CHAPTER – II THEORETICAL CONCEPTS RELATED TO BUDGETING Theoretical concept of Budgeting Budget is a tool of management for planning its future activities including estimates of sales, expenditure, production, etc,. It is done for indicating the expected results of the business and the possible future line of action to be followed for the attainment of such results. Budget may be defined as “ a forecast of programme of operations based on expected operating efficiency.” Budget should be based on estimated future requirement for a definite period of time. It should be prepared by taking into consideration of previous year statistical data. Thus, Budgeting can be defined as “ forecasting and preplanning for the next period using past experience, market trends and present position. Budget provides predetermined standard of performance for the guidance of the efforts and activities in the business. As budgets provides standard of performance, they usually become basic control. Control used for the execution of the budgets is what is called” Budgetary control”. Thus budgeting is concerned with the planning function of management, while “budgetary control “ involves the function of controlling in the organization. Budgeting : Budget is an art of budget making. This implies forecasting and preplanning for the budget period on the basis of statistical data, present trends and other related known present facts. Budget as means for Planning, Coordination and Control : Since, planning is looking ahead and anticipate difficulties expected and their soluction. Budget palns and forecast the expenditure and performance as regards production, sales, purchase, plant utilisation. As coordination means weaving tighter the segments of the organization so as to operate at the most efficient level and produce maximum profit. This is achieved as all the sections like sales, purchase, production, finance, personnel etc., work together to achieve common goals as defined in the budget. Controlling means by systematic appraisal of results to ensure that actual and operations coincide, and remedial actions are taken if there is any deviation. The budget means , by which plans are regularly compared with actual results regarding expenses and performance. Objective of Budgeting : It has the following main objectives. To make periodical evaluation of management policies. To provide basis for examining the achievement of the industry. To provide check over expenditure in various departments. To make a programme for systematic development. To decide basis for the expenditure of funds. To provide basis for checking of working of the concern by seeing their efficiency and economy. Advantages of Budgeting : Budgeting is essential for every concern. The main advantages is as follows : Responsibilities for the performance may be fixed. Therefore, it provides check over shifting of responsibility. By budgeting, financial position of the concern is made clear. A check on the performance and efficiency of the industry is provided. It improves management by providing check at all levels. Thus, it helps in improving efficiency. It is essential to show budget while taking loan from banks so that they may know about the financial position of the concern. It helps in making the policies for the coming period. It helpful to predetermine the price of the product. Budge Requisites : The followings are essential for preparation of Budget Clearly defined Business polices. Allotting authority and responsibly. Information about forecast Cost information Previous years statistical data Budgeting principles : The following principles should be adopted while budgeting for any kind of organization, and for budgets any kind: Budget should be related to the organizational objectives, and should be linked with the Organisational structure. Budget should be flexible. Budget should contain realistic estimates. There should be norms, standards and productivity indices for inputs and outputs for the activity. There should be a system of periodical review and follow-up. For effective budgeting, management compliments and involvement of all concerned executives necessary. Budget classification : On the basis of flexibility 1. Fixed Budget 2. Variable budget On the basis of mechanism 1. Appropriation budgeting 2. Performance budgeting 3. Zero based budgeting On the basis of functions 1. Master budget 2. Sales budget 3. Production budget 4. Labour budget 5. Financial budget 6. Cash budget 7. Purchase budget 8. Capital expenditure budget Budgetary control : Budgetary control is defined as “ process of comparing the actual result with the corresponding budget data to know the actual cause of difference” Advantages : It clearly defines the goals of the organization It helps in making plans to attain these goals It helps in determining the polices of the concern It controls expenditure It gives advance information regarding amount of capital needed for the budget period It also helps to control the financial position of the undertaking It helps management in controlling the causes of inefficiency It acts as tool for administration It helps to know that where executive action is required to obtain desired results It helps measuring the performance of each department of the concern It centralizes management control Essential conditions for applying budgetary control : Focus on objective Consistent delegation Proper targets Appropriate period Communication of planning promises Provision for flexibility