Flute Music theory Staff Attributes Staff Attributes Fill in the Blank Music Notation Lines, Spaces and Ledgers Lines, Spaces and Ledgers Fill in the Blank Sharps and Flats Keyboard Note Labeling Key Signatures Note Naming Fun Note Names Level 1 Note Names Level 2 Note Names Level 3 Note Names Level 4 © Burk, DeSoto, Johnson, Meredith, Talanca Music theory Staff Attributes Treble Clef Time Signature Measure Clef Bass Clef Final Bar line Bar line Key Signature The individual cell in which music is notated is called a ____________________. A ____________________ is the dividing line between measures. You know that a piece of music has ended because there is a different kind of bar line, called a ________________________________________ in the last measure of the piece of music. Time Signatures Top Number Tells how many beats per measure Bottom Number Tells what note value gets the beat © Burk, DeSoto, Johnson, Meredith, Talanca 4 beats per measure Quarter note gets the beat Music Theory ______ Clef Staff Attributes ______ Clef Fill in the Blank The individual cell in which music is notated is called a ____________________. A ____________________ is the dividing line between measures. You know that a piece of music has ended because there is a different kind of bar line, called a ________________________________________ in the last measure of the piece of music. Time Signatures Top Number Bottom Number Tells: _____________ _________ per measure __________________ Tells: _____________ __________________ © Burk, DeSoto, Johnson, Meredith, Talanca ____________ gets the beat Music theory Treble Clef Music Notation Bass Clef Music is notated (written) on something called a ___________; it has _____ lines and _____ spaces. The symbol at the beginning of the staff that determines the set of notes to be played is called a _______________. I play the __________________, which plays notes in the ______________ clef. (your instrument) The treble clef is also known as the _____ clef, and the bass clef is also known as the _____ clef. Practice writing the clef for your instrument on this staff (look below for an example) Write in the note names below your clef’s staff © Burk, DeSoto, Johnson, Meredith, Talanca Music theory Lines, Spaces and Ledgers © Burk, DeSoto, Johnson, Meredith, Talanca Music Theory Lines, Spaces and Ledgers Fill in the Blank Write the words for the lines and spaces mnemonic devices © Burk, DeSoto, Johnson, Meredith, Talanca Music Theory Sharps and Flats Flat: Lowers a note ½ step Sharp: Raises a note ½ step If your bike has a flat tire, it sinks lower. If you sit on a sharp tack, you jump up. ½ Step: The smallest distance between 2 notes Gb F# Ab G# Bb A# Db C# F G A B C Eb D# Gb F# Bb A# G A B F D E Ab G# These notes are special. (B C) & (E F) DO NOT have a black key (sharp or flat) between them. So, the distance between these sets of notes is one half-step. Enharmonic: Two notes that have the SAME fingering and sound but a DIFFERENT name. Ex. A# and Bb are enharmonic to one another. Can you figure out some other enharmonic note pairs? Chromatic Scale: Scale in half steps. We use sharps (#) as the scale ascends (goes up) and we use flats (b) as the scale descends (comes down). C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C Descending: C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab A Bb B C Ascending: © Burk, DeSoto, Johnson, Meredith, Talanca Music Theory Keyboard Note Labeling Fill in the blanks. Each black key will get a sharp note and a flat note. Enharmonic Matching Draw a line to connect the enharmonic notes A# Eb C# Gb D# Bb F# Ab G# Db © Burk, DeSoto, Johnson, Meredith, Talanca Music theory Key Signatures Order of Flats: B E A D G “BEAD-GCF” C F Order of Sharps: F C G D A E B “Fat Cats Go Down Alleys Eating Birds” Notice that the order of flats and sharps is opposite. CIRCLE OF FIFTHS – TREBLE CLEF C G F Bb D Eb A Ab D b Enharmonic Keys (2 Names) Cb E Gb G B C# F# © Burk, DeSoto, Johnson, Meredith, Talanca Music theory Note Naming Fun Write the letter names of the following notes: Using whole notes, draw the notes on the staff to spell the following words: ACE CAFE DEAF EGG DECADE BEEF FEED What do the following notes spell? Can you create any other words? © Burk, DeSoto, Johnson, Meredith, Talanca FADED CABBAGE Flute Music theory Note Names Level One Write in the note name below each note © Burk, DeSoto, Johnson, Meredith, Talanca Notes in the Staff: E-F Flute Music theory Note Names Level Two Write in the note name below each note © Burk, DeSoto, Johnson, Meredith, Talanca Just above and below staff: C-C Flute Music theory Note Names Level Three Write in the note name below each note © Burk, DeSoto, Johnson, Meredith, Talanca Above staff: F-F Flute Music theory Note Names Level Four Write in the note name below each note © Burk, DeSoto, Johnson, Meredith, Talanca Above staff: C-C