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Topic: Social norms
Submission date: 8.4.23
Sayed Nurullah Azad (SNAd)
Adjunct faculty (PSS)
North South University
Fairooz Iqbal
Shaolin Adrita
Sadman Aman
“Social norms influence our fashion sense and the decisions we make.”
Research question:
The research questions to prove our hypothesis are:
1. What are the current societal norms regarding fashion that influences our choices?
2. How do societal norms influence our fashion choices?
3. How do we make our own choices about what is fashionable in our society? What are the signs or
what are the causes?
RQ;1 What are the current societal norms regarding fashion that influences
our choices?
Weather, culture, and mood are the main determinants of fashion. Nevertheless, there is no
denying that economic and sociological factors affect fashion. Some social norms regarding
fashion are as follows:
❖ Gender norms and fashion norms are closely related.
For instance, children are taught that pink is for girls and blue is for boys.
❖ Fashion & economic condition: People who have a high range of income tend to spend more on
luxury fashion. They dress differently compared to the lower class.
❖ Dressing according to body type: a certain style looks good on a certain body type.
For instance: cold shoulder dresses look good-in plus-sized people as it makes them look less
❖ Dressing appropriately for events: over-accessorized and wearing super gorgeous dresses at events
to look normal to society.
According to the research done, it is seen that, fashion is not only influenced by society it
also depends on mood, culture and weather. For instance: Not to wear certain clothes which look
inappropriate in a certain environment. To wear cotton dresses in summer & warm clothes in
So, social norms do influence one's fashion, but mood, culture, and weather are also influencing
factors of fashion.
Shaolin Adrita
RQ;2 How do societal norms influence our fashion choices?
Society influences anyone who belongs in it, which embraces the idea of how an individual
shapes and shifts their habits, behaviors, ethics, preferences, and also sometimes fashion, to fit
themselves into the mold created by the surrounding social environment. Fashion in Chinese is
called "shi-shang," meaning time and style, a temporary time frame, which also shines light on the
thought that it keeps changing every now and then. With a strong focus on fashion, we have seen
how it varies over time and location and across cultures and is greatly influenced by socialization,
conformity, peer pressure, submission, authority, persuasion, sales, and marketing. Physiological,
cultural, and political aspects, print media, the Internet, and word of mouth are also factors lending
a hand in influencing individuals. According to the research done to draw attention towards young
individuals and youth influencers, it is quite evidently said that "The clothes we wear
subconsciously express how we feel about ourselves and about our surroundings." "Due to
COVID, now we see a different form of clothing known as dopamine dressing, which focuses on
wearing bright colors instead of vague ones and thus bringing brightness into our own lives,"
reassuring us on the statement that our surroundings are what define us and push us towards
determining what to wear and what not to. How one looks is undoubtedly the first thing noticed
about an individual, who may be absentmindedly focused on their outlook depending on their
environment. Fashion is a choice defining one's "personal style or a modern-day faith or belief"
distinctly incorporated with how one is perceived by the society itself. The pressures that arise
from a regional perspective that spread and eventually become the societal norm, which everyone
adheres to and views those who don't as "marginalized" or "not normal," are what gradually change
the possible course of action.
Sadman Aman
RQ 3 How do we make our own choices about what is fashionable in our
society? What are the signs or what are the causes?
❖ Religious and cultural norms heavily influence fashion choices in Bangladesh. The majority of
Bangladeshis are Muslims, and as such, modesty is an important aspect of their dressing.
❖ However, with the increasing globalization and exposure to western culture, there has been a shift
in fashion choices among the younger generation. This shift has been attributed to the influence of
media and exposure to western culture.
❖ Social status also plays a significant role in fashion choices in Bangladesh. Wealthier individuals
tend to wear more expensive and fashionable clothing, while those with lower income tend to wear
more affordable and practical clothing.
❖ Gender also plays a significant role in fashion choices, with women often facing more restrictions
than men.
According to the research done and the survey conducted based on the opinions of
youngsters and youth influencers it can be concluded that most behaviors and choices made by
individuals as a part of society have been influenced and affected by their surrounding social
standards or in other words social norms. Social norms are bindings and regulations or believes
that has been passed on from generation to generation or sometimes have been created under
various changing social circumstances. The norms are often shaped either by the factors affecting
the mindset of people or by sudden outburst of popularity amongst mass majority, which is
commonly known as trend.
Whilst being influenced by the environment around one the judgement and critics one faces
throughout their fashion choices has also put a huge impact on determining the options being
chosen in order to fit in a wardrobe which is both socially acceptable and also boosts one’s
confidence keeping in mind the styling preference. This survey and research paper done on a
specific group of people has clearly portrayed the above mentioned reasons of how "Social norms
influence fashion sense and the decisions we take" and put forth the spectrum of ways in which
society plays a huge role in controlling lives of people being a part of it.