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Unemployment v inflation: by creating unemployment through less government spending demand
will fall leading to lower inflation
Economic growth v the balance of payments: higher
Economic growth v inflation- a positive output gap will lead to increased demand and resultant
inflationary pressures
Phillp curve
- studied the relationship between unemployment could be traded off against a certain level of
inflation, as unemployment goes down prices go up.
In the short run, the Phillips Curve is downward sloping.
In the long run, it is vertical
Full employment
Full employment is the natural rate of employment
NOT 100% employment, those who want work are working
Always will be frictional and structural unemployment
4-5% is deemed acceptable by most
If unemployment is HIGH, this is a sign of a inflationary
Suggests that changes in employment have direct predictable effects on inflation
Stagflation- unemployment increases and so does inflation ( high inflation and high employment at
the same time)
As more people become employed AD rises which contributes to demand pull inflationary pressures.
The L- shaped Philip curve demonstrates that any attempt to reduce unemployment below its
natural state will lead to inflation.
A change in AS will lead to a shift in the SPAC, a change in demand will lead to movement along the
Economic Cycle
Positive gap
Low unemployment
High inflation
Negative Gap
-High unemployment
-Low inflation