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The Importance of Proper Nutrition in Sports
When it comes to sports, nutrition plays a vital role in optimizing performance and supporting
overall health. In this article, we will focus on the significance of consuming a well-balanced diet
during sports activities. Now, hold on to your forks and let's dig in!
The Essential Nutrients
Our bodies require an adequate intake of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and
water on a daily basis. During sports activities, the synthesis of proteins in the working muscles
is significantly increased. Building the necessary protein structures for muscle function requires
a sufficient supply of high-quality protein. However, our regular diet often falls short in
providing the necessary amount of easily digestible proteins, especially in the right proportions.
That's why additional protein intake or the use of specialized high-biological-value products
becomes essential. Proteins are responsible for betting online sites and cell formation and repair,
while carbohydrates serve as the primary energy source for the body during intense physical
exertion. Fats, on the other hand, act as the secondary energy source. Consequently, higher
physical demands require increased protein, carbohydrate, and fat intake compared to periods of
The Optimal Meal Plan
For individuals engaged in high-intensity physical activities, a 5-6 meal plan is recommended for
optimal nutrition. This distribution of meals throughout the day ensures a more physiological
approach. The breakdown of the daily caloric intake should be as follows: 5% for breakfast, 30%
for the second breakfast, 5% for post-workout nutrition, 30% for lunch, 5% for afternoon snack,
and 25% for dinner. The portion size should not be excessively large, ranging from 3 to 3.5 kg of
food per day for a person weighing 70 kg. Fruits and vegetables should make up 10-15% of the
diet. On training days, breakfast and lunch should be particularly nutritious. Throughout the
second half of the day, it is advisable to have multiple smaller meals with high carbohydrate
content to provide energy before training sessions. Hydration is also crucial, and it is
recommended to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially in the hour leading up to
exercise. It is advisable to consume hard-to-digest foods such as cabbage, beans, lentils, pork fat,
and lamb fat in moderation and preferably after training sessions. Variety in food choices and
high-quality culinary preparation are important factors. Ground or boiled meat, mashed legumes,
and oatmeal in the form of porridge with milk are easier to digest. Avoiding repetitive dishes and
monotonous meals is also recommended. Alternating between neutral and acidic soups and
avoiding identical side dishes are beneficial. In hot climates, caloric intake should be slightly
reduced, while in cold climates, protein consumption should be increased, and fat intake should
be reduced. Remember, folks, fueling your body with the right nutrients is the secret ingredient
to achieving peak performance in sports. So, embrace a well-balanced diet, stay hydrated, and let
your inner champion shine!
Nutrition Before Exercise
The body cannot digest a large amount of food during physical exercise, so it is not advisable to
eat right before a workout. However, to fuel your body for sports activities, you need a good
amount of energy. Carbohydrates are the best source of energy, so they should be included in
your breakfast or lunch about 3 hours before exercise or consumed in small portions no later than
an hour before. Carbohydrate-rich foods include oatmeal with skim milk, boiled potatoes,
crispbread, crackers, toast, bread with jam or honey.
Nutrition After Exercise
If you have been physically active but haven't eaten for 5 hours, your blood glucose level drops
to a point where physical exercise becomes excessive. Even if you don't feel any obvious
discomfort, it still negatively affects your endurance and ability to concentrate during exercise. It
is recommended to eat within two hours after completing your workout. If physical exercise
suppresses your appetite, try to have something high in carbohydrates as quickly as possible.
Here are some dishes that are ideal for post-workout nutrition: oat cookies, fruit cake, pasta with
vegetables, fish or chicken, baked potatoes with low-fat seasoning, boiled rice and sweet corn
salad, fruit salad with oat flakes, vegetable ragout. Carbohydrates are digested at different
speeds, which means that blood sugar levels can rise slowly or rapidly. Starchy foods found in
potatoes, bread, and rice release their energy slowly, while simple carbohydrates found in jam,
honey, fruits, and juices are quickly absorbed. "High-speed energy" foods (raisins, bananas,
honey, jam, glucose, candies, chocolate, sweet cookies, as well as rice, bread, sweet corn,
potatoes, and beans) are best consumed before exercise. Foods with moderate speed (pasta, oats,
sweet potatoes, oatmeal, grapes, oranges, oat cookies) that increase blood sugar levels are
recommended right after physical exertion. "Low-speed" foods (milk, yogurt, ice cream, apples,
plums, grapefruits, dates, figs, and legumes) can be consumed a bit later.
Vitamin Supplements
Among the various pharmacological means of enhancing performance during increased physical
activity, vitamins hold a special place. The loss of vitamins during exercise or chronic deficiency
in food leads not only to a decrease in performance but also to various health conditions. To
meet the body's vitamin requirements, in addition to consuming vegetables and fruits, readymade multivitamin supplements are commonly taken. Aerovit: Increases physical performance
and speeds up post-exercise recovery. Dosage: 1 tablet once a day for 3-4 weeks. Dekamevit:
Enhances the body's immune functions, accelerates recovery processes, and counteracts aging.
Dosage: 1 tablet twice a day for 2-3 weeks. Undevit: Used for recovery after intense physical
exertion. Dosage: 2 tablets twice a day for 10 days, followed by 1 tablet twice a day for the next
20 days. Glutamevit: Accelerates recovery processes during periods of high physical loads and
enhances physical performance. Dosage: 1 tablet three times a day for 2-3 weeks. TetraVit:
Speeds up recovery after intense workouts. Dosage: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. Vitamin B-g
(Calcium Pangamate): Increases the body's resistance to hypoxia, promotes glycogen synthesis
in muscles, liver, and myocardium, and enhances creatine phosphate synthesis in muscles and
myocardium. Used to accelerate recovery during periods of high physical exertion and
By maintaining a balanced diet and incorporating the right nutrients, you can optimize
your performance and support your body's needs during sports activities. Remember to
consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist for personalized advice based on
your specific goals and requirements.
Sports Nutrition: What to Eat Before, During, and After Your Workout
Nutrition for Athletes
Vitamins and Minerals for Athletes