Luis Carlo Sampedro Chavarro Vocabulary building Instruction: 1. Read the text (A Brief History of Chocolate) and identify all the cognate words in the reading, that is, all the words that are similar to the Spanish language. (0.5 points) a. Chocolate j. Vanilla. b. Aspect. k. Paraphernalia. t. Version. c. Bars. l. Democratization. u. Responsible. d. Important. m. European. v. Company. e. Modern. n. Invented. w. Production. f. Europe. o. Method. x. Create. g. Colonies. p. Public. y. Inventor. h. Medicine. q. popular. z. Global. i. Gallons. r. Liquor. aa. Billion. 2. Identify the keywords of the text. (0.5 points) a. Chocolate. b. Cacao beans. c. Maya Mesoamerica d. Aztecs. e. Chocolate bar. f. Milk chocolate bar. g. Easter egg. 3. Read the text and identify five compound words. a. Without. Compound Word: Without (prefix + base word) Prefix: With- s. Tradition Luis Carlo Sampedro Chavarro Definition of the compound word: not having or doing something or lacking something. b. Fashionable. Compound Word: Fashionable (base word + affix). Affix: -able Definition of the compound word: popular at a particular time. c. Misspelled. Compound Word: Misspelled (prefix + base word). Prefix: MissDefinition of the compound word: to spell a word the wrong way. d. Mass-produced. Compound Word: Mass-produced (Hyphen) Definition of the compound word: To produce goods in large quantities. e. Upper-class. Compound Word: Upper-class (hyphen). Definition of the compound word: The group of people who have the highest position and the most social and economic influence in a society. 4. Identify in the text (five examples) of the words that have been explained, defined, or exemplified. Use of contextual clues. Follow the example: (1 point) Sentence: word in context Contextual clue Others think chocolate comes from the Aztec word ‘choqui’, which means warmth. Function The use of mean to express mean the definition of the word ‘choqui’ in English. The Aztec word for the bitter drink is ‘xocolatl’ which some think the modern word chocolate comes from. The use the verb ‘is’ to is define what is the word in English for xocolatl’. Luis Carlo Sampedro Chavarro Some called this the democratization of chocolate. called We have the ancient Maya of Mesoamerica (which was made up of countries in what we now know as Central America, and southern Mexico) to thank for The use of ‘called’ to introduce a synonym. The use of parenthesis is () for explain further where Mesoamerica was located. chocolate. The use of a dash (-) as a Chocolate was ‘the’ drink of the European aristocracies - no upper-class home was complete without chocolate making and drinking paraphernalia. - way of explaining the importance of chocolate for the aristocrats. 5. Create a cluster organizer to map the information of the text. Do not use Word to create organizer maps; this is a word processor not a maker of graphic organizers. Please use the program suggested or one similar. (2.0 point)