Uploaded by Phuong Tran Minh

Ad Campaign Dashboard Requirements

Goal: create an interactive dashboard that visualizes ad campaign data.
The metrics to be visualized and analyzed in the dashboard will be based data collected from
ad-campaigns posted on popular social media sites such as linkedin, facebook marketplace,
twitter and others.
The initial data set will be collected from ad-campaigns posted in the facebook/meta
marketplace (abbreviated to FBM moving forward).
User story:
As an ad campaign manager I want the ability to track key metrics for my ad campaigns.
I want insights into the performance of my ad campaigns based on the peak times when
possible customers are viewing my ads and also to be aware of the low times when users are
not clicking my ads in FBM.
Additionally as an ad campaign manager I want to be able to set spending thresholds and be
alerted when I have exceeded the spend for all my ad campaigns.
Metrics to analyze and visualize:
Starting budget for ad campaign (graphed for multiple campaigns -graphs are overlayed
in a single graph)
○ budgets are fixed amounts for each campaign
○ campaign budgets for FBM are allocated on a monthly basis
○ the analysis will track the use of the campaign budget on a daily and hourly
○ Alerts will need to be created when the amount used for an ad campaign
exceeds a certain percentage.
■ For example if the fixed budget for a campaign is USD $1000, generate
an alert that the current spend for an ad campaign has exceeded 50% of
○ Note: FBM charges for ads by smaller increments, for example per minute usage,
but we are mainly concerned with the breakdown of the hourly spend
Up to date ad campaign metrics (graphed in a single graph to allow drill downs)
○ graph the current spend for the specified ad campaign
○ graph the clicks per ad by the hour
○ graph additional metrics (to be defined for each campaign)
■ there are approx 10–15 key metrics to track to include location of users
who are clicking on the ads, per hourly changes (to quickly identity the
peak hours and low hours of customer activity, others to be defined)
An example dashboard is below.
Page 1: Main dashboard
Shows the views of all campaign data
show total spend and also graph the budgets spent for each ad campaign
Show the alerts for current spend that have exceeded a user defined threshold (50% of
fixed budget spend for example)
Page 2-4 will be the individual campaign data
The individual campaign data will be based on the analytics collected for each ad campaign.
Up to date ad campaign metrics (graphed in a single graph to allow drill downs)
○ graph the current spend for the specified ad campaign
graph the clicks per ad by the hour
graph additional metrics (to be defined for each campaign)
■ there are approx 10–15 key metrics to track to include location of users
who are clicking on the ads, per hourly changes (to quickly identity the
peak hours and low hours of customer activity, others to be defined)
From the AWS quicksight dashboard examples:
This dashboard seems interesting
and this one as well