Uploaded by Clydeizmind


Week 1
Day 1 - FRC | Mobility | Stabilization
1. Controlled Articular Rotations: 2 x 3 each direction
- Head, Shoulders, Spine, Elbows Wrist
- Hips, Knees, Ankles, Toes
2. Hip End Range Holds: 2 x 3 each side
- Hip and Knee Flexion | Hold for 10 seconds
3. Glute End Range Hold: 2 x 3
- Hip and Knee Extension | Hold for 10 seconds
4. Prone Shoulder External Rotation: 2 x 5 each side
- Elbow Flexion and Abduction | Hold for 10 seconds
5. Prone Shoulder Internal Rotation: 2 x 5 each side
- Elbow Flexion and Abduction | Hold for 10 seconds
6. Standing Ankle Dorsiflexion End Range Hold: 2 x 5 each side
- Ankle Dorsiflexion | Hold for 10 seconds
7. Quadruped Wrist Extension End Range Hold: 2 x 5 each side
- Wrist Extension and Elbow Extension | Hold for 10 seconds
Week 1
Day 2 - FRC | Mobility | Stabilization
1. Controlled Articular Rotations: 2 x 3 each direction
- Head, Shoulders, Spine, Elbows Wrist
- Hips, Knees, Ankles, Toes
2. Glute Bridge Single Leg Whip: 2 x 5 each side
- Hip Extension, Abduction, Adduction | Maintain Core Control
3. Shoulder Wall Slides: 2 x 10
- Scapular Mobility | 5 Points of Contact on Wall
4. Quadruped Hip Fire Hydrant Leg Extension: 2 x 5 each side
- Knee Extension and Hip Flexion | Maintain Core Control
5. Prone Glute End Range Hovers: 2 x 5 each side
- Hip Extension and Knee Extension | Hover over block with Core Control
6. Prone Glenohumeral End Range Hovers: 2 x 5 each side
- Elbow Extension, Shoulder Internal to External Rotation | Maintain Neutral Spine
7. Big Toe End Range Hold: 2 x 5
- Flex Toe Vertical | Hold 10 seconds
Week 2
Day 1 - FRC | Mobility | Stabilization
1. Controlled Articular Rotations: 2 x 3 each direction
- Head, Shoulders, Spine, Elbows Wrist
- Hips, Knees, Ankles, Toes
2. Seated Hip Flexor End Range Hold: 2 x 3 each side
- Hip Flexion and Knee Extension | Hold for 10 seconds
3. Quadruped Glute End Range Hold: 2 x 5 each side
- Hip Flexion and Knee Extension | Hold for 10 seconds
4. Prone Shoulder Y,W,T’s: 2 x 10 each side
- Maintain Neutral Spine | Hold each position for 2 seconds
5. Ankle Plantar Flexion End Range Hold: 2 x 3 each side
- Seated Position | Hold for 10 seconds
6. Wrist Flexion End Range Hold: 2 x 3 each side
- Prone Position | Hold for 10 seconds
Week 2
Day 2 - FRC | Mobility | Stabilization
1. Controlled Articular Rotations: 2 x 3 each direction
- Head, Shoulders, Spine, Elbows Wrist
- Hips, Knees, Ankles, Toes
2. Glute Bridge Single Leg Whip: 2 x 5 each side
- Hip Extension, Abduction, Adduction | Maintain Core Control
3. 90/90 PAILS/RAILS: 2 x 1
- Hip Internal and External Rotation | Isometric | Hold for 10 seconds
4. Shoulder External Rotation PAILS/RAILS: 2 x 1
- Elbow Flexion | Isometric | Hold for 10 seconds
5. Side Lying Shoulder Internal Rotation PAILS/RAILS: 2 x 1
- Elbow Flexion | Isometric | Hold for 10 seconds
6. Big Toe PAILS/RAILS: 2 x 1
- Pull towards shin | Isometric | Hold for 10 seconds
Week 3
Day 1 - FRC | Mobility | Stabilization
1. Weighted Controlled Articulations: 2 x 3 each direction
- Shoulders (2 lb DB)
- Hips (2 lb Ankle Weight)
2. Quadruped Lateral Leg Extension End Range Hovers: 2 x 10 seconds
- Hip Flexion and Knee Extension | Maintain Core Control
3. Prone Shoulder (Y) Position End Range Hovers: 2 x 10 seconds
- Shoulder Flexion and Elbow Extension | Maintain Core Control
4. Toe Vice Mobility: 2 x 30 seconds
- Lock fingers in toes | Supinate and Pronate passively
5. Finger Extension End Range Hold: 2 x 10 seconds
- Press hand in floor. extend just the fingers
Week 3
Day 2 - FRC | Mobility | Stabilization
1. Controlled Articular Rotations: 2 x 3 each direction
- Head, Shoulders, Spine, Elbows Wrist
- Hips, Knees, Ankles, Toes
2. 90/90 PAILS/RAILS: 2 x 1
- Hip Internal and External Rotation | Isometric | Hold for 10 seconds
3. Kneeling Weighted Shoulder CARS: 2 x 3 each side
- Use 2 lb. DB | Maintain Neutral Spine
4. Bear Sit to 90/90: 2 x 5 each side
- Hip Mobilization | Maintain Core Control
5. Shin Guard Get Up: 2 x 5 each side
- 90/90 Get Up | Maintain Core Control
Week 4
Day 1 - FRC | Mobility | Stabilization
1. Controlled Articular Rotations: 2 x 3 each direction
- Head, Shoulders, Spine, Elbows Wrist
- Hips, Knees, Ankles, Toes
2. Quadruped Hip Extension End Range Circles: 2 x 10 seconds
- Hip and Knee Extension | Glute Activation | Tight Circles
3. Hip Flexion Passive Range Holds: 2 x 10 seconds
- Drive Knee to Chest | Maintain Core Control
4. Wall Slide: 2 x 15
- Shoulder External Rotation | 5 Points of Contact on Wall
5. Dorsiflexion Passive Range Holds: 2 x 10 seconds
- Half Kneeling Driving Knee over Toes | Pull back and hold
Week 4
Day 2 - FRC | Mobility | Stabilization
1. Controlled Articular Rotations: 2 x 3 each direction
- Head, Shoulders, Spine, Elbows Wrist
- Hips, Knees, Ankles, Toes
2. Glute Bridge Single Leg Whip: 2 x 5 each side
- Hip Extension, Abduction, Adduction | Maintain Core Control
3. Serratus Anterior Activation: 2 x 10
- Neutral Spine | Maintain Core Control
4. Prone Imaginary Handcuffs: 2 x 10
- Controlled Articulation | Neutral Spine
5. Split End Range Hovers: 2 x 10 seconds
- Proper Joint Contraction | Maintain Core Control
Week 5
Day 1 - FRC | Mobility | Stabilization
1. Controlled Articular Rotations: 2 x 3 each direction
- Head, Shoulders, Spine, Elbows Wrist
- Hips, Knees, Ankles, Toes
2. Banded Hamstring Distraction: 2 x 10
- Lay Supine | Controlled Spine
3. 90/90 to Bear Sit: 2 x 3 each side
- Maintain Core Control
4. Half Kneeling Quad/Hip Flexor ERH
- Irradiate | Maintain Core Control
5. Band Dislocates: 2 x 5
- Keep Arms Locked | Maintain Core Control
6. Wall Slides: 2 x 10
- Shoulder External Rotation | 5 Points of Contact on Wall
Week 5
Day 2 - FRC | Mobility | Stabilization
1. Controlled Articular Rotations: 2 x 3 each direction
- Head, Shoulders, Spine, Elbows Wrist
- Hips, Knees, Ankles, Toes
2. Glute End Range Holds: 2 x 5
- Prone Low Kneeling | Irradiate
3. Prone Hip Articulation: 2 x 3
- Irradiate | Keep Hips Down
4. Quadruped Weighted Shoulder Articulation: 2 x 3
- Irradiate | Keep Hips Square
5. Ankle End Range Hold: 2 x 10 seconds
- Drive Knee Over Toes | Irradiate
Week 6
Day 1 - FRC | Mobility | Stabilization
1. Controlled Articular Rotations: 2 x 3 each direction
- Head, Shoulders, Spine, Elbows Wrist
- Hips, Knees, Ankles, Toes
2. Hip End Range Hover: 2 x 6
- Irradiate | Keep Hips Square | Maintain Core Control
3. Anterior Serratus Activation: 2 x 10
- Maintain Core Control | Irradiate | Keep Spine Stacked
4. Big Toe PAILS/RAILS: 2 x 10 seconds
- Irradiate | Drive Toe to Shin
5. Single Leg Band Distraction: 2 x 10
- Irradiate | Balance | Rooting and Bracing
Week 6
Day 2 - FRC | Mobility | Stabilization
1. Controlled Articular Rotations: 2 x 3 each direction
- Head, Shoulders, Spine, Elbows Wrist
- Hips, Knees, Ankles, Toes
2. Band Pull Apart: 2 x 10
- Full ROM | Maintain Core Control
3. Double Band TKE: 2 x 10
- Maintain Core Control | Rooting and Bracing
4. Quadruped Fire Hydrant Leg Extension: 2 x 5
- Maintain Core Control | Neutral Spine | Hip Abduction and Knee Extension
5. Prone Imaginary Handcuffs: 2 x 10
- Keep Arms Locked | Maintain Core Control