EVOLUTION The Milky Way began when clouds of gas and dust started collapsi ng, pushed together by gravity. Fi rst stars sprung up from the collapsed cl ouds, those that we see today in the globul ar clusters. The spherical halo emerged soon after, followed by the flat galactic di sk. HANAPIN MO AKO VOYAGER 1 Launched i n 1977 Speed of 61, 000 km/hr. Covered a Di stance of 21.2 billion km so far. This means that i t takes 562 million years for the Voyager 1 to leave the Milky way and take a photo the ri ght angle in it's speed. DEMOCRITUS First person who suggested that Milky way is made up of stars 1 6 1 0 : G A L I L E O G A L I LI E He used hi s telescope to di scover that our Galaxy i s composed of bundle of stars and bands of Li ghts 1 7 8 5 : W I L L I A M H ER S H EL made the fi rst i mportant di scovery about the archi tecture of the Mi lky Way Galaxy. Using a l arge reflecti ng telescope that he had bui l t, Wi lli am and hi s sister Caroline counted stars i n di fferent di rections of the sky. However, We now know that Herschel was right about the shape of our system, but wrong about where the Sun lies within the disk. 1910: HENTRIETTA Also did some research to confirm that the Herschel Map was correct. 1917: HARLOW SHAPLEY Explored the galaxy, and said that we and our solar system are not at the center of the galaxy, we are too far from it's center. some research to confi rm that the Herschel Map was correct. GLOBAL CLUSTERS Are a large compact spheri cal star cluster, typically of old stars i n the outer regions of a gal axy. was correct. 1920: EDWIN HUBBLE Explores space wi th hi s telescope, to discover that there are countless galaxies in the uni verse, and that we live in one of them HOW DID THEY FOUND OUT? WHY SPHERICAL AND FLAT SHAPE? SO YES OF COURSE NO ONE STILL NOT TAKE THE PHOTOGRAPH OF OUR MI L K Y WA Y , I T ' S J U S T A N A R T WO R K . SINO KA DIYAN? GALAXY Is a col l ecti on or a combi nation of gas, dust, and hundred of bi lli on stars together with thei r solar system, wi th the help of gravity, one of thi s galaxi es is the Milky Way Gal axy. ROMANS Came from the Greek VIA LACTEA means Road of Mi l k, because as they see it above like a road of a Mi lk. CHINESE Chinese regarded the Mi lky Way as a “silver river” that was made to separate two star crossed l overs. To the east of the Milky Way, Zhi Nu, the weavi ng mai den, was identified with the bri ght star Vega i n the constellation of Lyra the Harp. To the west of the Milky Way, her l over Ni u Lang, the cowherd, was associated wi th the star Altair in the constel l ati on of Aqui la the Eagle. GREEK The anci ent Greeks vi ewed the Milky Way as a spray of mi l k that spi lled from the breast of the goddess Hera. In thi s l egend, Zeus had secretly pl aced hi s i nfant son Heracles at Hera’s breast whi le she was asleep in order to give hi s half-human son immortal powers. When Hera awoke and found Heracles suckling, she pushed hi m away, causing her milk to spray forth i nto the cosmos AGE DOESN`T MATTER One of the oldest galaxy in the universe around 13. 6 bi lli on years old WHY MILKY WAY HAS A BULGE? Milky way has a roughly spherical collection of stars at i ts center called the bulge. How this bul ge formed has been a long-standing mystery, but many studi es suggesting that it built up over ti me through multiple burst of star formati on. HALI KA, KAIN TAYO Its diameter i s esti mated to be 100, 000 light years. The Mi lky way galaxy is also a cannibal . S T E L L A R S T R EA M is a long, narrow associ ati on of stars in the Milky Way hal o (or halos of similar galaxies). They are i nterpreted as di srupted satellite galaxies (dwarf galaxi es) or globular clusters, pulled apart by ti dal forces. WHAT IS THE CONNECTION OF ENCELADUS TO GAIA ENCELADUS? HALI KA KAIN PA TAYO Astronomers found out that our Milky Way Galaxy i s i n the process of colliding with the another gal axy called Cani s Major or Dwarf galaxy, Sagi ttari us Dwarf Galaxy, Large Magellani c Cloud, and Small Magellanic Cloud. SUSUNGKITIN KO ANG MGA BITUIN There i s an esti mati on of around 200-400 Billion stars i n Mi lky Way Galaxy. W H Y S T A R S C A N O N LY S E E N AT NIGHT? Actually can be seen day and night, but the sky is so bri ght because of the sun, so when the sky i s dark, we can now see the light of the sky. SAAN KA NA? It is located i n the Ori on Arm or Orions Sphere, i n between of the Sagittarius Arm, and Perseus Arm. ILANG BESES KA NA BANG PINAIKUT? Sun, together wi th the planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and everything that revolves i n our solar system are about to go in our Mi l ky way galaxy with a speed of 828,000 km/hr. Earth i s only around 18 Galactic Year' s Old. YOU BELONG WITH ME Milky way galaxy i s j ust a part of Local Group composed of 30 galaxies the largest in our l ocal group i s Andromeda galaxy, Milky way, and Tri angulum Galaxy. Moreover, l ocal group i s j ust part of super cluster cal l ed the Vi ergo Supercluster, it has 100,000 gal axi es, and wi th a diameter of 110 mill i on l i ght years. IKAW LANG, AT WALA NG IBA Milky way and other larger galaxies have a giant Bl ack Hole i n there center. I n our galaxy i t i s called Saggi ttari us A star. IS ALL GALAXIES HAVE A BLACK HOLE? Black hol e i s a place i n space where gravity pulls so much that even li ght can not get out. And thi s i s the responsi bly why a galaxy becomes more bi gger, because of pulling other dwarf galaxi es to i t. MILK WAY GALAXY Weight of our Galaxy: 7 Billion- 2 trillion times heavi er than the Sun as estimated. SAGGITTARIUS A STAR The blackhol e at the center of the Milky way galaxy. Density: 4. 3 mi lli on ti mes more massive than the sun. Radius: 22 mi l l i on ki lometers. INTERFEROMETRY a techni que whi ch uses the interference of superimposed waves to extract information. BUT WHY THIS PHOTO IS BLUR? 1. Movement 2. Locati on 3. Activi ty A C C R E T I O N D ES K a diskl i ke fl ow of gas, plasma, dust, or particles around any astronomical object in which the materi al orbi ti ng in the gravitational field of the obj ect loses energy and angular momentum as i t slowly spi ral s inward. THE EVENT HORIZON is the spheri cal outer boundary of a black hole loosely consi dered to be i ts "surface." SIGNAL, GALAW 2X NAMAN! Milky way gal axy, also travels in the universe because of gravi ty, everythi ng in the space is moving due to thi s reason. ITS ROTATION IS AROUND: 210 KM/SEC ITS SPEED: IS AROUND 2.1 MILLION KM/HR 1929: EDWIN HUBBLE discovered, that galaxi es are moving away from us, the more i t i s further, the more it is faster to move, that' s why our universe is continuousl y expandi ng and the factor that made thi s happened i s called dark energy. DARK ENERGY drives cosmi c obj ects apart at an increasingly rapid rate rather than drawi ng them together as gravity does, that leads to the universe to expand. WALANG FOREVER W H Y I T B E C O M ES E L L I P T I C A L G A L A XY ? The stars that previ ously followed circular orbits wi thi n two relati vely thin disks get scattered i n all di recti ons and form a puffedup, roughl y football-shaped ( elliptical) galaxy. IS EARTH SAFE AFTER THE ADROMEDA AND MILKY WAY COLLISION? Dependi ng on the posi ti on of the solar system, Earth can be exposed to more radiation from nearby stars resul ti ng i n i nhospi tabl e temperatures. So far they Andromeda are 2.5 million light years apart fi l led wi th gravi ty they are rushing towards each other wi th the speed of 402, 000 km/hr. GALAXY is responsi bl e for i ncreasi ngly rapid of drawing the cosmi c obj ects together. T H E R E I S S O M ET H I N G W R O N G The gal axi es are movi ng towards into Centaurus Constel l ati on (The Great Attractor), it has a diameter of 300 mi lli on light years, the astronomers thought that it is just a Suppermassi ve Black hole, but in year 2005 with the hel p of X-ray Astronomy, they found out that i n thi s place there is a larger supercl usters called NORMA CLUSTER (AKA. The great Attractor). REFERENCES Imahe ng sagi ttari us A* black hole SA milky way galaxy #madaminf oexpl ains. YouTube. (2022, May 11). https://youtu.be/A9_MJ6e3cYA Klonusk. (2021, September 6). The Milky way Galaxy Facts | How do we know our Galaxy is spiral? | [Video]. YouTube. https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=w5LEtI LN8vI Madam Info. (2022, June 2). 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