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Immunology, Virology, Inflammation Exam

Section 1
True or False:
1. Sipuleucel-T is used to treat people with liver cancer. F
2. Treatment vaccines can destroy any cancer cells still in the body after treatments end. T
3. Cancer treatment vaccines may be made from Tumor-associated antigens that are
found on cancer cells. T
4. EBV infection increase a person's risk of getting Kaposi's sarcoma. F
5. Cancer treatment vaccines are designed to be used in people who already have cancer.
6. Allergic reaction can result from a specific group of drug F
7. Serum sickness is one of the clinical manifestation of type II hypersensitivity F
8. Graft rejection after transplantation surgery indicator of immediate hypersensitivity
9. Anaphylaxis is always appear as a result of a drug hypersensitivity reaction
10. RIA is one of the technique that used to measure IgE levels
11. Corticosteroids is the life saver in anaphylaxis treatment
12. Human immunodeficiency virus can participate in developing drug allergy
13. A patient who has had acute Hepatitis B infection in the past and has cleared the virus,
will have positive anti-HBc and anti-HBs? T/F. T
14. Hepatitis B vaccination induces a strong anti-HBc response? T/F. F
15. Patients who are anti-HBc +ve, but negative for HBsAg and anti-HBs. This can represent
a range of scenarios, the most common being resolved acute infection? T/F. T
16. Fortunately, there are vaccines to prevent both hepatitis B and hepatitis C ? T/F. F
17. Healthcare workers most often become exposed to hepatitis B through accidental
needlesticks ? T/F. T
18. The liver is the body part most affected by hepatitis C? T/F. T
19. The first symptom of hepatitis C is a high fever? T/F. F
You can get hepatitis C by having sex? T/F. T
20. You can get hepatitis C by having sex? T/F. T
21. A vaccine can prevent hepatitis C? T/F. F
22. Hepatitis C can be treated with medication? T/F. T
23. Inflammation can occur in dead tissue. F
24. Changes in blood flow represent the body's first response to injury. T
25. Margination of neutrophils is the first cellular change of inflammation.T
26. Immunoglobulins (IgG-Fc) and complement (C3) both act as opsonins. T
27. Over induction of apoptosis is the only factor that cause neurodegenerative disorders. F
28. Central nervous system have the ability of regeneration. F
29. Neurodegenerative disorders are complex and caused by multifactorial stimuli. T
30. Treatment options of neurodegenerative disease mainly affect the symptoms.T
31. Normal level of ordered apoptosis important to maintain homeostasis. T
32. Transmission of PAMPs and DAMPs is mediated by MyD88 along with TLR. T
33. Inflammatory mediators play key roles in atherosclerosis. T
34. TGF-β and IL – 10 Promote cardiac repair by inducing inflammation. F
35. Chronic pancreatitis is one of the most common GIT causes for hospitalization. F
36. There is a strong link between chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. T
37. Infectious inflammation of the liver is mainly caused by HBV and HCV. T
38. Excessive acute inflammation and lung injury can cause pulmonary fibrosis. T
39. the release of inflammatory molecules and the cytotoxic cationic proteins not only
destroy parasites, but also cause damage to host tissue. T
40. 2-Myeloperoxidase is a critical enzyme present in neutrophils which is involved in
oxidative antimicrobial activity of neutrophils. T
41. 3-using electrically charged proteins that damage the bacterium's membrane is atype of
oxygen dependent intracellular killing. T
42. 4-When a phagocyte ingests bacteria (or any material), its oxygen consumption
decreases. F
43. 5-The oxygen compounds are toxic the invader only. F
Section 2
1.T-VEC is used to treat people with …………………..
A. Prostate cancer
B. Liver cancer
C. Melanoma skin cancer
D. Breast cancer
2.Cancer vaccines are a form of ………………. that help the immune
system attack cancer cells.
A. Chemotherapy
B. Immunotherapy
C. Hormone therapy
D. Radiation therapy
3.The side effects of cancer treatment vaccines depend on …………
A. The type of cancer
B. The type of treatment vaccine
C. The dose of treatment
D. All of the above
4.Human papillomavirus vaccine can prevent people from getting …
A. Cervical cancer
B. Breast cancer
C. Nasopharyngeal cancer
D. Liver cancer
5. Allergy is an exaggerated response on exposure to
A. Antigen
B. Antibody
C. Allergen
D. All of the above
6. An Increased tendency to IgE based sensitivity to common
environmental allergens in genetically predisposed patients is
A. Anergy
B. Synergy
C. Atrophy
D. Atopy
7. Which way for conducting allergen specific immunotherapy is not
used at all
A. Sublingual
B. Intravenous
C. Subcutaneous
D. All of the above
8. When administering a subcutaneous allergen-specific
immunotherapy after injection the patient
A. Should remain under observation for 30 minutes
B. Remains under observation only if he has had side effect
C. Remains under observation for 2 hours
D. Dose not need to remain under surveillance
9. Positive intradermal tests are those with papule diameter above
A. 7mm
B. 5mm
C. 3mm
D. > 2
10. Before starting an allergen specific immunotherapy patients
should stop taking
A. Beta blockers
B. Sartan
C. Calcium antagonist
11. FEV1 is
A. The maximum velocity of the exhaled air
B. The volume of exhaled air for the first season in forced expiration
C. The maximum volume of exhaled air
D. None of the above
12. One of the mechanisms of action of allergen specific
immunotherapy is
A. Decreased release of mast cell mediaters
B. Change of CD4 cells from T helper 2 to T helper 1 phenotype
C. Increases gamma interferon, IL 12, IL 2
D. All of the above
13. Allergen specific immunotherapy is indicated for
A. IgE mediated diseases
B. IgM mediated diseases
C. Skin test or RAST positive for a specific antigen
D. a&c
14. Anaphylactic shock is characterized by symptoms of the
following 4 systems
A. Cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory and gastrointestinal
B. Cardiovascular, skin, respiratory and nervous
C. Cardiovascular, nervous, skin and gastrointestinal
D. Cardiovascular, skin, respiratory and gastrointestinal
15. Reaction with of IgG in combination IgM antibodies is
B. cytotoxic reaction
C. complement activation
D. type ii hypersensitivity
E. all of the above
16. all of them are symptoms of anaphylaxis except
A. Fast weak pulse
B. Tightening of airways
C. Swelling
D. Abdominal cramps
17. is a test specific for the diagnosis of the T-CELL mediated
A. patch test
B. flow cytometry assay
18. all of the following are host factors that participate in
developing drug allergy EXCEPT
A. Genetic factors
B. Concurrent medical
C. Cross sensitization
D. Previous drug reaction
E. Multiple allergy syndrome
19. blood test can confirm hepatitis. Doctors look for an elevated
amount of which of these?
A. White blood cells.
B. Calcium.
C. Interferon.
D. Liver enzymes.
20. What are the symptoms of hepatitis?
A. Tiredness (fatigue).
B. Low fever.
C. Nausea.
D. All of the above.
21.Which of the following nucleic acid is present in hepatitis B
A. dsDNA.
B. ssRNA.
C. ssDNA.
D. dsRNA.
22.Which of the following specimens contain/s hepatitis B virus in
an infected person?
A. Blood.
B. Semen.
C. Saliva.
D. All of these.
23.HCC can be caused by :
C. Both A and B.
D. None of these.
24.To which family does HCV belongs:
A. Enterovirus.
B. Flavivirus.
C. Hepadnavirus.
D. None of these.
25.Hepatitis C is spread through:
A. Inhalation.
B. Eating contaminated food.
C. Sexual contact.
D. None of the above.
26.What is the MOST common transmission route of Hepatitis C?
A. Blood transfusion.
B. Sharps injury.
C. Long-term dialysis.
D. IV drug use.
27.Which of the following nucleic acid is present in hepatitis C virus:
A. dsDNA.
B. ssRNA.
C. ssDNA.
D. dsRNA.
28.In most people, what are symptoms of hepatitis C when initially
A. Itching.
B. Jaundice.
C. Back pain.
D. Most people do not experience symptoms.
29. What is the first response of arterioles to injury?
30.What is the name of the phenomenon where WBC's marginate
and become attached to the edge of the endothelium?
31.Active movement of PMN's along a concentration gradient is
known as what?
A.Passive diffusion
B.Chemotactic diffusion
32.The process by which the cytoplasm of the PMN surrounds the
bacteria and encloses it into an invagination of the cell membrane
is known as what?
33.Inflammation that lasts a long time and produces extensive
tissue destruction and has a tendency to heal less readily is known
as what?
A.Acute inflammation
B. chronic inflammation
C.Ulcerative inflammation
34.which cell is involved in inflammation acutely?
B.Plasma cell
C. T-Lymphocyte
35.monoclonal antibodies are:
A.Heterogenous antibodies produce from single clone of plasma cells.
B.Homogenous antibodies produced from single clone of plasma cells.
C.antibodies that are derived from different cell lines.
D.None of these
36.Natural humoral immune response against a pathogen leads to
the production of
A.Poly clonal antibodies.
B.Monoclonal antibodies.
D.None of these.
37.The technology used for the production of monoclonal antibodies is:
A.Massculture technology.
B.Hybridoma technology
C.Suspension culture.
D.Non of these.
38. Monoclonal antibodies are :
A.specific towards a paratope.
B.specific towards an epitope.
C.specific towards an antigen.
D.none of these.
39.In hybridoma technology, hybrid cells are selected in:
A.MS medium.
B.HAT medium.
C.X.gal medium.
D.Whites medium.s
40.which of the following cell is made deficient of hypoxanthine
guanyl phosphoribosyl transferase(HGPRT) enzyme:
A.B cells.
B.hybrid cells.
C.Myeloma cells
D.none of these.
41. Monoclonal antibodies are used in :
A.The screening of recombinants.
B.Diagnostic kits.
C.The treatment of many cancers.
D.All of these.
42.Mabs are produced by :
A.In vivo method.
B.Suspended cell culture in fermenters.
C.Immobilized cell reactors.
D.All of these.
43.Anti apoptotic compounds used for treatment of
neurodegenerative disorders
A.Caspase inhibitor
B.Gene therapy such as P53 therapy
C.jNK or other kinase inhibitor
D. All of the above
44.Examples of drug repurposing
A. Thalidomides
B. Lisinopril
C. Amlodipine
D. Metformin
45.New therapies come from main sources such as
A. Synthesis
B. Natural products
C. Existing drug
D. All of the above
46.Cellular stressors such as
A. Oxidative stress
B. Disrupted calcium regulation.
C. Mitochondrial dysfunction
D. All of the above
47. From proinflammatory cytokines
B. IL- 4
C. IL- 6
D. TGF – β
48. From anti-inflammatory cytokines
C. IL- 1
D. IL- 10
49. Example on acute inflammation
A. Cardiovascular diseases
B. Chemical irritants
C. Neurological diseases
D. Cancer
50. Example on Chronic inflammation
A. Allergic reaction
B. Chemical irritants
D. Fibromyalgia
51. From diabetes complications
A. Heart attack
B. Kidney failure
C. Blindness
D. All the above
52. In patients with T2D there are elevated circulating levels of
B. IL- 6
C. TNF- α
D. All the above
53.Adherence of phagocyte cell to the surface of pathogen and
foreign material by
A. Capsules
B. M protein
C. A .b
54.all of the above are true about oxygen dependent intra cellular
killing except
A. There are 3 types ofoxygen dependent intra cellular killing
B.One of its type productions of a superoxide, which is an oxygen-rich bacteria-killing
C.Involves the use of the enzyme myeloperoxidase from neutrophil granules
55.which of the following is present in neutrophil granules and
remove essential iron from bacteria
A. Lactoferrins
B. Protease
C. Myeloperoxidase
56.Interferon-gamma is one of
A. Oxygen dependent killing
B. Oxygen independent killing
C. Extra cellular killing
57.larger parasite can be phagocyte by
A. Macrophage
B. eosinophils
58.The method of killing invading microbes by using the reactive
oxygen-containing molecules is referred to as
A.oxygen-dependent intracellular killing
B.oxygen-independent intracellular killing
C.extracellular killing
Section 3
Short Notes:
1. Mention different types of cancer vaccines
Protein or peptide vaccines
Whole cell vaccines
Dendritic cell vaccines
DNA & RNA vaccines
Virus vaccines
2. Enumerate some types of cancers caused from viral infection
Human papillomavirus can caused cervical & vaginal cancers
Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C can cause hepatocellular carcinoma
Epstein-Barr virus can cause nasopharyngeal cancer & B cell lymphoma
3.Contraindications of allergen specific immunotherapy
• Concomitant use of Beta Blockers
• Risk of Anaphylaxis
• Responds poorly to resuscitation
• Previous Anaphylactic reaction to immunotherapy
• Lack of adequate resuscitation facilities
• Clinicians without training
• If FEV1/PEFR < 70% predicted
• Unstable Asthma
• Nocturnal Asthma
• Use of bronchodilator more than thrice a week
• Diurnal variation > 20%
• Bronchodilator reversibility > 20%
• Autoimmune diseases or malignancies
• Pregnancy do not initiate
• Bronchospasm to previous injection
• Children
4. Hypersensitivity reactions more than one type . discuss?
Immunologists have learned that there are multiple types of hypersensitivity reactions;
1. Immediate hypersensitivity reactions result in symptoms that manifest themselves
within very short time periods after the immune stimulus.
2-Other types of hypersensitivity reactions take hours or days to manifest themselves,
and are referred to as delayed- type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions.
5.Name different hypothesis that illustrate developing drug
1) the hapten hypothesis
2) the pharmacological-interaction (p-i) hypothesis.
6.Illustrate with simple drawing type I hypersensitivity. ..Slide no 12
7.Mention the mechanism of type II hypersensitivity
Ab directed against cell surface antigen ( drug hapten ) mediates cell destruction via
complement activation or ADCC
8.How is hepatitis B spread?
Exposure to infected blood
Sexual transmission
Needle sharing
Parenteral route
9.What are the symptoms?
Fever, Fatigue, Nausea, Vomiting
Abdominal pain, Joint pain, Jaundice
10.What are the risk factors for progression of the disease?
male gender.
immunosuppression (such as co-infection with HIV).
prothrombotic states and.
heavy alcohol misuse.
11.Mention the the ways of transmission?
A-Unprotected sex.
B-Pregnancy and birth.
C- Blood (Needle-stick injuries, tattoo or piercing tools, transfusions, Nonsterile medical
equipment, iv drug users …etc)
12.Fuctions of inflammation
1. Destroy and remove pathogens If destruction is not possible, to limit effects by
confining the pathogen and its products.
2. Repair and replace tissue damaged by pathogen and its products.
13.What happens when inflammation fails to resolve
A.Frustrated Phagocytosis.
B.Foreign Body Response.
C.Macrophages wall off injurious agent.
D.Chronic inflammation.
F.Tissue Injury
G. Cancer.
14.five cardinal signs of inflammation (slide 5)
Pain , heat, redness, swelling and loss of function.
15.events of acute inflammation (slide 7)
 The vascular response
 The cellular response
 The chemical response
16.Morphological feature of chronic inflammation(slide 27)
A. Infiltration by mononuclear cells
B.Tissue destruction
C.Removal of damaged tissue (healing)
17.Types Mabs designs.(page 6)
Murin source mab , chimeric mab and humanized mab.
18.Catalytic Mabs.(page 20).
Is A monoclonal Ab that has catalytic (enzymatic) activity.
19.Enumerate neurodegenerative disorders occur due to over
induction of apoptosis??
1. Alzheimer’s disease
2. Perkinson’s disease
3. Huntigton’s disease
4. Multiple sclerosis
20.Neurodegenerative disorders caused by multifactorial stimuli
1. Genetic and environmental factors
2. Metabolic dysregulation
3. Excitotoxicity
4. Neuroinflammation
5. Cellular stressors
21.What the role of mitochondria in neurodegeneration??
A.Mitochondria often mediate a pivotal decision step in apoptosis signaling.
B.Increases in mitochondrial membrane permeability can cause the release of intramitochondrial factors that induce the degradation phase of apoptosis.
22.comparison between professional and nonprofessional phagocytes:
Professional phagocytes:include many types of white blood cells (such as neutrophils,
monocytes, macrophages, mast cells, and dendritic cells and has receptors in its surface
Nonprofessional:describes the mechanism of cell phagocytosis by ordinary epithelial or
mesenchyme cells Doesn't have receptors.
23.enumerate the four methods of killing
A.Oxygen dependent killing
B.oxygen independent killing
C.extracellular killing
D.viruses killing
24.There are four main typesof-oxygen-independent intracellular
enumerate only one:
Uses electrically charged proteins that damage the bacterium's membrane