seb'dsekt to suggest[se'dgest] suitable['surtebl] to suppty[se'plar] tag [tag] tarpaulin[to:'pcrhn] tender['tende] termsof payment [tarmzov 'perment] Third-Pafi Logistics(lPL) la'd3rstrks] [0srd'porr timber['trmbs] toxic['toksrk] to track [trEk] trailer['trerle] to transfer[trens'farr] transittimes['transrttarmz] V valuable['veljuabl] value-added services [,valju:'edrd'se:vrsrz] vehicle load ['virrklleud] vendor ['vendel vessel['vesel] volume ['voljurm] W warehousing['weehauz14] weight: gross/net/tare [greusnet teewert] well ahead of [wel e'hedov] wholesaler ['heulserle] to withstand [wrd'stend] to wrap [rep] e4 l Non-mrrnrc weight Mrrnrc r r r r r r ounce(oz) pound(tb) stone(st) (cwt) hundredweight (tong)ton tonne (t) 28.35grams(g) o.4Sqkitogram(kg) 5.356kilograms 5o.8kilograms t,ot5.o4kilograms r,ooo kilograms 16 ounces roo pounds 20 cwt r r r r ounce(oz) pound(lb) (cw| hundredweight (short)ton (t) 28.35grams(g) o.454kitogram(kg) 45.359kilograms 9o7.r8kitograms rz inches 3 feet ry6o yards r r r r inch(r in; r') foot (r ft; r) yard (yd) mite(m) (mm) 25.4millimetres (cm) centimetres 3o.48 o.9r4 metre(m) r.6o9 kilometres(km) r44 sq inches 9 sq feet 4,84osq yards 64o acres 1 squareinch(sqin) r sq foot (sq ft) r sq yard (sqyd) 1 acre r sq mile (sq m) (cm) 6.452sq centimetres cm' 929.03 o.835sq metre(m) o.4o5hectare(ha) z.59km' r7z8 cubicinches z7 cubicfeet r cubicinch(cuin) r cubicfoot (cuft) r cubicyard (cuyd) 16.4cm'or cc o.o28m3 0.765m3 capacity (lJl0 zo fluid ounces(fl oz) z pints 4 quarts r pint (pt) r quart (qt) r gallonGaD o.S58titre (D r.135litres 4.545litres capacity 16 fluid ounces(fl oz) z pints 4 quarts r pint (pt) r quart (qt) ' r gatlon(gal) o.+zl liter (D o.946liter 3.785liters (ut0 t6 ounces 14 pOUnOS 8 stone 20 cwt weight (us) length surface volume (us)