1 Assignment Two Nikita Urunkar Business Intelligence and Data Analytics, Westcliff University RES 701: Creativity and Organizational Culture Internship Professor Nezerwe November 06, 2022 2 Assignment Two The assignment focuses on finding articles related to the topic of research question selected. My question is to find the relationship between employee perceived transformational leadership style and software company’s profitability. The background for the study is that the success of a company is attributed towards the organization performance, employee’s commitment towards the company and their perceived satisfaction of the job (Bass, B. M., et al., (2006)). The importance of leadership role in an organisation is to define goals and strategies towards a common mission statement. It also has an impact on the strategy, methods to achieve the efficiency while going towards the goal and making the firm profitable (Xu & Wang, 2008). Articles studied The first case study by Al Khajeh, E. H.(2018) focuses on understanding the positive and negative impacts of leadership styles and its impact on the performance of the organization. They studied different leadership styles like charismatic, bureaucratic and transactional which had a negative impact on the organizational performance whereas transformational leadership had a positive association with the performance of the organization (Al Khajeh, E. H. (2018)). This study provides great insights into the leadership styles and its related association with profitability of the company. The study uses quantitative methodology and focuses on different leadership styles but doesnt not tell anything about the software firms and their strategy which would be worth exploring. The second article by Muterera, J. (2012) studies the leadership impact on organizational behaviors specially in government entities. This study sees if there is any effect on leadership 3 styles on the public sector and its performance. Even in this study, it is concluded that transformational leadership has a significant impact on the performance of the organization. This study does not take into account any other leadership styles or any other factors. The data collection method and analysis is helpful to see and refer for the purpose of my analysis. Lastly, the article by hurbagi, A. M. A. (2014) studies the impact of transfomational leadership on other employee perceived factors like job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Similar to the previous study, there is a positive relationship between these factors of leadership styles and job satisfaction. Transformational leadership style by Bass has transactional as well as transformational leadership styles which is defined as the leader helping the development , increasing the motivation and aspirations as well as maintaining a sense of commitment amongst their followers and colleagues. This article can be helpful to strongly analyze relationship between these factors of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This method can be referred to study the profitability factors as well. Conclusion Articles related to the leadership styles and its impact on various factors in an organization including job satisfaction, organizational commitment and firm performance were studied. Public sector was also considered in a study while analysing these factors. These articles provide a solid guidance towards the research question to contribute transformational leadership to the profitability of the company. 4 References Al Khajeh, E. H. (2018). Impact of leadership styles on organizational performance. Journal of Human Resources Management Research, 2018, 1-10. Bass, B. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational leadership (2nd ed.). Mahwah,NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Muterera, J. (2012). Leadership behaviors and their impact on organizational performance in governmental entities. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 3(8), 19-24. Shurbagi, A. M. A. (2014). The relationship between transformational leadership style job satisfaction and the effect of organizational commitment. International Business Research, 7(11), 126. Xu, G. Y. & Wang, Z. S., 2008. The impact of transformational leadership style on organizational performance: The intermediary effects of leader-member exchange. Long Beach, CA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1090-1097.