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Govt Project

Name of the proposal
Enhancing Farmer Capacity and Improving Market Access for Pearls in
Focus area
The proposed project will offer an opportunity for the pearl farmers to
generate additional income through pearl cultivation, which requires a
minimal effort and land investment. With the increased capacity and
knowledge disseminated through this project, it will provide a sustainable
source of income with the potential for high profit margins for them. Also,
local and international demands will be created with access to markets,
enabling this industry with recognition utilizing its potentials.
Location of the project
Habiganj Battalion 55 bgb, Dhuliakhal, Hobiganj, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Estimated number of
beneficiary reach
Duration of the project
XX direct beneficiaries and XX indirect beneficiaries
36 months
Requested fund
Applicant and contact
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Bangladesh is renowned for its natural pink pearls, or "mukta". These gems are found in freshwater bodies
such as rivers, lakes, ponds and dams, and are collected by river gypsies who prize the mussels.
Occasionally, some of these pearls are sold in jewelry and novelty shops throughout the country and are
highly sought after due to their deep luster and golden hue. In rural areas, many families possess ponds
close to their homes, which serve multiple domestic purposes including washing clothes, cultivating fish,
and as a supplementary source of income through pearl cultivation.
Pearl culture is rapidly gaining popularity in Bangladesh, particularly in the commercial oyster farming
sector. Many farmers are tapping into this opportunity by producing pearls in their ponds. Not only are
pearls used as jewelry, but pearl powder is also widely recognized as a cure for various ailments across
the world. Young entrepreneurs have spotted the prospect in pearl culture and are using it to attain
financial stability. Culture is achieved through tissue transplantation, a process that has proven
commercially successful in China, Japan, and Vietnam. Scientists also believe that the soil and water in
Bangladesh possess the ideal chemical properties for pearl cultivation.
Pearl culture can be carried out in ponds, parts of lakes, rivers, irrigation canals, or dams, with ponds
offering an advantage due to their controllable water conditions. Despite the growth of the pearl culture
industry in Bangladesh, farmers still face several challenges that hinder their production of high-quality
pearls. This project aims to build the capacity of these farmers and empower them to produce better
quality pearls, thereby increasing their incomes.
The pearl cultivation industry in Bangladesh is relatively new and still in its early stages of development.
Despite this, the industry has grown rapidly in recent years, with a large number of farmers taking up pearl
culture as a source of income. However, despite this growth, the industry still faces several challenges
that limit its growth and development. These challenges include:
Lack of farmer's technical knowledge: The lack of technical knowledge among farmers is one of
the biggest challenges facing the pearl culture industry in Bangladesh. Many farmers lack the
necessary skills to properly care for the mussels and produce high-quality pearls, leading to
reduced incomes. To address this challenge, it is important to provide farmers with the training
and support they need to improve their technical knowledge and skills.
Communication gap: There exists a significant gap in communication between the end-level
farmers and training institutes, making it difficult for farmers to access the information and
support they need to improve their practices.
Low farmer participation: Pearl cultivation is not a primary activity for many farmers in
Bangladesh, leading to low production and limited involvement in the industry.
Lack of market awareness: Producers in the pearl culture industry in Bangladesh are largely
unaware of market demand and product placement, making it difficult for them to sell their
products effectively.
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Lack of focus on high-demand products: Training institutes in Bangladesh are often unwilling to
focus on the high-demand category of pearls, hindering the growth and development of the
Complex and time-consuming process of culturing: Pearl culture is a complex and time-consuming
process that requires a great deal of patience, care, and attention to detail. Farmers must carefully
select and breed mussels, implant bead nuclei, and manage the water quality in the culture tanks.
Additionally, it can take several years for pearls to fully form and mature, requiring farmers to be
patient and dedicated to the process. To support farmers in the pearl culture process, it is
important to provide them with the necessary equipment and materials, as well as technical
support and training.
Limited access to financing: Many pearl culture farmers in Bangladesh struggle to access the
financing they need to purchase necessary equipment and materials, reducing their productivity
and income.
Competition from Imported Pearls: The pearl culture industry in Bangladesh faces competition
from imported pearls, which can be sold at lower prices and may be of higher quality. This can
make it difficult for Bangladeshi farmers to compete in the local and international markets.
Environmental Challenges: The success of pearl culture depends on several environmental
factors, including water quality, temperature, and salinity. Changes in these conditions can
negatively impact the quality of the pearls produced.
Lack of Infrastructure: Many pearl culture farmers in Bangladesh lack the necessary infrastructure
to manage their culture tanks and produce high-quality pearls, including access to clean water,
power, and transportation.
[we can add Lack of Security and Excessive Pollution due to pesticides]
The proposed project will address the challenges, mitigate the gaps in existing industry and cater the
interventions to drive its growth and development.
The Government of Bangladesh under close supervision of Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, is
implementing a project titled, “Conservation and development project of indigenous species of fish and
snails” to develop in this sector. The project was initiated by the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock and
implemented by the Department of Fisheries with a timeline from July 2020 to June 2028. The project
location covers 10 districts of Dhaka, Barisal and Khulna divisions. Under this project, a three-year pilot
component project, titled “Enhancing farmer capacity and improving market access for pearls in
Bangladesh” on building capacity of pearl cultivation farmers in Bangladesh is proposed with aim to
strengthen this industry and give the farmers market access for pearls. [We can add even Prime Minister
is Cultivating Pearls in Gonobhaban]
The objective of this project aligns with the Government's aim of boosting the income and livelihood
opportunities of farmers in Bangladesh through the development of the pearl cultivation industry. With
a focus on addressing the challenges faced by local farmers, this three-year pilot project endeavors to:
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To improve the technical knowledge and skills of pearl cultivation farmers in Bangladesh.
To provide support to farmers in improving the quality of the pearls they produce.
To increase the market access of pearl cultivation farmers for their products.
To increase the sense of awareness of surrounding community towards parallel income
generation through pearl cultivation.
The project will be implemented in 1 Pond in BGB 55, Hobiganj, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
May 2023 – April 2026
- Rural pearl farmers
- Government
- Financial institutions
- Rural communities
- Technical training and support organizations
- Research institutions
- Marketing and promotion organizations
- B2B and B2C platforms
- Local and international buyers
Outcome 1: Enhanced technical proficiency among pearl cultivation farmers in Bangladesh through the
implementation of training and capacity-building programs
Under this outcome, the project aims to improve technical knowledge of the pearl cultivation farmers
through conducting research, providing series of capacity building interventions to improve their technical
knowledge and experiences in field on cultivation along with soft-skills on business expansion. The
capacity building interventions will focus on educating farmers on breeding and selection of mussels,
implantation techniques, and post-harvest management of pearls. A baseline study will be conducted to
determine the current technical knowledge and skills of pearl farmers, as well as the quality of the pearls
they produce. This study will serve as a benchmark for measuring the project's impact. Based on the
findings, skill development and training programs will be designed to target the specific areas where
farmers need support. The project's success will be measured through an impact assessment at the end,
providing insights for future pearl cultivation interventions in Bangladesh.
Activities under outcome 1:
Baseline study on current technical knowledge and skills of pearl farmers
Research on best practices in pearl cultivation
Design capacity building interventions tool (training and skill development programs)
Conduct capacity building training on including breeding, selection of mussels,
implantation techniques and post-harvest management of pearls / interventions
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Skill development intervention on soft-skills related to business expansion
Impact assessment at the end to measure the success of the project
Develop learning documents with insights and recommendations for replication.
A study tour to a foreign country with a well-developed pearl culture industry to gather
information and best practices that can be applied in Bangladesh.
Outcome 2: Improved pearl quality due to the implementation of support measures aimed at elevating
the production process
Under this outcome, few initiatives will be taken to improve the quality of the pearls produced by farmers.
The farmers will be provided with necessary equipment and materials, such as new mussels, bead nuclei,
and water testing equipment. Also, financial support will be given to farmers for their expansion of
Activities under outcome 2:
1. Provision of equipment and materials (e.g., mussels, bead nuclei, water testing
2. Technical training for farmers on the proper use of those equipment and materials
3. Regular monitoring of water quality and farming practices
4. Quality control measures for pearl production
5. Linkage with financial institutes for supporting the farmers
Outcome 3: Expanded market access for the pearls produced by farmers in Bangladesh as a result of
promotional efforts aimed at promoting the industry
The project aims to increase the access of pearl cultivation farmers to markets for their products,
thereby improving their income. By establishing linkages with local and international buyers and
promoting the sale of Bangladeshi pearls, farmers are expected to have better access to markets,
leading to increased sales and income. A market analysis will also be done to find the most
profitable markets and understand the challenges in accessing them, informing marketing and
promotion strategies. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the project will ensure its impact and
refine its approach.
Activities under outcome 3:
1. Conduct market analysis to identify the most profitable markets for pearl products and
the challenges in accessing them
2. Establish linkages with local and international buyers
3. Promote the sale of Bangladeshi pearls through various marketing and promotion
4. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the project to measure its impact and refine
5. Implementation of marketing and promotion strategies aimed at expanding market
access for pearl products produced by farmers
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6. Regular monitoring and feedback collection from farmers and buyers to assess the
effectiveness of promotional efforts
7. Adaptation of marketing and promotion strategies based on feedback and monitoring
Outcome 4: Improved community awareness of parallel income generation through pearl cultivation
In order to improve the community awareness of parallel income generation through pearl cultivation,
the project will undertake various activities. These activities will include organizing community-level
awareness raising events, where the advantages and benefits of pearl cultivation will be highlighted. In
addition, the project will also create and disseminate informational materials and resources, such as
brochures, posters, and informational videos, to educate and raise awareness among the community.
Furthermore, the project will engage with community leaders and influencers, such as local government
officials, religious leaders, and educators, to mobilize them as ambassadors of the project and help
increase awareness within their communities. Through these activities, the project aims to increase
understanding of the potential of pearl cultivation as a means of generating income and improving
livelihoods among the community.
Activities under outcome 4:
1. Conducting community workshops and seminars to educate the public about pearl
cultivation and its benefits.
2. Developing and distributing informational materials (e.g., brochures, flyers, posters) to
raise awareness about pearl cultivation and its potential as a source of income.
3. Engaging with local organizations and government agencies to organize community-wide
events that showcase the benefits of pearl cultivation through community leaders and
influencers. (e.g., local government officials, religious leaders, and educators)
4. Engaging with media outlets (e.g., local newspapers, radio stations) to raise awareness
about the industry and its potential impact on the local community.
[ PLEASE ADD ANOTHER OUTCOME MENTIONING – If BGB come forward with the project and together
with acadamia (DU Zoology Dept) and Private Sectors such eCab and / or LeisFita it will certainly become
successful as we have done our research for last 3 years and have positive result. Now its time to go
huge scale and spread it nation wide. BGB will definetly be recoginsed for this Impact nation wide ]
This project has an impact on the environment in a number of ways. Mussels are known to improve water
quality by filtering out excess nutrients and pollutants from the water column. This helps maintain a
healthy balance in the ecosystem and can prevent the overgrowth of harmful algae and other aquatic
plants. Mussels also provide habitat and food for other species, contributing to biodiversity in the
ecosystem. Overall, the increased pearl cultivation will contribute to maintaining the health and resilience
of aquatic ecosystems.
The project will have following team formation with combination of project staff and consultants:
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1 Project Manager, responsible for overall project management and implementation
1 Project Officer, responsible for administrative support and coordination
2 Field Associate, responsible for field operations and implementation
1 Technical Specialist, providing technical support to farmers, including training and
capacity building programs
e) Consultants: A Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist to develop tools for tracking project
progress, conducting evaluations and assessing project impact. A Business Development
Specialist will link farmers with local and international buyers, establishing business
linkages, and promoting sales of Bangladeshi pearls. A training team will be hired to
develop training modules and conduct training for farmers.
This team will work together to ensure that the project is implemented effectively and efficiently, with
each member having specific responsibilities that support the overall goal of the project.
To ensure the sustainability of the project, the community's capacity will be built through the provision of
training, workshops, and educational programs. This will empower the community to continue the pearl
cultivation efforts even after the project has ended. Financial management systems and business plans
will be implemented to make the project self-sufficient and sustainable in the long-term. Regular
monitoring and evaluation of the project's impact will help to refine its approach and ensure its
sustainability. Having access to a market platform is also crucial as it will create demand and ensure a
financial revenue stream for the operation. These efforts will ensure the sustainability of the project and
its positive impact on the community.
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a. Workplan:
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Outcome 4
b. Budget:
Budget of the project is attached in a separate document.
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