Uploaded by chitranshprajapati2766

3-Day Workout Split: Strength Training & Calisthenics

Hey everone,
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I am still not sure how the other programs will be released (full calisthenics, calisthenics skills, and full weightlifting),
but I decided to release this one for free. No need to pay anything, however,
Make a copy of this, edit it as your own. To make a copy, go to File --> Make a copy
It would mean a lot to me if you followed / supported my social medias (especially instagram and youtube) below :)
Campbell Goforth
If you wish to support me and want some fire gym clothes
use code "GOFORTH" at checkout @ YoungLa
DM me if you use my code, it seriously means a ton to me and I'd love to hear from you.
Cam Goforth
The rundown: this is a 3 day split. It is not push-pull-legs, but it is similiar. no day falls on a particular day of the week, and the 4th day is always a rest.
Each muscle group is trained 2x a week, with 3 days of rest in between. This allows for proper recovery before training the same muscle again. Although it
is okay to train while still a bit sore, I personally like to make sure I am not sore - for then I am allowed to train harder, and feel more accomplished that I was able
to give the workout my maximum effort.
Write your weight down on paper or in your notes each week, after you note it here during workouts. Increase as you feel it is safe to do so. I am not responsible for any injuries. Do at your own discretion.
Rotation 1
Campbell Goforth
Also, as the reps go down, the weight should go up. You should be reaching exaustion each set on the last rep or two.
IMPORTANT: I only do 1 FULL calisthenics day in this routine, if you want to focus on calisthenics more, replace Rotation 1 Back & Arms day with Rotation 2's and work it twice a week instead.
Sets x Reps
Weight (set 1)
Weight (set 2)
Weight (set 3)
Weight (set 4)
Weight (set 5)
Barbell Bench Press
5x 12(bar) / 8 / 6 / 6 / 12
Incline Press Machine
3x 12 / 8 / 8
Decline Press Machine
3x 12
Incline Diamond Pushups
3x 10
Overhead Press Machine
3x 12
Lateral DB Raise
3x 12
Rear Delt Flys
3x 12 / 8 / 8
Explanation of some workouts above:
Incline Diamond Pushups: Just find a bench to do these on. If you can't do diamond pushups, do regular hand placement. This will target lower chest, but overall gives a great pump in your entire chest.
Day 2: BACK & ARMS
Sets x Reps
Weight (set 1)
Weight (set 2)
Weight (set 3)
Weight (set 4)
Weight (set 5)
4 sets to failure
Machine Rows
3x 12 / 8 / 8
Low V Row
3x 12
Lat Pull-down
3x 12
Single Arm Dumbbell Row
3x 6
EZ Bar Tricep Pushdowns
3x 12
Ez Tricep Push (underhand grip)
3x 12 / 10 / 10
Dumbbell tricep kickbacks
3x 12 / 8 / 8
Tricep Isolation Machine
3x 6
Rope Hammer Curls
3x 12 (heavy)
Preacher Curl Negatives
3x 5
Dumbbell Curl
3x 12
Explanations of workouts above:
EZ Bar : the bar that looks like a W, attach it to cables. It is like rope pulldowns, but without a rope. Put your hands in the inside of the ends that curve upwards (like the middle of the W right before it switches directions)
EZ Bar Underhand grip: grip the EZ bar from below on the ends of the bar.
Rope Hammer Curls: Put the cable at the floor, attach a rope, do hammer curls.
Curl Negatives: Negatives just mean go very slow on the way down. Curl up like normal, slowly go down.
Day 3: Legs & Abs
Sets x Reps
Weight (set 1)
Weight (set 2)
Weight (set 3)
Weight (set 4)
Weight (set 5)
Legs (Quad Focus)
5x 12(bar) / 12 / 8 / 6 / 12
Leg Extension
3x 12
Hack Squat
3x 12 / 8 / 8
Hamstring Curls
Hanging Knee Raise
3x 12
Hanging Toes-to-bar
3x 5
30 second scissor kicks
3 sets of 30sec
Ciruit those ^ (one after another) 1 circuit = 1 set of each in a row
Explanation of some workouts above:
Hanging toes-to-bar: if you can't do this, that's fine. leave your knees bent, like you are doing a knee raise, but show your butt to whatever is in front of you. You should be bending further than a knee raise. You'll feel it.
Day 4: rest up
Rotation 2
Campbell Goforth
IMPORTANT: I only do 1 FULL calisthenics day in this routine, if you want to focus on calisthenics more, replace Rotation 1 Back & Arms day with Rotation 2's and work it twice a week instead.
Sets x Reps
Weight (set 1)
Weight (set 2)
Weight (set 3)
Weight (set 4)
Weight (set 5)
Reps or Time
Reps or Time
Barbell Bench Press
5x 12(bar) / 8 / 6 / 6 / 12
Incline Press Machine
3x 12 / 8 / 8
Incline Pushups
3x 12
Incline Diamond Pushups
3x 12
Decline Pushups (or machine)
3x 12
3x 12
Overhead Press Machine
3x 12
Lateral DB Raise
3x 12
Rear Delt Flys
3x 12 / 8 / 8
Upright Rows (GO LIGHT)
3x 10
*I like to circuit my pushups... so incline, decline, regular, all pretty much back-to-back = 1 circuit completion
Day 2: BACK & ARMS (Cali focus)
Sets x Reps
Reps or Time
Reps or Time
Reps or Time
Calisthenics Focus Back
Muscle Ups or Progressions
3x 5-6
4 sets to failure
Explosive pull-ups
3x 5
Static Hangs (normal grip, close, wide)
2x 15 seconds each
Inverted Rows
3x 12-25
Close grip inverted rows (traps)
3x 12
Chin ups (biceps)
you can add a weighted backpack if you feel like it
I go back and do arms in the gym (same as rotation 1, scroll to bottom) but if you want to stay at the bars, do these.
3x 6-12
Neutral grip pullups (forearms, bis)
3x 6-12
Dips (triceps)
3x 12-15
Abs (Calisthenic Skill Focus)
Hanging Knee Raises
3x 12
Hanging Toes-to-Bars
3x 5
hanging L sit holds
3x 30 seconds
or L sit progression
3-5 sets, get your legs up above your head, and slowly go down (work the negative) AND hold knee raises as long you can, until in the coming weeks you can start straightening your legs
On hangs, shoot for 15 seconds of each. Rest sufficiently in between sets. Once you can increase time, shoot for 30 seconds,
and maybe think of ding the hangs while holding an L sit as well, or holding your knees up (half L sit progression)
Muscle up progressions include: pullups, explosive pullups, inverted rows, honestly everything on there. I will upload a muscle up tutorial and progression on YouTube soon.
However, I put muscle ups in the beginning because skills (front levers, muscle ups, back levers, planche, etc) are WAY harder to do end of workout, so we want to build the strength in them the most we can in the beginning.
Day 3: Legs
Sets x Reps
Weight (set 1)
Weight (set 2)
Weight (set 3)
Weight (set 4)
Weight (set 5)
Legs (Hamstring Focus)
5x 12(bar) / 12 / 8 / 6 / 12
Leg Extension
3x 12
3x 12 / 8 / 8
Seated Hamstring Curls
3x 12
Standing hamstring curls
3x 12
Day 4: rest up
Rotation 1 arms below
After you have completed both rotations, restart with rotation 1 (so, tomorrow after today's rest)
Quick reference for rotation 1 Arms if you decide not to do calisthenics arms: also, if you do this, throw in machine rows 3x 12 for back while you are there (get that thiccness)
EZ Bar Tricep Pushdowns
3x 12
Ez Tricep Push (underhand grip)
3x 12 / 10 / 10
Dumbbell tricep kickbacks
3x 12 / 8 / 8
Rope Hammer Curls
3x 12 (heavy)
Preacher Curl Negatives
3x 5
Dumbbell Curl
3x 12