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SAF Trainer Essay: Deterrence & Role

As you are ending at 1200hrs, you are expected to write a short (200 word) essay, regarding
the importance of deterrence, and your role as a trainer for future troopers in the SAF.
Here are some prompts:
- What is the importance of carrying out guardroom duty?
- How will your influence affect troopers in the future?
- What small actions can you take as a trainer, to benefit Singapore’s deterrence?
Nowadays, with the Russo-Ukrainian war, it is inevitable that we Singaporeans have to
prepare ourselves for the worst case scenario, which is world war 3. Singapore, being the
smallest country in the region, we are faced with countless threats to our country’s
independence and well-being. Which is why SAF is building up our Defence to serve as a
deterrence of any invasions.
Many people would normally think, “I hate duty” or “why do I have do guard duty”. This is
understandable as we would have to sacrifice our time in camp and not be with our loved
ones. However, by doing these guard duty, we will eventually realise the importance of it,
especially during this time where threats are more eminent. Guardroom duties is one of the
first line of defence from any perpetrators that might want to cause damage to any camp. We
keep our vigilance and protect our space from external threats. Without the sacrifices of our
time and efforts to maintain peace, enemies would have had their chance to intrude our army
camps and we would not be able to deter any threat that may come out way.
Personally, as trainers for IDTW, we have a huge role in how the future troopers perform and
behave at their new unit, be it Infantry, Sea Solider or Air Force. We have an impact and can
influence by setting examples and making sure that they uphold good morals and integrity
and always do what is right, even when no one is watching. This boils down to the trainers’
interaction and relationships with the troopers as we are the first point of contact to them.