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Project Report Format Guide

Attachment # 2.1 (Page 1 of 2)
Project Progress Report Format
The project report contents must have the following format:
Format of the report
1. Cover page
2. Abstract
3. Table of contents
4. Report chapters
I. Introduction
II. Project overview/Initial study/Background study/Theory
III. Activities and Progress/Issues/Challenges/
IV. Deliverables/Next Steps/Conclusion
5. Bibliography/References
Remark 1: Data sheets are not needed unless a very specific items or data sheet that is
very difficult to obtain.
Remark 2: Binding for Senior Project I should be as TAPE, BLACK, BINDING (no
spiral binding) with white 120 gsm paper cover and no plastic cover protection.
Report Information
Paper size:
Text- Font and Point size:
Time New Roman
Chapter Title 14 bold pt
Chapter section 12 bold pt
Text body 12 pt
Margin :
Left 3.0 cm
Right 2.5 cm
Top 2.5 cm
Bottom 2.5 cm
Line spacing:
Single spaced
Please also index captions and tables, if any
Project Name (14 Bold) ##No university coat of arm.##
by (12)
Student “1” Name (12)
Student “2” Name (12)
A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Mechatronics Engineering (12)
Project Advisor: (12)
Dr. ******
Examination Committee: (12)
Dr. Jerapong Rojanarowan, Dr. Wisuwat Plodpradista,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jiradech Kongthon, Mr. Sunchanan Charanyananda,
Dr. Amulya Bhattarai, Mr. Ehsan Ali
Assumption University (12)
Vincent Mary School of Engineering
October 2022
Approved by Project Advisor:
Name: *************************
Date: __________________________
Plagiarism verified by:
Name: Mr. Ehsan Ali