1. Introduction 2. Facebook a. More AI recommended posts i. Showing the best content by all users, kind of like TikTok’s “For You” page. ii. Less external links posts, and more engaging content from algorithms. b. Family & Friends Posts i. Facebook has a long history of social graphs; key family/friend update posts. Hence, there is a possibility that Facebook might “highlight” family/friend posts over AI recommendations. c. Avatar Integration i. Use of avatars form digital identity. Key ways to connect virtually and develop accessory sponsorships and themes in the metaverse. d. Click-to-message ads i. Allows business-run ads on Facebook & Instagram to start a messaging thread. ii. Something similar will run in WhatsApp. e. Posts from VR i. Possible posts of VR experiences through the metaverse. f. Augmented Reality Spaces i. AR-enabled glasses could expand the metaverse through posts/experiences. Currently planned to be released in 2024. 3. Instagram a. More AI-recommended content- and more reels i. While new AI algorithms have not succeeded in the past, Instagram expects to roll out an algorithm that best reaches users. Most likely this will call for more reel exposure in Instagram feeds. b. Next level integration i. Meta’s VR realm rollout calls for alliances with artists to create art that can be experienced through the platform. Spark AR, Live Photos, and Gifs could be implemented soon. c. AR & more interactive ads i. 3D models and other forms of interactive ads will be implemented or at least expressed (released) to increase revenue. i. While it hasn’t worked well yet, Instagram could possibly release a new shopping tab/always-on feed of live shopping content. i. Musk might roll out subscription charges; free for the public, with a slight cost for government/businesses. Because Twitter analytics was deleted in 2020, there is a possibility of a more robust professional analytical offering, with a professional profile display. d. Live Shopping 4. Twitter a. Bigger subscription push b. Additional verification ticks i. Facebook attempted something similar; adding a phone/email verification through a gray tick verification. c. Variable algorithms i. Musk seems to want users to dictate their own algorithms. Little has been released about this project, however, there is a possibility there will be a change to some degree. i. A push for “Free speech”- Musk wants to introduce a content moderation council with diverse viewpoints. The only issue with this is the fact that while it’s legal to be racist, sexist, or transphobic; not everyone wants to encounter posts filled with the worst of humanity. This in the long run could affect the pockets Musk, he must find a moderate level of community banning to ensure revenue. d. Trial & Error ii. iii. e. The opportunity of payments i. A possible vehicle to facilitate payments- like cryptocurrency. ii. Expect to see twitter make a move to establish more of a payments backbone to build from. f. Longer tweets i. So people can share more types of posts in the app ii. Possibly longer videos too. 5. Pinterest a. International Expansion i. b. c. d. e. Pinterest is big in the United States, however, ads are not available in all markets. ii. Pinterest will probably work on expanding in other regions. Refined Search and Discovery i. More personalized tools to keep users appear at the top of their feed. Streamlined listing process i. Adding more tools to facilitate merchants ii. Easier purchases as well Improved AR capture i. Pinterest is working on AR experience to capture 3D products. ii. Try-on features could benefit through a more stable platform. Live stream shopping i. Possibly implementing live stream display options to purchase on the app. Similarly to what Instagram and TikTok are working on. 6. LinkedIn a. More data insights to help guide job seekers i. More links to ‘LINKEDIN Learning” ii. Linked in could potentially map out your entire career- from school to career progression (skills and interests) b. Improved video connection tools i. Expect the platform to develop more video content ii. Build on event features, including Zoom-like video meetings. iii. A lot of video engagement is expected throughout the app. c. Bigger focus on audio i. Expect to see audio rooms in groups ii. Audio meet-ups among your connections iii. More sections highlighting audio events. d. Feed Presentation Update i. With new video tools, expect LinkedIn to change format ii. LinkedIn TV? Possible? 7. TikTok a. Live-stream commerce and shops i. TikTok has found success in Asian markets by implementing live shopping on the app, most likely to incorporate in the United States. b. New Creator Payments i. While the creator fund has not been able to keep stars/content creators on the app, it is possible that TikTok might roll out an ad percentage to these TikTok stars. c. Separation from CCP i. Expect more pressure on the TikTok app, while the agreement between Oracle and TikTok was a big step, it most likely will not be enough for future threats. 8. Snapchat a. AR Glasses i. Like Apple and Meta, Snapchat has been working on their Spectacles AR glasses for some time. Possibly they may release more info/and could be the first to market than its competitors. b. Avatar Fashion & Digital Items i. Bitmojis are constantly being used in DMs, Snap maps, and on their profile; hence, it’s no surprise that they are more well-known and tend to be more used (around 1 billion avatars). ii. With this huge accomplishment, comes the possibility of more fashion/item partnerships this upcoming year. MORE $$$ c. Expanded Sports Push i. With sports audiences ranging from youngsters to older audiences, Snapchat hopes to capitalize on this with its recent “La Liga” partnership. ii. Expect more sports content, games, live scores, etc in hopes of gaining an older audience. d. Video/Bitmoji Chat i. Possibly more video chat elements ii. While Snapchat already has group video chat, there is a possibility of developing live chats anyone can tune into iii. Maybe video chats are listed in the Snap Map to help engage local communities. iv. Snapchat is about friends, not broadcasting. Maximization of engagement through social connection and community. 9. The Underlying Importance: “The Significant Issue” a. Brand Identity i. These brands are seeking ways to stay on top of each other, however, they are unable to meet the consumer effectively. There is a lack of uniqueness as they simply copy whoever is getting kudos. a. The market has become competitor-driven rather than consumer-driven. b. Changing consumer behaviors i. Every platform is attempting to stay relevant; they need users to engage with their platform, hence, many are pursuing different avenues and tools. c. Monetization challenges i. All platforms are attempting to stay in business. They are seeking ways to increase revenue through live shopping/gifting etc; meanwhile others (Tiktok) are trying to pay for stars. 10. Credits - 32 Predictions for Social Media Marketing in 2023