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Alkyl Halides: Structure, Reactions, and Synthesis

Chapter 7
Mr. ND Thobejane
Room: Building 4 G19 (NMR office)
Consultation (appointment): Please make an appointment
(08:00 to 17:00)
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Learning outcomes
Study unit: Structure and nomenclature
Explain the reactivity of the C-X bond
Name the alkyl halides according to the IUPAC name
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
• Halo-substituted alkanes are named systematically as
• How?
By treating halogen as a substituent on a parent alkane chain.
Step 1
• Find the longest chain and name it as the parent.
• NB: If a multiple bond is present, then the parent must contain
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Step 2: Number the carbons of the present chain beginning at the
end nearer the first substituent, whether alkyl or halo.
(i) Assign each substituent a number to its position on the chain.
(ii) if there are substituents at the same distance from both ends,
start numbering at the end nearer the substituent with
alphabetical priority.
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
naming of alkyl halides
Step 3: Write the name
• (i) List all substituents in alphabetical order.
• (ii) Use prefixes di-, tri- and so forth if more than one of the same
substituent's is present.
• (iii) In addition, many simple alkyl halides are also named by
identifying the alkyl group and followed by halogen.
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Specific outcomes:
• Propose reactions to prepare alkyl halides.
• Predict the products of the reactions of alkyl halides.
• Explain the mechanisms of nucleophilic substitution (including
Walden inversion of configuration) and elimination reactions.
• Use the simple reactions of methods to prepare and transform
alkyl halides as part of multi-step synthetic proposals of more
elaborate molecules.
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Department of Chemistry
• Previously studied:
• Other methods of preparing alkyl halides via addition
reactions of HX and X2 with alkenes in electrophilic addition
reactions and alkane with Cl2.
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Department of Chemistry
Preparing of alkyl halides
• Most general method of synthesizing alkyl halides is to prepare
them from alcohols, which are formed from carbonyl
• Reaction 1: treating the alcohol with HCl or HBr. For example
compound 1-methylcyclohexanol is converted into 1-chloro-1methylcyclohexane by treating it with HCl.
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Department of Chemistry
Preparing of alkyl halides
• Note: the H-X with tertiary alcohols works better. Primary and
secondary alcohols reacts much more slowly.
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Department of Chemistry
Preparing of alkyl halides
• Note: Thionyl chloride (SOCl2) or phosphorous tribromide (PBr3)
is the best reagent to convert primary and secondary
metabolites alcohols into alkyl halides. These reactions normally
takes place in high yield.
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Department of Chemistry
Preparing of alkyl halides
• Alkyl fluorides can be prepared from alcohols. Other reagents
used are diethylaminosulfur trifluoride [(CH3CH2)2NSF3] and
HF-pyridine where benzene is the nitrogen-containing analog
of benzene
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Department of Chemistry
Reactions of alkyl halides: Grignard reagents
• How to prepare Grignards reagent.
• Alkyl halides reacts with magnesium metal in ether to yield
alkyl magnesium halides, RMgX  Grignards reagent.
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Department of Chemistry
Reactions of alkyl halides: Grignard reagents
• Grignard reagent reacts with CO2 to afford carboxylic acids
after protonation with aqueous acidCarboxylation
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Department of Chemistry
• Alkyl halides : when they react with nucleophiles/bases, such
hydroxide ions, either undergo substitution of the X group by the
nucleophile or elimination of H-X to yield an alkene.
• A German chemist Paul Walden discovered the nucleophilic
substitution reaction of alkyl halides in 1896.
• He discovered that (+)- and (-) malic acid could be interconverted.
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Department of Chemistry
Paul walden discovery
• His discovery at the time was astonishing. The (-) malic was
converted into (+) malic , some reactions in the cycle must have
occurred with a inversion or change in the configuration of chirality
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Department of Chemistry
Walden transformation –nucleophilic
substitution reaction
• Walden transformation is now referred to as nucleophilic
substitution reactions. Why?
• Because each step involves the substitution of one nucleophile
(chloride ion Cl-or hydroxide ion OH-) by another.
• Nucleophilic substitution are the most common and versatile
reactions in organic chemistry.
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Department of Chemistry
Nucleophilic substititution
• Nucleophilic substitution occurs in two major pathways (SN1
reaction and SN2 reaction
• SN  substitution, nucleophilic (Nu: or Nu:-)
• SN reactions are the same, nucleophile reacts with a substrate RX and substitute the leaving group X:- to yield a product R-Nu.
• If the nucleophile is neutral (Nu:) then the product is positively
charged to maintain charge conversion.
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
When is reaction sn1,sn2, e1 and e2
• Consider two different reactions – Substitution and Elimination.
• Four different mechanisms (SN1,SN2, E1 and E2) that begin with one
class of compound (Alkyl halides).
• The nature of the leaving group that is displaced by the attacking
• The best leaving groups are those that gives the most stable anions. That
is anions of strong acids.
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Department of Chemistry
Some nucleophilic substitutions
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Sn2 reaction
• SN2 Reaction occurs in a single step when the incoming
nucleophile approaches from the direction 180o away from
the leaving halide, thereby inverting the stereochemistry at
• SN2 takes place without any intermediates.
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Department of Chemistry
Sn2 mechanism
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Department of Chemistry
Rates of sn2 reaction
• In chemical reactions- there is direct relationship between the
rate at which the reaction occurs and the concentration of the
• SN2 reaction of CH3Br with OH- to afford CH3OH takes place in a
single step when substrate and nucleophile collide and reacts.
• If the concentration of OH- is doubled, the frequency of
collision between the two reactants doubles and therefore the
reaction rate doubles.
• The ‘2’ in SN2 reaction are called bimolecular- cause to the rate
of the reaction depends on the concentration of two
substances-alkyl halide and nucleophile
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Stereochemistry of sn2 reaction
Note: the incoming nucleophile attacks the substrate and begin
pushing out the leaving group on the opposite site, results the
configuration of the molecule inverts.
 (S)-2-bromobutane gives
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Department of Chemistry
Steric effects in SN2 REACTIONS
• For the nucleophile to approach the substrate to undergo an
SN2 reaction depends on the steric accessibility to the halidebearing carbon.
• Bulk substrates, in which halide bearing carbon atom is difficult
to approach  Reacts more slowly than the carbon is more
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Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Unreactive reaction towards sn2
• Lack of reactivity due to steric hindrance.
• Vinylic (R2C=CRX) and aryl (Ar-X) halides are not shown in the
reactivity list cause they completely unreactive toward SN2
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Leaving groups in sn2 reactions
• Variable that affects SN2 reactions.
• The nature of the leaving group that is displaced by the attacking
• The best leaving groups are those that give the most stable
anions. i.e. anions of strong acids.
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
• Note most nucleophilic substitution reactions undergo SN2
pathway. Alternative SN1 reaction do occur.
• SN1 reaction occur only on tertiary alcohol and only under
neutral or acidic conditions (in hydroxylic solvent such as water
or alcohol).
• Previously studied that alkyl halides can be prepared by
reaction alcohol and HCl or HBr.
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Department of Chemistry
• Previously studied in SN2 reaction that a leaving group is
displaced at the same time that the incoming nucleophile
• However, SN1 reaction occurs by spontaneous loss of the
leaving group before incoming nucleophile approaches.
• Loss of the leaving group gives a carbocation intermediate,
which reacts with the nucleophile in the second step
yielding a substitution product.
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Department of Chemistry
rates of sn1 reactions
• Previously studied on SN2 that rates soley depends on the
concentration of both substrate and nucleophile.
• However, in SN1 reaction depends on the concentration of
substrate and is independant of the nucleophile
• The origin of ‘1’ in SN1 is that SN1 reactions are unimolecular,
due to the fact the rate of the reactions depends only on one
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Department of Chemistry
Mechanism of sn1
• SN1 mechanism of tert-butyl with HBr to afford an alkyl halide.
H2O is the leaving group.
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Department of Chemistry
Stereochemistry of sn1 reaction
• Since SN1 reactions occurs through carbocation intermediate,
the stereochemistry is rather different from SN2 reaction.
• The C+ can either react with nucleophile equally well from
either side, leading to a 50/50 racemic mixture of
• However, if only SN1 reaction is carried out on single
enantiomer of chiral substrate and go through achiral
carbocation intermediate the compound loses its chirality
and become optically inactive.
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Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Elimination of alkyl halides
• Note that two kinds of reactions can take place when a
nucleophile/base reacts with an alkyl halide.
Reaction 1: nucleophile/base can either substitute for the
halide in SN1 or SN2
Reaction 2: it can cause elimination of HX, thus resulting in
formation of an alkene.
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Elimination of alkyl halides
• Elimination of HX from alkyl halide is important method for
preparation of alkenes. However, this is complex for several
What products results by loss of HX from an unsymmetrical
Usually elimination reactions always give mixture of two
products – best predict which will be the major product.
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Elimination of alkyl halides – Zaitsev’s rule
• 1875 a Russian Chemist Alexander Zaitsev’, predicted – baseinduced elimination reactions generally give more highly
substituted alkene product.
 that is – alkene with the larger number of alkyl substituent on the
double bond.
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
• Zaitsev’s rule
• Elimination of HX from an alkyl halide, the more highly substituted
alkene product predominates.
• Elimination reaction can take place by several different mechanism,
E1, E2
1. E1 reaction, the C-X breaks first and give carbocation intermediate
that undergoes subsequent base attraction of H+
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
E1 mechanism
The dehydrohalogenation of (CH3)3CCI with H2O to form (CH3)2C=CH2 can
be used to illustrate the second general mechanism of elimination, the
E1 mechanism.
• An E1 reaction exhibits first-order kinetics:
Mechanisms of Elimination—E1
• The E1 reaction proceeds via a two-step mechanism: the bond to the
leaving group breaks first before the π bond is formed. The slow step is
unimolecular, involving only the alkyl halide.
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Department of Chemistry
Elimination – E1 reaction
• E1 reaction (elimination, unimolecular)
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Department of Chemistry
Acid-catalyzed dehydration – e1 process
The reaction undergoes E1 reaction and involves a carbocation
1. Firstly, strong acid protonates the alcohol oxygen
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Department of Chemistry
Acid-catalyzed dehydration – e1 process
1. The protonated intermediate spontaneously loses water to
generate a carbocation.
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Department of Chemistry
Acid-catalyzed dehydration – e1 process mechanism
• Loss of H+ from neighbouring carbon atom then yields the
alkene product.
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• The E1 and E2 mechanisms both involve the same number of bonds
broken and formed.
• The only difference is timing. In an E1, the leaving group comes off
before the β proton is removed, and the reaction occurs in two
• In an E2 reaction, the leaving group comes off as the β proton is
removed, and the reaction occurs in one step.
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
• Base-induced C-H bond cleavage is simultaneous with C-X bond
cleavage, resulting an alkene in a single step
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Department of Chemistry
Summary – Primary alkyl halide
• Primary alkyl halides (RCH2X_ SN2 substitution occurs if a nucleophile such
as HO, I-,Br-, RS-, NH3 or CN.
• E2 elimination occurs if a strong base such as an alkoxide OH is used.
• A weak base or nucleophile favors S 1 and E1 mechanism and both occurs.
• E2 elimination predominates is a strong base is used.
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
• E2 elimination occurs when a strong base is used.
• SN1 and E1 occurs together under neutral or acidic conditions.
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Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Chemistry