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Gender-Based Violence Policy Brief in Zimbabwe

One of the prevalent issues in Zimbabwe is gender-based violence in which women and girls
are the most affected. This policy brief is a discussion of gender-based violence in
Zimbabwe, briefly stating the causes, the current policies, and also the recommendation on
how to reduce and possibly put an end to gender-based violence in Zimbabwe.
Gender-based violence can take many forms such as sexual violence, physical abuse,
economic abuse, and emotional abuse among many others. As the years have gone by there
have been limited resources and inadequate policy implementation that have resulted in the
continued perpetuation of violence against women. This has made it increasingly difficult for
victims to seek just and access essential services and support.
The term gender-based violence supported by the United Nations, the World Health
Organization, and various academic researchers in the field of gender studies refers to any act
of violence that results in or is likely to lead to physical, psychological, or sexual harm or
suffering to women or men, which also includes threats of such acts, coercion, or arbitrary
deprivation of liberty, whether it occurs in public or private life.
Gender-based violence is violence that is directed specifically at women or men on the basis
of gender. There are multiple contributing factors to gender-based violence as it is a complex
issue. Some of these include mental illness, war, substance abuse, poverty, patriarchal and
sexist views, controlling behaviors, marital discord, and also the concepts of masculinity
attached to supremacy and nobility.
Though an ecological approach may note that there is no single factor alone that causes
violence but a combination of the factors may lead to acts of violence. It is also important to
note that the psychological explanations for gender-based violence often fail to connect the
relationship of the inequalities between men and women. For example, poverty alone is not
the sole cause of violence against women but it may trigger or increase the violence that
already exists.
There are physical, psychological, and social effects that are caused by gender-based violence
which may be direct and indirect. Some of the physical effects may lead to health problems
both long term and short term for instance disability and chronic health issues. It may also
lead to psychological issues for instance or drug use. Economic and social effects affecting
the victim are also not limited to.
Below are some of the current policies and plans that have been placed in order to address
gender-based violence in Zimbabwe:
1. The National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence
The National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence is a plan that has an outline of the
steps that are needed in order to prevent and respond to gender-based violence in
The plan includes measures to improve service delivery, the promotion of norms that
reject violence, and also strengthening legal frameworks.
2. The Domestic Violence Act
The Domestic Violence Act is an act that seeks to protect victims of domestic violence by
the provision of legal remedies and also to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable
for their actions.
The Domestic Violence Act defines domestic violence as a broad term that includes
physical, sexual, economic, and emotional abuse.
3. Sexual Harassment Policy for Tertiary Institutions
The Sexual Harassment Policy for Tertiary Institutions is a policy that seeks to eliminate
sexual harassment in tertiary institutions by the provision of guidelines in order to prevent
and respond to such incidents.
It also establishes procedures for the report, investigation, and disciplinary actions.
4. The National Gender-Based Violence Strategic Plan (2020-2024)
The National Gender-Based Violence Strategic Plan is a strategic plan that lays out the
framework in order to address gender-based violence in Zimbabwe. It aims to prevent and
also respond to gender-based violence by the improvement of service provision,
promotion of gender equality, and strengthening of justice systems.
5. The National Gender-Based Information System
The National Gender-Based Information System is a system that aims to improve data
collection and analysis of gender-based violence in Zimbabwe.
The system provides a platform that tracks and reports cases of violence and also for
monitoring the effectiveness of interventions.
Below are some of the recommendations that can be implemented in order to reduce and
possibly bring an end to gender-based violence in Zimbabwe:
1. Address the root causes of gender-based violence
Gender-based violence is often rooted in traditional cultural beliefs, norms that perpetuate
violence and gender inequality. By addressing the root causes of gender-based violence in
Zimbabwe it can lead to the reduction of its prevalence.
Addressing the root causes of gender-based violence can be done through awareness
campaigns, education, economic empowerment programs for women, and also changes to
legislation and policies.
2. Increase public awareness
Public awareness campaigns should be increased on gender-based violence by the
Zimbabwean government. This will help break the silence and stigma surrounding the
issue of gender-based violence.
Public awareness campaigns will also help increase the understanding of the impact of
gender-based violence on individuals and the entire community. There are men who may
be embarrassed to speak out on the issue of gender-based violence whilst there are
women who may suffer the same. This will also help encourage victims to report cases
and seek support.
3. Improve support for survivors of gender-based violence
Civil society organizations and the government should work together alongside other
stakeholders in order to improve support services for survivors of gender-based violence.
Some of the action that should be taken in this motion is to set up counseling centers and
safe houses for victims and survivors as well as the provision funding to organizations
that provide support to survivors.
4. Improve access to justice
Women who have experienced gender-based violence often face significant challenges in
accessing justice. On the other hand, men who have experienced gender-based violence
face similar challenges as they can be taunted due to beliefs that men are stronger than
women. The government should work towards the improvement of the capacity of the
justice system in order to prosecute offenders and also increase justice for the survivors of
gender-based violence.
The improvement of the increase to justice can include the establishment of specialized
courts and clear procedures for fast tracking gender-based cases.
5. Strengthen monitoring and evaluation
The government must strengthen monitoring and evaluation mechanisms in order to
ensure that policy interventions are effectively implemented and that they achieve
intended outcomes.
Strengthening monitoring and evaluation can be done through regular assessments and
reviews of gender-based programs and policies in order to identify successes and areas
that need improvement.
In conclusion, significant strides in the reduction of gender-based violence in Zimbabwe
can be made by implementing the above recommendations. Gender-based violence is an
issue that is a multi-dimensional problem. If the government, civil society, and other
stakeholders make a collaborative effort which is necessary in order to put an end to
violence that is mainly targeted towards women and girls in some cases men may be
Causes and Effects of Gender-Based Violence - University of Minnesota.
Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science, and Technology Development. 2020.
Sexual Harassment Policy for Tertiary Institutions
Ministry of Women Affairs, Community, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development.
2020. National Gender-Based Violence Strategic Plan 2020-2024
Ministry of Women Affairs, Community, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development.
2021. National Gender-Based Violence Information Management System.
Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender, and Community Development. 2018. National Action
Plan on Gender-Based Violence
Parliament of Zimbabwe. 2019. Domestic Violence Act