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The Woodward Charitable Trust General Application Form
Contact Information
Contact first name (required)*
Contact last name (required)*
Contact job title (required)*
Contact email (required)*
Contact phone (required)*
Address Information
Name of Charity (required)*
Address line 1 (required)*
Address line 2
Postal code (required)*
Region (required) * Dropdown values
Country (required)* Dropdown values
Additional Charity Information
Other organisational reference
Registered charity number
Date charity was founded (required)*
Please enter in dd/mm/yy format
Organisational type (required)* (drop down values)
We only accept applications from registered charities, CICs, CIOs, social enterprises or organisations
that are registered as an exempt charity.
Approximately how many service users does your organisation support per year? (required)*
If you need to include any further detail please do so below, within the answer to the question
‘Details of projects and beneficiary outcomes’.
(Numeric value only, no commas).
Purpose of funding (required) (max 80 characters)*
Core costs
Aims and objectives of your charity (required)*
(Please develop this to give details beyond your charity commission entry and tell us what you are
aiming to achieve with your work, what you are proud of achieving to date and how your
organisation is making a difference).
1,745 characters including spaces max. This character limit is a guide, please do not feel obliged to
complete the entire box.
Details of projects and beneficiary outcomes (required)*
(Let us know what your users have achieved and how that fits into our guidelines, and if possible, how
this compares to national averages, please include numbers and/or percentages to show successful
1,745 characters including spaces max. This character limit is a guide, please do not feel obliged to
complete the entire box.
Future Projects (required)*
(Tell us what projects you are currently working on, or have planned, that you’re excited about and
what you hope to achieve through these. We want to know what you are doing to help your users
improve their outcomes and change lives. Please note we are funding core costs and not specific
1,745 characters including spaces max. This character limit is a guide, please do not feel obliged to
complete the entire box.
Financial Information
Sum requested from the Woodward Charitable Trust: (£) (required)*
(Numeric value only – no pound signs or commas)
Complete this section from your latest audited/examined Statement of Financial Activities which are
visible on the Charity Commission or Companies House website. If the accounts available on the
Charity Commission or Companies House are not from the last financial year, please attach a copy of
your most recent accounts and enter these figures below. It is essential that the figures on the form
match those on your accounts.
Annual income (£) (required)* We will only accept applications from organisations whose income is
below £200,000.
(Numeric value only – no pound signs or commas)
Annual expenditure (£) (required)*
(Numeric value only – no pound signs or commas)
Free reserves (£) (required)*
Free reserves are that part of your funds which are free from any constraints as to their use. If you are
carrying over a large amount from the previous year, then please attach a note (at the end of this
form) that explains the reasoning behind this.)
(Numeric value only – no pound signs or commas)
Current Budget
Please list your anticipated income and your proposed charitable and non-charitable expenditure for
the year in the boxes below, max 8 lines per box.
Anticipated Income for the current financial year (required)*
Anticipated Expenditure for the current financial year – charitable (required)*
(Charitable costs would cover all your project and core costs related to your work)
Anticipated Expenditure for the current financial year – non charitable (required)*
(Non-charitable costs would include items such as fundraising and marketing)
Accounts & Safeguarding policies
Are your charity’s accounts available on the UK Charity Commission’s website? (required)*
Application Checklist
Before you press submit – please ensure
You have included a copy of your safeguarding/ child and/ or vulnerable adult protection
policy if relevant to your organisation’s work.
You have included a copy of your financial accounts (if these are not available on the Charity
Commission or Companies House or those available are not from the last financial year).
The figures on your form match those on the accounts you are submitting or those most
recently available on the Charity Commission/ Companies House.
If your organisation is new please include a budget forecast.