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MLS (ASCPi) Exam Recalls: Medical Lab Science Questions

Hi Sohail! I just want to say thank you for making this site. It really is a big help for us. Thank you
so much. I just took MLS (ASCPi) today and I passed! I promised myself that I will remember the
questions as much as I can and post them here to give back and share my experience as well :)
Resources: MLS Review by Harr, Polansky Review Cards, Success by Ciulla, BBGuy.org, Youtube
videos from Khan Academy (the best tutorial for MPDs and Coag Cascade), LabCe free quiz,
Bottomline Approach (we call it Scippy) and of course, this site (High Yield Notes & Recalls!)
It was hard for me to study because I am working; so have your mind set when and how you will
study if you're self-reviewing. Know and trust yourself on what approach works best for you.
AND ALWAYS REMEBER TO PRAY. ALL THE TIME. I've always believed in 10% hard work and
90% constant prayer ;)
Here are my recalls (Please take note that not all of the questions are verbatim 'cos I can't
remember exactly how they were constructed but the thought is there):
▫ Test for CMV antibodies? (a) ELISA (b) viral culture (c) Heterophile antibody test
▫ Px positive for Syphilis 12 yrs ago, infection recurred, what test should be done? (a) FTA-ABS
(b) TPHA (c) RPR
▫ Lifetime marker for Hepatitis and indicates acute infection? (a) HBsAg (b) Anti-HBs (c) Anti-HBe
(d) HBeAg
▫ Px has normocytic, normochromic rbcs with retics = 0.01% (a) Pure Red Cell Aplasia (b)
Fanconi anemia
▫ A question that asked which of the following results show Lactic acidosis.
▫ PBS showing teardrop cells - Deficiency of which enzyme? (a) G6PD (b) Myeloperoxidase
▫ PBS : determine what is the cause (for me, the picture was not that clear) I remember the
choices though, (a) increase in px's protein (b) Mycoplasma pneumoniae (c) Severe Hemolytic
▫ Cryoprecipitate thawed and pooled at 10am, stored at RT, and then transfused at 2pm.
According to AABB Standards, the following statement is true: (I had 3 questions similar to this,
and the questions always end with "According to AABB Standards..." so read about component
storage and preparation)
▫ A px's blood type who takes Dextran should be checked (?) (The question was about Dextran
and its effect on blood type (?)) choices were: (a) it has antigen-like activity (b) it destroys Rh
antigen (Please check this one, I forgot :D)
▫ PT and PTT results corrected: (a) Fibrinogen deficiency (b) Factor VIII deficiency
▫ Question about absolute/relative lymphocytosis.
▫ Unconjugated bilirubinemia is found on what condition? (a) Acute Biliary Cirrhosis (b) Reye's
syndrome (c) Severe Hemolytic Anemia
▫ Azotemia is caused by an increase in? (a) BUN (b) creatinine (c) ammonia (d) uric acid
▫ A px with acute pancreatitis can have a normal amylase if there is a/an: (a) lipemia (b)
decreased triglyceride (c) decreased glucose
▫ Cushing's disease: (a) inc Cortisol and inc ACTH (b) dec Cortisol and inc ACTH
▫ Which of the following will cause a falsely elevated K? (a) IV infusion of Ca (b) prolonged
▫ Antibody panel with Leb (not a direct question; choices were: (a) ab is a glycolipid (b) adsorbed
into plasma (c) present in maternal serum)
▫ If Se and Le genes are inherited, what will be the px's phenotype? (I remember reading this
from this site's high yield notes!)
▫ Percentage (or frequency?) of the US population with anti-k?
▫ If the linearity of bHCG is 10-100 (ref value), which value best detects pregnancy? (I think.)
▫ Calculate for the Total WBC count.
▫ Cause of weak D.
▫ Positive and negative controls for anti-E.
▫ Besides SDA, what else are needed for identification of fungi? (a) Potato Dextrose Agar and
thioglycolate (I forgot the other choices)
▫ Factor V Leiden Mutation.
▫ Sample ran in 2 instruments with different lysing agent, what is the reason for the result
discrepancy? (a) fragility of Hgb C (b) resistance of Hgb C
▫ 6 tubes were tested for AHG and 4 of these tubes reveal a negative reaction when check cells
were added, what is the reason for the 4 tubes' reaction? (a) px serum was not added to the tubes
(b) excess complement (c) increased protein
**The others were from this site's recall questions and I was smiling every time I get a recall
question. Recalls about Micrococcus being resistant to Furazolidone, differentiate P. aeruginosa
and P. putida (growth at 42C), M. furfur - olive oil, etc.
I had lots of Blood bank and Hematology questions. 1 simple antibody panel. More situational
questions like px results are shown and you will be asked what should you do? If you will report the
result or do some additional testings.
I think, as long as you know the basics and standard protocols, you will pass the exam (and if
you've already been doing these procedures). You can review your answers but I suggest that if
you don't know what the answer is, just stick to your instinct; don't change much of your answers if
you're not sure.
And of course, PRAYERS! Lots of it.
God bless to those who will take the exam. You can do it! :) Just have faith.