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Surra & Babesiosis in Ruminants: Diseases, Treatment, Prevention

• Etiology: Trypanosoma evansi
• Epidemiology:
o Transmitted by biting flies such as Tabanus, Stomoxys
o Transmission is probably resulting from interrupted feedings
o A few wild animals are susceptible to infection and may serve as
• Hosts
Pathogenic in most domesticated animals and some wild animals
Domesticated animals: Horses, mules, donkeys, cattle, buffalo, camels
(dromedary and Bactrian), llamas, pigs, sheep, goats, dogs and cats
Most important single cause of morbidity and mortality in camels
Wild animals: deer, capybara (reservoir host) and other species
New world camelids in South America are experimentally susceptible but
natural disease has not been reported despite presence in cattle and horses
Reservoir hosts to camels and horses: cattle, buffalo, capybara, and vampire
Rats and mice are highly susceptible as experimental hosts for detecting
subclinical (nonpatent) infections
• Transmission
• Direct life cycle with no intermediate host
• Agent is transmitted from animal to animal mechanically by hematophagous flies,
including Tabanus spp. and Musca spp.
• Also Lyperosia, Stomoxys and Atylotus genera.
• Tabanids (horse flies) are the most significant vectors
• Vampire bats in South and Central America are hosts, reservoirs and vectors of T.
evansi; they transmit T. evansi mechanically in their saliva, and may develop high
parasitaemia which may kill the bat.
• Recovered bats serve as carriers
• Carnivores may become infected after ingesting infected meat
• Transmission in milk and during coitus has been documented
• Sources of infection
• Blood from infected animals
• occasionally meat and milk
• T. evansi frequently localises extravascularly in tissues
including the central nervous system
• Occurrence
• T. evansi has a wide distribution in Asia, North Africa (extending
into tsetse areas with T. brucei infections) and Central and South
• The main host species varies with the geographical region.
• Horses are most often affected in South America; horses, mules,
buffalo, and deer in China (People’s Rep. of); horses, cattle, and
buffalo in SouthEast Asia; and camels in the Middle East and
Surra: Diagnosis
• Clinical diagnosis
• Morbidity and Mortality: Camels living in northeastern Africa may have infection rates
of 20–70%.
• Case fatality rate in untreated horses and camels is nearly 100%.
• Surra in cattle and buffalo tends to be chronic with a much lower CFR.
• Animals subjected to stress, like malnutrition, pregnancy, and physical labour, are
more susceptible to disease.
• often rapidly fatal in camels and horses, but may also be fatal in buffalo, cattle, llama
and dogs, however these host species may develop mild or subclinical infections.
• Nervous signs are common in horses.
• Dogs may also have nervous signs that resemble rabies.
• Infections in deer are usually chronic with oedema, anaemia, emaciation and nervous
• Clinical signs are suggestive but diagnosis must be confirmed by a laboratory.
• Pathogenesis
o Metacyclic trypanosomes inoculated into the skin of animals during a blood
meal by vectors
o Trypanosomes grow for a few days and cause localized swellings
o Trypanosomes enter lymph nodes -→ bloodstream (divide)
o Immune response of animals result in production of immune complexes that
cause inflammation, which contributes to the signs and lesions of the disease
o Antibodies against the surface-coat glycoproteins kill the trypanosomes,
however, trypanosomes have multiple genes that code for different surfacecoat glycoproteins that are not vulnerable to the immune response (this
phenomenon is called antigenic variation). This results in persistence of the
Surra: Clinical Diagnosis
• Fever, directly associated with parasitaemia – recurrent episodes occur
during the course of disease
• Progressive anaemia, weight loss and icterus
• Progressive weakness and lethargy
• Oedematous swellings of the lower parts of the body: legs, briskets and
abdomen (gravity dependent)
• Urticarial plaques in the skin
• Petechial haemorrhages of the serous membranes (eyelids, nostrils and
• Abortions reported in buffaloes and camels
• Immunodeficiency
• Death may occur in 2 weeks to 4 months, chronic infections may last up to
2 years
Weight loss and testicular oedema;
Source: hindawi.com
• T. evansi in a blood smear
Source: visavet.es
• Serological tests
• Indirect immunofluorescent antibody test: useful when screening s
small number of samples
• Antibody detection ELISA: very useful for large-scale surveys o ELISA
using variable surface glycoproteins from a T. evansi RoTat 1.2 clone
successfully differentiated T. evansi from T. brucei.
• Card agglutination test: also makes use of T. evansi RoTat 1.2 clone
• Latex agglutination test: currently under evaluation
• Lesions
Post-mortem lesions are nonspecific and may include:
emaciation of the carcass
petechial haemorrhages on some internal organs
hydrothorax and ascites
enlarged lymph nodes and spleen
• Differential diagnosis
• Horses: African horse sickness, equine viral arteritis, equine infectious
anaemia, chronic parasitism, dourine
• Camels: tsetse-transmitted trypanosomosis, anthrax, chronic parasitism
• Cattle: babesiosis, anaplasmosis, theileriosis (East Coast Fever), haemorrhagic
septicaemia, anthrax, chronic parasitism, malnutrition
• Dogs: rabies if neurological signs
• Suramin – 10 mg/kg bw IV, repeated 1 week later
• Quinapyramine sulfate – 3 mg/kg – dose divided between 2 or more
• Isometamidium chloride – 0.25 to 2 mg/kg IM
• Melarsen oxide
• Prevention relies on the ff:
• identification and treatment of infected horses
• Appropriate vector control
• Hygiene
• Repeated treatment with suramin, quinapyramine, and isometamidium
chloride has been suggested
• a tick-borne, malaria-like
illness caused by species of
the intraerythrocytic
protozoan Babesia
• Transmitted by ticks
• Worldwide distribution
Source: en.wikipedia.org
Babesiosis: Transmission & Epidemiology
• Main vectors: one-host Boophilus spp ticks, in which transmission
occurs transovarially
• In ticks, the blood stages of the parasite are ingested during
engorgement and undergo life cycles in the replete female, eggs, and
subsequent parasitic stages
• Transmission to the host occurs when larvae (in the case of B. bovis)
or nymphs and adults (in the case of B. bigemina) feed
Source: semanticscholar.org
Source: link.springer.com
Babesiosis: Transmission & Epidemiology
• In endemic areas, two features are important in determining the risk of clinical
1) calves have a degree of immunity that persists for approx 6 mos, and
2) animals that recover from Babesia infections are immune for life. Thus at high
levels of tick transmission, all newborn calves will become infected with
Babesia by 6 mo of age, show few if any clinical signs, and subsequently be
Babesiosis: Transmission & Epidemiology
• Situations that could upset endemic stability:
o Either natural (e.g. climatic) or artificial (e.g. acaricide treatment) reduction
in tick numbers to levels in which tick transmission of Babesia in calves is
insufficient to ensure all are infected during this critical early period
o Introduction of susceptible cattle to endemic areas
o Incursion of Babesia-infected ticks into previously tick-free areas
Babesiosis: Symptoms
• BB is predominantly observed in adult cattle
• Infected animals develop a life-long immunity against re-infection with the same
species and some cross-protection is evident in B. bigemina-immune animals
against subsequent B. bovis infections.
• B. bovis
Conditions are often more severe than other
• High fever
• Parasitaemia (percentage of infected
erythrocytes) - maximum parasitaemia is often
less than one per cent.
• Neurologic signs such as incoordination, teeth
grinding and mania. Some cattle may be found
on the ground with the involuntary movements
of the legs. When the nervous symptoms of
cerebral babesiosis develop, the outcome is
almost always fatal.
• Dark coloured urine
• Anorexia
• B. bigeminaFever
• Anorexia
• Animals likely to separate from herd, be weak,
depressed and reluctant to move
• Haemoglobinuria and anaemia
• Dark coloured urine
• Central nervous system (CNS) signs are
• Lesions
• In B. bigemina parasitaemia often exceeds 10
per cent and may be as high as 30 per cent.
Source: obhiro.ac.jp
Post-mortem findings of bovine babesiosis caused by Babesia bigemina.
Enlarged urinary bladder containing dark-colored urine (A), kidney
degeneration (B), lung edema (C), jaundice of the liver (D), intra-erythrocytic
merozoites on a Giemsa-stained blood smear (E)
Source: researchgate.net
Babesiosis: Treatment
• Mild cases may recover without treatment.
• Sick animals can be treated with an antiparasitic drug. Treatment is
most likely to be successful if the disease is diagnosed early; it may
fail if the animal has been weakened by anemia.
• Imidocarb has been reported to protect animals from disease but
immunity can develop. There are also concerns with regard to
residues in milk and meat.
• In some cases, blood transfusions and other supportive therapy
should be considered.
Babesiosis: Prevention
• Effective control of tick fevers has been achieved by a combination of
measures directed at both the disease and the tick vector. Tick control
by acaracide dipping is widely used in endemic areas.
• Dipping may be done as frequently as every 4-6 weeks in heavily
infested areas. The occurrence of resistance of ticks, chemical
residues in cattle and environmental concerns over the continued use
of insecticides has led to use of integrated strategies for tick control.
• Babesiosis vaccines are readily available and are highly effective. Antitick vaccines are also available in some countries and can be used as
part of an integrated program for the control of ticks.
• Babesiosis can be eradicated by eliminating the host tick(s)
• A disease of ruminants caused by obligate intraerythrocyte parasites
of the order Rickettsiaeles, Anaplasma
• Cattle, sheep, goats, deer, antelope, giraffes, and buffalo may be
• Bovine anaplasmosis is of economic importance in the cattle industry
Anaplasmosis: Etiology
• Clinical bovine anaplasmosis is
usually caused by A. marginale
• Cattle are also infected with A.
caudatum (may result in severe
disease) and A. centrale (mild
• A. ovis (mild to severe disease):
sheep, deer, and goats
Source: en.wikipedia.org
Anaplasmosis: Transmission & Epidemiology
• Anaplasmosis is not contagious
• Most transmission occurs via numerous species
of tick vectors
• Boophilus species are major vectors
• After feeding on an infected animal, intrastadial
or trans-stadial transmission may occur
• Transovarian transmission may also occur (rare)
• Transplacental transmission is usually associated
with acute infection of the dam in the second or
third trimester of gestation
• May also spread through the use of
contaminated needles or dehorning or other
surgical instruments
• There is a strong correlation between age of
cattle and severity of disease. Calves are much
more resistant to the disease than older cattle
• After recovery from the acute phase of infection,
cattle remain chronically infected carriers of the
parasite and immune to further clinical disease.
However, these chronically infected cattle may
relapse to anaplasmosis when
immunosuppressed (e.g. by corticosteroids),
when infected by other parasites, or after
• Carriers serve as a reservoir for further
Source: intechopen.com
Anaplasmosis: Clinical Findings
• Anaplasmosis is characterized by
progressive anemia due to extravascular
destruction of infected and uninfected
• The prepatent period of A. marginale is
directly related to the infective dose and
typically ranges from 2 to 8 weeks
• Parasitemia approximately doubles every
24 hr during the exponential growth
• Generally, 10-30% of the erythrocytes are
infected at peak parasitemia
• Erythrocyte count, PCV, and haemoglobin
values are all severely reduced
• Macrocytic anemia with circulating
reticulocytes may be present late in
the disease
• Acute infection:
o Rapid loss of condition
o Drop in milk production
o Inappetence, loss of coordination,
breathlessness when exerted, and
a rapid bounding pulse are usually
evident in the late stages
o Urine may be brown (but
myoblobinuria does not occur)
Anaplasmosis: Clinical Findings
Transient febrile response
Paleness and then yellowing of the mucous membrane
Abortion may occur in pregnant cows
Surviving cattle convalesce over several weeks (during which hematologic
parameters gradually return to normal)
Anaplasmosis: Lesions
Carcasses are generally markedly anemic and jaundiced
Blood is thin and watery
Spleen is characteristically enlarged and soft, with prominent follicles
Liver may be mottled and yellow-orange
Gallbladder is often distended and contains thick brown or green bile
Hepatic and mediastinal lymph nodes appear brown
Epicardial and pericardial petechiae and ecchymoses are often present
Anaplasmosis: Diagnosis
• Microscopical examination of Giemsa-stained thin and thick blood
• Chronically infected carriers may be identified by serologic testing
• complement fixation
• card agglutination tests
Anaplasmosis: Treatment
• Tetracyclines and imidocarb
• Prompt administration of tetracycline, chlortetracycline, or oxytetracycline in the early
stages of acute disease (e.g., PCV >15%) usually ensures survival
o Commonly used treatment: single IM injection of long-acting oxytetracycline (20
• Blood transfusion to partially restore the PCV greatly improves the survival rate of more
severely affected cattle
• The carrier state may be eliminated by administration of a long-acting oxytetracycline
(20 mg/kg, IM), at least two injections with a 1-wk interval
• Imidocarb
o Efficacious against A. marginale as a single injection
o Elimination of the carrier state: requires higher repeated doses of imidocarb (e.g., 5
mg/kg, IM or SC, two injections of the dihydrochloride salt 2 wks apart)
Anaplasmosis: Prevention
• Vaccination
• Sustained stringent control or elimination of the arthropod vectors
may be a viable control strategy