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Monitoring & Control Systems Theory

ADVANCED THEORY – Monitoring and control systems
Monitoring systems
A computerised monitoring system is what is says a system designed to 'watch' or monitor
some state external to the computer system.A house fitted with a burglar alarm system is a
monitoring system.The inputs to the computer system are one or more sensors to detect the
presence of an intruder movement will 'trigger' the sensor which will send a signal to the
computer system.This signal would be interpreted by software and could trigger the sounding
of an alarm or report on screen some warning message.
In this and other examples, the process is 'automatic monitoring'- meaning there is no human
interaction in the monitoring process.The monitoring will be done with periodic sampling of
inputs.The process will decide on the polling frequency, that is the time interval between
Other monitoring systems include:
• a pollution or weather monitoring system, in which data readings from sensors are fed
back to the computer system remotely and processed by software to produce graphs (of
temperature and wind speed, for example)
• a car dashboard display showing the temperature outside the car
Control systems
Control systems are either'event-driven' or'time-driven'. a computer which is acting as the
control system is called a direct digital control computer is the automated control of a
condition or process by digital device/computer
In an event-driven system, the controller, in response to some event, alters the state of the
• A robot loads a part into a work area and the part is sensed as present.
• The level of liquid plastic in the hopper of an injection-moulding machine is monitored
by a low-level switch. When the level reaches a critical low point, the control system
opens a valve to start the flow of more plastic into the hopper.
• parts moving along a conveyor past an optical sensor are counted.
Some control systems are 'time-driven'.The controller takes action at a specific point in time
or after a certain time has lapsed:
• The factory buzzer sounds a bell at specific times of the day to indicate the start of shift,
start and end of the break period and end of the shift.
• Heat-treating or paint~spraying operations must be carried out for a certain length of
• In a washing machine. the agitation cycle is set to operate for a certain length of time,
before the controller stops this phase of the wash cycle.
All process control systems have the following features in common:
• the continual measurement of input variables, such as temperature, pressure and flow
• the execution by software of some optimising strategy and the implementation of safety
• the actuation of devices such as valves, switches and output warning lights.
Compiled By : Anjalee Rajapakse
ADVANCED THEORY – Monitoring and control systems
the generation of equipment performance data showing information about the state of
the process in real time.
A typical petro-chemical plant may have as many as 2000 parameters which are sampled to
control the process. Measured parameters include temperature, pressure flow rates, liquid
levels and chemical concentration of liquids.
The time between samples will vary between under one second for example, every two
minutes.The Direct Digital Control (DDC) computer may control hundreds of feedback loops.
If process parameters exceed normal or safe limits then an alarm will be raised and require
human intervention.The DDC computer may be one of a number each control a separate
process, with each DDC connected to a central computer. The central computer will have
authority to change the parameter settings for the various process
control loops.
All the above systems use feedback. Feedback from sensors are processed by software.
Outputs from the system are then fed back as an input together with new
data from the input sensors.
Hardware requirements
Transducer: a device which converts one form of energy to another
Sensor: a device which receives a signal and responds to it
Actuator: a device which 'actuates' or moves something connected to it
A transducer is any device which converts one form of energy to another, examples include:
• A light bulb converts electrical energy to light by passing an electric current through a
• An electric motor converts electricity into some form of mechanical energy to produce
• A microphone converts sound wave energy into electrical signals.
• A loudspeaker converts electrical energy into sound.
Compiled By : Anjalee Rajapakse
ADVANCED THEORY – Monitoring and control systems
A sensor is a device which receives a signal and responds to it.The sensor must detect the
presence of or change in some energy leveI. The signal is then converted to a form
which can be understood and quantified by the connected computer system.The sensor is
therefore performing two tasks:
• acting as a transducer to convert from one energy form to another
• quantifying the signal.
The signal is produced by some form of energy such as pressure, heat, light or some
chemical reaction.The sensor converts this energy into a quantified analogue or digital
representation of the input signal.Think what happens when you touch a hot plate. The
sensor is the skin on your fingers which then sends a signal to the brain. It is the brain which
then decides 'that was and causes the output – the pain!
Sensors can be classified as:
• thermal: a thermometer measures temperature, a thermocouple gauge measures
temperature by its effect on two dissimilar metals, a calorimeter measures the heat
produced from a chemical reaction
• mechanical: a pressure sensor measures pressure, an altimeter measures altitude from
some fixed point, a liquid flow sensor measures flow rate, a gas flow sensor measures
velocity and flow rate of a gas.
• electrical: an ohmmeter measures resistance, a voltmeter measures current, a
galvanometer measures voltage.
• chemical: an oxygen sensor measures the percentage of oxygen in a gas and a carbon
dioxide sensor detects the presence of CO2
• optical: a light sensor detects light levels, a photocell is a variable resistor which
responds to a change in light level, an infra-red sensor detects infra-red radiation waves.
An actuator is a device which 'actuates' or moves something connected to it. An actuator
uses some form of energy to produce the motion, and so an actuator is a
specific example of a transducer.
Most actuators are 'electro-mechanical transducers’:
• A strain gauge converts the deformation of an object into an electrical signal.
• A galvanometer produces an electric current in a coil. The current produces a
magnetic field which is used to create movement.
• A generator converts some form of mechanical energy into an electric current.
• A motor converts an electric current into mechanical energy to create movement.
Another type of transducer is a 'thermo-electric transducer':
• A thermocouple converts heat entry into electrical energy
• A thermistor is a variable resistor which is affected by temperature change. It
converts heat energy to electrical energy
Transducers, actuators and sensors are now produced on both the macroscopic (visible by
the human eye) and microscopic scale. Nanotechnology is making possible
devices on the nanoscale. Regardless of their scale, these devices operate using the same
principles. the device is produced on the microscopic scale then the software
which communicates with the devices can similarly be contained on a small chip circuit.
Compiled By : Anjalee Rajapakse
ADVANCED THEORY – Monitoring and control systems
Converters and multiplexers
Quantities in the physical world, such as temperature and pressure, are analogue by nature.
Such sensed data will need to be passed through an analogue-to-digital
converter to be sent to the DDC computer A digital-to-analogue converter converts digital
data to analogue quantities.
All process control systems have the following features in common:
• the continual measurement of input variables, such as temperature, pressure and flow
• the execution by software of some optimising strategy and the implementation of safety
• the actuation of devices such as valves, switches and warning lights.
An example monitoring program Consider the following fragment of pseudocode:
EndReadingSensor <— FALSE
ReadingOutOfRange <— FALSE
CALL SensorRead(SensorValue)
IF SensorValue > MaximumAllowed THEN
ReadingOutOfRange <— TRUE
Reading <— 'H'
IF SensorValue < MinimumAllowed THEN
ReadingOutOfRange <— TRUE
Reading <— 'L'
IF ReadingOutOfRange THEN
CALL WarningDisplay(Reading)
ReadingOutOfRange <— FALSE
FOR TimeFiller <—1 TO 999999
UNTIL EndReadingSensor
Note the following features of the program:
• There is an infinite loop.
• The loop finishes with another loop that does nothing other than create a delay before the outer
loop repeats.
• When the sensor reading indicates a problem, the loop calls a procedure to handle whatever
notification method is to be used.
• Following this call, the loop continues so the Boolean variable has to be reset to prevent the
warning procedure being repetitively called.
Compiled By : Anjalee Rajapakse
ADVANCED THEORY – Monitoring and control systems
An example monitoring and control program
Consider a system which is controlling an enclosed environment. The environment has a sensor to
monitor a property and an actuator to control that property. The following fragment of code might
be used:
EndReadingSensor <—FALSE
READ DesiredOutputLevel
CALL SensorRead(SensorValue)
SensorDifference <— DesiredOutputLevel -SensorValue
IF ABS(SensorDifference) < DesiredOutputLevel/100 THEN
SensorDifference <—0
IF SensorDifference > 0 THEN
ActuatorAdjustmentFactor <—
SensorDifference/DesiredOutputLevel AdjustmentDirection
<— 'up'
CALL ActivateActuator(AdjustmentDirection,
IF SensorDifference < o THEN
ActuatorAdjustmentFactor <—
AdjustmentDirection <— 'down'
CALL ActivateActuator(AdjustmentDirection,
FOR TimeFiller <—1 TO 999999
UNTIL EndReadingSensor
Note the following features of the program:
• A procedure is called to activate the actuator only if the sensor reading shows a significant
• The code will only work properly if it can be guaranteed that the activation of the actuator has
caused a change in the property before the sensor reading in the next iteration of the loop.
Compiled By : Anjalee Rajapakse