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Nursing Simulation Skit Learning: Improving Student Knowledge

Simulation Skit Learning for Nursing Students
Eric Williams
West Coast University
With experience nurses leaving, bedside care is as fast as, or even faster than new registered
nurses are coming into the field. Education is of the utmost importance. Many new nurses that like an
experience like the older nurses need a great deal of training not only in basic theory but as well as tips
and tricks to help their job go more smoothly. Nursing school, depending on where you can be completed
in as little as two years but typically lasts four or more. No matter which end of the spectrum, your nursing
school leans towards a baby nurse with only three years of experience. I can tell you that I was
completely overwhelmed with the amount of information we were expected to know, in addition to being
prepared to see the various disease processes when they present on a patient.
“The federal government projects that more than 203,000 new registered nurse positions will be
created each year from 2021-2031. Registered Nurses comprise one of the largest segments of the U.S.
workforce as a whole and are among the highest-paying large occupations (AACN Fact Sheet - Nursing,
Comparing what we learned in theory to what I see at the bedside, It’s hard to remember and
appropriately apply meaningful interventions to our patient population, especially in the beginning of your
nursing journey. Retention of information and actual implementation of knowledge and evidence-based
practice can be daunting tasks for those with little to no patient experience. coming out of the pandemic
2020 all healthcare workers continue to face overzealous, demands from hospital CEOs, and
management, as well as personal pressures that they put on themselves to perform as lives truly depend
on it.
“Simulation-based nursing education is an increasingly popular pedagogical approach. It provides
students with opportunities to practice their clinical and decision-making skills through various real-life
situational experiences.”
Small changes like ensuring that New nurses are armed with the best knowledge possible to
decrease anxiety in hopes of them providing better patient care. Results from a study by Kim, eval.
suggest that simulation-based nursing educational interventions have strong educational effects, with
particularly large effects in the psychomotor domain. In her evidence base review, the team proves that all
types of simulation learning can dramatically increase the education as well as preparation for both new
and experienced nurses! In hopes of playing off the results of the study, my change project focuses on
simulation and/or skit-type learning to prepare students for what they will experience during bedside
“A study in California found that only about 20 percent of CNAs went on to get a higher level
educational credential, and only around 10 percent became registered nurses within six years (Bohn et
al., n.d.).” The statistics tell us that many new nurses going into the field have not had past patient care
experience. May change project focuses on the nurses that need help with patient interactions while
educating them in an effective manner.
My change project is researching whether or not “simulation/role play for BSN Critical Care
students improves their knowledge base and retention when implementing interventions compared to
traditional ways of learning?”
Simulation learning through skits can provide new nurses with different types of scenarios that
experience nurses have seen in the ER allowing them a real or experience of what they will encounter
once graduating nursing school and completing their NCLEX.
The population I'm choosing to start the research on is senior Nursing students at West Coast
University, La Palma Campus, in Critical Care. The intervention I am attempting to prove worthwhile is—
Role play and simulation teaching about a Disease process, specifically Sickle Cell. I am comparing my
intervention with the existing curriculum of Sickle Cell disease in the BSN Nursing Core Degree
requirements, more specifically traditional teaching styles are with the lecturer and students seated and
taking notes— With a goal of increased patient outcomes for individuals with sickle cell as a result of
more knowledgeable medical Staff and a prepared workforce. Improvement with Pre and Post intention
examinations in comparison to those not taking the simulation class Will be used in determining whether
or not this was an effective means of education, retention as well as confidence in working with this
patient population. The study was conducted on October 3 at Saint Francis medical center in Lynwood
California, a busy trauma center that typically sees upwards of 80,000 trauma patients, what is on track to
see over 97,000 patients by the end of 2022.
“Closing the Nursing Education-Practice Readiness Gap” reveals that nurse graduates today are
not fully prepared for clinical practice and presents opportunities to rethink what practice-ready nursing
looks like. The findings are based on the latest Wolters Kluwer New Nurse Readiness Survey conducted
in early 2020 as COVID-19 was beginning to spread globally. This is the third survey since 2012 to
assess perceptions of new nurses’ clinical preparedness from the perspective of nursing faculty, hiring
managers in practice, and new nurse graduates themselves (How Prepared Are New Nurse Graduates
for Practice Today? Clinical Judgment Skills Identified as a Primary Gap in Practice Readiness according
to Wolters Kluwer Report, 2020).”
My change projects needs a light on the readiness gap for new nurses entering bedside practice.
In the article above we see the impact of nurse is graduating from school, passing the NCLEX exam but
still not being ready for practicing in the clinical setting. The hopes of my change project is to instill
confidence in these new nurses as they begin their journey and ensure that both them as well as clinical
managers who are looking to hire these new healthcare professionals have confidence in their abilities to
affect positive change in improve patient outcomes for the communities that they serve.
“According to the 2020 survey, today’s nurse graduates are no more confident to practice than
those in 2012. Only 20% of new nurses surveyed reported being very strong in their general knowledge
of nursing, while 66% of practicing nurse respondents believe today’s nurse graduates are less prepared
to enter practice than those graduating five to ten years ago (How Prepared Are New Nurse Graduates
for Practice Today? Clinical Judgment Skills Identified as a Primary Gap in Practice Readiness according
to Wolters Kluwer Report, 2020).”
The goals of my change project are to use simulation as a way to prepare nurses though skit
learning so they are not overwhelmed by scenarios that they may encounter during bedside practice. This
article sites many reasons for nurses not being prepared. My change project attempts to combat each of
these by practicing verbal techniques and de-escalation tactics that can be used during bedside in order
to instill confidence in the nurse as well as confidence in the patient for the healthcare provider that is
disseminating care.
Although nurses will struggle to be perfect in implementing patient care as well as advocating on
behalf of their patients the hope is by practicing the simulation it will make them bedside ready!
AACN Fact Sheet - Nursing. (2021). Aacnnursing.org.
Bohn, S., Mcconville, S., & Gibson, L. (n.d.). DECEMBER 2016 Health Training Pathways at California’s
Community Colleges. https://www.ppic.org/wp-content/uploads/content/pubs/report/R_1216SMR.pdf
How prepared are new nurse graduates for practice today? Clinical judgment skills identified as a primary
gap in practice readiness according to Wolters Kluwer report. (2020, September 23). Wolterskluwer.com.
Kim, J., Park, J.-H., & Shin, S. (2016). Effectiveness of simulation-based nursing education depending on
fidelity: a meta-analysis. BMC Medical Education, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-016-0672-7
‌St. Francis Medical Center, Lynwood CA | About Us. (2022, August 11). St. Francis Medical Center |
Prime Healthcare | Hospital in Lynwood, CA. https://stfrancismedicalcenter.com/about-us/