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NYXS Litepaper

NYXS is primarily focused on bringing blockchain technology to sports. Our project is
developing a platform that integrates sports and blockchain, allowing athletes to build a
direct relationship with fans. Potential athletes gain exposure and support from a nurturing
Central to the project is the NYXS Governance Token. Holders have a right to participate in
pivotal community decisions by voting and can support the athletes by exchanging their
NYXS tokens for stars (mission tokens).
 Financial difficulties due to the pandemic
 Centralization in Sports
 Environmental challenges
 Cultural changes in Generation Z
 Bringing the blockchain and crypto into Sports
 Decentralization
 Community Support
 Fandom
Quick market figures
Details on the Token
Governance Token
NYXS is a "Governance Token". Holders have a right to participate in major community
decisions through votes and can support athletes by exchanging their NYXS tokens for stars
(or Mission Tokens).
Utility Token
The Star serves as a utility token for rewarding athletes. The more stars an athlete receives,
the more help he/she gets. Although stars are not tradable at the moment, we will gradually
introduce more utilities to the token to give it more value.
Software Details
We plan to launch our app on Android first. All Android phone users who support Google
services can download our app from the Google Playstore. To keep your app working
properly, make sure you have the newest Android system and keep your Google App Store
up to date. Please join our Discord and Telegram communities if you have more questions.
What is NYXS?
We leverage blockchain technology to create a more direct relationship between athletes
and fans. NYXS closes the gap between the two groups, opening a portal for fans to become
involved with the development of young talents. We are a community that gives rookie
athletes the necessary support to achieve their sporting ambitions.
What is the NYXS token?
NYXS is a "Governance Token". Holders have a right to participate in major community
decisions through consensus and can support the athletes by exchanging their NYXS tokens
for stars (or Mission Tokens).
In addition, NYXS also serves as a 'Star' token which is useful for contributing to the welfare
of young athletes' careers. It is non-tradable at the moment. However, that might change
sooner or later.
What is the vision of NYXS?
Everyone has "The Right to Dream''. NYXS SUPPORTS AMBITIONS. We connect fans all
over the world with their favorite sports athletes, to help them grow as a community.
What kind of sports and athletes does NYXS have?
As long as it's a sport, we will cover it!
We have many of the world's most popular sports and most talented athletes. We also want
to popularize less-known sports, create profitable opportunities for athletes, and increase the
exposure of these sports worldwide.
Who are the ecosystem players in NYXS?
Who can use our NYXS/What is the target market of NYXS?
Countries and regions with active crypto landscape and communities all over the world. Young sports
fans all over the world.
Do I need a wallet to swap in NYXS?
Firstly, you will have to purchase our coins on various exchanges globally. We will also have our coins
on major local exchanges for ease of purchase in each of your countries. After this purchase, you can
send the coins to the wallet on our mobile application.
What will happen to my account if I lose my digital wallet?
Protect your account and record your password in a safe place. Please note that our community team
will not ask you for any information about anything in your account. If there is a problem with the
wallet, don't hesitate to get in touch with customer service for the wallet. Thank you.
Where can I download NYXS?
We will launch our app on Google Playstore for Android phones and will also be available on the App
Store in a later version. Please stay tuned for updates on our development progress.
What is the Fan Community platform in NYXS? (What is
Platform/what is a fan community)
Fans can select and support athletes from any country and sports category of their choice.
They can help fund the development of such young athletes' careers.
What are the things athletes can provide?
Exclusive content for supporters:
 Appreciation videos for fans' support
 Autographed photos for supporters
 Meet fans on live video/call
 Special updates and sneak peeks
 Planned events like a raffle draw with signed prizes and hangouts.
What is “Support”?
Basic support
Fans can make a direct contribution to their favorite athletes by acquiring "stars". Fans can
redeem stars for NYXS governance tokens. Athletes are entitled to 30% of the stars
collected, which they can cash out to take care of their sport development needs.
Mission Support
The remaining 70% of the Stars will be divided into various missions the athlete has to
accomplish. Upon completion of each mission, the athletes will have earned the right to
utilize the allocated percentage of the Stars. These Stars received after achieving missions
also go towards furthering athletes' developmental needs.
What is a “Mission”?
Mission lists
New missions are distributed to our athletes every year/season. We reward athletes for
completing the missions with stars.
Individual missions vary considerably and can range from a couple of weeks to several
months or yearly, etc.
Due date
Every mission has a due date. If an athlete fails to complete a mission before the due date,
the funds are forfeited to a reserved pool for community development.
What are “Rewards”?
Our "Rewards'' are focused on benefiting and adding value to athletes and supporters. We
incentivize fan support through a reward system powered by the NYXS token. Once athletes
complete their missions, stars commensurate with their Fan Rank and Experience Points will
be given to them as "Rewards."
How does the NYXS Community support the athletes?
We connect talents with the fandom community. Our global visibility will ensure that the
average fan in the sports community becomes an ardent supporter of the many talented
individuals who have stories to share and dreams to achieve. The goal is to lower the entry
barriers for a future global revenue-sharing model that will decentralize and equalize early
funding in sports.
Web content
What is NYXS?
NYXS is a project that brings Web3 into sports. We are introducing a secure, efficient
platform for fans to support athletes. Within the community, fans win the right to support their
favorite athletes by holding governance and utility tokens.
Existing as a mobile application, the blockchain platform will provide a strong community
where athletes and fans can establish immediate connections.
Young and talented athletes can find financial support and fan groups through the NYXS
platform. Crypto users interested in sports can also find a stable investment platform to
support their favorite athletes.
1)The motivation to initiate this project?
NYXS will provide practical aid for all ambitious athletes and help them get better funding for
skill development.
The Plight of Athletes in Developing Countries
Athletes in developed countries have some significant advantages over those in lessprivileged parts of the world. This support ranges from training facilities, athletes' diets,
experienced coaches, and other professional trainers.
Take para-sports for example, more expensive training equipment is often needed to train
para-athletes. An analysis of MEDALS from the Athens Paralympics shows that the stronger
a country's economy, the more likely it is to provide better services and opportunities for its
We intend to create equal opportunities for all athletes by developing a global community
where they can find support to further their dream careers.
The Condition of Fandom
Aside from watching the game and buying products related to the player, it's hard for fans to
get a chance to participate in other sports-related activities. The initiative of athlete
management is usually in the hands of the club, but the fans are often closely related to the
growth of the athlete and want to know more about their character and story. These fans
need a safe and effective channel to support their favorite athletes, financially or otherwise.
Note: NYXS is currently in the pre-launch phase, so the content in the whitepaper is subject
to change as the application development progresses. Please follow our socials for more
detailed information.
Governance Token: NYXS
Utility Token: STARS
Challenges and Solutions
Financial difficulties +COVID-19
The global value of the sports industry is estimated at US$756 billion annually. However, the
restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused some downtime in sports such as
decreases in sales and employment issues in related industries.
Centralization in Sports
Wrong decisions by a few people make a negative impact on the sports world! It is difficult to
reflect the voices of supporters in any project or situation as the team dictates all managerial
decisions. But things can change. Fans' opinions should be heard and delivered directly to
the club and players.
Environment & Conditions
The influence of the environment on young athletes' growth and performance simply cannot
be ignored. Different countries and regions have legal foundations, policies, and financial
conditions that have adverse effects on athletes' education and performance. It is hard to
imagine athletes getting quality training/coaching in such environments.
Cultural Influences of Generation Z
Generation Z, the so-called digital generation, has a different social perception compared to
those coming before it, especially in terms of the high demand for "the Second Screen use.”
That's why traditional marketing targeting all generations loses its edge over today's
Generation Z.
Blockchain and Crypto Use in Sports
Blockchain has a growing use in the fields of finance, security, distribution, copyright, and
contracts due to its speed, simplicity, convenience, and privacy. By connecting athletes and
the fan community through blockchain technology, the public can invest in a future-oriented,
talent-generation model that makes it easy for people to select and invest in young,
promising, and famous players.
Our token gives fans the right to get more involved with major sports decisions. Fans can
use these tokens for membership experiences, plus access to exclusive content, and
In a nutshell, tokens create new ways for fans to engage with athletes. Through these
various experiences, token holders will have ownership, high loyalty, and awareness of the
sustainability of this business.
Community Support
For talents in discouraging environments, they can find support from investors in our
platform. These supporters/investors place stakes in the future of young talents and stand to
benefit from their success. Investors can offer athletes long-term support with their
professional careers or short-term solutions like help with a debut in a renowned sporting
Generation Z is the next leader of the future sports business. Since they spend more time on
mobile phones/tablets than any other generation, they can participate in sports through
various fan-token events like guessing MVP, Score, and the 1st place. Tokens encourage
them to virtually participate in fan engagement. The player token acts like a fan membership,
so fans benefit from holding it.
To get started with the NYXS platform, supporters need to follow these steps:
1. Download the NYXS app from the Google Play Store or App Store. You can find the
download link here.
2. Register: Sign up for NYXS with your email address and password. You will receive a
link in your email box. Click the confirmation link to join our platform. All set! You can search
for the athlete you want to support now.
3. How to get NYXS tokens: Fans have to buy NYXS tokens from a supported exchange
service. Next, they have to transfer the tokens from the exchange to our in-app wallet.
4. How to create your in-app Wallet: Our app will provide an in-built, custodial wallet as
you have on popular crypto exchanges. Fans' wallet information including the private key
and the public key will be saved into our database on a backend server.
5. How to swap NYXS with STARS: Users will be able to swap NYXS to stars directly on
our mobile application with the in-app wallet.
6. How to support athletes: Users can invest their star assets redeemed via the app into
their favorite athletes' Mission. Thirty percent of Star assets will be directly transferred to
athletes' accounts, and the remaining 70 percent is randomly allocated to various missions.
Welcome to NYXS nation!
• Every week you can meet our athletes
Check up on the narratives and Mission.
What is a Mission?
Missions are annual objectives given to athletes.
Mission lists
New missions are distributed to our artists every year/season. We reward athletes for
completing the missions with stars.
Individual missions vary considerably and can range from a couple of weeks to several
months or yearly, etc.
Due date
Every mission has a due date. If an athlete fails to complete a mission before the due date,
the funds are forfeited to a reserved pool for community development.
Mission Components
Thirty percent of the support from the community goes directly to the athlete's account,
which the athlete can use to buy items in the store. If the player wants to take the remaining
seventy percent of the star contribution, they need to complete their missions. These
missions are formulated by the Professional Player Management team from NYXS. If they
fail a mission, the star contributions will not be sent to them but transferred to a private pool.
Fans can make a direct 30% star donation to their favorite athletes, which is taken out from
the total amount of tokens swapped for NYXS tokens. The remaining 70% will be freely
distributed among all missions by supporters. Supporters can choose to put all their star
donations into one mission or spread them across many missions.
Mission Protocol
Key Mission
The key mission will be shown at the top of the mission list. It is a player's ultimate goal for
each season. Sometimes the nature of the key mission will be decided at the end of the
season. It is a player's toughest mission.
Sub Mission
Sub Missions are a collage of different types of missions with separate distinct mechanics.
Here are some examples:
 critical waypoints needed to achieve Key missions,
short-term goals for individual athletes,
tasks or challenges created through fan voting, etc.
All items are reward power-ups. Supporters can use them to boost rewards gained for
donating stars to players. For instance, a player can multiply stars earned from a completed
mission by applying items.
Items have varying effects and a wide price range. The more star tokens you pay for an
item, the more rewards you will get for buying tokens and completing missions.
Players and supporters are both rewarded with stars. Players receive a 100% mission bonus
star whenever they complete a key mission. If they fail, they earn fewer mission bonus stars
(the exact percentage is yet to be determined).
For supporters, three factors control compensation. Supporters get:
 Full rewards when an associated athlete completes a key mission
 No rewards for failed key missions
 Additional bonuses for completed sub missions
P.S: Supporters can boost rewards by equipping items
Dream Supports
The right to dream.
NYXS takes joy in seeing athletes' dreams come true, that's why we connect them with
investors that believe in their potential.
Donation System
In our Basic Support program, investors can directly contribute to athletes' funds. The
dedicated player gets 30% of the total donation.
We are connecting fans all over the world
Everyone has “the right to dream”
Fans can get directly involved in the future of their favorite sports athletes and teams via our
Introduction: What is NYXS?
We ingeniously apply blockchain technology to sports to help young athletes find support
and provide a platform for them to expand their fan engagement.
What is NYXS Governance Token?
NYXS is an “NYXS Governance Token”. The Token holders have a right to participate in
major community decisions through votes and can support the athletes by exchanging them
for stars
What is Platform - Fan Community
Fans can select and support athletes from different countries and sports categories. They
can also participate in various matters concerning athletes and sports teams.
What is our target market? – Generation Z Fans
Countries and regions with active crypto environments around the world and young sports
fans (Generation Z).
Target Market
Crypto-friendly countries with high revenue in sports.
Rights: Fans can support their favorite athletes.
Belonging: Token holders will have ownership, engagement, and loyalty.
Community: Our platform will create a new kind of fandom.
Community Support
Future fans: We connect talents with supporters
Discovery: Our platform will improve athletes' visibility and make it easy for investors to find
promising athletes.
Benefits: Lowering the barriers leads to a better revenue-sharing model.
Generation Z: We create a new fandom with Generation Z, the leader of the future sports
Membership: Participants enjoy several incentives for interacting with our platform.
An opportunity to engage in major sports decisions affecting your favorite athlete.
Mission lists
New missions are distributed to our artists every year/season. We reward athletes for
completing the missions with stars. However, if athletes fail missions, the funds are forfeited
to a private pool dedicated to community development. Such events rally our audiences and
improve the awareness of our community.
“We make stars”
Fans can support athletes performing at different levels: Junior athletes, college athletes,
and rising stars. The challenge mission algorithm set up for releasing rewards is a potential
win-win system for fans and athletes.
In particular, through investment in these young promising players, the profits of young
players can have a great influence on their future potential.
Generally, disabled and women's sports are less popular and have smaller fan groups.
NYXS is the 'bridge' between fans and athletes in the community, exposing these athletes to
the world, popularizing less-known sports, creating monetization opportunities for athletes,
and establishing a supportive fandom for these sports worldwide.
Governance Token
NYXS is a "Governance Token". Holders have a right to participate in major community
decisions by voting and can support the athletes by exchanging their NYXS tokens for stars
(or Mission Tokens).
Utility Token
The Star serves as a utility token for giving athletes support. The more stars an athlete
receives, the more help he/she gets. Although stars are not tradable at the moment, we will
gradually introduce more utilities to the token to give it more value.
Basic Support
Whenever a Fan buys new NYXS tokens, they can decide to use them to donate by
swapping them for Stars. In that process, 30% of the star tokens go to their favorite athletes.
Mission Support
The remaining 70% left has to be earned by the athletes through select missions.
They get rewards in stars for finishing missions on time.
Fans get compensation whenever they invest in athletes who complete missions.
Supporters are privileged to exclusive content from the athletes such as:
 Appreciation videos
 Autographed photos
 Meetings between fans and supporters on live video/call
 Special updates and sneak peeks
 Planned events like raffle draw with signed prizes and hangouts
Reserved Pool
A. Rewards
B. Community support
C. NYXS-working capital.
Mission lists
New missions are distributed to our artists every year/season. We reward athletes for
completing the missions with stars.
Individual missions vary considerably and can range from a couple of weeks to several
months or yearly, etc.
Due date
Every mission has a due date. If an athlete fails to complete a mission before the due date,
the funds are forfeited to a reserved pool for community development.
Community support
A. Local community-focused programs that promote belonging.
B. Local schools, sports academies, disabled athletes and teams, female athletes, and less
popular sports.
C. Scholarships.
D. Consulting and mentoring from famous athletes and coaches.