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Business Ethics Quiz: Week Two - MGMT 5710

12/10/22, 10:00 AM
Week Two Quiz: MGMT 5710 Section 001 - Seminar in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (Fall 2022 8W2)
Week Two Quiz
Due Nov 6 at 11:59pm
Time Limit 10 Minutes
Points 35
Questions 7
Available Nov 3 at 11:59pm - Nov 11 at 8am
Quizzes are independent exercises. Students are not to work together or collaborate. Students are allowed to use notes on the quizzes
they have prepared before hand. Quizzes are timed at 10 minutes each.
This quiz was locked Nov 11 at 8am.
Attempt History
Attempt 1
10 minutes
30 out of 35
Score for this quiz: 30 out of 35
Submitted Nov 6 at 2:19pm
This attempt took 10 minutes.
Question 1
0 / 5 pts
According to your reading this week, the validity and benefit of Adam Smith's invisible hand can only
be determined by ______________________.
Correct Answer
consequentialist justification
You Answered
moral reasoning
economic theory
character of the participants
Question 2
5 / 5 pts
Which of the following is not descriptive of a noxious market?
When a customer is not harmed, but is lead astray in a matter of great social consequence.
When participants in a market exchange have comparable means to meet their own interests.
When a business exploits the vulnerabilities of a segment of the population.
12/10/22, 10:00 AM
Week Two Quiz: MGMT 5710 Section 001 - Seminar in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (Fall 2022 8W2)
When the conditions necessary for equity are erroded by the elements of the market.
Question 3
5 / 5 pts
Breakfast cereals, noted for being high in sugar, most often use cartoon characters as mascots for
their products. This is a marketing tactic to appeal to young children. Coincidentally, all of the cartoon
characters on the front of these boxes have a tendency to look down, seeming to make eye contact
with the children.
What element of a noxious market is of most concern in this practice?
causing extreme harm to individuals
exploiting vulnerabilities
erroding precondition for equity in society
capitalizing on asymmetic knowledge
Question 4
5 / 5 pts
Which theory of ethics was proposed as effectively helping people navigate the relationship between
selfishness and self-interest in this week's reading?
virtue ethics
deontological ethics
utilitarian ethics
business ethics
Question 5
5 / 5 pts
According to the philosophy of enlightened self-interest, it is people's duty to put others first because
the well-being of others is of greater importance than one's personal well-being.
12/10/22, 10:00 AM
Week Two Quiz: MGMT 5710 Section 001 - Seminar in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (Fall 2022 8W2)
Question 6
5 / 5 pts
Which of the following is not one of the remedies proposed by Satz for dealing with noxious markets?
Question 7
5 / 5 pts
Moral foundations theory helps understand interpersonal conflicts by...
explaining the different ways in which people prioritize different moral values.
explaining the role of greed in human relationships.
conducting objective analysis of which moral values are more correct in a given situation.
promoting a universal set of values across cultures.
Quiz Score: 30 out of 35