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Fat loss and AAS..Let's talk about! (Is there some real truth?)
Over the years there's been massive debates, and of lately there's been some
discussions in many of the panels in regards to AAS and fat loss..Some in the gear
world populace are advocating that there's "no such thing", or AAS don't burn
So, let's discuss this... (AAS only, no stims or bata's,or GH)
Now, you're gonna hear mix reviews on this.. However, I have seen enough
evidence that supports AAS having,creating a environment/platform for fat
burning..DIET without a doubt is crucial, and the pivotal player..However, there
is real science behind fat loss and AAS, but please don't put all your money on it
solely as an effective combatant..But nonetheless AAS is effective!
AAS that are seen/recognized on the high/or moderate androgenic scale will in
fact promote/increase lypolysis..Thus andros have a higher binding affinity to
FYI; Androgen receptors are found throughout cellular groups, as
well as FAT and muscle cell/groups, now we know that they initiate
a response on AR's in muscle cells to promote size/growth, at the
same given time they will have a cascade of effects on other cells and
AR's found therein fat cells inducing activity/burning..
Higher/more potent the androgen binds to the androgen receptors, the greater
the lipolytic response will be on adipose tissue (brown or white)...
Now lets also take into great consideration AR upregulation with the presence of
androgens, more AR sites throughout targeting tissue..,There's a vast amount of
activity in which a complex interplay between activation and inactivation
mechanisms and signaling between cell groups, what People need to remember
that hormones are "chemical messengers" that rely messages to cells that display
specific receptors for each hormone and respond to the signaling..Depending on
the compounds and the individuals metabolization ratio the hormone can/may
make changes directly to a cell, by changing the genes that are activated, or by
making changes indirectly to a cell by stimulating other signaling pathways inside
a specific cell group that is effected and effect other processes, thus this can
"initiate" an intracellular cascade of events.. So, the notion that fat loss is NOT
presence, and to mitigate that AAS don't posses any fat lossproperties is absurd...
So, yes AAS may assist with fat loss, however don't expect miracles and it's
advised to have a lower body fat% by diet to expect to see more fat loss effects,
but its not crucial..Have your macro's dialed in with your AAS intake, cardio ,and
anything is possible, we've seen amazing things happen in this lifestyle..Even a
couch potato can see results (whether it's deserving or not is a completely
different topic)
There's an abundance of clinical research and peer-reviewed data that strongly
supports testosterone (and other AAS) fat reducing actions and its preventative
impact on adipocyte generation...As AAS (especially Testosterone) acts both in
the breakdown of existing fat tissue and to hinder pre-adipocytes from maturing.
This is where some AAS began you acquire there reputation, or spin a myth
(winstrol) at promoting fat loss, and achieve lower body fat,cuts..With this said,
there's some truth behind winstrol and cuts, but not directly!
Share you thoughts and experience with this!
Below is some studies conducted in fat loss, one in particular stresses the relation
with diet and TRT and others just on a placebo and diet...The outcome is
Testosterone Treatment Combined With Diet Reduces Fat, Maintains
April 5, 2016
By Frances Morin
BOSTON -- April 5, 2016 -- Obese men treated with testosterone in addition to a
low-calorie diet show greater reduction in body fat and less loss of muscle mass
than men on similar diets who did not receive testosterone, according to a study
presented here at the 98th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society (ENDO).
“In men successfully losing weight through diet, both lean and fat mass are lost,”
said Mark Ng Tang Fui, MBBS, BMedSc, The University of Melbourne,
Heidelberg, Australia, on April 3.
“The addition of testosterone prevents the loss of lean mass and shifts weight loss
to almost exclusive loss of fat,” he added.
Obesity has been linked to lower testosterone levels, whereas weight loss
resulting from calorie restriction is linked to increases in circulating testosterone,
noted the researchers. At the same time, weight loss in middle-aged men typically
depletes fat and muscle.
Although testosterone treatment has been also shown to reduce fat mass, the
effects of combining testosterone treatment with calorie restriction have not been
For the study, the researchers enrolled 100 obese men (body mass index [BMI],
>30 kg/m2), aged 18 to 75 years, with low to low-normal serum total testosterone
levels (average of 2 consecutive morning fasting levels of <12 nmol/L [<346
The men were all placed on a very-low-calorie diet (~600 kcal/day) for 10 weeks,
followed by a maintenance period of 46 weeks. They were randomised 1:1 in a
blinded fashion to receive intramuscular testosterone 1,000 mg or placebo
injections at baseline, week 6, and every 6 weeks thereafter over the 56 weeks of
the study.
At the study’s end, weight loss in both groups was similar, ie, an average of 11 kg
(24.2 lb; P < .05 vs baseline). However, patients in the testosterone group lost 3
kg (6.6 lb) more body fat than those in the placebo group (P = .05) and lost
significantly less lean mass than those in the placebo group (P = .001).
Patients in the testosterone group also lost significantly more visceral adipose
tissue at week 56 (P < .05).
“We found that testosterone treatment reduces fat mass in obese men with a low
testosterone level, more than the effects of diet alone,” concluded Dr. Fui.
“Testosterone treatment also reduces visceral fat, more than the effects of diet
alone, and prevents diet-associated loss of lean mass and muscle function.”
“Although these changes are expected to be metabolically favourable, further
trials in this population need to determine cardiometabolic and other benefits
weighed against potential adverse effects,” Dr. Fui added.
[Presentation title: Effect of Testosterone Therapy Combined With a Very Low
Caloric Diet on Fat Mass in Obese Men With a Low to Low-Normal Testosterone
Level: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Abstract LB-OR02-1]
Testosterone therapy in hypogonadal men results in sustained and
clinically meaningful weight loss
Hypogonadism is associated with increased fat mass and reduced muscle mass,
which contributes to obesity and health risks, such as cardiovascular
disease.Testosterone treatment of hypogonadal men improves muscle mass and
reduces fat mass; however, many of these studies are of short duration.Thus, the
long-term effects of testosterone on body anthropometry are not known.
Long-term testosterone treatment of hypogonadal men, up to 5 years duration,
produced marked and significant decrease in body weight, waist circumference
and body mass index. Hypogonadism contributes to reduced muscle mass and
increased adiposity.Testosterone treatment ameliorates loss of muscle mass and
reduces fat accumulation associated with hypogonadism. In this study, we
evaluated the long-term effects of normalizing testosterone (T) levels in
hypogonadal men on anthropometric parameters. Open-label, single-center,
cumulative, prospective registry study of 261 men (32-84 years, mean 59.5 ± 8.4
years, with T levels ***8804;12 nmol L-1 [mean: 7.7 ± 2.1]). Among the 261 men
on T treatment, we followed up on 260 men for at least 2 years, 237 for 3 years,
195 for 4 years and 163 for at least 5 years. Subjects received parenteral T
undecanoate 1000 mg every 12 weeks after an initial interval of 6 weeks. Body
weight (BW), waist circumference (WC) and body mass index (BMI) were
measured at baseline and yearly after treatment with T. BW decreased from 100.1
± 14.0 kg to 92.5 ± 11.2 kg and WC was reduced from 107.7 ± 10.0 cm to 99.0 ±
9.1 cm. BMI declined from 31.7 ± 4.4 m kg-2 to 29.4 ± 3.4 m kg-2. All parameters
examined were statistically significant vs. baseline and vs. the previous year over
5 years, indicating a continuous weight loss (WL) over the full observation
period. The mean per cent WL was 3.2 ± 0.3% after 1 year, 5.6 ± 0.3%, after 2
years, 7.5 ± 0.3% after 3 years, 9.1 ± 0.3% after 4 years and 10.5 ± 0.4% after 5
years. The data obtained from this uncontrolled, observational, registry study
suggest that raising serum T to normal physiological levels in hypogonadal men
produces consistent loss in BW, WC and BMI. These marked improvements were
progressive over the 5 years of the study.
Testosterone, obesity, waist circumference, weight loss
PMID: 24163704 [PubMed] PMCID: PMC3799011 Free PMC Article
Mountain-Man, Nov 6, 2018
What happens when a fat guy takes steroids?
Joe Nagy, I sell software and lift heavy things
Updated Oct 5, 2018 · Author has 1.9k answers and 6.8m answer views
QI find it interesting how most of these answers are very vague and theoretical. I’ll do
my best to be specific but there are some necessary caveats.
Okay so we know that there are many different kinds of steroids with various androgenic
and anabolic ratings, yeah? Okay good.
So let’s say that our fat guy takes the more potent fat burning steroids - these are going
to be your highly androgenic steroids because the human body has a hard time storing
fat in the presence of androgens. Androgens block the ability of fat cells to store lipids.
Tren is a great example of this with an androgenic rating of 500 - meaning that it is 5x
more androgenic than regular testosterone. By the way - this is one reason that men
typically have lower body fat than women- androgenic hormones!
As a side note - steroids are rated by their anabolic and androgenic properties testosterone is considered the baseline at 100/100. Tren happens to be 500/500 but
different steroids tend to have one number higher than the other.
There are steroids with much higher androgenic ratings but tren is so common and 500
gives us a nice round number.
Anywho - let’s say that our guy takes a nice testosterone base as well as a standard
dosing of tren (no more than 500mg/wk)
So now we have a couple of factors to consider on what happens to our fat guy.
1: Is he lifting weights with good programming?
2: Is he eating correctly for fat loss?
If 1 and 2 are both “yes” then the answer to your question is that he will lose fat and gain
muscle very rapidly over the course of his cycle. If he cycles off with correct PCT, then he
will probably gain a little bit of fat back and lose some of his muscle, but it’s likely that
he’ll look much better than when he started.
If only 1 is true, then he will gain a lot of muscle and lose some fat. The tren in particular
will still block body fat storage and cause more metabolic activity. Same result with PCT
can be expected.
If only number 2 is true, then he will gain SOME muscle (studies show that you do gain
muscle with steroids even if you don’t work out) and he will lose SOME fat…the fat loss
will be more pronounced than if only number 1 is true.
Now onto the fun stuff - the side effects!
Overweight people are at a higher risk for estrogen related side effects because their
body is already aromatizing testosterone into estrogen - so they’re more likely to develop
female breast tissue while on steroids.
Tren is also hard on your liver and kidneys - along with obesity, they’ll likely do a bit of
damage, depending on how long they cycle, this damage could be permanent. The
kidneys cannot make new nephrons (filters) - so some of that damage will be
It’s much better for a fat person to lose weight before getting on steroids due to the
preexisting risk factors associated with being fat. They’re taking their health into their
own hands by doing this.
Follow me on instagram for more content and help at Joe.Lifts.Bro
Parvez Alam Khan, Engineering aspirant, Sometimes teacher.Sometimes Student.
Answered Jul 5, 2016 · Author has 61 answers and 59k answer views
If an overweight person used steroids they would definitely experience the same benefits
as someone using that has a lower body fat percentage. But there are considerations.
Steroids have an amazing ability to add lean muscle mass. Adding lean muscle mass
raises your metabolism and in turn allows you to burn more fat. Some steroids also have
fat re-proportioning effects (like testosterone) and would definitely benefit anyone using
them when combined with a good diet and workout plan.
Overweight people however have elevated levels of estrogen compared to those who
have lower body fat percentages. Because of this estrogen related side-effects can be
more pronounced (which of course is completely combatable with the use of antiaromatase drugs or selective estrogen receptor modulator compounds).
Overweight people will retain lean muscle mass as good as someone with lower body fat
if the proper post cycle therapy is done after cycle, and diet/training are maintained.
Anyone will get fat again if they do not maintain good on-cycle habits. Steroids are not a
crutch, but just another tool to promote lean muscle mass accumulation. Everyone will
lose some of the gains achieved on a steroid cycle once the cycle is discontinued. How
much you lose depends on your habits post cycle - skinny or fat.