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Human Flourishing in Science & Technology Lecture Notes

Human Flourishing in Science and Technology
Human Flourishing
-actualization and fulfillment.
Human Flourishing
result of the following components: phronesis, friendship, wealth and
▪ Literal y good spirited
▪ A term coined by Aristotle to describe the pinnacle of happiness that is attainable by humans.
▪ A Greek word commonly translated as happiness or welfare; however, “human flourishing or prosperity’ and
‘’blessedness’’ have been proposed as more accurate translations.
▪ Means ‘’ doing wel and living wel ’
Martin Heidegger
im; to be able to appreciate the fruits of science and technology, they must be examined not only
for their function and instrumentality but also for their greater impact on humans as a whole.
Science As Method And Results
Scientific Method - is a mathematical and experimental technique employed in the sciences.
Steps in Scientific Method
1. Observe and determine if there are unexplained occurrences unfolding.
2. Determine the problem and identify the factors involved.
3. Formulate a hypothesis that could explain the said phenomenon.
4. Conduct experiments by setting up the dependent and independent variables and trying how independent ones
affect dependent ones.
5. Gather and analyze results throughout and upon the culmination of the experiment. Examine if data gathered
are significant enough to conclude results.
6. Formulate conclusion and provide recommendations in case others would want to broaden the sscience.
Karl Popper
ntial philosophers of the 20th century.
continual effort to test theories against experience and
make revisions based on the outcomes of these tests.
Theory of Falsification
g as an ideology is not proven to be false and can best explain a phenomenon over alternative
theories we should accept the said ideology
Theory of Falsification
theories cannot be verified by any possible accumulation of
observational evidence. The formation of hypothesis is a creative process of the imagination and is not a passive
reaction to observed regularities.
Technology A Mode of Revealing
of: Alethia, poesis and techne.
“unconcealedness ‘’ , “ disclosure ‘’ or ‘’ truth’’. It is the state of not being hidden; the state of being evident. It also
means factuality or reality.
is sometimes used
to refer to poetry and composition. The activity in which a person brings something into being that did not exist
means skil , art of craft that is often translated as craftsmanship.
Art as a Way of Enframing
of revealing in modern technology.
everything comes into open, and makes sense for us.
Two Kinds of Thought:
A. Calculative thinking
which people gather information and put it together in order to
put it to some specific use.
concerned more with doing of a thing than of considering the possible
A. B. Meditative thinking
calculation, and it takes much more effort.
It is not limited to simple coming up with reasons why to or not to do a thing.
Meditation is a practice where an individual uses technique such as mindfulness or focusing their mind on a
particular object or activity - to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm
and stable state.
Human Person Swallowed by Technology
▪ If we are constantly plug online and have no time for authentic personal encounters.
▪ If we cannot let go of the conveniences and profits brought about by processes and industries that pollute the
environment and cause climate change, then technology has consumed our humanity.
Technology as a Way of Revealing
- is the characteristic features of particular stage of human civilization that includes al aspects or dimension of
given people and / or period
- Is a whole complex of interacting components of civilization. These include custom, tradition, religious, ethical
and philosophical maxims or dogma; social, political, economic, and educational structure or institutions.
- the role of science to culture is to give us an understanding of the world as we perceive it not as we conceive it to
- at present, we no longer ask why, but rather how things are created; how are theses creations interconnected
- we are more concerned now about living things became so diverse and how the physical environment is linked
to all living creations.
Generation Gap
people and their parents or grandparents regarding beliefs, politics
or values.
about by technology.
these technological advancements
more accessible and less confusing for people who are not as young anymore.
to take the older generation to an exciting journey in science
and technology.
Some Notable Comparison of Then and Now:
1. Mortality rate : due to technology, less woman and children die during birth.
2. Average life span : science is able to prolong lives by enhancing living status and discovering different remedies
to most diseases.
3. Literacy rate : access to education provided to more individuals generally creates a more informed public.
4. Gross Domestic Product : is often used to determine the value of the country’s goods and services.
Interrelationship and Dynamics Between Science and Technology
1. Science cannot develop without the required technology infrastructure needed for research and development.
Materials, Equipment, Information, Organization, Management, and financial resources are necessary for the
conduct of productive research and development.
2. Technology cannot advance without continuing inputs from science. Knowing that heat technology was used for
cooking and lighting even by primitive people, the technological leap was achieved only after explanation by the
science of thermodynamics based on physics and chemistry.
3. Science is not the only source of
technology. Empirical know how,
experience and practice are also valuable
sources of technology.
10. Technology: Definitions, Concepts and Perspectives
◦ Technology derived from techne which means art and technologia which means systematic treatment.
◦ Technologia or technology is defined in Scribner Bantan English dictionary as science of industrial arts and
manufacture, applied science, all the means employed by a social group to provide for material comforts and
technical terminology.
According To Posadas
◦ Technology is a system of know how, skills, techniques, and processes which enable societies to produce,
distribute, install , maintain or improve goods and services needed to satisfy human needs, embodied in either a
material form such as machine, equipment software factories, and other hardware or an informational form like
blue prints, diagram and other software.
◦ It is an activity or product that tends to increase mans chance of survival.
◦ Technology aims to fulfil a particular needs. The most basic of these needs is survival.
Posadas classified alternative strategies for science and technology development based on the acquisition as
1. Strategies of technological dependence - anchors onbimportance of major technologies while generating few,
low level ones. Rest on the principles of cost effectiveness, quick result, and minimal investment risk.
2. Strategies of technological autarky- characterized by an almost self reliant technology as it barely import foreign
technology. A country is said to be in a complete state of autarky if it has a closed economy, which means that is
does not engage in international trade.
- An autarky also provides the opportunity to exercise complete control over the supply of technology, goods and
3.Strategy of technological leap frogging - an approach characterized by coupling selected high technology transfer
that involves innovating imported technology.
Four meanings of technology according to Mcginn
1. Technics - material, artifacts or hardware produced by a person, group or society.
2. A technology- the complex knowledge, methods, materials and if applicable constituents parts used in making a
certain kind of technic.
3. A form of human activity- a specific type of endeavor practiced by technologists.
4. A total societal enterprise- the complex of knowledge, people, skil s, organization, facilities, technics, physical
resources, method and technologies that taken together and in relationship to one another, are devoted to the
research, development, production and operation of technics.
Jacques Ellul
◦ A philosopher of technology best known for his anti- technological views
◦ Technology refers to knowledge about performance of certain tasks and activities called techniques.
◦ Technology can dominate every field of human and is geared to the achievement of maximum efficiency in all
levels of human endeavor.
Charles Walker
• Father of modern drugstore, says that technology has two aspects the inner and outer aspects:
A. internal modern technology- consists of skills of body and brain, of technical and administrative procedures of
mental processes both conscious and subconscious, some associated with value judgements
B. outer modern technology- in may perceived as an environment where we lived, made up of external tangible
things which are modified from time to time and which modify us.
11. Types of Technology
1. Material technology – deals with the extraction, processing, combination and synthesis of any goods.
2. Equipment technology – deals with the design and fabrication of tools, instruments, devices and machines.
3. Energy technology – deals with the generation, conversion, and distribution of various forms of power
generated storage.
4. Information technology – deals with the collection, storage, processing, retrieval, transmission and utilization of
5. Life technology – deals with the preservation, repair, maintenance, reproduction and improvement of living
6. Management technology – deals with the planning, organization, coordination and control of social activities.
12. Classification of Technology
1. Operative technology – denotes implementation and practical utilization of technology which can be divided
into two aspects:
a. Static – the know how and skills that permit the processor to execute technology’s routine operation.
b. Dynamic – the know how and skill which endow its
processor with a comprehension of scientific principles
underlying the technology and with the capacity to develop & design an improved version of technology.
2.Advance, Frontier or High technology – refers to the modern or sophisticated technologies which began and
developed after second world war out of modern research in the basic sciences.
3.Appropriate, Intermediate, or Alternative technology-these are technologies which are low cost, low level in
complexity, small scale, labor intensive, suited to local material and skill, designed for decentralized and renewable
resources, and oriented towards rural industries.
13. The role of technology can be explained through cause and effect relationship:
1. Technological improvement in medicine reduces infant mortality, eradicates killer diseases thus leading to a high
life expectancy rate, and makes safe and reliable contraceptives available resulting in a stable growth rate.
2. Technological application and utilization in production results in high labor productivity, product surplus, higher
international trade, and technology based sports providing larger capital investments accumulation for better
income distribution and improve social services.
3. Economic growth entrance formation enables development of better system and communication, as well as
improve housing conditions and social services leading to evolution of urban centers
14. Technological development should be utilized to achieve the following ends for the benefits of mankind
1. Improving the population system
2. Upgrading the resource system and protecting the environment through recycling and synthesis
3. Creating better socio-cultural system through party status and opportunity between men and women
4. Expanding economic system by changing employment structure
5. Advancing politico legal system which will enable greater people participation.
15. Nature and characteristics of technological innovation
A. Needs and prerequisites
Governmental needs are embodied in a countries development goals and objectives or mission, while demands
and opportunities created by the market economy defined the needs at the private business sector level.
1. Foremost of the prerequisites is the identification, clarification, and prioritization of objectives and needs
followed by the determination of appropriate science and technology inputs
2.A pool of sufficiently available resources - is the second major prerequisites for technological innovation
3.The 3rd basic prerequisites entails designing and creating specific technological innovation that would maximize
and ensure a steady supply of resources for the effectual discharge of the identified objectives and need.
16. The Role of Technology in Society
1. Development is characterized by change involving several interlocking aspects of society in response to the
evolving needs and conditions in pursuit of better alternatives for the welfare and satisfaction of material needs
and well being of its inhabitants
List of commonly used ‘’development indicators’
1. Income distribution among population
2. Literacy rate
3. Health services in terms of ratio of doctors to population
4. Labor force structure, ratio of science and technology man power to the total labor force and percent of
5. Demographic structure; % of urban population, population density and life expectancy
17. Three Developmental Stages of National Technological Capability
1. Operative capability- ability to put foreign technology into actual operation and carry out routine maintenance
and minor repairs on components of technology.
2. Adaptive capability - ability to adapt foreign technology through modification of its scale or a replacement of
some of its minor components to suit local conditions.
3. Replicative capability - ability to reproduce some if not all, the major components of a foreign technology
through endogenous technological innovation..
18. Modes of Technological Innovation
1. Endogenous mode- cumulative method of transforming knowledge potential, generated and develop at a local
or domestic level into practical utility involving a sequence
Process =research- development engineering- production or implementation- distribution or diffusion
2. Exogenous mode - transfer of an operative technology developed else where, assimilated and transplanted in a
country through commercial and non commercial channel
19. Global Transformation
◦ Is a long and tedious process and would therefore play a minimal role in national development.
◦ Local effort thus, determine a country’s socioeconomic progress to greater extent.
20. Effects of Science and Technology in Society
1. Expand society’s knowledge
2. They allow mass communication
3. Advances in medical care
4. Changing job market
Human Flourishing As Reflected in Progress and Development
Medical And Health Related Technologies
Diagnostic technology
Diagnosis- is the examination of a person to determine the cause of an
Illness or of what disease is present.
Doctors use three main types of “clue” in making a diagnosis:
a. The patient’s case history
b. The doctor’s physical examination
c. The results of medical tests.
The Process Of Diagnosing
A. Patients provide their own medical history by answering questions posed on them such present
1. conditions and past illnesses
2.Family history of disease and habits
3.Present illnesses
The Process Of Diagnosing
B. Doctors use certain basic tools and techniques to perform Physical examination.
•They use stethoscope to listen to listen to a [patient’s heart and Lungs.
•They check the internal organs for unusual hardness, softness or Change in size or shape.
• use endoscope, a lightened instrument that allows the doctor to see the interior of hollow organs such as the
stomach or intestines
The general and physical examination include;
Height and weight measurement
Taking a blood pressure
Eyes, ears and mouth examination
Reflex test for nerve conductions
Importance And Social Implications
From patient’s case history, physical
examination and medical tests.
By diagnosing body fluids such as blood, urine, stool sample, spinal Fluids and mucus, we will know about
the important information about The disease. Ex. Blood , can be determine whether the person has
Anemia, infection or blood disease.
Importance And Social Implications
2. Urine is tested for:
• Glucose – caused by diabetes.
• Bacteria – can indicate kidney or bladder infection.
• Protein – its presence of blood may result from kidney disorder.
Stool sample – tested for disease-causing microorganisms for blood which is
Often a system of intestinal disease.
Fluids – examined for microorganisms and other unusual Contents.
4. Spinal
● Mucus in the nose and throat – tested to identify organisms responsible for
Respiratory infections.
5. types of diagnostic Technology
a) CT (computed tomography) SCAN – can take highly detailed images of Hard and soft tissues to detect very
small tumors and other disorders.
b) Electrocardiogram (ECG) – is the medical test that detects heart Problems by measuring the electrical
activity by the heart as it contracts. It iIs useful for diagnosing heart conditions.
Ultrasound – high-frequency sound waves that are produced by the Hand-held from body tissues
detected by the same instrument, which Transmits the signal to a video monitor.
d)Mammography – is a special x-ray technique that is used to visualize soft tissues of the breast as a means or
screening women for breast cancer.
d) Skin test – used to diagnose hypersensitive conditions and allergies. This Test is usually done to identify
allergies to pollen, mold, pet dander, dust Mites, and food. In adults, the test is usually done on the
Pap smear (Papanicolaou’s test) –a vaginal examination That can determine cancer of the cervix.
It is the method of cervical screening used to detect Potentially precancerous and cancerous
processes in the Cervix. Abnormal findings are often followed up by more Sensitive diagnostic
procedures and if warranted, Interventions that aim to prevent progression to cervical Cancer.
Psychological test – used to diagnose Learning and mental processes. It uses a Combinations of
techniques to help arrive To some hypotheses about a person and Their behavior, personality and
Radiology – is a technique for generating images or interior parts of the Body by taking photographs
using x- ray, which penetrates the soft tissues Such as the bone.
j) Conventional radiography – generally and commonly known as x-ray. Tumors, pneumonia and tuberculosis
could be diagnose by the used of x-ray. It can also be used to see bone fracture and other conditions and to
examine the muscular and skeletal system.
k) Biopsy – examination to detect abnormalities of the cell. It is the examination of tissue removed from a
living body to discover the presence, cause, or extent of a disease.
l) Myelogram – test to identify spinal cord disorder. Such disorder often shows up in myelogram after a
radiopaque liquid has been injected into the spinal cord.
m) Angiogram – various kinds of angiogram shows heart and circulatory diseases.
Cerebral Angiogram – involves the infusion of a radiopaque substance into the Cerebral to the arterial
It provides important diagnostic information about the patency, size, Irregularities, or occlusion
of the cerebral vessels.
Cardiac Angiography – use to visualize coronary arteries, aorta, pulmonary Blood vessels, and ventricles to
assess structural abnormalities in the blood vessels.
n) Pulmonary test – measures the breathing capacity of lungs and airways and gives information on
respiratory functions.
o) Pelvic Examination- test to assess the general reproductive heath of a woman. It is the physical examination
of the external and internal female pelvic organs.
p) Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) Cylinder – is a scanning technique for creating detailed images or the
human body. The scan uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to generate images of the parts of the
body that cant be seen as well as the x-rays, CT scans or ultrasound.
q) Wireless endoscope – an instrument used to detect cancers on the small intestine and other ailments by
inserting fiber – optic tubes up the rectum or down the throat. This can be painful and some areas remain
Laser-light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. A Device that creates and amplifies a narrow intense
beam of Coherent light
Biomedical issues
Bioethics – concerned with questions about basic human values such As the rights to life and health, and the
rightness or wrongness of Certain developments in healthcare institutions, life technology, Medicine, the health
professions and about society’s responsibility for Life and health of its members.
Biomedical issues
A. ABORTION – Defined as the termination of pregnancy either Spontaneously or by induction prior to
Viability means the child’s capability to live independently from its Mother after it has left the womb.
Types of Abortion
1. Natural Abortion
•Occurs spontaneously or by accident.
•Also called a miscarriage.
•It has no moral bearing.
2. Induced abortion
• This involves the deliberate removal of the unborn.
• It is the termination of pregnancy using drugs or surgical intervention
After implantation.
• Self-induced abortion is an abortion performed by the pregnant Woman herself or with the help of other nonmedical assistance.
A. Direct or Intentional Abortion – in this of kind of abortion, the Woman willfully undergoes abortion due to
unwanted pregnancy, Due to unplanned/accidental pregnancy between spouse or sexual Partners or
pregnancy brought about by rape.
Therapeutic Abortion – if a woman’s life is put in danger due to a Pregnancy or continuation of a pregnancy,
abortion is induced to save The life of the woman.
Eugenic / Selective Abortion
• If the characteristic of the unborn baby did not meet what the Parents expected or wanted.
• The determination of the fetal characteristics is made possible using Modern techniques in prenatal diagnosis.
• Such technique can detect congenital malformations which may be Considered ‘’undesirable’’ thus may warrant
an abortion.
B. Euthanasia
•Means ‘’easy death’’ from the Greek word eu – ‘easy’ and Thanatos – ‘death’
•It can be defined as the deliberate putting to death in an Easy, painless way, of an individual with an incurable
and Agonizing disease.
•Often referred to as ‘ MERCY KILLING’
A. Active Euthanasia – is a sense that there is deliberate killing of The individual to terminate the prolonged
Passive Euthanasia – involves allowing oneself to die without Taking any medical treatment.
C. Voluntary Euthanasia – is the act of deliberate killing is Requested by the patient himself.
D. Non Voluntary Euthanasia – decided upon by the physician, A close relative, or a friend of the patient.
Reproductive Technologies
A.Artificial Insemination
- Introduction of semen to the vagina or uterus of a female with the Use of an instrument such as syringe in order
to attain conception And pregnancy.
B.In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer
- “in-vitro” means “inside a glass”
- union of the sperm and egg in a test tube
Reproductive Technologies
A.Artificial Insemination
- Introduction of semen to the vagina or uterus of a female with the
Use of an instrument such as syringe in order to attain conception
And pregnancy.
B.In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer
“in-vitro” means “inside a glass”
The union of the sperm and egg in a test tube
In Vitro fertilization and embryo transfer is performed for either of the
Following reasons:
1.Both couples are sterile.
2.The wife is a carrier of defective genes or has defective oocytes or
Non-functional ova.
3.Fertilization is not possible due to some obstructions or defects in the
Fallopian tube of the wife
Process of interbreeding between individuals of different
Species or genetically divergent individuals from the same
-creation of a being that is genetically identical to its parent.
a. Reproductive Cloning
- Implanted in a surrogate mother and allowed to grow and born.
b. Embryo Cloning
- medical technique which produces monozygotic(identical) twins or triplet.
Accurately called artificial twinning.
c. Adult DNA Cloning
- technique produces a duplicate of an existing animal.
d. Therapeutic Cloning
- procedure that starts off like adult DNA cloning.
A. Antiseptics
- discovered by John Lister that is used to reduce the risk of infection during
B. Insulin
- hormone used to control the disease diabetes mellitus.
C. Penicillin
- acts both by killing bacteria and by inhibiting their growth. It is effective against
A wide range of disease-bearing microorganism.
E. Nystatin
World’s first successful fungus-fighting antibiotic. Kills the body’s bacteria that
Fight fungus.
E. Diphtheria, Antitoxin, Trypan
- “magic bullets” attacking only disease-causing organisms in the body and
Leaving the rest of the body unaffected.
F. Polio Vaccine
- developed on June 23,1995 by microbiologist Jonas Edward Salk. It is the
First vaccine effective against poliomyelitis that provided immunity against
Poliomyelitis (Polio)
Infectious disease that sometimes results in paralysis.