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Joint Mobilization Techniques Guide

Hip Joint
Long axis distraction – straddle patients distal thigh with knees. Make sure they are supine. Slightly
abducted. Palpate greater trochanter and with inside hand stabilise pelvis by holding asis. Straighten
your legs to induce long axis distraction.
AP PA glide
Internal external rotation
Inferior Glide in Flexion
Knee – Tibiofemoral
Long axis distraction
AP PA glide
Knee – patellofemoral
SI IS glide and ML LM glide
Internal external rotation
ML LM glide
Knee – Tibiofibular
AP PA glide
SI IS glide
Foot and Ankle – Tibiotalar
Long axis distraction
AP PA glide
ML LM tilt
AP PA glide
ML LM tilt
Tarsals (cuboid, navicular, and cuneiforms)
AP PA glide
AP PA glide
Metatarsalphalangeal and interphalangeal
Long axis distraction, AP PA glide, ML LM tilt, internal and external rotation
Shoulder – glenohumeral
Long axis distraction
AP PA glide
Internal external rotation
Medial lateral glide
Inferior glide in flexion
Inferior glide in abduction
Sternoclavicular joint
IS SI glide
AP PA glide
IS SI glide and AP PA glide
LM ML glide and LM rotation
Long axis distraction
PA glide in extension
PA glide radioulnar in pronation
ML LM glide
AP PA glide radioulnar
Wrist and Hand
Distal radial ulnar
AP PA glide
ML compression
Long axis distraction
ML LM tilt
ML LM glide
AP PA glide
AP PA glide
Metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal long axis distraction, ML LM glide, AP PA glide, internal
external rotation