Profitability Ratio Analysis of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (Beximo Pharmacy) Introduction: Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (Beximco Pharmacy) is one of the leading manufacturers of medicines and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) founded in Bangladesh. Incorporated in the late 70s, the journey of Beximco pharmacy began with being a distributor, importing products from global multinational corporations like Bayer, Germany and Upjohn, USA and sold them in the local market. They gradually started manufacturing here in Bangladesh and distributed under licensing arrangement. Over the years, the company has successfully managed to grow from strength to strength and today it has become a leading exporter of medicines in the country. Moreover, the company have also won National Export (Gold) Trophy a record number of four times. Benchmarked to global standards, manufacturing facilities of the company have been accredited by the major global regulatory authorities, and it has so far expanded its geographic footprint across all the continents. Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. currently has a portfolio of more than 500 products and encompasses all the major therapeutic departments, and it has successfully differentiated itself from its competitors by offering technology driven specialized products. The company is blessed with a dedicated workforce of around 3,000 people and the simple philosophy and principle on which it was founded remains the same till date: producing premiumquality universal drugs and to make them affordable to our people. Profitability Ratios: 1. Operating Profit Margin: (Operating Profit/Sales)*100 Company Beximo 2017 22.23 % 2018 2019 22.20 % 22.73 % 2020 21.90 % Beximo Pharmacy 23,00% 22,50% 22,00% 21,50% 21,00% 2017 2018 2019 2020 Beximo Pharmacy Operating margin, also called the return on sales, is a measurement of how many dollars of profit a company earns per dollar of sales after paying operating expenses. It considers costs such as wages, overhead, and materials, but does not include non-operating expenses like taxes or interest. Beximo company had an operating profit margin of 22.23 % in 2017. It means that if they are generating $100 of sales, after paying off the direct expenses and cost of goods sold, the company is generating $22..23 of gross profit. It is at a favorable position and has improved in 2018 with 22.73% margin. 2. Gross Profit Margin: (Gross Profit/Sales)*100 Company Beximo 2017 2018 46.33% 2019 46.55% 46.77% 2020 46.46% Beximo Pharmacy 47,00% 46,80% 46,60% 46,40% 46,20% 46,00% 2017 2018 2019 2020 Beximo Pharmacy Gross profit margin is a ratio that indicates a company’s sales performance—specifically, the percentage of revenues left after deducting the cost of goods sold. Here in 2017, for every $100 sales there is a $46.33 worth of profit. 3. Net Profit Margin: (Net Profit/Sales)*100 Company Beximo 2017 14.36% 2018 2019 13.33% 14.30% 2020 13.80% Beximo Pharmacy 14,50% 14,00% 13,50% 13,00% 12,50% 2017 2018 2019 2020 Beximo Pharmacy In 2018, Beximo generated $14.30 of profit after paying all expenses and taxes for the year. The profit further decreases in 2019 that may be a result of a higher cost in their production or lower sales price, but good thing they slightly recovered in 2020. 4. Return on Total Assets (ROA): (EBIT/Total assets) *EBIT = Earnings before interest and taxes Company Beximo 2017 2018 6.53% 2019 5.79% 6.18% 2020 7.07% Beximo Pharmacy 8,00% 6,00% 4,00% 2,00% 0,00% 2017 2018 2019 2020 Beximo Pharmacy The return on total assets shows how effectively a company uses its assets to generate earnings. This allows the organization to see the relationship between its resources and its income, and it can provide a point of comparison to determine if an organization is using its assets effectively than it had previously. We can see in 2018 that the Bexemo’s ROA decreases, this may indicate that the company might have over-invested in assets that have failed to produce them revenue growth. They might have improved the efficiency of their current or fixed asset in the following years that leads to an increase in their ROA. 5. Return on Equity (Net Profit/Total Equity)*100 Company Beximo 2017 2018 1.71% 2019 2.12% 2.36% 2020 2.14% Beximo Pharmacy 2,50% 2,00% 1,50% 1,00% 0,50% 0,00% 2017 2018 2019 2020 Beximo Pharmacy ROE shows us how effectively a company is utilizing its capital. We can see in 2020 that there is a decline in Beximo’s ROE. Declining ROE indicates lower returns on every unit of shareholder investment. Maybe they are also affected because of the pandemic, or they become a little less efficient at creating profits and increasing shareholder value. This is going to make it more difficult for Beximo to secure equity financing. As such, unless Beximo becomes more willing to take loans, it will be difficult for the company to secure capital altogether. Conclusion: Any economic action is driven primarily by the desire to be profitable. The ability to be profitable depends on the efficient utilization of resources, reduced costs, and effective management. It would be helpful to increase production capacity and use advance technology to cut down cost of production and wage cost to increase profitability, not only against the investment, but also for investor’s return point of view. The business venture must generate a profit from operations to achieve this. After analyzing the profitability of Beximco Pharmaceuticals from the year 2017-2020, we can see that the Gross Profit somewhat remained stable and steady over the years which indicates that the company is performing well. Even though these ratios are only assumptions and predictions, we can say that the overall profitability ratio of the Beximo Pharmacy in the selected years is in all the selected variables is somewhat good but could be better.