product anythingthat acquisition want or use or need com be offered to a marketfor consumption that attention nigh satisfy a intangible Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentity intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything Service Actual product productservicefeaturesdesigna quality keel a brand name and packaging A consumerproduct that customers Guy frequently immediately and with a minimum of Convenienceproduct s II usually comparison and buying effort Core customer value idea what benefits on services the custom behind the product freedom ng mm gym g g gyp brand identification for which a significantgroup of buyers is willing to make specialpurchase effort or 8 Iffy unsought products A doesnot knowabout think buying Consumer product consumer product or knowsabout that the consumer either butdoes not normally A product bought by final consumer for personal consumption Convieniece product A consumer productthat customers buyfrequently immediately and with a minimum of comparison usually n ng shopping product A consumer product that a customer in the process of selection andpunches is usually compares such bases a suitability quality pure andstyle on A consumer product with unique characteristics or brand identification for which a significant group of bugs specialty product I 2 3 What is indivisual product decisons product attributes Branding Brand packaging designing quality style out desian preformsalestasks suchasattractingattention 4 labeling identifies and informs 5 features Product support and services customer interaction marketing the use of commercial marketing concertsand tools in programs designed to influence individuals behaviors to Social improve the wellbeing and that of society product quality the charcherstics of product or service the bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implies customerneeds Brand A of name term sign sumpbol design or a amination identifies the product or services of one these that seller or gray of sellers and doffreniates themfrom those of competitors Brand equity the differential effect thatknowing the brand name has on comestoners response to the product or its marketing store brand a brand createdand owned by a reseller of a product or service activities undertaken to create maintains or change the attitudes of target er doing a corporate consumers toward an organization image marketing camiding to market themselves and Polish their image person marketing activities undertaken to crate maintain9or Chong the attitude or behaviour toward Particular organization marketing people ed doctors place activities undertaken to create maintain or cheng the attitude or behaviour toward particularplaces like marketing Alulal Be levels that marketers make productand servicedecison Individual product protect 3 parts of product line ptodet min decisons regarding product attrib es uality prodact enturesgproductO.tyleanddesign market offering includes bothtangiblegoods and services that brings value to customers Differentiating offers creating and manging customer experiences with their brands or company tggredd product for personal Branding is 3 by a find as consumption Inaeproa purchased by individuals or organization for further procession on you Most distinctive skill their ability to buildthis use in Gustiness of professand marketed levels that marketers make product service decison intropansiedurnix 4 dimension of 6 width product mix length thenumberofdifferentproduct total ofitensacanay linesthecompanycarry carrieswithin itsproactive linesand all product the set of particular sellerasterfor items thatthat Its Depth consistency t Hondosley related acariouspr lines useproductionrequire areinend distributionchances orsmearing