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The sad truth is that child abuse still affects civilizations all throughout the world,
including Malaysia the prevalence of violence and abuse against children in the Malaysian
community is on the rise and has to be addressed right away. This worrying pattern is a
symptom of a larger issue that not only endangers children's safety but also threatens to tear
apart the social fabric.. Hence, In order to shed light on this pressing topic, this essay will
examine the origins and consequences of child abuse in Malaysian society.
Culture's standards and values are one of the variables that contribute to child abuse.
The prevalent cultural attitudes and ideas about authority, discipline, and parenting techniques
within a society can have a substantial impact on the occurrence of child abuse. Traditional
disciplinary techniques, including as corporal punishment, have the potential to escalate into
acts of physical abuse when the limits of parental control are violated or weakened. It is crucial
to understand that cultural norms influence how proper parenting behaviours are perceived
and accepted, and that deviating from these standards may unintentionally result in harmful
actions taken against children. Therefore, resolving child abuse necessitates a thorough
comprehension and acceptance of the cultural elements that contribute to the persistence of
abusive behaviours.
Next, Socioeconomic circumstances significantly contribute to cases of violence and
abuse against children in the Malaysian community. Economic disparities, widespread poverty,
and high unemployment rates generate an atmosphere that is anxious and frustrated, which
eventually fosters a climate that is supportive of child abuse. It is crucial to understand that
financial hardships and the inability to meet basic needs can increase parental stress levels,
increasing the possibility of abusive behaviours towards children. As a result, these
socioeconomic difficulties have a significant impact on the occurrence of violence and abuse,
emphasising the necessity to address the underlying societal problems in order to successfully
battle this issue.
The effects of child abuse on the Malaysian community will be discussed next. Physical
and psychological effects Victims of child abuse suffer both short-term and long-term physical
and emotional harm. Abuse of the body can result in wounds, slowed brain growth, and even
death. Children who experience emotional problems may experience low self-esteem, despair,
anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD, and a higher risk of self-harm or suicide. It is
well established that abused children experience psychological issues like depression,
anxiety, regressive or withdrawal behaviours, self-harm, and posttraumatic stress disorders in
prospective studies, according to an article titled "A Review of Research on Child Abuse in
Malaysia" by Irene Guat Sim Cheah and Choo Wan Yuen.
Subsequently, Children who experience violence and abuse may experience major
delays in their ability to grow socially and behaviourally. One of the main impacts is seen in
the victims' social behaviour, as they could act aggressively or withdraw from others. Making
trustworthy connections becomes difficult, and interacting in social settings becomes difficult.
These negative experiences may result in long-term effects include an increased likelihood of
committing crimes, abusing drugs, or having tense interpersonal interactions. Thus, The
negative effects of child abuse highlight how crucial it is to address and avoid such violence
in order to encourage better social and behavioural outcomes for kids.
In conclusion, the escalating violence and abuse against children in the Malaysian
community necessitates immediate attention. Factors such as socio-economic disparities,
cultural norms, weak child protection systems, and limited awareness contribute to this
concerning trend. The consequences of child abuse are extensive, impacting victims' physical
and psychological well-being, hindering their development, and perpetuating a cycle of
violence. To address this issue, Malaysian society must unite, prioritize child safety, and take
decisive actions, including strengthening laws, raising awareness, providing support services,
and fostering a culture of empathy and zero tolerance for abuse.