See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Semantic transparency, compounding, and the nature of independent variables Chapter · January 2014 CITATIONS READS 0 390 2 authors, including: Gary Libben Brock University 6 PUBLICATIONS 97 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Lexical Processing View project All content following this page was uploaded by Gary Libben on 06 June 2021. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Libben, G. & Weber, S. (2014). Semantic transparency, compounding, and the nature of independent variables. In Rainer, Franz, Dressler, Wolfgang U., Gardani, Francesco, Luschützky, Hans Christian, (Eds.) Morphology and meaning. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1 Semantic transparency, compounding, and the nature of independent variables Gary Libben1 and Silke Weber2 1Brock University and 2University of Calgary We report on a psycholinguistic study of semantic transparency among English compound words.1 We employed the P3 technique (Libben et al. Text 2012), which combines elements of three experimental paradigms: progressive demasking, naming, and word typing. Both the progressive demasking data and the word typing data showed a graded effect of semantic transparency associated with the number and location of semantically opaque constituents in the compound. Typing duration effects were evident at the constituent boundary, supporting observations first made by Sahel et al. (2008). We suggest that these data point to the value of letter typing durations in the analysis of morphological processing and the importance of a psychocentric perspective on lexical processing – one that emphasizes the psychological nature of morphological structures. Keywords: Morphosemantic transparency, compounding, psychocentric approach, P3 technique. 1. Introduction A key reason for the success of the field of psycholinguistics over the past quarter century has been its effective deployment of rigorous scientific techniques of experimentation and analysis. To a large extent, this has involved treating properties of linguistic stimuli as independent variables. As a result, studies are often conceptualized as investigating this or that stimulus property (e.g., frequency, abstractness, lexical category, morphological structure) on processing. This approach has been instrumental in advancing the field. However, it also carries with it limitations that can stand in the way of progress toward a deeper understanding of language processing in general and a deeper understanding of lexical representation and processing, in particular. In this paper, we explore the consequences of a psychocentric perspective on lexical processing that emphasizes the extent to which language structures are essentially psychological in nature. We consider the consequences of this perspective for matters of the representation and processing of compound words in the mind and for issues of semantic transparency in general. Finally, we present the results of an experimental investigation of the manner in which English compounds are processed. The study employs the P3 technique (Libben, Weber & Miwa, 2012) that combines aspects of word recognition and word production. The experimental paradigms that make up the P3 technique yield data patterns in which the distinction between 2 independent variable and dependent variable is not easily discernable. We claim that these characteristics increase the ecological validity of the experimentation and thus facilitate the capacity of the experiments to target core properties of lexical processing. 2. A Psychocentric approach The approach that we have taken in this report is related to a larger perspective on language processing that has been termed “psychocentricity” in Libben (2010). In this approach, properties of linguistic stimuli, and words in particular, are not viewed as external entities, but rather as properties of the state of participants as they engage in language processing tasks. Psychocentricity affects how we think about linguistic constructs in general and how we think about linguistic stimulus characteristics as putative independent variables in psycholinguistic experiments. To the best of our knowledge, the core of the psychocentric perspective was first articulated by Derwing (1973) who claimed that: In general, a linguistic unit at any ‘level’ exists as a unit only because the language user treats it as a unit [and] linguistic structure is not something that is ‘built up’ out of utterances or ‘overlaid’ upon [them], but is [rather] something which receives its only possible empirical realization as part of the language process of speech production and comprehension.” (p. 305) In making these claims in 1973, Derwing staked out a very central role for psycholinguistics in the arbitration of linguistic constructs in general. Linguistic structures do not belong to languages or to language units. They belong to people. This perspective forces us to judge the ontological status of constructs in terms of whether such constructs can be shown to make a difference in speech production and comprehension. The psychocentric perspective also opens the doors to an individualized notion of language unit and linguistic structure. This individualization can make issues of putative psychological reality much more complex. To begin with perhaps the simplest example, we know that native speakers of a language differ in the size of their vocabularies. For many native speakers of English, for example, the strings birm, barm, and borm are all nonwords. Others will indeed have meanings associated with these forms (i.e., ‘a sound barrier’, ‘a shelf-like area’, ‘to smear’ respectively). Are they words? In one sense they are, in that conventionalized meanings already exist for the forms. But for the many individuals who do not share in those conventionalized meanings, they are not words. 2.1. Psychocentricity and morphological transcendence: The case of helicopter If, as we have suggested above, the wordhood of stimuli can differ from one individual 3 to another, it is likely even more the case that subtler aspects of word morphology will differ from one person to another. As we move to this domain, we encounter a core component of the psychocentric perspective – namely that linguistic characteristics might not only have differing effects on individuals, but also that they may indeed be constituted within individuals. Thus, notions such a morpheme, morphological head, morphological constituent, or morphological structure refer to a set of psycholinguistic representations and processes within individuals rather than invariant properties of words. In the context of the stimuli that we focus on in this report, English compound words, issues of psychocentricity often involve the extent to which particular compound constituents are part of an individual’s mental processes, whether those constituents are organized in particular morphological configurations, and how the constituents relate to the compound and to the whole-word counterparts of the constituents in terms of meaning. We are all familiar with straightforward cases in which a word may be considered linguistically to be morphologically complex but be monomorphemic for some native speakers. Sometimes this is the result of lexical borrowing, as in the case of the English word kindergarten, which is straightforwardly the compound ‘child’ + interfix + ‘garden’ in German. Other cases can be more complex. In the paragraphs, below, we discuss the case of the English word helicopter in some depth, as it reveals interactions between psychocentric and linguistic properties of stimuli. The word helicopter is in etymological terms composed of helico- (helix) + pter (wing). It came into English from the French helicopetère, coined by Gustave de Ponton d'Amecourt in 1861. Some native speakers of English who have knowledge of Greek may perceive the compound helicopter to be composed of helico+pter. However, most native speakers of English will have either internalized the word as having the structure heli+copter or perhaps perceive it as not having any internal morphosemantic structure at all. The example of the compound helicopter allows us to consider a key matter in the representation and processing of words in the mind from a psychocentric perspective. From this perspective, it is not easy to say what the actual morphological structure of helicopter is. We can expect that, for most people, it is a compound composed of heli- and –copter. This does not negate the fact that it is etymologically composed of helico + pter. Nor does it negate the importance of the phonotactic constraints that likely created the pressures to reanalyze helicopter so that it does not contain the morpheme-initial or syllable-initial consonant cluster /pt/ (Olofsson, 1990). But it is very unlikely that any of this is part of the lexical processing system of native speakers of English. For most speakers of English, if helicopter is composed of heli- + -copter, it has always been composed of heli- + -copter. 4 An additional matter that merits consideration is the nature of the morphemes created by the analysis of helicopter into heli- + -copter. In our use of hyphens on the right in heli- and on the left in -copter, it is our intention to signify that these should be seen as positionally bound compound constituents. These positionally bound elements take on a grammatical function as morphological elements that become the building blocks of new compounds. It is interesting to note, that because heli- and – copter were not free-standing morphemes in English before their creation as compound constituents, they seem to both have as their lexical referent the meaning of the entire compound helicopter. Thus among the more interesting uses of –copter, we find holy-copter (a helicopter used by the Pope), bat-copter (a helicopter used by Batman) and medi-copter (a helicopter used by medical personnel). This last compound is likely to be interpreted as synonymous with the also existing compound heli-ambulance. Additional members of the heli- morphological family are heli-pad (where a helicopter lands) and the semantic cluster heli-skiing, heli-boarding, and heli-fishing which involve the use of helicopters to transport people to remote locations for sporting or recreational purposes. A particularly striking new usage is heli-parent, which is based on the expression helicopter parent and describes overprotective parents who compulsively ‘hover’ over their children. The case of helicopter highlights some of the properties of productivity in compounds and, in particular, points to a view in which compound constituents are not simply morphological arrangements of free standing morphemes, but rather are positionally bound morphological structures. The positional boundedness is evident in the productivity patterns noted above, where the elements heli- and –copter have distinct morphological positions. Thus, whereas sea-copter can be seen as a novel compound, copter-sea is much less interpretable. Finally, although heli- and –copter can be said to mean roughly the same things, this equivalence is substantially affected by the fact that heli- is a modifier and –copter is a morphological head. As a result, copter is the preferred independent morphological shortening of helicopter. Our treatment of compound constituents as positionally bound elements follows from Libben (2010) in which the term morphological transcendence is used to describe the process by which words become positionally bound compound constituents. It is claimed that morphological transcendence addresses the prevalence of semantic opacity in compounding. Within this framework, semantic opacity develops as a result of lexical processing. It is often the case that, as compounds are used in language comprehension and production, their constituents acquire grammaticalized, positionally bound representations in the mental lexicon. And, it is the natural result of lexical growth in the language that these compound constituents acquire morphosemantic families. As Singh (2006) has noted, compounds are rarely created in the manner that helicopter was created—through a completely novel combination of two morphological elements. Much more common is the expansion of an existing pattern to include new elements (e.g., blueberry, blackberry, redberry, yellowberry etc.). When this happens, a certain amount of semantic bleaching is often present, so that the compound constituent drifts from the meaning of its monomorphemic whole-word counterpart to a typically more general 5 representation. The development of –man to an almost suffix-like status in English in words such as chairman and doorman is an extreme example of this process. 3. Semantic Opacity For compounds, the term semantic opacity can be used to describe a state in which the meanings or functions of morphological constituents in the compound differ from their use as independent free standing morphemes such that it is very difficult to obtain the meaning of the compound from the meanings and arrangement of its constituents. Under such as view, a compound such as deadline would be considered semantically opaque because if a language user knew the meanings of dead and line, but did not know the meaning of deadline, that language user would be unlikely to correctly guess the meaning of the compound without considerable contextual support. In contrast, a compound such as bedroom seems to require much less contextual support for its correct understanding at first presentation. The issues discussed above bear directly on questions of whether we can conceive of compound words such as deadline and bedroom as having invariant morphological properties across people. They also suggest that we think about semantic opacity as actually being constituted in the psycholinguistic activities of people rather than in the properties of stimuli. In our view, these are important considerations to bear in mind, despite the fact that it is both convenient and intuitive to continue to speak about lexical stimuli as though they were in possession of invariant properties. Perhaps a brief step into another cognitive domain might provide an illustrative example. We often speak of pets as having qualities such as being pleasing or being annoying. But in such cases, aren’t we using these terms as a shorthand to refer to the states that particular pets trigger in us, perhaps because of the way they look or the way they behave? We expect that there will be common patterns of triggering, so that many people will agree that a certain pet is pleasing or annoying. In all cases, though, “pleasure” and “annoyance” are occurring within people, not within the pets, despite the fact that it is both convenient and intuitive to continue to speak though the pets were in possession of those properties. Now, moving back to matters of semantic transparency in compounds, we note that it is likely the case that all compounds carry with them some degree of semantic opacity. As we have stated above, the activities of word comprehension and production create the conditions for morphological transcendence to occur. In this process, constituents become entrenched as positionally bound morphemes. So, for example, the morphemes dead- and -line in deadline acquire a semantic function that differs from that of the independent words dead and line. To the best of our knowledge, this phenomenon was first noted by Aristotle in his Poetics. The phenomenon of semantic opacity was problematic for Aristotle because it conflicted with his compositional approach to complex language structures. The solution that Aristotle proposed was that words lose some of their meaning in 6 compounds. The hypothesis of morphological transcendence is consistent with the Aristotelean observation and situates the cause of the effect in the activities of lexical comprehension and production. Moreover, the approach allows for a consideration (Libben, forthcoming) of the manner in which the family composition of a compound plays a role in the morphological transcendence of its constituents. So, for example, the entrenchment of -line as a compound head (as opposed to free standing word) is supported by the presence of compounds such as shoreline, snowline, breadline, skyline, and even lifeline. The presence of these other members of the morphological family of -line increases its distinctness from the free standing word. In principal, this family could create the conditions under which it is easier to guess the meaning of deadline. However, the fact that the internal semantics of deadline differs from the others (and interestingly also from lifeline) actually adds to its opacity. As the discussion above indicates, semantic opacity seems to be a core aspect of compounding. It is unlikely that we can simply label compounds as either transparent or opaque. And, it is very likely that we will see considerable variation in the manner in which participants have internalized such compound words. This, however, does not make the phenomenon experimentally intractable. Indeed, there has been a great deal of research that has been focused on semantic properties of compound processing and on matters of semantic transparency and opacity in particular. These have included the seminal work of Taft and Forster (1976) and Sandra (1990), and Zwitserlood (1994). The phenomenon has also been explored more recently in Libben (2006), Monahan, Fiorentino, & Poeppel (2008), Frisson, S., NiswanderKlement, E., & Pollatsek, A. (2008), and Fiorentino & Fund-Reznicek (2009). Work by Gagné & Spalding (2009) and Ji, Gagné, & Spalding (2011) have explored both the effects of semantic transparency and the contributions of patterns of semantic relations to the manner in which compound words are represented and processed. In our investigation of semantic transparency, we sought to develop and employ a set of new techniques for the study of compound processing that would allow us to examine psychocentric aspects of lexical processing. As we explain below, the P3 technique that we developed (Libben, Weber & Miwa, 2012) cobines techniques of testing lexical recognition (in this case, progressive demasking) and existing techniques of testing language production (in this case, the typing of words). The P3 technique combines these to allow us to compare responses to lexical presentation to patterns of lexical production. While the former can be seen as stimulus driven, the latter must be seen as an expression of the internal mental states of participants. As can be seen below, in this study we explored a number of additional opportunities that the P3 technique affords. These include the ability to split up the progressive demasking technique across two participants. These two participants then form an experimental dyad in which one participant sees a word and says it aloud (generating a lexical recognition response time). The second member of the dyad takes that ‘reading aloud’ as input and then types what he or she heard. This generates another set of latency data that correspond to letter typing times across the word. For compound words, such typing durations allow us to measure whether morpheme 7 boundaries are associated with typing pauses. 4. The core stimuli In order to assess the effectiveness of the P3 technique in addressing the types of issues we have discussed above with respect to compound processing and the phenomenon of semantic transparency, we chose to examine a core set of semantically transparent and opaque English compounds that have already been studied using the lexical decision task. by Libben, Gibson, Yoon, & Sandra (2003). The set of 40 English nominal compounds differ in the locus of their semantic transparency/opacity. Fully transparent compounds contain two transparent constituents. We will refer to these Transparent-Transparent compounds as TT compounds. These are words such as sailboat, for which the meaning of the compound is fully compatible with the meaning of its constituents. At the other extreme, words such as humbug are semantically Opaque-Opaque (OO). In other words the meaning of the compound cannot be derived from the meaning of either of its morphological constituents in any obvious way. Between these extremes are Opaque-Transparent (OT) compounds, such as nickname. These compounds have a modifier that does not contribute to the meaning of the compound in any obvious way and a head that does; the opposite applies to Transparent-Opaque compounds (TO), such as jailbird. All compounds employed in this study are bisyllabic, so that the constituent boundary always occurs after the first syllable. The set of core compound stimuli are provided in Table 1. Table 1. The core compound stimulus set. Compounds are classified as TransparentTransparent (TT), Opaque-Transparent (OT), Transparent- Opaque (TO), and Opaque-Opaque (OO). TT bedroom coalmine daylight doorbell farmyard fencepost paintbrush rosebud sailboat schoolboy OT chopstick, crowbar, dashboard, godchild, jackknife, nickname, pothole, shortcake, strawberry, sunfish TO cardshark, doughnut, heatwave, jailbird, oddball, shoehorn, slowpoke, sourpuss, spoilsport, staircase OO deadline, dingbat, fleabag, hallmark, hogwash, humbug, ragtime, rugrat, stalemate, windfall Using the lexical decision paradigm, Libben, Gibson, Yoon, & Sandra (2003) presented native speakers of English with these compounds under a number of conditions. Across all the experiments that they report, TT compounds were easier to process 8 than OT compounds, which in turn were easier to process than OO compounds. They concluded that the effects of semantic opacity must make reference to the opacity of individual morphemes and, in particular, to whether they are morphological heads. This core set of stimuli offered us the opportunity to benchmark the P3 technique. The core characteristics of the technique are sketched below. 5. The P3 technique In this study, we employed the P3 technique (Libben, Weber & Miwa, 2012). This experimental paradigm has the advantage that it simultaneously yields perception and production data on morphological processing. Moreover, it provides a means of introducing interpersonal communication to psycholinguistic experimentation. The P3 technique has three components, namely the visual presentation of the stimulus, an oral response and a written response. Initially, participants see words presented on a computer screen that gradually emerge from a pattern mask. Participants respond to the visual stimulus by saying the word out loud as soon as they have recognized it. Subsequently, the participants type the word they have just said out loud. It is possible to record data on a variety of dependent measures, including naming latencies, typing onset latencies, inter-key intervals and typing accuracy. Thus, the P3 technique combines a modification of the Progressive Demasking technique developed by Grainger and Segui (1990) with writing production task of the type used by Sahel, Nottbusch, Grimm & Weingarten (2008) and Will, Nottbusch & Weingarten (2006). A key advantage of the Progressive Demasking technique is that provides a measure of online visual word recognition without requiring the use of nonwords (in contrast to the lexical decision task). Since we employed the P3 technique for the first time, we tested participants on two core and two control conditions. The core condition referred to as the individual version yields perception and production data from one and the same participant. The other core condition involves interpersonal dictation. In this version, the oral response of one participant serves as input for another participant. The visual control condition on the other hand does not require an oral response. The participants indicate their recognition of the visual stimulus by pressing a key. Then they type the word. In the computer audio condition the written response is based on auditory input alone. However, the auditory input is produced by a computer voice and not by another participant. The combination of these experimental setups provides an opportunity to evaluate the robustness of effects of semantic transparency on morphological processing. 6. The experiments 9 6. 1 Methods 6.1.1. Participants A total of 93 native English speakers between the age of 17 and 31 years who had not learned a second language before age ten participated in this study. Of those, 19 participants took part in the computer audio and the individual version respectively; 19 pairs of participants took part in the interactive dictation version and 17 in the visual version. They were all students from a variety of departments at the University of Calgary and received either course credit or $15 for their participation. 6.1.2. Materials The stimuli employed in this study were 40 English nominal compounds described in Section 4 above. As shown in Table 1, the core set consisted of 10 TT compounds, 10 OT compounds, 10 TO compounds, and 10 OO compounds. 6.1.3. Procedure As indicated above, this experiment was carried out in four different versions. In all four versions of the experiment, the critical trials were preceded by four practice trials, after which the participants had the opportunity to ask any remaining questions. All core stimuli were presented in one block in randomized order. This block began with three additional warm-up trials that were excluded from the analysis. The main experiment took five to ten minutes per participant. It was carried out on a MacBook Pro, and controlled by a script implemented in Psyscope B57. Before the main experiment, participants filled out a questionnaire on their language background and some demographic information. After the main experiment, they were asked an online-survey in which they rated the degree of transparency of each of the core stimuli. The online survey was implemented in Obsurvey. Figure 1. A P3 study using progressive demasking and typing. 10 Interactive Dictation. In this version of the experiment, two participants interacted with each other. The participants sat in two sound booths with windows facing each other. Sound booth #1 was equipped with a computer screen and a microphone, which was connected to a button box that timed the oral response. The other sound booth contained a wireless keyboard and loudspeakers. A program called LineIn enabled soft playthrough from the microphone in sound booth #1 to the speakers in sound booth #2. At the beginning of each trial, the participant in sound booth #1 saw a progressively demasked visual stimulus appearing on the computer screen. Specifically, a masked prime that was either the head or the modifier of the compound was presented for 16 ms, followed by a mask of 284 ms. The prime was presented twice, followed by the complete compound stimulus. The length of stimulus presentation increased in steps of 16 ms, the length of the mask decreased in steps of the same length. In each trial, the compound was presented up to 16 times with a final duration of 288 ms. As soon as the participant recognized the word, they responded by saying it out loud, which stopped the presentation of the visual stimulus. The participant in sound booth #2 typed the word dictated by the other participant and pressed the return-key to initiate the next trial. The next stimulus was presented on the screen in sound booth #1 1000 ms after the participant #2 had pressed the return-key. Individual. The components of the individual version of the experiment were identical to those of the interactive dictation study. However, a single participant performed all tasks. Specifically, the participant performed the progressive demasking task with naming and subsequently typed the stimulus. Participants in this version of the experiment were equipped with a headset as opposed to a microphone to ensure that their hands were free for typing. Computer audio control. This version did not have a progressive demasking component. Participants received auditory input produced by a computer voice and typed the stimuli as soon as they recognized them without saying them out loud. The auditory stimuli were produced by one of the voices available in the text-to-speech application on Macintosh computers. We used the voice called "Alex", which, despite being recognizable as a computer voice, sounds natural and is well comprehensible. Occasional mispronunciations were corrected by altering the spelling of the stimulus. Visual control. The visual control lacked the oral component. Participants responded to the visual input by pressing a key as soon as they recognized the stimulus. Subsequently, they typed the word. 6.2 Results We discarded the data from two participants who took part in the visual version of the experiment because they did not type anything. Moreover, we removed the stimulus "staircase" from the analysis because it was significantly more frequent than all other stimuli. The analysis of progressive demasking latencies is based on all based on responses that were typed correctly. 6.2.1 Progressive demasking latencies 11 As there were no significant differences between the different experimental conditions, we merged the results from the individual, the interactive and the visual version for the analysis of progressive demasking latencies. remaining responses, whereas the analyses of inter-key-intervals and total typing In Figure 2, the progressive demasking latencies of compound words with varying times is only based on responses that were typed correctly. degrees of transparency are shown. Fully transparent compounds (TT) were responded to fastest, followed by OT and TO compounds. Fully opaque compounds had the 6.2.1. Progressive demasking latencies slowest progressive demasking latencies. These data patterns were investigated statistically, using a linear mixed effects re(Baayen et al. 2008) with random interceptsthe for participants stimAs there gression were model no significant differences between differentandexperimental Response latencies were log-transformed to reduce skew potential distortion conditions,uli.we merged the results from the individual, theand interactive and the visual version forfrom theoutliers. analysis of progressive demasking latencies. The first column in the fixed-effects Table 2 lists levels of independent variables. t-values in the fourth column that are greater than +/– 2.0 can be considered to be In Figure The 2 below, the progressive demasking latencies of compound words with significant at the p < .05 level. In the present analysis, negative values indicate facilitavarying degrees of transparency are shown. Fully transparent compounds (TT) were tion because they correspond to lower response latencies. responded toInfastest, followed and TOwith compounds. Fullywere opaque compounds this case, both typesby of OT compounds transparent heads recognized were had the slowestfaster progressive demasking latencies. significantly than OO compounds, which are on the intercept. Moreover, the frequency of the stimuli significantly reduced response latencies. 2150 2100 2050 2000 1950 1900 1850 1800 1750 1700 1650 1600 TT OT TO OO Figure 2. Progressive demasking latencies Figure 2. Progressive demasking latencies. These data patterns were investigated statistically, using a linear mixed effects regression model (Baayen et al. 2008) with random intercepts for participants and stimuli. Response latencies were log-transformed to reduce skew and potential distortion from outliers. The first column in the fixed effects Table 2 below lists levels of independent variables. The t-values in the fourth column that are greater than +/- 2.0 can be considered to be significant at the p < .05 level. In the present analysis, negative values indicate facilitation because they correspond to lower response latencies. In this case, both types of compounds with transparent heads are recognized significantly faster than OO compounds, which are on the intercept. Moreover, the frequency of the stimuli significantly reduced response latencies. Gary Libben and Silke Weber 12 Table 2. Effects of compound frequency and semantic transparency on progressive demasking Gary Libbenlatencies and Silke Weber Table 2. Effects of compound frequency and semantic transparency on progressive Random effects: demasking latencies. Table 2. Effects of compound frequency and semantic transparency on progressive demasking latencies Groups Name Random effects: participant Groups stimulus Residual participant stimulus Variance Std.Dev. (Intercept) Name (Intercept) 0.0512115 (Intercept) 0.0430524 Variance0.0092626 Std.Dev. 0.0430524 0.226300 0.207491 0.207491 0.096242 (Intercept) 0.0092626 0.096242 Number of obs: 2103, groups: participant, 55; stimulus, 39 Residual 0.0512115 0.226300 Number of obs: 2103, groups: participant, 55; stimulus, 39 Fixed effects: Fixed effects: Estimate Estimate (Intercept) (Intercept) frequency_cp frequency_cp transparencyOT transparencyOT transparencyTO transparencyTO transparencyTT transparencyTT 7.71 7.71 –0.03 –0.03 –0.12–0.12 –0.07–0.07 –0.15–0.15 Std. Error Std. Error 0.047 0.01 0.046 0.047 0.049 0.047 0.01 0.046 0.047 0.049 t value t value 165.24 –3.00 –2.65 –1.60 –3.12 165.24 –3.00 –2.65 –1.60 –3.12 200 150300 100250 Letter typing times Letter typing times 6.2.2 Inter-key-intervals at the morphological boundary 6.2.2. Inter-key-intervals at the morphological boundary 6.2.2 Inter-key-intervals at the morphological boundary The second dependent variable we analyzed was the inter-key-intervals at the boundarysecond between thedependent first and the second constituent of the compounds. Figure 3 illustrates at the boundThe dependent variable we analyzed was thewere inter-key-intervals The second variable we analyzed the inter-key-intervals at the inter-key-intervals at four different positions in the compound. The plus 1 position ary betweenbetween the first and constituent of the compounds. 3 illustrates boundary the the firstsecond and the second constituent of the Figure compounds. Figure 3 refers to the constituent boundary, i.e. the interval between the last letter of the first illustrates inter-key-intervals at four different positions in the compound. The plus 1 inter-key-intervals at four different positions in the compound. The plus 1 position constituent and the first letter of the second constituent. Accordingly, minus 1 refers to position refers to the thelast constituent boundary, i.e. the interval the refers to the constituent boundary, i.e. the interval between thebetween lastCruletter oflast the letter first of the interval between and the pre-final letter of the first constituent, etc. the first and first ofconstituent. the second constituent. Accordingly, cially, theconstituent inter-key at the the of morpheme boundary is longer Accordingly, than the inter-keyconstituent and theinterval first letter theletter second minus 1 refersminus to 1intervals refers to the interval between the last and the pre-final letter of the first constituent, at all surrounding positions. the interval between the last and the pre-final letter of the first constituent, etc. Cruetc. Crucially, the inter-key interval at the morpheme boundary is longer than the cially, the inter-key300interval at the morpheme boundary is longer than the inter-keyinter-key-intervals at all surrounding positions. intervals at all surrounding positions. 250 50 200 0 150 Minus 2 Minus 1 Plus 1 Plus 2 Letter location (Plus 1 is the.. 100 Figure 3. Inter-key intervals 50 at the constituent boundary (Plus 1) and surrounding letter locations 0 Minus 1 Plus 1 Plus 2 Minus 2 Letter location (Plus 1 is the.. (Plus 1) and surrounding Figure 3. Inter-key intervals at the constituent boundary letter locations. Figure 3. Inter-key intervals at the constituent boundary (Plus 1) and surrounding letter locations Figure 4 further distinguishes inter-key-intervals by transparency type. It illustrates that inter-key-intervals are reliably slowest at the morpheme boundary. However, 13 Semantic transparency and compounding the effect size appears to be dependent on degree and location of transparency. The inter-key-intervals are longest for fully transparent compounds and shortest for fully 350 Semantic transparency and compounding opaque compounds. The other two testing conditions fall in between. 300 250 350 200 300 150 250 100 200 50 150 0 100 TT 50 Minus two Minus one Plus one Plus two Minus two Minus one Plus one Plus two OT TO OO Figure 4. Inter-key-intervals by letter location and transparency type 0 TT OT TO OO Figure 44. further inter-key-intervals by and transparency type. Figure 4.distinguishes Inter-key-intervals by letter letter location transparency typeIt illustrates Figure Inter-key-intervals by location and transparency type. that inter-key-intervals are reliably slowest at the morpheme boundary. However, the effect size appearslinear to be dependenteffects on degree and locationanalysis of transparency. The interThe following regression compares inter-key-intervals Figure 4 furthermixed distinguishes inter-key-intervals by transparency type. It illustrates key-intervals are longest for fully transparent compounds and shortest for fully opaque at the constituent boundary. compounds withHowever, transparent heads that inter-key-intervals areAgain, reliably responses slowest at theto morpheme boundary. the compounds. The other two testing conditions fall in between. differ significantly fromtothose to fully compounds. Note, however, effect size appears be dependent onopaque degree and location of transparency. The inter-that interThe following linear mixed effects regression analysis compares inter-key-interkey-intervals longestfor for fully transparentcompounds, compounds andwhereas shortest forPDM fully opaque key-intervals wereare longer transparent latencies were vals at the constituent boundary. Again, responses to compounds with transparent compounds. The other two testing conditions fall in between. shorter. heads differ significantly from those to fully opaque compounds (OO compounds are The following linear mixed effects regression analysis compares inter-key-interon the intercept). Note, however, that inter-key-intervals were longer for transparent vals at theof constituent boundary. Again, and responses to compounds with transparent Table 3. Effects compound semantic transparency on inter-keycompounds, whereas PDM latencies frequency were shorter. heads differ significantly from those to fully opaque compounds (OO compounds are intervals. on the intercept). Note, however, that inter-key-intervals were longer for transparent Table 3. Effects of compound frequency and semantic transparency on inter-key-intervals compounds, whereas PDM latencies were shorter. Random Effects: Groups Table 3. Effects of compound frequency and semantic transparency on inter-key-intervals Name Random Effects: (Intercept) participant stimulus Groups (Intercept) Name Residual 0.149634 participant (Intercept) Number ofstimulus obs: 2341, groups: participant, 73;(Intercept) stimulus, 39 Residual 0.149634 Fixed effects: Variance Std.Dev. 0.075219 0.023330 Variance 0.38683 0.075219 0.023330 0.38683 0.27426 0.15274 Std.Dev. Number of obs: 2341, groups: participant, 73; stimulus, 39 Estimate Std. Error 0.27426 0.15274 t value (Intercept)Fixed effects: 5.55911 0.06761 82.22 frequency_cp –0.04890 Estimate 0.01652 Std. Error –2.96 t value transparencyOT 0.17164 0.07262 2.36 (Intercept) 5.55911 0.06761 82.22 transparencyTO 0.11149 0.07414 1.50 frequency_cp –0.04890 0.01652 –2.96 transparencyTT 0.20521 0.07742 2.65 transparencyOT 0.17164 0.07262 2.36 transparencyTO 0.11149 0.07414 1.50 Figure 5 below indicates that all versions of the experiment yielded transparencyTT 0.20521 0.07742 2.65 the same basic pattern. Specifically, fully transparent compounds resulted in the longest inter-keyintervals at the constituent boundary and fully opaque compounds involved the shortest inter-key-intervals. Interestingly, the interactive version yielded the same pattern as that of the individual versions. This represents a confirmation that the 14 progressive demasking technique that is effectively ‘split up’ in the P3 paradigm, nevertheless targets comparable phenomena. Gary Libben and Silke Weber 350 300 250 TT OT TO 00 200 150 100 50 0 Interactive Individual Computer Visual voice (just return key) 5. Inter-key-intervalsat at the the constituent boundary by experiment version Figure 5.Figure Inter-key-intervals constituent boundary by experiment version and and transparency type transparency type. Figure 5 above indicates that all versions of the experiment yielded the same basic 7. Discussion pattern. Specifically, fully transparent compounds resulted in the longest inter-key- intervals at the constituent boundary and fully opaque compounds involved the shortInterestingly, the interactive version yieldedof the pattern as on lexical Our goalest ininter-key-intervals. this paper has been to explore the consequences a same perspective that of the individual versions. This represents a confirmation that the progressive processing that emphasizes the extent to which language structures arede-essentially maskingintechnique is effectively ‘split of up’morphological in the P3 paradigm,structure nevertheless psychological nature.that Our discussion intargets compounding comparable phenomena. focused on the role that language processing plays in shaping the morphological structure of compounds and, in particular, in giving rise to positionally bound morphemic constituents that may vary in the extent to which they differ from the 7. Discussion meanings of their free standing word counterparts. Our goal in this paper has been to explore the consequences of a perspective on lexical We presented anthat experimental technique is consistent with a processing emphasizes thepsycholinguistic extent to which language structuresthat are essentially psypsychocentric perspective because it combines aspects of lexical recognition, lexical chological in nature. Our discussion of morphological structure in compounding naming, focused and writing. We described the means which the thismorphological technique struccan be used to on the role that language processing playsby in shaping compounds and, in particular, in giving rise to positionally bound morphemic explore ture theofinterplay among response variables and claimed that a promising constituents that technique may vary in the extentittocan which differ the meanings of characteristic of this is that bethey used to from compare individual lexical their free standing word counterparts. processing with processing that involves both a language producer and a language receiver. We presented an experimental psycholinguistic technique that is consistent with a psychocentric perspective because it combines aspects of lexical recognition, lexical naming, and writing. We described the means by which this technique can be used to The dataexplore thatthewe report suggest that the new P3 technique, which combines, interplay among response variables and claimed that a promising characprogressive naming latency, wordindividual typing,lexical yields data that are teristicdemasking, of this technique is that it can be used and to compare processing comparable, and perhaps even clearer, than those obtained in lexical decision studies with processing that involves both a language producer and a language receiver. with the same stimuli. datawhich showed a clear The data that we The reportprogressive suggest that thedemasking new P3 technique, combines pro- effect of semanticgressive transparency such that compounds demasking, naming latency, and word typing, yields with data thatsemantically are comparable, opaque and perhaps even clearer, those obtained in lexical decision with the same morphological heads were than recognized more slowly thanstudies those with semantically stimuli. The progressive heads. demasking data showed a clear of semanticdemasking transpar- results transparent morphological Taken together, theeffect progressive such that compounds with semantically opaque morphological headsmorphological were point toency a graded view of semantic opacity that has an important component. Compounds with two transparent constituents were recognized most quickly. Slower recognition times were recorded for OT, TO and OO compounds, in 15 that order. This is exactly the order that had been found in lexical decision studies using the same stimulus set. The analysis of typing times yielded the same gradation associated with opacity. It is interesting to note that the locus of this opacity effect was the typing speed at the character immediately following the morpheme boundary. This points to the ability of the technique to target morphological effects. It also suggests that the effects of semantic opacity emerge during the production process. From a psychocentric perspective, they are indeed inextricably tied to the production process. In our view, a promising line of future research would be the investigation of how and why transparency effects occur at the morpheme boundary. This would allow us to investigate more fully a hypothesis that dates back to Sandra (1990), who proposed that opaque compounds are not morphologically decomposed in the way that semantically transparent ones are. An alternative possibility is that morphosemantic computation naturally occurs are morphological breakpoints, and the typing task, with its ability to generate letter-by-letter latencies, is sensitive to this. In our view, the fact that the typing technique is sensitive to the semantic transparency effects obtained in lexical decision and in the PDM technique brings to the foreground an important consideration: In the typing part of the experiment, participants are not responding to a stimulus, but rather are producing one. So, any account of the transparency effect that appeals to a ‘surprise’ element would have difficulty in accounting for the data pattern. Put another way, if there are semantic transparency stimulus effects at play in the typing task, those stimulus effects are being generated from within the participants. Finally, we note an intriguing result of the use of the P3 technique in both individual and interactive contexts. Our data indicated that it was the interactive version of the experiment that yielded response patterns that were most clearly differentiated in terms of semantic transparency. We see this as opening up the possibility that differences in the production of compounds varying in semantic transparency by the speaker in the dyad results in typing differences in the production of compounds by the second member of the dyad. The mechanisms that would underlie this sort of cueing are not yet clear. 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