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Practical Research Diagnostic Test

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu City
S.Y. 2022-2023
1. What characteristics in conducting research, where
all data to be reported should include all facts with
A. responsibility
C. care
B. competence
D. honesty
2. When doing qualitative research, the following
characteristics must be considered except?
A. quantity B. behavior C. experiences D. feelings
3. What research characteristics that is based on valid
procedures and principles.
A. empirical
C. cyclical
B. methodological
D. logical
4. How do we call the do’s and don’ts of research?
A. responsibility B. ethics C. rights D. care
5. What qualities of a researcher in which the
agreement between the participants must be followed
and actualized? B. integrity
A. responsibility
C. legality
B. integrity
D. empathy
6. When doing quantitative research may reduce to
numerical scores while qualitative is in.
A. precise hypothesis
B. reliability testing
C. narrative description
D. precise hypothesis
7. What traits where the researcher accepts all
comments for improvements.
A. integrity
C. openness
B. care
D. responsibility
8. Which of the following words that are associated with
the definition of research except?
A. opinion
C. facts
B. discovery
D. inquiry
9. How do we call the qualities/skills should the
researcher possess when conducting a study?
A. confidentiality
C. legality
B. openness
D. competence
10. When doing research, any participant must not be
forced to take part in the study is known as?
A. voluntarism
C. responsibility
B. competence
D. care
11. Which type of research that collects and works with
data that seeks to interpret meaning and help
understand social life
through the study of targeted populations or places is
A. Quantitative Research
B. Mixed Method
C. Qualitative Research
D. Phenomenological Research
12. What type of qualitative research that talks about
how individuals
experience a phenomenon is known as.
A. Ethnography
B. Phenomenology
C. Case Study
D. Grounded theory
13. Which characteristic of research that focuses on
interdependencies not meaningfully reduced to a few
discrete variables
and linear, cause-effect relationships is known as.
A. Holistic perspective
B. Context sensitivity
C. Dynamic system
D. Perspective view
14. When research focuses on the exhaustive account of
a life experience
then, it is called.
A. Narrative study
C. Biographical Study
B. Case Study
D. Phenomenology
15. Which qualitative research that focuses on the origin
of mankind.
A. Sociology
C. Anthropology
B. Psychology
D. Education
16. Why novice researchers feel difficult in formulating
their research problem?
A. are not passionate in doing research.
B. failed to identify the objectives of doing it.
C. have a little background how to write research title.
D. All of the above
17. When doing a study, which among these
topic/concepts are relevant to the present time?
A. Life stories of COVID survivor
B. Work status of employees
C. Economic Status in the Country
D. Education in the New Normal
18. What best concept that a researcher must consider
in writing a title given this difficult time of the
A. Patience and humility
B. Life stories
C. online business
D. faith and courage
19. What will be the first consideration that the
researcher does in writing his/her research title?
A. Time for study
C. fields of interest
B. Group members
D. budget
20. Which of the following must not be considered when
planning to conduct a research study in school?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu City
A. groupings
C. time frame
B. respondents
D. interest
21. When formulating the introduction of the study,
arrange the following tips given to come up with a
scholarly introduction?
I. identify the gap/problem
II. introduce your study
III. cite review of related literature
IV. write justification or purpose of conducting the
A. II, III, I and IV
C, I, II, III and IV
B. I, III, II and IV
D. IV, III, II and I
22. What are the two important parts in writing the
research problem?
A. Introduction and limitation
B. Scope and limitation
C. Specific and precise questions
D. General statement and specific questions
23. How to write the scope and delimitation of the
A. Identify who are the participants and how many.
B. Identify the locate of environment of the study.
C. Set the data gathering stages.
D. All of the above.
24. Which part of the research study where the
beneficiaries are identified?
A. introduction
B. significance of the study
C. scope and delimitation
D. domain of inquiry
25. What are the tips in writing a significance of the
study in research?
I. identify their participation and identity
II. identify the groups that would benefit the study
III. identify the benefits they could get out from the
IV. identify how it would be helpful to them in solving
A. I, II but not III
B. II, III but not IV
C. II, III and IV only
D. I, II and III only
26. What kind of research is undertaken through the
observation and?
measurement of the world around us?
A. Empirical research
B. Policy literature
C. Research literature
D. Theoretical literature
27. How does ________ anticipate relationships about the
way things happen
around us?
A. Empirical research
B. Policy literature
C. Research literature
D. Theoretical literature
28. Which literature allows the practitioners to act in a
set of circumstances?
A. Research literature
B. Policy literature
C. Theoretical literature
D. Empirical research
29. Which among these stages excludes the process in
writing an effective
A. inputs
C. evaluating
B. outputs
D. processing
30. Why does the regularity of the journal publishing
needs to be done for?
A. ensuring originality
B. getting feedback
C. assuring error-free information
D. getting the latest findings
31. What is considered as a very detailed and
comprehensive accounts of
research work?
A. journals
C. periodicals
B. magazines
D. dissertations
32. What element does research literature excludes?
A. books
C. journals
B. conference proceedings D. hearsays
33. What comprises summaries of research work
presented at symposiums?
A. journals
C. conference proceedings
B. magazines
D. dissertations
34. What literature describes expected or anticipated
relationships about the way
things happen?
A. Practice literature
C. Policy literature
B. Theoretical literature
D. Research literature
35 . What reference style is used in Psychology,
Education and Social Sciences.
A. APA B. AMA C. MLA D. Turbian
36. What kind of critique shows the status of knowledge
of a carefully defined topic?
A. Hypothesis
C. Literature review
B. Meta-analysis
D. Research problem
37. What does literature review examines?
A. only facts.
C. only one side of the main argument
B. only opinions. D. all aspects of a topic
38. Why there is a need for researchers to be cautious of
the materials found
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu City
A. It is too recent.
B. The quality is unknown
C. It has been used before
D. authors name often does not appear.
39. Why is it important for a researcher to review the
A. it is traditional
B. it will find if anyone has done the work before.
C. it identifies like-minded researchers.
D. it shows time has been spent on the subject.
40. What part of the synthesis explains the researcher’s
point to investigate her
A. Introduction
C. Body
B. Synthesis
D. Conclusion
41.When the data reported include all facts with
accuracy, then it is called?
A. honesty
C. competence
B. objectivity
D. care
42. Whatever agreed upon with the participants must
be actualized is a
manifestation of.
A. integrity
C. social responsibility
B. legality
D. honesty
43. What characteristic of a researchers where he/she
should accept all comments
and give considerations.
A. respect
C. mentoring
B. openness
D. equality
44. When a paper is already submitted to a publication,
why is it not allowed for
another submission?
A. honesty
C. competence
B. responsible publication
D. Care
45. Which term used to define the act of using other
person’s ideas, words and result without giving due
A. claiming
C. Plagiarism
B. Ethical
D. Authorship
46. Which qualitative research that focuses on the origin
of mankind.
A. Sociology
C. Anthropology
B. Psychology
D. Education
47. What type of qualitative research that gives direct
description of a group
culture or community.
A. Phenomenology
C. Case Study
B. Ethnography
D. Grounded Theory
48. What qualitative research that talks on the
development of theory
directly based and grounded in the data collected by the
researcher is
known as?
A. Grounded Theory
C. Biography
B. Phenomenology
D. Ethnography
49.. What research approach that uses specific
boundaries and can be both
qualitative and quantitative study is called?
A. Biography
C. Ethnography
B. Phenomenology
D. Case Study
50 . What characteristics of a qualitative research that is
opened to adapting inquiry as understanding deepens
and/or situation change is knows as?
A. Flexibility
C. Dynamic system
B. Holistic perspective
D. Emphatic neutrality
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu City
Senior High School
S.Y. 2022-2023