CRITICAL THINKING Critical thinking is an integral part of making a clear and reasoned decision based on evidence collected through research, observation and listening and processing and analysis and evaluation. Critical thinking is not just about thinking critically because the process of critical thinking requires knowledge of all aspects of thought/evidence, without knowledge critical thinking is totally pointless as a car without fuel. Critical thinking is not just about finding solutions, it can be defined as self-retrospection and can be the reason for the change. According to Richard paul critical thinking can be about any subject or problem or content in which an individual improves their thinking abilities and solutions based on evidence-based knowledge. Critical thinking is all about finding answers for all W’s (what, where, when, why, who) and how of a problem or subject or content. As discussed earlier, critical thinking requires knowledge and the process of gaining knowledge through research helps in improving research skills. Critical thinking will also help in putting all the knowledge gained through research and making better decisions, so it helps in improving decision-making. The pipeline of problem-solving starts with identifying the problem and follows a critical thinking process and solving problems and finding solutions this means critical thinking improves the ability to problem-solving. Thinking critically helps stimulate curiosity and helps in pushing limits and thinking out of the box this will eventually help in improving your creativity. Based on this discussion and proven facts critical thinking is not just thinking critically but of many things.