Nepal College of Information Technology (Affiliated to Pokhara University) Balkumari, Lalitpur, Nepal MFORMAS 2001 Subject: i i0 l so / z3 Report No. :01 Title: Use ca3e diaqyaq PREPARED BY: Name: Bhabishwar Khanal RollNo: 201744 Faculty: BE Software Semester: 4th 'Day' diagcang SUBMITTED TO: Name: Monisha Bhattora Department: BE Software Submission Date: 2030l02 02. Signature: LAB 1 TITLEi 0SE CASE DIAGRAM narative document that descibeg the > Sequence o enents Aon actor (an external uang a gstem to Lomplete a proces. The ese ssence is disoveigg and reoring functbnal veasirements orting , aious to help futp Acor oies aenolder us oals entty that is extemal to tne ystemoho Some partipates in tne stoy 4 be case. that people oclude hclude oles les that o P computor mechani cal deulceg. way Y Actors can Aetr Relotiomaktp yA relation ship ts y A UML relaionship adds semaics to connectsy between model elemerts pe 6d model element nat model by and behavior beteen moÀi Some UML relationaps are: defnigg Assodations : Indicate that Rnstances 6A connected tp I one model ane another model nstances "Dependenáes: Iodicateanother that a the auchn to orne model can Generatzakon : Indicate that one model element sa spedalzatien a another model clement. Realleati ons: Indicate hnat me model element proides specfieattn tnat another model elemot Notations L> The mehod or an Sr set A marks, A us.U Rnstance &Arepresert or Caracters mbols an art 6 4. 2nal state 3 Actor Use ase 5 6 Assodationg Generalizaton 7Dependerces quanties used notattons are: Start Intal tote a gotom Sr abbreutated enpresns sciene or in mathemates exepress technical fa cts Some ormmony charaters a Sr agtc to Olne Movie licket Reservotm Olthe Mouie Ticket Reservatn Sstem enter credeiols veite loain seleet mavie incude. seleet movieñonme seeet iheate choose tioet ot< check ovoloble sests Adin choose sets veturns avalot poys teket tee hoosee t choose onlRne update avolable seats send ticket conpintion bos alIne Shoppiag Site Onltne Shopping Site enter credentiols) verily lgo seovch tem select prauet 2u inelude»> ceinelude) sele re select color select quonti procees to checkor Poyment method select cash on online deiver rement trangacthbrs Avorsler money verity Purchase upaate ovi oble number Susiem ATM System ATM Sustem insert avd check ard vaidity vequest pin enter checks pin vetumg authoszobn Cuehoier Admin display service menu inauire blance woith draw cash chorge pn <inevdey chech keiant balanee) select serice provide service ce Yemove card aovding Nepal College of Information Technology (Affiliated to Pokhara University) Balkumari, Lalitpur,Nepal 2001 Subject: O0DM. Report No. : 02 Title: PREPARED BY: Name: Bhabishwar Khanal RollNo: 201744 Faculty: BE Software Semester: 4th 'Day' SUBMITTED TO: Name: Monisha ahatarat Department: BE Software Submission Date: blsslo2g Signature: & ACTIVITY DIAGRAM It is the he diaqram that TITLE: Rnvoed în an It is used t the squence q plo descabe the povale concurent actibng. erents from atoriog point pint oth the decision rqessín g enents. achong poths tht ane to the voved ?n the. Nototons used ia AAh Tt is a pavometeRed sequence aqle eveat that 2 Actton: A an ontllou: Tt is used to epresent the foo 4Totial node: 1t node: It conol one acton tonohen aefon. qrom fn behaviou s used to s used o vepmesent he atart point oa "epresent tne terminaton an achuby diogram How fro node: Tt ?s used to vepresen the tntermediate. terminaton s an enent. Deion and deciskon potnts s used to repre sent tne veceîve ordered proceedto proceechetout pradt seloct product Customer receve > transachon place order apy Shoppgste dashboard IAvakd Useg 3teman Rtem detls n onlne Bank Natd Trarsactoy suimance webte usng Skipplg Compagy veceve rder erter sme ATM Tnsert card Waltdate card enter amount to wAthdras vatd card] \[supfäet balance] cIvald Card fetmong ingutftcietbalane confm shoseo update account stot recdve osh grontmet nhonptal lopgin to the Invakd User] n votd Usen diaplgyoucilableHme chosse oprointmenttome update dtsrs databage oppointyent boked diaplgy tcket mig, NEPALCo AO010NH Nepal College of Information Technology (Affiliated to Pokhara University) GE OF MFORMATIO 2o01 Balkumari, Lalitpur, Nepal Subject: 000M Report No. : 03 Title: Actty Diggrang |ilo c|023 PREPARED BY: Name: Bhabishwar Khanal Roll No: 201744 Faculty: BE Software Semester: 4th Day SUBMITTED TO: Name: Manisha Bhattarai Department: BE Software Submission Date: 92)6l023 Signature: s. Onlthe Moue Trcket Resevation ystem Lqgtn [Valtd User] Choose Mouie Diaplay Dashboaxd EUravdlabte) Choose dte andtme [Avatlable] Choose Seat Proceed to payment Dtsplay tcket Update ouolaby 2. Manggemnt Logtn [Valtd User] Prceed boming [Availobl] Select book Choose booddvoton Boo IRnt DS sed] Update user's dotabose updte book ouai doly Nepal College of Information Technology (Affiliated to Pokhara University) Balkumari, Lalitpur, Nepal INFOROAP 2001 Subject: 00DM Report No. :04 Title:Seauene Digst 22/06/o23 PREPARED BY: SUBMITTED TO: Name: Bhabishwar Khanal Name: RollNo: 201744 Faculty: BE Software Department: BE Software Semester: 4th 'Day' Signature: Manisha Shattanai SubmissionDate: 22]6/o23 THEORY Buence Digqrom equence ddaram is an ?ntero cin igqram tht detls hos Dperotiong nt coied out. They cophuntne ?nteractton behoeen oects ?n tne cortet Saquence disqrams re time focus and thngy shos eoiaboration. tne order s the nteracion rtcal ocis ne Rne whot snat messaqes ave tne sent andhen. ttons used in a scquence digqvam: The vertcal dashed Ine ?s calted the Ipeltne erects Ahehe exlstence The vectanqulo Tol ee the oijeet. boz n a vernteal dashed Rne is colled ctivaon nobect dn eists. Mess aaes ave an object ohich fs actvated as lona as the repmesented tn aa chronolgical order Rrom tupto botto te veadinq tne messgqes from tnp to bottom shostne Sequenee ?n ohiN betoeer objeetsfs exeuted. Along ththe nessage, we can aso represent the cool trfonaton tnside the Obieet |1. Messaae to see Activotioa Lere Messaae brachet. messaae condthon SystemATM Customer ALT J 9-CTrue]:Eject [False;6nter 5Eter &. 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