THE CONSTITUTION OF SHEPHERDS IN THE VINEYARD COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATION 1|Page TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ARTICLE 1: NAME OF CBO. 2. ARTICLE 2: OBJECTIVES. 3. ARTICLE 3: MEMBERSHIP. 4. ARTICLE 4: CBO VALUES. 5. ARTICLE 5: GROUP ACTIVITIES. 6. ARTICLE 6: GROUP ASSETS 7. ARTICLE 7: INDEMNITY. 8. ARTICLE 8: RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF MEMBERS. 9. ARTICLE 9: OFFICE BEARERS AND THEIR DUTIES 10. ARTICLE 10: FUNDS 11. ARTICLE 11: GENERAL MEETING. 12. ARTICLE 12: PROCEDURES AT MEETINGS 13. ARTICLE: 13. AMENDMENTS OF THE CONSTITUTION 14. ARTICLE: 14. DISSOLUTION OF THE CBO. 15. ARTICLE 15. ARBITRATION 16. ARTICLE 16: COMMITMENT CLAUSE 2|Page ARTICLE: 1 NAME OF CBO i.Name : SHEPHERDS IN THE VINEYARD ii. Address: P.O. Box 30848, Nairobi iii. Physical address: Buruburu, Phs.3 Sonko Road. iv. Area of operation: Nairobi ARTICLE: 2 OBJECTIVES I. Economic empowerment ii.To improve the wellbeing of individual members for better future. ARTICLE: 3 MEMBERSHIP 3.1.i. Every member shall be required to pay shs. 500 for registration which is non- refundable. ii. Members shall pay shs.1000 monthly as their savings. iii. Members' spouses become automatic members and next of kin’s. 3.2. For one to be a member of this CBO must be above 18 years. 3.3. Application of membership shall be made in writing to the secretary of the CBO. 3.4. All applications shall be placed before the committee officials, which may accept the application or reject with sufficient reason therefore provided that its decision shall be subject to ratification by general meeting and provided that no applicant shall be admitted unless such payment has been received, entrance and membership fee or any other fees as shall be prescribed by the by-laws. 3|Page 3.5. In addition to membership of the CBO, the secretary of the CBO shall cause each member to sign the register of application which acts, shall constitute an acceptance by the members of the bidding nature of the by-laws of the CBO. 3:6. Any member desiring to resign from the CBO shall submit a resignation letter to the secretary, which takes effect from date of receipt by the secretary of such notice. 3.7. Any member desiring to resign or be removed from membership shall be entitled to refund But with 5% less of his/ her entire total savings. 3.8. Any member may be expelled from the membership if the officials recommends and if a general meeting of the CBO resolves by a two third (2/3) majority of the members present that such member be expelled on the ground that his/her conduct has adversely affected the reputation or divinity of the CBO, or that he/she had contravened any of the provisions of the by-laws of the CBO. 3.9. Membership of the CBO shall cease with effect from the date a member:a. Ceases to hold qualification for membership under by-laws 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 whichever is applicable. b. Being expelled from the CBO as provided for under by-laws 3.8. ARTICLE:4 CBO VALUES 1. Serving others with integrity. 2. Exercising honesty. 3. Learn with humility. 4. Courage and persistence. ARTICLE 5: GROUP ACTIVITIES 1. Crop Farming 4|Page ARTICLE 6: GROUP ASSETS 1.All assets shall belong to CBO group; no individual member shall own anything unless authority by members on a unanimous agreement. 2. On dissolving the group, the members will agree on the best modalities on sharing the group's assets. 3. No member shall be allowed to own group's assets or properties. 4. To administer or obtain properties or assets of the CBO for the benefit of the members and when possible the community. ARTICLE 7: INDEMNITY 1.Every member shall be in a position of protection when undertaking any activity permitted by the group. 2. No member is allowed to undertake any activity without the group's authorization or permission. 3.Office bearers or members of the CBO will only be liable for loss or damage occurring in the execution of his or her duties if it arises as a result of dishonesty, or the failure to exercise the degree of care, diligence and skill required by the law. 4. No member of the CBO shall be liable for the Acts, receipts, neglects or defaults of any other member or office bearer. 5. The CBO shall be in a position to pay all costs and expenses which any such person may incur through a contract or a deed done in the discharge in good faith of his or her duties on behalf of the CBO. 5|Page ARTICLE: 8 RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF MEMBERS Subject to provision of these by-laws members shall have the duties: a. Shall not be personally responsible for the obligation of the CBO. b. The duty to pay full membership fees. c. The duty to abide by all decisions made under these by-laws. d. The right and duty to take part in all CBO activities and enjoy all facilities of the CBO. e. The right to vote in election to any office per to these by- laws. f. The right to be appointed or nominated as an observer or representative of the CBO in any meeting, Seminar and activities in which the CBO participates. g. The right to access to the CBO's facilities including books of accounts after giving notice of not less than seven (7) days to do so. ARTICLE 9: OFFICE BEARERS AND THEIR DUTIES THE CHAIRPERSON a. The chairperson shall unless prevented by illness or other sufficient cause, preside over all meetings of the committee and all general meetings. b. Shall be the executive and the spokesperson of the CBO. c. Shall be a signatory of all financial transactions. THE VICE CHAIRPERSON a. Shall assist the chairperson in all matters concerning the association as directed by the committee. b. Shall perform duties of the chairperson in his/her absence. 6|Page THE SECRETARY a. Shall deal with all the correspondence of the CBO under the supervision of the committee. b. In case of urgent matters where the committee cannot be consulted he/she shall consult the chairperson or if he/she is not available, the Vice Chairperson. Any decisions reached shall be subjected to ratification or otherwise at the next meeting. c. Shall issue notices convening meeting of the committee and all general meetings of the CBO. d. Shall be responsible for keeping minutes of all such meetings and for the preservation of all records of the proceedings of the CBO. e. Shall be witness to financial transactions. THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY a. Shall perform duties of the secretary during his/her absence. b. Shall be witness to all financial transactions. THE TREASURER a. Shall receive and also disburse under directions of the committee all monies belonging to the CBO and shall receipt by him/her and preserve vouchers for all monies received by him/her. b. Shall be responsible to the committee and the members to ensure that proper books of accounts of all monies received and paid by the CBO are written up available for inspection. c. Shall prepare or cause to be prepared a financial statement which shall be presented to all CBO's Annual General Meeting. d. Shall be mandatory signatory to all CBO financial transactions. 7|Page OTHER TWO MEMBERS; a. They will facilitate and assist all the functions of the CBO. b. They will act on behalf of the committee officials on permission or appointment. ARTICLE 10: FUNDS 10.1. The CBO shall derive its funds from registered fees, monthly subscription, fund drives, kind contributions, sales from CBO income generating activities e.g. agricultural products, grants, loans, donations from well-wishers and donors. 10.2 The group funds shall be kept in the organization's bank account. 10.3 The treasurer shall be allowed to keep liquid cash which shall be agreed and authorized by members. 10.4. The group funds in the bank can be withdrawn by the two of the three signatories or all. i.e chairperson and secretary, secretary and treasurer. 10.5. Members shall approve in minutes the amount to be withdrawn from the bank account. 10.6. The committee shall have power to suspend any office bearer who it has reasonable cause to believe is not accounting for any funds or property of the CBO. ARTICLE 11: GENERAL MEETING 11.1. There shall be two classes of general meeting: Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting. 11.2. The General Meeting shall be held not later than 31st December the following year. 11.3. Notice to such a meeting accompanied by the agenda for such meeting shall be sent to all members not less than twenty one (21) days before the date of the 8|Page meeting and where practicable, by press advertisement (if need be) not later than fourteen days (14) days before the date of the meeting. 11.4. The agenda of the Annual Meeting shall consist the following;a. Confirmation of the minutes of previous General Meeting. b. Chairperson's report. c. Consideration of the accounts. d. Such other matters as they may decide on as to which notice shall have been given in writing by member (s) to the secretary at least four (4) weeks before the date of the meeting. e. Any other business with the approval of chairman. 11.5. A special general meeting may be called for any specific purpose by the committee. Notice in writing of such meeting shall be sent to members not less than seven (7) days prior to such meeting. 11.6. Quorum for the general meeting shall not be less than half of the registered members of the CBO. 11.7. The supreme authority of the CBO shall rest in the General Meeting of the members which shall be held every year or such other occasions as may be deemed necessary in accordance with these by-laws. ARTICLE 12: PROCEDURES AT MEETINGS 12.1. At all meetings of the CBO, the chairperson, or in his/her absence the vice chairperson, or in the absence of these officers, a member selected by the members shall take the chair. 12.2. The chairperson may at him/her description limit the number of persons permitted in favor or against any motion. 9|Page 12.3 Resolution shall be adopted by simple voting by show of hands. In case of a tie in vote, the chairperson shall have a second and last vote. 12.4. All minutes and decision reached shall be recorded by the secretary. ARTICLE 13: AMENDMENTS OF THE CONSTITUTION. 13.1. Amendment of the constitution and rules shall be approved by two thirds (2/3) of members at a general meeting of the CBO. The amendments shall not be implemented without prior consent in writing to the Sub County Social Development Officer obtained upon application to him/her made in writing and signed by three (3) officials of the CBO. ARTICLE: 14 DISSOLUTION OF THE CBO. 14.1. The CBO shall not be dissolved except by a resolution passed at a general meeting of members by a vote of two thirds (2/3) of the members present. If a quorum is not obtained, the proposal to dissolve the CBO shall be submitted to further general meeting which shall be held one month later. Notice of the meeting shall be given to all members of the CBO at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting. The quorum of the meeting shall be the number of members present. 14.2. Provided however that no resolution shall be affected without prior permission in writing and signed by three (3) of the group officials. 14.3. When the dissolution of the CBO has been approved by the registrar, no further action shall be taken by the committees or any office bearer of the CBO. In connection with aims of the group other than to liquidate for cash, all the assets of the CBO and the balance therefore shall be distributed in such other manner as may be resolved by the meeting at which the resolution of dissolution is passed. 10 | P a g e ARTICLE 15. ARBITRATION 15.1. Any dispute arising out of these by-laws or concerning the business of the CBO which cannot be solved or settled by the committee or general meeting shall be referred for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration Acts of the laws of Kenya. ARTICLE 16: COMMITMENT CLAUSE After going through the constitution we have agreed and committed to It's content. We therefore accept and hereby agree to commit ourselves to, and to abide by all of the provisions contained in the Constitution and By-laws of the CBO. 11 | P a g e MEMBERS LIST FORM no Names 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 POSITION IDNO: SIGN REV.DOUGLAS MANGALE KENGA REV. HEZRON KULOLA MWANZOYA PST .CALEB OUMA OMULLO PST .AGREY MAKOKHA REV.PAUL WACHIRA WANJOHI REV.GEOFREY MACHARIA REV. SIMON MALUSI PST.BONFACE OJUKU DEBA REV.PETER MWAURA KARANJA PST. SOLOMON MUGO PST.PAUL SITINI PST.JOSEPH MWANIA PST.NICHOLAS MBINDA 14 BISHOP .JOHN WAKA CHAIRMAN:_________________________ sign:_________________________ date:________ SECRETARY:__________________________ sign:_________________________ date:________ TREASURER:__________________________ sign:__________________________date:_______ 12 | P a g e 13 | P a g e 14 | P a g e 15 | P a g e 16 | P a g e 17 | P a g e 18 | P a g e 19 | P a g e 20 | P a g e 21 | P a g e 22 | P a g e 23 | P a g e 24 | P a g e 25 | P a g e 26 | P a g e 27 | P a g e