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Neurological Nursing Care Assignment: ATI Modules & Case Study

VNSG 1409 Health & Illness II
ATI Assignment #4
Content: Neurological Nursing Care
Due: Sunday, June 28, 2020 @ 23:59
The Neurological System – Pharmacology Made Easy 4.0
1. Go to My ATI and click on the “LEARN” tab
2. Access the Tutorial: Pharmacology Made Easy 4.0
3. Complete the LESSON and TEST portion of the following Modules:
a. The Neurological System (Part 1)
b. The Neurological System (Part 2)
4. Click on the “Results” button
5. Click on the “Download Report” button, save both reports in PDF format
ATI Case Study – Neurocognitive Disorders
1. Go to My ATI and click on the “APPLY” tab
2. Complete the Case Study – Neurocognitive Disorders of the Video Case Studies PN
a. You will need to complete the LESSON and TEST.
3. Click on the “Results” button
4. Click on the “Download Report” button, save in PDF format
Assessment: PN Fundamentals Online Practice 2017 B
Assessment Remediation
1. Go to My ATI and click on the “Test” tab
2. Complete the assessment entitled PN Fundamentals Online Practice 2017 B. Additional
product information is listed below, in case you need to add it to your ATI account.
3. Click on the “Results” button
4. Click on the “Download Report” button, save in PDF format. Ensure you have
downloaded the detailed report that gives you topics and information you need to
improve upon.
5. Complete an Assessment Remediation outline:
a. For every topic you need to review, research and report 3 facts relating to that
b. You do NOT need to provide citation information for the remediation assignment.
This is for your benefit and information; I just need to see that you have gone
through the exercise.
6. Assessment Remediation example (a very simplistic example):
Congestive Heart Failure
Urinary Tract Infection
Causes fluid volume overload
Causes hypertension
Causes crackles to be heard during lung sound auscultation
Common in elderly patients
Can cause altered mental status in elderly patients
Requires antibiotics for treatment
To receive credit for your work, upload all documents to D2L (5 total):
a. Click on “Course Activities”
b. Select “Assignments”
c. Select “ATI Assignment #4”
d. Click “Add a File” and upload all assignment documents
e. Click “Submit”
You will receive full credit for completing the activities by the due date, each assignment is
worth 20% of the grade. There is no required minimum time spent on these modules,
however it is to your benefit to fully engage in the learning activities.
ATI Assignment #4 Rubric
Name of Assignment
Point Value
Pharmacology: Neuro 1
Pharmacology: Neuro 2
ATI Case Study: Neurocognitive Disorders
Assessment: Fundamentals Practice 2017
Assessment Remediation
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