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Networking Assignment Guide

Assignment guide
Assignment report structure :
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o Table of contents
o List of Figures
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 Introduce the project and explain what the project is all about
 Explain the problems that requires address and give solutions to the problems
 Talk about what the important parts of the assignment you will address
Body of the report
 P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,M1,M2,M3,M4,D1,D2,D3
 Write down all questions, followed by answers sequentially.
 The summary of the entire assignment that brings the report to a satisfying and logical end.
 you must provide your opinion or verdict on whether an argument, or set of research findings, is accurate.
 You can provide a SWOT about the course.
 Inline text citations are required (Sources of information)
You must use Harvard referencing style for this report.
LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols
Role of networks:
Purpose, benefits, resource implications, communications, working practice, commercial opportunity, information sharing,
 Network Basics Companion Guide, chapter 1.
Networking standards:
Conceptual models e.g. OSI model, TCP/IP model; standards: e.g. IEEE 802.x.
Logical e.g. Ethernet, Token Ring; physical e.g. star, ring, bus, mesh, tree, ring.
Purpose of protocols; routed protocols e.g. OSPF, ICMP,…
LO2Explain networking devices and operations
Networking devices:
Servers; hub, routers; switches; multilayer switch, firewall, HIDS, repeaters; bridges; wireless devices; access point (wireless/wired),
content filter, Load balancer, Modem, Packet shaper, VPN concentrator.
Networking software:
Client software, server software, client operating system, server operating system, Firewall.
Server type:
Web, file, database, combination, virtualisation, terminal services server.
Server selection:
Cost, purpose, operating system requirement.
Hardware e.g. network card, cabling; permissions; system bus; local-system architecture e.g. memory, processor, I/O devices.
 Interdependence btw workstation hardware and software: 2.2. operating systems ( Principles of network and system administrations)
 Workstation Hardware: networking a beginner’s guide. Chapter 3. Pag3 3.
 Understanding Networking. Networking: A Beginner’s Guide. +chapter 14: Understanding Network Workstation Requirement
LO3 Design efficient networked systems
 Chapter 15: design a network. Networking: A Beginner’s Guide
Expected average load; anticipated peak load; local internet availability; cost constraints, throughput.
Quality expectations, concept of system growth.
Networking services and applications:
DHCP; static vs dynamic IP addressing, reservations, scopes, leases, options (DNS servers, Suffixes), IP helper, DHCP relay,
DNS records, Dynamic DNS.
Suited to devices, suited to users, supportive of lifestyle desires, supportive of commercial requirements, security requirements,
quality of service needs.
Able to support device growth, able to support addition of communication devices, able to cope with bandwidth use and trend
changes, protocol utilization, addressing.
Selection of components:
Supporting infrastructure needs; supporting connectivity requirements.
LO4Implement and diagnose networked systems
Installation of communication devices, allocation of addresses, local client configuration, server configuration, server installation,
security considerations.
Verification of configuration and connectivity:
Installation of internet work communication medium, ping, extended ping, traceroute, telnet, SSH.
System monitoring:
Utilization, bandwidth needs, monitoring user productivity and security of the system.
Maintenance schedule:
Backups, upgrades, security, auditing.
Diagnose and resolve layer 1 problems:
Framing, CRC, Runts, Giants, Dropped packets, late collisions, Input / Output errors.
Policy review:
Bandwidth, resource availability.
Passing Criteria.
P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards.
Define network.
Network type (MAN, WAN,LAN etc.)
o Benefit of the network
o Constraint of the network
Protocol and Standards
Network protocol definition
List some protocols : TCP/IP, HTTP,DNS,ICMP
List some standard organizations and standards names
P2. Network topology & communication and Bandwidth requirements
Network topology definition.
Discuss the Impact of topology
Definition: Physical & Logical Topology
Examples of topology with diagrams (Mesh, Star, Bus, Ring, Tree, Hybrid)
Communication and Bandwidth
Define commutations in terms of networking
Rules of communication
o Bandwidth requirements for the networks
P3 Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types.
Discuss 1 or 2 operating principles of a selected network device
List network devices
List server types
P4 Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software.
Explain what is meant by interdependencies
Give examples of interdependency.
Define workstation hardware
Define networking software
Discuss and explain the interdepencies of workstation hardware with networking software. Derive an example form your discussion
P5 Provide a logical/physical design of the networked system with clear explanation and addressing table
Explain the difference between logical and physical design
Discuss and explain the USER Requirement for the design
Provide a logical design of the network base on user requirement
Provide a physical design of the network based on user requirement
Provide addressing table for the network you design.
P6 Evaluate the design to meet the requirements.
Provide test plan (Screen shot of evidence of test such as ping test – connectivity test etc.)
Evaluate the design of the network
o Show limitation of your design based on the user requirement and the strength
o What advice and solution would you provide to the network for efficiency and usage.
P7 Implement a networked system based on a prepared design.
Show evidence of a working network you’ve design
Show the implemented system
P8 Document and analyze test results against expected results.
Provide a step by step configuration of network devices in the network (Choose a device in the network and provide all the steps for
Test results against test plans
M1 Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of networked systems.
Make a comparison of network principles and explain how network protocol enable effective use of the network system
M2 Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario regarding cost and performance
M3 Install and configure network services and applications on your choice.
M4 Recommend potential enhancements for the networked systems.
D1 Considering a given scenario, identify the topology protocol selected for the efficient utilization of a networking system.
D2 Design a maintenance schedule to support the networked system
D3 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions.