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Technological momentum

Technological momentum
Sjoerd Bakker
August 7, 2018
The metaphor of momentum is often used in relation to technological innovation and,
more specifically, to claim that an emerging technology is gaining relevance and is
edging towards commercialization. Even though the use of this metaphor is typically
quite casual and superficial, a closer look at its origins in physics and its treatment in
the scientific literature reveals that there is much more to gain from it.
Our observations
In the 1960s, historian of technology Thomas P. Hughes, proposed the
metaphor of momentum to describe the way in which technological systems
are formed and gain stability. It was his answer to the debate over
technological versus social determinism; emerging systems are relatively
flexible at first (and mostly the product of human agency), but over time they
become more stable and eventually they are virtually inert and beyond
deliberate human control.
In physics, momentum is the product of an object’s mass and speed in a given
direction ( = m). The more momentum an object has, the more difficult it is to
slow it down or change its course. In other words, very heavy objects (e.g. an
oil tanker) can have tremendous momentum even at very low speeds. On the
other hand, light objects (e.g. a bullet) can have large momentum when they
travel at very high speed.
Hughes argued that in the case of (emerging) technologies, the metaphorical
“mass” can be interpreted to be the structural components of an emerging
system. These include the number of businesses that are committed to a
technology’s development and commercialization (and their cumulative
investments), but also supportive infrastructures (i.e. sunk costs) and softer
factors such as regulations, design standards or other institutions (e.g. a
favorable shift in norms; growing societal concern over privacy adds to
momentum for more secure digital technology).
Metaphorically, “speed” can be understood as the pace of technological
development (e.g. scientific or engineering breakthroughs). In that case, a
novel technology with few committed developers can pick up momentum
rapidly when technological progress is evident and, as a consequence,
additional actors are likely to jump on the bandwagon and further spur
development. Such breakthroughs can also affect the “direction” of the
emerging system as specific design options may gain the upper hand (e.g. the
battle between AC and DC power in the emerging electricity system).
This conception of momentum ties in the so-called Collingridge dilemma,
regarding the (un)desired implications of technological designs; at first, we don’t
know what a technology really entails and what its impact will be and by the time
we finally understand it, it is too late to change anything. This is true for
technologies that raise obvious ethical questions (e.g. genetic engineering), but
also, for example, for the smartphone, which has a much more profound societal
impact than we could ever have imagined.
Connecting the dots
In times of rapid technological change, the same questions come up time and time
again; will this technology make it to market, when will it be “ready” and what will be its
impact? For each of these questions, the momentum metaphor is often used as
merely a rhetorical tool to claim that a technology is on a sure path to success.
However, there is more to gain from the metaphor when we unpack its meaning in
physics. It invites us to look at three dimensions of technological change: mass,
speed and directionality. In other words, we should consider how many organizations
are developing, supporting or advocating the technology and how powerful they are,
how much has been invested (e.g. in production capacity) and to what extent a
supportive infrastructure or institutional framework has been constructed. If there is no
such infrastructure or framework (yet), probably because some technological hurdles
still need to be taken, the question is how fast the technology is progressing. This
could relate to performance (e.g. the reliability of self-driving cars), efficiency (e.g. of a
solar panel), costs (e.g. $/kWh in a li-ion battery) or a combination of factors. No
technological trajectory is ever straightforward and many design choices are made in
the process that may change the direction of developments. Such changes may come
about as different stakeholders have different preferences (e.g. because some design
option better suits their competences or interests) or because technological
breakthroughs favor one option over the other (e.g. the success of battery electric
vehicles killed momentum for the hydrogen car). To illustrate, there are different
design options for nuclear fusion reactors and a breakthrough for one of those options
would not only add momentum to nuclear fusion in general, it would also steer the
emerging system in that particular direction. Besides scientific or engineering
breakthroughs (i.e. internal factors), external forces working on the system may also
add (or reduce) momentum or change the course of developments. Growing societal
pressure or regulatory push may incentivize developers to invest more time and
money and could also attract additional developers or investors. Especially in a
technology’s early stages, momentum is very much the product of rhetoric and
persuasion. Interested actors will seek to convince others of the virtues of some
option to get them to jump on the bandwagon and create a self-fulfilling prophecy. In
some cases, this includes heavy lobbying with governments to set up support
programs, in other cases, the commitment of one or more powerful actor(s) (e.g.
market leaders) may be enough to persuade others to join as well. This does not
mean that the technology will necessarily prove successful; technological progress
may be disappointing and actors may lose interest. In this respect, the momentum
metaphor partly overlaps with Gartner’s hype cycle model, which states that
technologies are typically hyped in their early stages and that they will go through a
phase of disappointment before they eventually find success. However, while the
hype cycle is essentially deterministic (by implying that every technology follows this
path to success), the concept of momentum allows for a greater variety of pathways
and outcomes.
Momentum can be gained and lost, and to truly understand a technological
trajectory, one must understand not only the rate of technological progress, but
also its structural components (committed actors, infrastructure and supportive
institutions) and the (societal and political) force-field that propels it or slows it
On a case-by-case basis, momentum can be quantified (and tracked over time) by
identifying the key proxies for mass (e.g. levels of investments, number and type
of businesses involved), speed (e.g. key parameters of performance) and
direction (e.g. the major design options) of the emerging system.
The momentum metaphor is not only applicable to technological development. In
(geo-)politics, for instance, the same dynamics can be discerned. A seemingly
small conflict may pick up momentum when events take place in rapid succession
and nations respond with increasingly heavy measures. As a result, developments
may spin out of control, become unstoppable and lead to a major conflict that no
one intended in the beginning (e.g. the current tit-for-tat tariffs between China and
the U.S., which can result into a protectionist regime change in the global trading