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SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Participant Handbook

SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Course Version: 0001
Course Duration: 40 Minutes
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Course Overview
Unit 1:
Overview of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Lesson: Introducing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Lesson: Understanding the Landscape of SAP Multi-Bank
Exercise 1: Manually Create and Send Message
Unit 2:
Lesson: Reviewing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Processes
Unit 3:
Process Overview
On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Lesson: On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Unit 4:
Configuring MBC Connector
Lesson: MBC Connector Configuration
Exercise 2: Sender IDs and Bank Transfers
Exercise 3: Accounts Payable Payment Processing
Exercise 4: SWIFT Parameters and Trade Confirmation
Lesson: MBC Connector SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials
Lesson: MBC Connector Technical Settings
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Course Overview
This course is intended for the following audiences:
Application Consultant
End User
Super / Key / Power User
Business Process Architect
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Overview of SAP Multi-Bank
Lesson 1
Introducing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Lesson 2
Understanding the Landscape of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Exercise 1: Manually Create and Send Message
Introduce SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Understand the Concept of a Member Bank
Know the Benefits of Using SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Grasp the System Landscape with SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Explain How SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Connects with the SWIFT Network
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Unit 1: Overview of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
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Unit 1
Lesson 1
Introducing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Introduce SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Understand the Concept of a Member Bank
Know the Benefits of Using SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Introduce SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Figure 1: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity is a cloud based solution that provides corporates with a multibank, digital channel between their SAP systems and their banks. SAP Multi-Bank
Connectivity is a secure network owned and managed by SAP. The network offers multiple
services over one channel while supporting the deployment of new services as they become
available. In addition, the solution also offers embedded SWIFT connectivity.
In order to fulfill the stringent security requirements around payment files, SAP Multi-Bank
Connectivity implements comprehensive security measures in the area of physical security,
software security, and information security.
This corporate cloud banking network provides measurable improvements to the Accounts
Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Treasury functions with the automation of manual, errorprone steps associated with the execution of payments, order-to-cash applications, and order
entry documents.
SAP customers can be on an ECC, an SAP S/4HANA Cloud, or an SAP S/4HANA on-premise
environment. It is possible to connect to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity from all of these
environments. SAP customers that are on ECC must be on release SAP ERP 6.0 EHP 0 or
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Unit 1: Overview of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Figure 2: Before SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Most corporates do business with and have bank accounts at multiple banks and therefore
need to connect to the banks on a daily basis.
Without SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, SAP customers need to setup host-to-host
connections with the banks to achieve straight-through processing of payments and
automated file retrieval. Without connections to the banks, business users need to login to the
bank portal to retrieve files and manually execute payments. The trade-off is the cost of
setting up host-to-host connections and maintaining that software on an on-going basis
versus having risky, time-intensive manual processing.
Below are some downsides of using different mechanisms to connect to different banks.
Each host-to-host connection takes time to setup and must be maintained.
Once host-to-host connections are setup, it is not easy to move business to another bank.
There is an inconsistent approach across banks.
There may be different security protocols used across the different banks.
There may be a variety of different formats and standards that must be supported.
There are increasing operational costs to maintain connections to multiple banks.
The solution is not scalable.
The solution is not easily maintained.
Any production issues encountered must be resolved by the SAP customer.
With SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, SAP customers have another option to connect with
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Lesson: Introducing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Figure 3: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity - Message Types
Bank connectivity is key to SAP customers. An SAP customer typically has various files that
are transferred to and from the banks daily. Examples of these files are the following:
Outgoing payment files
Incoming payment acknowledgement files (payment status)
Incoming bank statements (account statements)
Incoming lockbox files
Incoming and outgoing trade confirmation files
Bank fee analysis reports
Currently SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity supports the following formats:
Payment Messages:
Bank Statements/Lockbox:
BAI/ BAI2; Both the bank statement and lockbox files are supported by SAP Multi-Bank
SAP Treasury and Risk Management inbound/outbound:
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Unit 1: Overview of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Bank Fees:
Additionally, other message types can be handled via the SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity (MBC)
Connector manually.
Figure 4: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity - Message Types Supported
As the supported formats are continuously being enhanced with each new SAP release, the
latest list of payment formats delivered can be found on the help.sap.com site.
Figure 5: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity - Connectivity Options
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity provides secure connectivity to banks. SAP Multi-Bank
Connectivity can connect to banks in the following different ways:
1. SWIFT connectivity (Customer must be a SWIFT member.)
2. Direct bank connectivity
3. Connectivity using a customer managed solution, e.g. such as an in-house banking
4. Connectivity to a non-member bank or other 3rd party provider on a project basis, such as
EBICS (Customer must have an account with EBICS)
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Lesson: Introducing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
SAP will connect a corporate to their banks irrespective of the membership status of the
bank. This means, if a bank is not a member (yet) SAP will establish a connection for that
corporate to the non-member bank individually at no additional cost for the corporate.
Figure 6: Partnership with SWIFT
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) is member-owned
cooperative that provides safe and secure financial transactions for its members. SWIFT is
able to connect to thousands of banks. Many SAP customers want to connect to the SWIFT
network from SAP. This is possible. A SWIFT service provider is no longer needed for SAP
customers to send messages over the SWIFT network.
SAP and SWIFT are joining forces to offer treasurers a comprehensive, out-of-the-box
integration with financial institutions, connecting to the SWIFT network of more than 11,000
financial institutions worldwide. SAP is now a certified SWIFT partner. Partnership between
SAP and SWIFT will enable seamless treasury management connectivity with financial
institutions from SAP.
With this partnership, the SWIFT layer to integrate with the SWIFT network is embedded into
the SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity solution.
SAP customers can now leverage the bank reach that the SWIFT network provides.
Note: An SAP customer wanting to connect to the SWIFT network from SAP must have
membership to SWIFT, such as SWIFT Alliance 2. For SAP customers with an existing SWIFT
membership, please see the CSP Attestation process in the SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity onboarding documentation.
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity combines the benefits of SAP, with a seamless integration into
the SWIFT network, providing a single and secure point of entry by which they can manage all
their banks' relationships.
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Unit 1: Overview of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Figure 7: What SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity is
The formatting of the files being transferred is not part of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity. The
files being transferred to the banks are formatted using the back-end SAP system. There is no
message transformation included in SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity. SAP Multi-Bank
Connectivity does not change or adjust the payload during processing. Any changes to
formatting are done on the ERP or SAP S/4HANA side.
Testing on the payment format must be done separately from the connectivity.
Figure 8: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Integration
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity is strongly integrated with the SAP back-end system that
generates or consumes the messages interfaced with SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
Messages are seamlessly passed from the SAP back-end system to and from SAP Multi-Bank
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity connects with the relevant SAP back-end systems such as
Advanced Payment Management and the Bank Communication Management modules.
The Advanced Payment Management module is a module that fits in the SAP payment
processing landscape. The solution centralizes payment activities specifically when a
customer has multiple systems generating payment files. This could be an environment that
contains both SAP and non-SAP systems or a multiple SAP instance environment.
The Bank Communication Management module is used for payment batching, payment
approvals, and payment reporting.
Monitoring of messages takes place within the customer's SAP system using the MBC
Connector's monitor and the Manage Bank Messages app, and Bank Communication
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Lesson: Introducing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Figure 9: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity - Security
SAP Multi-Bank connectivity provides end-to-end security features leveraging Secure Store
and Forward (SSF) mechanisms in the SAP ERP (ECC & SAP S/4HANA) and through SAP
Cloud Platform security mechanisms.
SAP provides customers various different communication protocols to use to send messages
over SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
In addition, customers may select message level encryption and signing.
In addition to the supported communication protocols, SAP customers have the option to
apply additional measures to protect the exchanged data at the message level. The following
options are available:
Encryption/decryption of message content. Encryption allows you to encode the content
of a message in such a way that only authorized parties can read it. PGP encryption/
decryption is supported.
Digital signing/verifying messages. A digital signature ensures the authenticity of a
message by guaranteeing the identity of the signer and that the message was not altered
after signing. XML digital signature are supported.
Message level security based on PKCS#7/CMS enveloped data and signed data is
supported. In this case, the message would be signed by SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
The SAP customer or their bank indicate the level of security / encryption used. SAP supports
various options.
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Unit 1: Overview of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Figure 10: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity - Member Banks
Possibly the greatest advantage of using SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity is that banks can
become member banks and use SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity to enable new services for their
SAP customers that are not yet available. For example, member banks may provide a means
for their customers to easily retrieve their bank account balances. This is a simplified
example. The services that the member banks can provide are potentially limitless and will
evolve over time.
Figure 11: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity - Benefits
SAP's Multi-Bank Connectivity provides bank connectivity to corporates without leaving the
SAP ecosystem. With SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, SAP customers do not need to introduce
another third party vendor, such as a bank communication software vendor, into their end-toend payment processes. The use of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity results in improved control,
efficiency, and transparency of the financial accounting process. As the solution
automatically updates payment status and cash positions in the ERP or SAP S/4HANA
system once the messages are available from the banks, it further improves and streamlines
the company's treasury operations.
The key advantages of using SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity are:
The process to implement bank communication to multiple banks is fast. It is much less
effort than to implement host-to-host connections to the banks.
There are cost reductions compared to maintaining disparate e-banking systems. There is
lower total cost of ownership (TCO).
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Lesson: Introducing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
The SAP customer does not need to worry about system maintenance or upgrades as SAP
Multi-Bank Connectivity is a cloud application maintained by SAP.
The SAP customer has just one channel to connect to multiple financial institutions.
SAP customers can more easily change their banking relationships, if necessary.
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity offers secured connectivity.
Straight-through processing is achieved with one software vendor (SAP).
Bank-agnostic solution for multi-bank connectivity
Rapid on-boarding
No system maintenance or upgrades
Production issues are supported 24/7 by the SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity team. This is a
service level agreement contained in the SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity contract.
New member bank services
You should now be able to:
Introduce SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Understand the Concept of a Member Bank
Know the Benefits of Using SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
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Unit 1
Lesson 2
Understanding the Landscape of SAP MultiBank Connectivity
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Grasp the System Landscape with SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Explain How SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Connects with the SWIFT Network
Understand System Landscape with SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Figure 12: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Landscape
The SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity is an SAP Cloud Platform (SCP) app owned and managed
by SAP. SCP apps are a type of app that SAP has introduced with SAP S/4HANA.
SAP customers of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity can be on ECC, an SAP S/4HANA Cloud
edition, or an SAP S/4HANA on-premise environment. It is possible to connect to SAP MultiBank Connectivity from all of these environments.
It is the MBC Connector that is on the SAP customer's system and connects the customer's
SAP system to the SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity app. All messages to and from SAP MultiBank Connectivity will pass through the MBC Connector. There is message monitoring
available at the MBC Connector using either the Connector Monitor or the Manage Bank
Messages app.
This video gives an overview of the Manage Bank Messages app.
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Lesson: Understanding the Landscape of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Video: Overview of the Manage Bank Messages app
For more information on Overview of the Manage Bank Messages app, please
view the simulation in the lesson Understanding the Landscape of SAP MultiBank Connectivity online in the SAP Learning Hub.
Figure 14: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Message Flow
For each customer connecting to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, a tenant is created in MultiBank Connectivity. A tenant represents the resources of the cloud-based integration platform
of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity assigned to a customer. For each SAP customer connected to
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, separate secured resources (memory, CPU, and file system)
are allocated in the SAP Cloud Platform. These resources are referred to as tenants.
Private cloud
The SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity network is based on a cloud application that is owned
and operated by SAP.
Separation of data and processing by each bank and corporate participant, as well as
digital signing and encryption of data, ensure that integrity, security, and authentication
are complete.
Membership and connectivity is not open to the public.
Isolation and authentication
Each network participant has a unique virtual machine or "tenant" for processing and a
unique partition (with unique encryption) for data storage.
Separate handling of key material.
Separate integration flows.
The data for each tenant is stored in separate database schemas.
Every tenant is using own keys for database encryption.
The data transferred through SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity is secured.
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Unit 1: Overview of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Figure 15: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Landscape
For the message flow (of payment instructions) from a corporation to a bank, the corporate
tenant acts as the sender tenant and the tenant of the bank as the receiver tenant. Similarly,
for the message flow (of payment status) from the bank to the corporation, the tenant of the
bank acts as the sender tenant and the corporate tenant as the receiver tenant. SAP MultiBank Connectivity supports data isolation between these tenants by splitting the message
processing step between the sender and receiver tenants.
When the sender triggers a message to the receiver, the sender tenant processes the first
part of the message (containing the sender mapping). Then the message is forwarded to the
receiver tenant via a secure channel. The receiver tenant then continues the processing (with
the receiver mapping). This ensures that the data of sender and receiver tenants is processed
separately by its respective tenants.
Let's take an example. Assume that Corporate1 and Bank2 are two participants that exchange
messages with each other through SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity. Corporate1 tenant is
allocated to the SAP customer Corporate1 and Bank tenant 2 is assigned to Bank2. The
exchange of data through SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity then works in the following way:
1. Corporate1 sends the payment message from the MBC Connector to SAP Multi-Bank
Connectivity. This message goes to Corporate1's tenant in MBC.
2. Corporate1's tenant in MBC forwards the message to Bank tenant 2.
3. Bank tenant 2 sends the message to Bank2 where the message is processed by the bank.
The communication between the tenants within a cluster (in the example, the communication
of the corporate tenant and the tenant of the bank) is secured by transport level encryption
(through HTTPS/SSL). If desired by the customer, encryption and digital signature based on
PKCS#7 can also be applied for this communication path.
With the rollout of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, SAP customers are given both a test and
production tenant. This will be covered more in the on-boarding section of this course.
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Lesson: Understanding the Landscape of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Figure 16: Connecting to SWIFT
To establish the connection with SWIFT, SAP operates SWIFT software, SWIFT-specific
hardware, and hosts leased lines to SWIFT. This setup is leveraged by SAP Multi-Bank
Connectivity and the MBC Connector for the connection between the corporate customer
(SAP ERP system) and the banks.
In addition, SWIFT parameters have been added via configuration in the MBC Connector.
These parameters are mapped to the extended header of the web service to SAP Multi-Bank
Connectivity. Setting the parameters for FileAct / messages going over the SWIFT network
will be covered in the lesson on configuring the MBC Connector.
Within SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, the respective XML file is generated along with the
message digest (related to encryption). Afterwards, the message is passed to the SWIFT
infrastructure. SAP supports both FIN and FileAct based communication.
On the inbound side from the SWIFT network to a corporate customer, SAP Multi-Bank
Connectivity receives the messages from the SWIFT network and after validating the
message signature, forwards these messages without the XML envelop to the MBC
Connector in the respective SAP ERP system. Acknowledgments are mapped to an ISO
20022 PAIN.002 format before they get forwarded to the ERP system. The
acknowledgements are pushed to the BCM module where reporting on payment batches and
corresponding status messages is available. This will be covered in the End-to-End Process
Flow lesson.
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Unit 1: Overview of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
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Unit 1
Exercise 1
Manually Create and Send Message
Business Example
In this exercise, you will manually create a message at the MBC Connector and then send that
message to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity as a separate step.
There are no prerequisites to this exercise.
1. Download the file that will be used as the payload of the message you will create. Store the
unzipped file on your desktop.
2. Using the Connector Monitor app in the MBC Connector group, create a message with the
following fields. Include the downloaded file as the payload of the message.
Field Name or Date Type
Message Type
Sender ID
Receiver ID
<Use the pop-up feature to point to the
downloaded file.>
Code Page
<Not selected>
3. View your message content using the Connector Monitor app.
The payload of the message is displayed.
4. Note the status of your message.
5. Use the Send function to send your message to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
6. Note the status of your message.
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Unit 1
Solution 1
Manually Create and Send Message
Business Example
In this exercise, you will manually create a message at the MBC Connector and then send that
message to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity as a separate step.
There are no prerequisites to this exercise.
1. Download the file that will be used as the payload of the message you will create. Store the
unzipped file on your desktop.
a) To retrieve the file to be used for this exercise, go to the Windows Start button.
b) Search for initialize_S4F44.
c) At the informational popup window, select Yes.
d) The initialize_S4F44 script will store a file in your My Documents S4F44 folder. Copy
that file to your desktop.
2. Using the Connector Monitor app in the MBC Connector group, create a message with the
following fields. Include the downloaded file as the payload of the message.
Field Name or Date Type
Message Type
Sender ID
Receiver ID
<Use the pop-up feature to point to the
downloaded file.>
Code Page
<Not selected>
a) Open the Connector Monitor app.
b) Press the Execute button.
c) Press the Create button.
d) Use the information in the table to create a message.
e) When complete, press the Execute button in the lower right corner.
3. View your message content using the Connector Monitor app.
a) Either use the < (Back) icon and press the Refresh icon or restart the Connector
Monitor app from a new browser window and press the Execute button to display the
message created.
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Lesson: Understanding the Landscape of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
b) Select the indicator to the left of the message and press the Display Message Content
The payload of the message is displayed.
4. Note the status of your message.
a) The status of the message should be Message Created (IBC90).
5. Use the Send function to send your message to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
a) Select the indicator to the left of the message and press the Send/Resend Messages
b) At the Confirmation popup window, press Yes to confirm to send the message.
6. Note the status of your message.
a) The status of the message should be Message sent to Payment Network (IBC91).
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Unit 1: Overview of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
You should now be able to:
Grasp the System Landscape with SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Explain How SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Connects with the SWIFT Network
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Unit 1
Learning Assessment
1. The formatting of files is functionality included in SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
2. From which of the following environments is it possible to connect to SAP Multi-Bank
Choose the correct answers.
B S/4HANA Cloud
C S/4HANA On-Premise
3. All messages sent from the SAP customer's system pass through which of the following?
Choose the correct answer.
A Bank Communication Management (BCM) Module
B BCM Connector
C MBC Connector
D SWIFT Network
4. The SAP customer's view to messages sent via SAP's Multi-Bank Connectivity is through
the MBC Connector.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
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Unit 1: Learning Assessment
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Process Overview
Lesson 1
Reviewing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Processes
Review SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Processes
Know the Business Processes that Generate and Consume Bank-Related Files
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Unit 2: Process Overview
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Unit 2
Lesson 1
Reviewing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Review SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Processes
Know the Business Processes that Generate and Consume Bank-Related Files
Payment Processing
Figure 17: Payment Processing
Because SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity is strongly integrated with the SAP back-end system, it
is able to seamlessly update various other modules in SAP once the messages are available
from the banks.
Each message sent through the MBC Connector has Sender ID, Receiver ID, message type,
filename, message content, as well as other fields.
Outbound messages are generated by the back-end modules then the Pickup files function is
executed to send the files through SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity. The process is the following:
The back-end modules generate data for the outgoing files.
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Unit 2: Process Overview
The Pick-up Files program is executed. (This could be a scheduled job.)
The Send Messages is executed to send the outbound files to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
(This could be a scheduled job.)
On the inbound side, based on the message type, the system either triggers automatic
processing or sets the status of the message to indicate that manual processing is required.
The process is the following:
1. The Pull Messages program is executed. (This could be a scheduled job.)
2. The message is processed by the back-end module as MBC Connector automatically
sends the message payload to be back-end processes based on the message type.
Figure 18: Payment Processing
If the SAP back-end system is integrated with SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, when the
payment run is executed, the payment information is sent directly to the MBC Connector. The
payment message is created at the MBC Connector and sent to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
and from there onto the bank.
The process is the following:
1. Invoices or payment requests entered.
2. Payment run executed. This could be the Manage Automatic Payments app (a.k.a.
Accounts Payable payment program (transaction code F110)) or the Automatic Payment
Transactions for Payment Requests app (a.k.a. Treasury payment program (transaction
code F111)).
3. Payment information immediately received at MBC Connector.
4. MBC Connector creates the outbound payment message and sends it to SAP Multi-Bank
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Lesson: Reviewing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Processes
5. SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity sends the payment to the bank.
6. The bank processes the file and sends back level 0 (file) and level 1 (transaction level)
acknowledgements, which are visible in the Manage Bank Messages app.
Video: You want an overview of using the SAP Accounts Payable payment
program to generate payment messages.
For more information on You want an overview of using the SAP Accounts
Payable payment program to generate payment messages., please view the
simulation in the lesson Reviewing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Processes online
in the SAP Learning Hub.
Bank Communication Management
Figure 20: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity and Bank Communication Management
SAP's Bank Communication Management (BCM) module is used to efficiently manage
outbound and inbound communications with banking partners. This includes batching of
payments, approvals of payments, exception handling, status tracking, and centralized
reporting. Bank Communication Management can be used as the centralized reporting hub
within SAP.
Bank Communication Management payment and bank statement monitoring tools help SAP
customers proactively monitor payments and bank statements in a centralized tool within
SAP. Using the Bank Communication Management Monitor Payments app, business users
are able to view the status of the payments in the Monitor Payments app, as shown here. Note
the different payment status'.
Bank Communication Management offers:
The ability to merge payments from various payment runs using predefined rules and
create payment batches that can be routed for approvals through workflow.
The optional ability to approve payments before the payment file is created and is
delivered to the bank.
The ability to import delivery notifications from the payment network and batch status
updates, a.k.a. payment acknowledgements, in SAP that can be viewed in the Monitor
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Unit 2: Process Overview
Payments app (transaction code BNK_MONI) within Bank Communication Management,
which shows all payments and their associated statuses. Business users can validate that
their payments were sent successfully without having to log on to the banking portals.
Accounts Payable, Treasury, and Human Resources payments can be routed through the
Bank Communication Management module.
Payments from multiple payment runs can be merged (transaction code FBPM1) together to
create one or more payment batches which are then routed for approval (if required).
Bank Communication Management can be used for payment approvals and the entire
workflow is completed within SAP with proper audit trails.
The usage of Bank Communication Management may increase the efficiency of payment
processing and reconciliation. It might also help with internal controls and payment fraud
The Monitor Payments app allows users to display an overview of your payment batches.
Users can view the statuses of batches and individual payments at different processing
Key Features of the Bank Communication Management module:
Centralized reporting for payments
View the history of a payment batch, from creation to completion
Access the details for banks, accounts, and payments
See contact information for all approvers of the batch
Navigate to the details of the payment medium file if it has been created
Figure 21: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity and Bank Communication Management
The slide shows the AP or Treasury payment process with the payment approvals and
payment status monitoring. The process steps in green are part of the Bank Communication
Management module.
Because the MBC Connector is strongly integrated with the Bank Communication
Management module, following a payment run or an approval step within Bank
Communication Management, the payment files are automatically sent to financial service
providers through SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity. In return, SAP ERP receives payment status
reports (file and transaction level acknowledgements) from the banks through SAP Multi-
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Lesson: Reviewing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Processes
Bank Connectivity, which then automatically passes the files to Bank Communication
Management where they are reported on.
The step-by-step process is the following:
1. Invoices or payment requests entered.
2. Payment run executed (This could be the Accounts Payable or Treasury payment
3. Payments are automatically batched in Bank Communication Management and queued
up for approval(s).
4. After final approval, payment information is immediately received at MBC Connector.
5. MBC Connector creates the outbound payment message and sends it to MBC.
6. MBC sends the payment to the bank.
7. The bank processes the file and sends back level 0 (file level) and level 1 (transaction level)
acknowledgements, which are visible in the Manage Bank Messages app.
8. Business users are able to view the status of the payments in the Monitor Payments app.
Using Bank Communication Management with SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity is not required
but gives a complete picture as it has reporting on payments made and their status at the
Figure 22: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity and Bank Communication Management
Bank Communication Management also has a Bank Statement Monitor app that gives a highlevel view of the bank statements imported into SAP.
It is an important daily first step for Treasury to check the status of bank statements imported
before looking at the cash position report. This report can also be used to notify users of any
bank statements missing for the day.
With SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, the bank statements from the banks are imported into
SAP and processed automatically before business users start their day.
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Unit 2: Process Overview
Figure 23: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity and Bank Communication Management
Bank Communication Management's Bank Statement Monitor (transaction code FTE_BSM)
gives Treasury and bank reconciliation users a detailed view of the status of bank statements
expected versus imported each day along with a reconciliation of the balance on SAP per
account versus the balance at the bank (delivered in the bank statements).
The difference status is a tolerance amount calculated as the difference between the bank
statement balance and the general ledger balance for the bank account. If the bank statement
account balance matches the general ledger account balance within tolerance, the difference
status is green. Otherwise, the status is red.
The reconciliation status is green if, for this bank statement, all bank reconciliation items are
processed completely. This status is red if there are reconciliation items still to be processed
after posting is complete.
From the Bank Statement Monitor, the user is able to display the bank statement, display
bank statement line items or go to bank statement post-processing for any of the specific
bank statements displayed. When selecting "Display Bank Statement", SAP will take the user
to the Display Bank Statement report (transaction code FF.6).
Bank Fee Analysis
Figure 24: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity and Bank Fee Analysis
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Lesson: Reviewing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Processes
Using the Monitor Bank Fees app, users can perform validations on the imported bank fees to
identify if there are any mistakes in bank service charges. In addition, users are able to keep
track of their company's bank service charges using various data displays.
The ISO standard format CAMT086 ISO 20022 is supported. These bank fee messages can
be received via SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity and the MBC Connector will directly trigger the
import program of the Using the Import Bank Services Billing Files app. Alternatively, the bank
fees files can be imported manually into SAP, if desired. This topic is covered further in the
Inbound File Configuration section of Lesson 4.1 MBC Connector Configuration.
Using this functionality, it is possible to set up alerts for certain situations such as the
Alerts when a type of service increases or decreases for a specific bank account
Alerts when the unit price of a certain service type changes for a specific bank account
Alerts when volumes of a certain service type for a bank account exceeds a predefined
Because in most cases the transactions generating the bank fees are initiated in SAP (e.g. the
payments are generated in SAP), tools are also provided to help companies validate the fees;
for example, the number of wire transfers executed with a bank in a quarter.
When the MBC Connector receives a CAMT086 ISO 20022 formatted file, it automatically
sends the data in the inbound file to the function modules of Import Bank Services Billing Files
program and the file is imported into SAP.
Sending SWIFT Treasury Trade Confirmations through SAP Multi-Bank
Figure 25: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity and Trade Confirmations
SAP's Treasury and Risk Management is a series of solutions that analyze and optimize a
company's Treasury department's business processes. The end-to-end lifecycle of financial
trades is supported within the module.
SAP Treasury and Risk Management trade confirmations MT300 and MT320 are fully
automated with SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
Foreign Exchange (FX) spot and forward confirmation MT300
Money Market time deposit confirmation MT320
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Unit 2: Process Overview
Acknowledge (ACK) Message for Treasury TRM_IN_ACK
Non-acknowledge (NACK) Message for Treasury TRM_IN_NACK
The process is the following:
1. FX or time deposit trades are entered into SAP using the SAP Treasury and Risk
Management module.
2. Data included in the SWIFT confirmation messages are sent from the Treasury and Risk
Management module to the MBC Connector.
3. The MBC Connector creates the outbound confirmation message and sends it to SAP
Multi-Bank Connectivity.
4. SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity sends the confirmation message to the trade's counterparty
or counterparty's confirmation settlement system.
5. A SWIFT Ack or NACK is received in response to the outbound confirmation message
making it to its destination.
6. The outbound confirmation message is marked as received (ACK) or not received (NACK)
in the Correspondence Monitor in the Treasury and Risk Management module.
7. The counterparty sends a counter-confirmation to the SAP customer, which is received at
the MBC Connector.
8. The MBC Connector sends the counter-confirmation information to the Treasury and Risk
Management module where it is processed.
The acknowledge (ACK) or non-acknowledge (NACK) are service messages sent by the
SWIFT interface to the user application to notify an outgoing message was accepted or not.
The acceptance mainly depends on the message being standard compliant. Note that
receiving an ACK does not mean the message was effectively delivered to the receiver, it is
just a notification indicating if the SWIFT interface accepted the message as valid and entered
the message in the network.
Figure 26: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity and Trade Confirmations
Here we see the Correspondence Monitor in the Treasury and Risk Management module as
well as an MT300 file generated for a Treasury FX forward trade.
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Lesson: Reviewing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Processes
The current status of the confirmation is Acknowledgement awaited indicating an ACK or
NACK has not yet been received for the outbound confirmation message. Once the ACK has
been received the status changes to Delivered.
Once the counter-confirmation has been received and matched, the status becomes
When the MBC Connector receives a trade confirmation ACK or NACK or an incoming
Treasury trade counter-confirmation file, it automatically calls the import function modules of
the Treasury trade correspondence import program FTR_SWIFT_IMPORT and the file is
imported into SAP and reflected in the Correspondence Monitor.
You want an overview of using the Treasury and Risk Management module to generate SWIFT
trade confirmation messages.
Video: Generating a SWIFT trade confirmation message in Treasury and Risk
Management and sending the message through SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
For more information on Generating a SWIFT trade confirmation message in
Treasury and Risk Management and sending the message through SAP MultiBank Connectivity, please view the simulation in the lesson Reviewing SAP MultiBank Connectivity Processes online in the SAP Learning Hub.
Advanced Payment Management
Figure 28: Advanced Payment Management Landscape Overview
The Advanced Payment Management module is a module that fits in the SAP payment
processing landscape. The solution centralizes payment activities specifically when a
customer has multiple systems generating payment files. This could be an environment that
contains both SAP and non-SAP systems or a multiple SAP instance environment.
The solution integrates with other payment related modules such as SAP S/4HANA Cash
Management (with the Cash Flow Analyzer app), SAP S/4HANA In House Cash, Bank
Communication Management (with the Monitor Payments and Approve Payments apps), and
of course SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity (with the Manage Bank Messages app).
The Advanced Payment Management module takes as input the payment information from
SAP and non-SAP systems. This payment information can be delivered in different formats
(e.g. ISO20022, IDOC,…). The module runs through a number of validation and enrichment
steps that have been put in place for the implementation. The payments can be forwarded as
is, routed through other banks and bank accounts and/or regrouped using business rules.
After all processing is complete, the Advanced Payment Management module re-creates the
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Unit 2: Process Overview
payment information in the format the bank expects and sends it from the Output Manager to
the MBC Connector, which sends the payment information file to SAP Multi-Bank
Connectivity and on to the bank.
The key benefits of the module are the following:
Centralized control over all payment flows of the group (both SAP and non-SAP generated
payment files)
Central payment format handling
Increased visibility of all cash flows
Increased cash forecast accuracy
Support for bank account optimization
Optimized routing balancing current cash position, cost and time
Exception handling capabilities allowing to react on erroneous payments centrally
On-the-fly analytics based on all payment flows
Figure 29: Advanced Payment Management Functionality
Here we see the apps available under Advanced Payment Management. Advanced Payment
Management is also very integrated with the Bank Communication Management module.
We also see the process flow for an outbound payment item from Advanced Payment
The outgoing payment order is sent seamlessly from Advanced Payment Management to the
MBC Connector to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity and then to the bank.
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Lesson: Reviewing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Processes
Figure 30: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity and Advanced Payment Management Integration
When looking at the details of the outgoing payment order in Advanced Payment
Management, we see a link from that screen to the MBC Message ID. Clicking that link takes
the user directly to the Manage Bank Messages app, where the user is able to see all details
on the outgoing payment file.
You should now be able to:
Review SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Processes
Know the Business Processes that Generate and Consume Bank-Related Files
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Unit 2: Process Overview
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Unit 2
Learning Assessment
1. The MBC Connector is integrated with which of the following back-end modules?
Choose the correct answers.
A Accounts Payable
B Bank Communication Management
C Advanced Payment Management
2. Using the Bank Communication Management (BCM) module with SAP Multi-Bank
Connectivity is not required but gives a complete picture as the BCM module has
reporting on payments made and their statuses at the banks.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
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Unit 2: Learning Assessment
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On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank
Lesson 1
On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Understand the Process of On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
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Unit 3: On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
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Unit 3
Lesson 1
On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Understand the Process of On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
On-board to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Figure 31: Defining the Project Scope
As SAP customers are considering using SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, they should document
their requirements, which should define the scope of the SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
implementation. These details are also needed when getting the services started at the banks
and also with the SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity on-boarding team.
These steps are required regardless of what type of SAP system the customer has, e.g. SAP
S/4HANA Cloud editions, SAP S/4HANA On-Premise, or SAP ECC.
1. The SAP customer should create a spreadsheet or document in some way the
functionality to be included at each bank and for which bank accounts. For example, they
should start a list of the bank accounts that will be setup for the different types of
payments, e.g. ACH, wires, checks. Also, on the inbound side, for which banks and bank
accounts are bank statements, payment acknowledgement, and lockbox files needed.
Please see the above spreadsheet that may be helpful for this step. The spreadsheet is
just a proposal.
2. The SAP customer will also want to document the file formats for the messages. For
example, all payments will be in XML ISO 20022 pain.001 format and all bank statements
will be the CAMT.053.001.02 format. Consistency across banks is helpful because it
reduces the maintenance of the solution moving forward.
3. A decision on the communication protocol used will also need be made. The
communication protocol is a system of rules that define how two or more entities will
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Unit 3: On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
transmit information. Examples of communication protocols are SFTP, HTTPS, SOAP, etc.
Again, consistency across banks is helpful for maintainability but is not required by SAP.
4. Connecting to the banks is done by SAP as part of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity. SAP will
confirm this step.
5. The SAP customer will need to contact each bank to get the above services started with
the banks. There needs to be an agreement between the SAP customer and each bank on
the services to be activated and for which bank accounts. (The banks will want to know the
connectivity mechanism very early on in the process. The connectivity mechanism will be
by SAP's Multi-Bank Connectivity.)
6. For the banks where payments will be sent from SAP, a project needs to be setup at the
bank. This is so that the payment files can be tested with the bank(s). This is required
because after sufficient testing done, the customer authorizes the bank to move the
functionality to production.
7. For the banks where only a bank statement or the bank fees statement will be retrieved, a
project may not be needed but it depends on the bank. Customers will need to check what
the bank's requirements are.
On-boarding Steps
Figure 32: On-boarding Steps
After a customer signs on for the SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity functionality, there is an
project kickoff meeting with SAP where the following is discussed:
Pre-boarding Phase
Scope for the project is set
Fixed milestones are determined
Roles and responsibilities for the project are outlined
There will be a process moving forward, such as weekly or periodic meetings as check
After the project kickoff meeting, there are the following milestones:
Technical Integration Phase
Connect to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
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Lesson: On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Agree on message mapping requirements
Perform basic connectivity to banks
Validation Phase (Testing)
Request connection to (non-) member bank
Perform end-to-end connectivity testing
Payment file testing
Message testing with back-end processing
Customer sign-off on testing
Promotion (to Production) Phase
After customer sign-off on testing, SAP and the banks finalize activation in production.
It is recommended that the customer executes a Production Verification Test (PVT) in
Support Phase
Monitor, manage, and deliver financial messages
Add additional banks and services
These steps are the same regardless of what type of SAP system the customer has, e.g. SAP
S/4HANA Cloud editions, SAP S/4HANA On-Premise, or SAP ECC.
Figure 33: On-boarding Steps
With the rollout of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, SAP customers are given both a test and
production tenant.
Testing is done in the testing environment before customer sign-off to move to production.
Implementation time depends on a number of factors such as the extent of format testing
required and the readiness of the customer's SAP system. For example, to send payment files
from SAP for the first time, customer, vendor, business partner bank details need to be in the
master records. In addition, bank data must be loaded in the SAP system.
This video outlines the SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity on-boarding process.
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Unit 3: On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
Video: On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
For more information on On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, please
view the simulation in the lesson On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
online in the SAP Learning Hub.
You should now be able to:
Understand the Process of On-boarding to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
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Unit 3
Learning Assessment
1. At the project kickoff meeting, which of the following happens?
Choose the correct answers.
A The scope for the project is set.
B Perform basic connectivity to banks, i.e. ping test
C Roles and responsibilities for the project are outlined.
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Unit 3: Learning Assessment
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Configuring MBC Connector
Lesson 1
MBC Connector Configuration
Exercise 2: Sender IDs and Bank Transfers
Exercise 3: Accounts Payable Payment Processing
Exercise 4: SWIFT Parameters and Trade Confirmation
Lesson 2
MBC Connector SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials Configuration
Lesson 3
MBC Connector Technical Settings
Know the MBC Connector configuration
Grasp the Different Settings Required to Enable the MBC Connector
Understand the MBC Connector Configuration for SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials
Become Familiar with the Technical Settings
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Unit 4
Lesson 1
MBC Connector Configuration
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Know the MBC Connector configuration
Grasp the Different Settings Required to Enable the MBC Connector
Configure MBC Connector
Figure 35: Configure MBC Connector
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity is available for SAP customers on various SAP environments.
The steps required to implement SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity on the different environments
varies to a certain degree.
In this section, the MBC Connector configuration that is relevant to SAP S/4HANA Cloud
Extended edition, SAP ECC, and SAP S/4HANA On-Premise implementations is described. In
the next section, the configuration steps relevant to SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials edition
implementations is reviewed.
Sender and Receiver IDs
Figure 36: Manage Bank Messages
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Lesson: MBC Connector Configuration
At the MBC Connector, the message header is added to outgoing messages from a corporate
customer to a bank. The header wraps the message payload with fields such as Sender ID,
Receiver ID, and message type, used to determine routing in SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
The Manage Bank Messages app is available starting from SAP S/4HANA 1909 FP01 or
higher. For SAP customers on a lower release level, the Connector Monitor (transaction
code /BSNAGT/FILE_MONI) is used to monitor messages at the MBC Connector.
Figure 37: Sender and Receiver IDs
The Sender and Receiver IDs are used for routing messages through SAP Multi-Bank
Connectivity and are agreed to in the on-boarding process. Before getting started on sending
test messages, the SAP customer and each bank must agree on the Sender and Receiver IDs
to be used.
The Sender ID identifies the sender of the message. The Receiver ID identifies the receiver of
the message.
The Sender ID used for payments is taken from the Customer Number field maintained at
House Bank level, shown in this slide. The configuration path is Financial Accounting → Bank
Accounting → Bank Accounts → Define House Banks (or transaction code FI12).
Sender ID: Contains the corporate identifier agreed between the corporation and the bank.
The Corporate ID is maintained at house bank level.
The Receiver ID is used in SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity to properly route the message. The
Receiver ID is the SWIFT code/BIC of the bank the payment is going to. This SWIFT code/BIC
comes from the bank master data in the case of payment files.
Receiver ID: Contains the bank identifier code (BIC), which is maintained at house bank level.
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
Figure 38: Sender and Receiver IDs
In this customizing step, custom Sender IDs for a message type and / or Receiver IDs are
specified. You can use this to define different Sender IDs for communicating with different
For outgoing payment files, by default when creating the message the MBC Connector reads
the SWIFT/BIC code from the house bank definition and uses it as the Receiver ID. For
customers that want to use a different Receiver ID for the bank, use the configuration under
Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector → Maintain Custom Sender / Receiver IDs, which will
override the SWIFT/BIC from the house bank definition.
Example of Payment Files
Let's take an example of a payment file being sent from SAP to a bank. The sender ID is
needed so that the receiver, i.e. the bank, can identify, who is sending the payment. For
payment messages created via Payment Medium Workbench, the system uses the Customer
Number maintained at House Bank level as the Sender ID (the corresponding custom Sender
ID entries are ignored). However, the system uses the custom Sender ID maintained in this
customizing activity as a fallback, and it is used in the event that the Customer Number has
not been maintained at House Bank level.
You can leave the Message Type and/or Receiver ID blank. The system treats such entries as
relevant for all Message Types and/or Receiver IDs. In the event of multiple valid entries, the
system uses the most specific one.
When you are planning to manually create messages by uploading files to the MBC Connector
from your local computer using the Pick-Up Files program, you should consider maintaining
the exact Sender IDs and Receiver IDs. The Pick-Up Files program reads these settings made
in these customizing settings.
Follow the customizing path, Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector → Maintain Custom Sender /
Receiver IDs.
Video: You want an overview of executing bank-to-bank transfers to generate
payment messages sent through the MBC Connector.
For more information on You want an overview of executing bank-to-bank
transfers to generate payment messages sent through the MBC Connector.,
please view the simulation in the lesson MBC Connector Configuration online in
the SAP Learning Hub.
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Unit 4
Exercise 2
Sender IDs and Bank Transfers
Business Example
The company you work for is rolling out SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity for outbound payments.
As an SAP support person, you will make the necessary configuration settings to the system
and then validate the configuration entered by generating a bank-to-bank transfer payment.
In this exercise, you will populate the configuration to default a Sender ID for a specific
message type. You will then execute a bank-to-bank transfer and validate the message
There are no prerequisites to this exercise.
1. To override the Sender ID and/or the Receiver ID for a specific message type, the Maintain
Custom Sender/Receiver IDs configuration can be used. In this step, you will populate a
specific Sender ID for PAIN.001.001.03 message types. Update the Maintain Custom
Sender/Receiver IDs configuration based on the information in the table below.
Table 1: Sender/Receiver ID Configuration
Field Name
Message Type
Receiver ID
Sender ID
2. Execute a bank-to-bank transfer using the information in the table below.
Table 2: Bank Transfer Information
Field Name
Payer Information
Paying Bank Account
121210## (filter by Company Code TA##)
Paying Company Code
Paying House Bank
Paying House Bank Account HB001
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Transfer Date
<Current date>
Payment Method
6,000 EUR
Reference Text
Transfer funds
Release and Pay
Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
Field Name
Payee Information
Receiving Bank Account
1133696 (filter by Company
Code TA##)
Receiving Company Code
Receiving House Bank
Receiving House Bank Account
3. View your message content using the Connector Monitor app in the MBC Connector
4. Validate the Sender ID, the Receiver ID, and the status of the message.
The Sender ID should be set to SAPCDEFF, which is driven by the Maintain Custom
Sender/Receiver IDs configuration entered. The Receiver ID should be set to the
SWIFT/BIC of the paying house bank - BANKDE99. The status of the message should be
Message sent to Payment Network (IBC91).
5. Validate the Receiver ID of the message created in the step above is the SWIFT/BIC of the
paying house bank using the Manage Bank Accounts app in the Master Data group.
Table 3: House Bank data
Field Name
Company Code
House Bank
House Bank Account
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Unit 4
Solution 2
Sender IDs and Bank Transfers
Business Example
The company you work for is rolling out SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity for outbound payments.
As an SAP support person, you will make the necessary configuration settings to the system
and then validate the configuration entered by generating a bank-to-bank transfer payment.
In this exercise, you will populate the configuration to default a Sender ID for a specific
message type. You will then execute a bank-to-bank transfer and validate the message
There are no prerequisites to this exercise.
1. To override the Sender ID and/or the Receiver ID for a specific message type, the Maintain
Custom Sender/Receiver IDs configuration can be used. In this step, you will populate a
specific Sender ID for PAIN.001.001.03 message types. Update the Maintain Custom
Sender/Receiver IDs configuration based on the information in the table below.
Table 1: Sender/Receiver ID Configuration
Field Name
Message Type
Receiver ID
Sender ID
a) Go to the customizing menu.
b) Follow the customizing menu path Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector → Maintain
Custom Sender/Receiver IDs
c) Press the New Entries button and enter the data in the table.
d) Press the Save icon when complete.
2. Execute a bank-to-bank transfer using the information in the table below.
Table 2: Bank Transfer Information
Field Name
Payer Information
Paying Bank Account
121210## (filter by Company Code TA##)
Paying Company Code
Paying House Bank
Paying House Bank Account HB001
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
Payee Information
Field Name
Transfer Date
<Current date>
Payment Method
6,000 EUR
Reference Text
Transfer funds
Release and Pay
Receiving Bank Account
1133696 (filter by Company
Code TA##)
Receiving Company Code
Receiving House Bank
Receiving House Bank Account
a) Click on the Make Bank Transfers app in the Treasury Payments group.
b) Press the Create button and enter the data from the table.
c) Press the Save button in the lower right corner of the screen.
The user should receive a message with the payment request number created.
d) Press the Pay button to execute the payment program for the bank-to-bank transfer.
e) Confirm the payment by pressing the Pay button at the popup displayed.
The user should receive a message with the payment program run identification and
date from the Automatic Payment Transactions for Payment Requests (F111)
program, which was executed in the background.
The status on the payment is now Cleared.
3. View your message content using the Connector Monitor app in the MBC Connector
a) Open the Connector Monitor app.
b) Press the Execute button.
c) View the message content by selecting the indicator to the left of the message and
press the Display Message Content icon.
4. Validate the Sender ID, the Receiver ID, and the status of the message.
The Sender ID should be set to SAPCDEFF, which is driven by the Maintain Custom
Sender/Receiver IDs configuration entered. The Receiver ID should be set to the
SWIFT/BIC of the paying house bank - BANKDE99. The status of the message should be
Message sent to Payment Network (IBC91).
5. Validate the Receiver ID of the message created in the step above is the SWIFT/BIC of the
paying house bank using the Manage Bank Accounts app in the Master Data group.
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Lesson: MBC Connector Configuration
Table 3: House Bank data
Field Name
Company Code
House Bank
House Bank Account
a) Click on the Manage Bank Accounts app in the Master Data group.
b) Enter the data in the table then press the Go button.
The user should see the SWIFT/BIC of the paying house bank - BANKDE99.
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
Payment Configuration
Figure 40: Use of Physical Files
MBC Connector does not store physical files. Instead, the file contents are stored in the SAP
database tables. The message payload is saved to database.
There are two times when a physical file is used:
1. The Pick-up Files report is used to integrate the MBC Connector with other processes and
non-SAP applications running at the customer site. It reads files from a defined directory
on the application server and then uses the files to create messages in the appropriate
format for SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity. When the PICK_FILES (Pick-up files) function is
used, the MBC Connector imports a file from the /BSNAGT/PICKUP_SRC_DIR logical
directory (transaction code FILE).
2. When in the Maintain Inbound Processing Steps configuration, the customer selects the
Download to Application Server option, which instructs MBC Connector to download the
file received. For this option, MBC Connector uses the /BSNAGT/DOWNLOAD FILE
directory to download the file.
The MBC Connector provides a file interface that relies on the logical file path configurations.
The Logical File Path Definitions shown below must be defined using transaction code FILE.
/BSNAGT/PICKUP_SRC_DIR - The source directory of the pickup-report.
/BSNAGT/PICKUP_TRG_DIR - The target directory of the pickup-report.
/BSNAGT/DOWNLOAD - Used when the Download to Application Server option is selected for
the processing of inbound files.
Figure 41: Payment Format Configuration
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Lesson: MBC Connector Configuration
When using SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity for payment file processing for PMW (Payment
Medium Workbench) payments, there are some settings necessary to have the payment file
sent to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
If in the definition of the payment medium format, the Type field, see slide, is set to SAP MultiBank Connectivity Connector, the payment file generated is automatically pushed to the MBC
Connector. Once this setting is made, the file name field when setting the variant for the
payment medium on the program SAPFPAYM will be disabled.
As SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity provides connectivity to banks, the payment processing
setup is done independent of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity. If a customer is using the Bank
Communication Management (BCM) module or the Advanced Payment Management
module, the data for the payment file is pushed to the MBC Connector after batching and any
required approvals. SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity integrates seamlessly with all the other SAP
payment related modules.
The configuration node to create payment medium formats through the PMW, is Financial
Accounting (New) → Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable → Business
Transactions → Outgoing Payments → Automatic Outgoing Payments → Payment
Media → Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium
Workbench → Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium
Workbench (OBPM1).
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
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Unit 4
Exercise 3
Accounts Payable Payment Processing
Business Example
With the move to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, you will make the configuration changes to an
Accounts Payable payment method so that the payment information is sent directly to the
MBC Connector. You will update the payment method used for SEPA payments, which is
payment method T, so that the payment message will be sent through SAP Multi-Bank
There are no prerequisites to this exercise.
1. Verify the payment medium format definition of FSN_CT_00100103 is set to send the
payment message to the SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector.
2. Change the Payment Medium Format for payment method T as outlined in the table
Table 4: Payment Medium Format
Field Name
DE (Germany)
Payment Method
T (SEPA Credit Transfer)
Change to FSN_CT_00100103
3. Using the Create Incoming Invoices app in the Accounts Payable group, create an
Accounts Payable invoice to use to generate a payment.
Table 5: Accounts Payable Invoice Information
Field Name
Basic Data
Company Code
10,000 EUR
Calculate Tax
G/L Account
Tax Code
Cost Center
Payment Method
4. Use the Manage Automatic Payments app in the Accounts Payable group to pay the
Accounts Payable invoice entered above.
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
5. View your message content using the Connector Monitor app in the MBC Connector
group. Note the status of the message, the Sender ID, and Receiver ID of the message.
Where did the Receiver ID value originate?
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Unit 4
Solution 3
Accounts Payable Payment Processing
Business Example
With the move to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, you will make the configuration changes to an
Accounts Payable payment method so that the payment information is sent directly to the
MBC Connector. You will update the payment method used for SEPA payments, which is
payment method T, so that the payment message will be sent through SAP Multi-Bank
There are no prerequisites to this exercise.
1. Verify the payment medium format definition of FSN_CT_00100103 is set to send the
payment message to the SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector.
a) Go to the customizing menu.
b) Follow the customizing menu path Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable and
Accounts Payable → Business Transactions → Outgoing Payments → Automatic
Outgoing Payments → Payment Media → Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats
from Payment Medium Workbench → Create Payment Medium Format
c) Use the Position button to get to the FSN_CT_00100103 Payment Medium Format.
d) Double click on the FSN_CT_00100103 Payment Medium Format.
e) Verify the Type of Payment Medium is set to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector.
2. Change the Payment Medium Format for payment method T as outlined in the table
Table 4: Payment Medium Format
Field Name
DE (Germany)
Payment Method
T (SEPA Credit Transfer)
Change to FSN_CT_00100103
a) Follow the customizing menu path Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable and
Accounts Payable → Business Transactions → Outgoing Payments → Automatic
Outgoing Payments → Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program → Set
Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transaction.
b) Navigate to the payment method shown in the table above.
c) Change the Payment medium format. Press the Save button.
3. Using the Create Incoming Invoices app in the Accounts Payable group, create an
Accounts Payable invoice to use to generate a payment.
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
Table 5: Accounts Payable Invoice Information
Field Name
Basic Data
Company Code
10,000 EUR
Calculate Tax
G/L Account
Tax Code
Cost Center
Payment Method
a) After clicking on the Create Incoming Invoices app, enter the data from the table.
b) Press the Post button to save the invoice.
The document number for the Accounts Payable invoice is displayed.
4. Use the Manage Automatic Payments app in the Accounts Payable group to pay the
Accounts Payable invoice entered above.
a) Click on the app Manage Automatic Payments app.
b) Press the + (Add) icon to create a new payment run
c) Enter the payment run identifiers from the table at the New Parameter popup.
Table 6: Payment Run Date and Identification
Field Name
Run Date
<Current date>
d) Press the Create button at the bottom of the pop-up window. Enter the data below.
Table 7: Payment Run Parameters
Field Name
Posting Date
<Current date>
Next Payment Run on Date
<Tomorrow's Date>
Docs Entered Up to
<Current date>
Customer Items Due By
<Out one month>
Company code
Payment methods
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Lesson: MBC Connector Configuration
Field Name
Additional Log
e) Press the Save icon
f) Press the Schedule → Proposal button.
g) Press the Go button.
h) Once the proposal button is completed running, select the tab to the left of the
proposal run and press the Open → Proposal for Revision button to view the proposal.
Verify that there are no exceptions. Note the House Bank Account that will be used for
the payment. Go back one screen.
i) Press the Schedule → Payment button. Verify the Create Payment Medium indicator is
j) Once the payment run is completed, verify there are no exceptions.
5. View your message content using the Connector Monitor app in the MBC Connector
group. Note the status of the message, the Sender ID, and Receiver ID of the message.
Where did the Receiver ID value originate?
a) Open the Connector Monitor app.
b) Press the Execute button.
c) View the message content by selecting the indicator to the left of the message and
press the Display Message Content icon.
d) To validate the SWIFT code/BIC of the paying house bank, click on the Manage Bank
Accounts app in the Master Data group and enter the information in the table below.
Field Name
Company Code
House Bank
House Bank Account
e) Enter the data in the table then press the Go button.
The user should see the SWIFT/BIC of the paying house bank - DRESDEFF827, which
is the Receiver ID of the payment message generated.
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
Inbound File Configuration
Figure 42: Create Variants - Inbound Files
Regarding the processing of inbound bank statements the process is as follows:
1. A variant is created for each format (Message Type) of bank statements (e.g. for camt.
053 or MT940). When creating the variants at the Import Electronic Bank Statement
(transaction code FF.5) program, the file name in the variant can be empty. As the file is
imported, the program recognizes that the bank statement payload needs to be read from
the incoming message instead of from a physical file. The bank statement file is read from
the payload in the incoming message as opposed to from a physical file.
2. The configuration is entered in Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector → Maintain Selection
Variants for Bank Statements. If the variant should be different for the bank statements
from different banks, the Sender ID should be populated with the Sender ID of each bank.
When such a bank statement is received in MBC Connector it is handed over to the Import
Electronic Bank Statement (transaction code FF.5) automatically using the assigned variant.
This will happen for each bank statement that comes in via SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
For SAP customers that want a physical bank statement file created, the MBC Connector can
be configured to download the file instead of or in addition to importing the bank statement
into SAP. These steps are possible using the Maintain Inbound Processing Steps, which is
covered next.
Figure 43: Maintain Inbound Processing Steps
When inbound messages are received by the MBC Connector, based on the file type the backend module that consumes the file is triggered. For example, when the MBC Connector
receives a Payment Status Report (PSR) (PAIN.002.002.02) file, the MBC Connector knows
this should be sent to a Bank Communication Management (BCM) program / class to be
processed, and this is done automatically by the MBC Connector.
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Lesson: MBC Connector Configuration
The configuration in the Maintain Inbound Processing Steps allows SAP customers to
override the default processing defined in the MBC Connector. By creating an entry in this
configuration, the default steps assigned within the MBC Connector will no longer be
executed. Therefore, if specific steps need to be triggered, make sure to additionally define
the entries for the default steps as well.
When in the Maintain Inbound Processing Steps configuration, the customer selects the
Download to Application Server option, which instructs MBC Connector to download the file
received. For this option, MBC Connector uses the /BSNAGT/DOWNLOAD FILE directory to
download the file.
Let us consider a few examples of how this configuration can be used.
For SAP customers that want a physical bank statement file created, the MBC Connector can
be configured to download the file instead of importing the bank statement into SAP. This is
done using the Maintain Inbound Processing Steps configuration and setting the Processing
Application field to the Download to Application Server option. Making this setting would
download to the /BSNAGT/DOWNLOAD FILE directory the incoming bank statements.
Message Type
Step Number
Download to Applica- <Active>
tion Server
Because this configuration overrides the default processing, if customers also want the
default processing triggered, they should enter that step in this configuration as well. To
download a bank statement and also have the bank statement imported into SAP, two steps
would be entered into this configuration:
Message Type
Step Number
Download to Applica- <Active>
tion Server
FI Bank Statements
For customers that want to manually process an incoming file, they should set the Processing
Application field to Manual Processing. For example, for customers that want to manually
process the Payment Status Report file, the following entry should be made:
Message Type
Step Number
Manual Processing
The configuration discussed here can be found in the IMG under Multi-Bank Connectivity
Connector → Maintain Inbound Processing Steps.
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
SWIFT Parameter Settings
Figure 44: SWIFT Parameter Settings
The SWIFT FileAck envelope consists of control information that enables organizations to
effectively exchange messages. This information is added in the header to SWIFT messages.
It is within the MBC Connector that the corresponding SWIFT envelope is generated. SWIFT
parameters are configured using the configuration set here and will be sent to SAP Multi-Bank
Connectivity with every message.
In this customizing, you set the SWIFT parameter settings that are used in the header of the
SWIFT message. Based on a Receiver ID and message type, you specify how the different
parameters should be set in messages sent through the SWIFT network.
The SWIFT parameters that can be set are the following:
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Lesson: MBC Connector Configuration
Follow the customizing path, Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector → Maintain SWIFT
Figure 45: SWIFT Parameter Settings
A parameters spreadsheet (shown above) should be shared between the customer and banks
for the following reasons:
Emphasizes the importance of using correct information.
Information can only be validated in end-to-end testing of the on-boarding phase of the
Incorrect data will have an impact on project time lines.
Customer clearly drives the validation phase with the banks.
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
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Unit 4
Exercise 4
SWIFT Parameters and Trade Confirmation
Business Example
At your company, the process for FX spot and forward contracts is that before the trades are
settled and sent to back-office for payment and posting, the trade details are verified through
a SWIFT confirmation message.
In this exercise, you will enter the SWIFT parameters configuration for the MBC Connector
then create an FX forward trade in the Treasury and Risk Management module. You will
validate the SWIFT MT300 trade confirmation message created as the trade was entered.
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity will be used to send a treasury trade confirmation message over
the SWIFT network and to the counterparty of the trade.
There are no prerequisites to this exercise.
1. Verify the SWIFT code/BIC for your business partner using the BIC Codes for BP
(FTR_BP_BIC) app in the Master Data group.
Table 8: BIC Codes for Business Partner details
Field Name
Business Partner
Recipient/Sender Type
Correspondence Class
2. Using the Maintain SWIFT Parameters configuration, enter the SWIFT parameters in the
table below.
Table 9: SWIFT Parameters
Receiver ID
Message Type
Parameter Name
Parameter Value
3. Using the Create Financial Transaction app in the Trade Processing group, create an FX
forward trade using the information from the tables below. An MT300 SWIFT confirmation
message will be created automatically when the FX forward contract is saved.
Create an FX forward contract using the information in the following tables.
Initial trade entry screen:
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
Company code
Product type
Transaction type
Trade details:
EUR / USD 1.1
Traded Amount
5 million
Value date
Out 1.5 months (++1,5)
Swap rate
4. Verify the MT300 file that was generated when the trade was created first using
Correspondence Monitor app in the Back Office Functions group.
5. View your trade confirmation message using the Connector Monitor app in the MBC
Connector group.
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Unit 4
Solution 4
SWIFT Parameters and Trade Confirmation
Business Example
At your company, the process for FX spot and forward contracts is that before the trades are
settled and sent to back-office for payment and posting, the trade details are verified through
a SWIFT confirmation message.
In this exercise, you will enter the SWIFT parameters configuration for the MBC Connector
then create an FX forward trade in the Treasury and Risk Management module. You will
validate the SWIFT MT300 trade confirmation message created as the trade was entered.
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity will be used to send a treasury trade confirmation message over
the SWIFT network and to the counterparty of the trade.
There are no prerequisites to this exercise.
1. Verify the SWIFT code/BIC for your business partner using the BIC Codes for BP
(FTR_BP_BIC) app in the Master Data group.
Table 8: BIC Codes for Business Partner details
Field Name
Business Partner
Recipient/Sender Type
Correspondence Class
a) Click on the BIC Codes for BP (FTR_BP_BIC) app and verify the SWIFT code/BIC for
business partner DGZ BANK.
2. Using the Maintain SWIFT Parameters configuration, enter the SWIFT parameters in the
table below.
Table 9: SWIFT Parameters
Receiver ID
Message Type
Parameter Name
Parameter Value
a) Go to the customizing menu.
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
b) Follow the customizing menu path Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector → Maintain
SWIFT Parametersand enter the data in the table.
c) Press the Save button when complete.
3. Using the Create Financial Transaction app in the Trade Processing group, create an FX
forward trade using the information from the tables below. An MT300 SWIFT confirmation
message will be created automatically when the FX forward contract is saved.
Create an FX forward contract using the information in the following tables.
Initial trade entry screen:
Company code
Product type
Transaction type
Trade details:
EUR / USD 1.1
Traded Amount
5 million
Value date
Out 1.5 months (++1,5)
Swap rate
a) Click on the Create Financial Transaction app.
b) Enter the information in the Initial trade entry screen: table at the Create Financial
Transaction screen. Press the Enter key.
c) Enter the information in the Trade details: table.
d) Save your trade by pressing the Save button. Press the Enter key to move past any
warning messages. Note your trade number.
4. Verify the MT300 file that was generated when the trade was created first using
Correspondence Monitor app in the Back Office Functions group.
a) Click on the Correspondence Monitor app.
b) In the Company Code field, enter TA##. In the Deal Number field, enter your trade
number. Press Execute.
c) Select the tab to the left of your trade and format MT300 and press the View Message
icon to view the message.
The Channel for the MT300 SWIFT message generated is MBC.
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Lesson: MBC Connector Configuration
5. View your trade confirmation message using the Connector Monitor app in the MBC
Connector group.
a) Open the Connector Monitor app.
b) Press the Execute button.
c) View the message content by pressing the Display Message Content button.
The Sender ID is driven by the SAP Treasury and Risk Management module
configuration but can be overwritten using the Multi-Bank Connectivity
Connector → Maintain Custom Sender/Receiver IDs configuration.
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
Define Residence Time
Figure 46: Defining Residence Time
Over time, the number of messages at the MBC Connector accumulate. The messages can be
archived if they have been in existence for a specific amount of time. That specific amount of
time is referred to as the residence time. The residence time defines the length of time
messages are stored before becoming eligible for archiving and is defined by message type in
this configuration.
To enter the residence time, follow the customizing path, Multi-Bank Connectivity
Connector → Maintain Residence Time for Message Archiving.
All interaction relating to data archiving takes place in the Archive Administration program
(transaction code SARA). The definition of an archiving object determines which functions are
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Lesson: MBC Connector Configuration
You should now be able to:
Know the MBC Connector configuration
Grasp the Different Settings Required to Enable the MBC Connector
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
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Unit 4
Lesson 2
MBC Connector SAP S/4HANA Cloud
Essentials Configuration
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Understand the MBC Connector Configuration for SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials
Configure MBC Connector SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials
Figure 47: SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity with SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials implementations use the guided configuration available
through the Manage Your Solution Fiori application.
The initial configuration of SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials implementations is based on a
pre-configured system providing ready-to-run business processes with sample data and is
the starting point for an implementation. Based on the pre-configuration, the initial setup of
an SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials
implementations is prepared using guided configuration. Guided configuration combines
business best practices into a friendly and easy-to-use tool that enables customers to get the
right configuration for their needs.
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
Figure 48: Manage Your Solution Configuration
The Configure Your Solution app allows SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials customers to make
their implementation specific configuration settings.
From the Manage Your Solution app, to get to the MBC Connector configuration, set the
Application Area to Finance and the Sub Application Area to Payments and Bank
Communications, as shown in this slide.
Figure 49: MBC Connector Configuration Steps
This screen shows the MBC Connector configuration steps available for SAP S/4HANA Cloud
Essential implementations. For each of these configuration options, the settings are the same
as for the SAP S/4HANA Cloud Extended edition, ECC, and SAP S/4HANA On-Premise
implementations covered in the last lesson.
Figure 50: Maintaining SWIFT Parameters
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Lesson: MBC Connector SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials Configuration
Within the MBC Connector, the corresponding SWIFT envelope is generated. SWIFT
parameters are configured using the configuration set here and will be sent to SAP Multi-Bank
Connectivity with every message.
Notice that this configuration is the exact same as the configuration for SAP S/4HANA Cloud
Extended edition, SAP ECC, and SAP S/4HANA On-Premise implementations covered in the
last lesson.
You should now be able to:
Understand the MBC Connector Configuration for SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
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Unit 4
Lesson 3
MBC Connector Technical Settings
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Become Familiar with the Technical Settings
Review Technical Settings
Figure 51: Connecting to SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
As mentioned in the previous lessons, SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity is available for SAP
customers on different environments. Keep in mind, the steps required to implement SAP
Multi-Bank Connectivity on the different environments varies to a certain degree.
For example, the MBC Connector is an add-on for ECC environments but is included with all
SAP S/4HANA implementations. Those customers on ECC environments must install the
MBC Connector, whereas this is not a required step for customers on SAP S/4HANA
For SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials edition implementations, it is the SAP Cloud Operations
group that is responsible for the majority of the setup steps for SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity,
whereas for non-SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials edition implementations, it is SAP
customer's implementation team that would be responsible for the majority of the setup
In this lesson, we discuss the more technical settings required to get SAP Multi-Bank
Connectivity up and running.
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
Figure 52: Technical Details
Here we outline the technical aspects of implementing SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity in an SAP
S/4HANA On-Premise or ECC environment. The majority of these steps would be done by an
SAP Basis Administrator. More detailed instructions will be provided by SAP in the first onboarding meeting.
1. Install MBC Connector if on ECC
If the SAP customer is on an ECC system, the MBC Connector must be installed. (The MBC
Connector exists on all SAP S/4HANA environments.) To do this, download the MBC
Connector software from SAP Service Marketplace, and install it as an add-on to the SAP ECC
2. Exchange certificates
All transfers through SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity should be encrypted, which requires an
exchange of certificates, both for the testing and the production environments. Download and
install the SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity network client certificate using trust manager
(transaction STRUST) for secure sockets layer (SSL).
3. A Logical System needs to be created for each SAP system used, e.g. test and production.
Define the logical system in table LCRT_CLNTCACHE using transaction SE16, if it is not
already there.
4. If payload encryption is required, you must exchange certificates with the bank and then
perform the required customizing steps.
5. Define the following RFC destinations. MBC Connector uses Webservice runtime. To
support this, the XI protocol requires the RFC destinations, which is currently being
recommended by SAP, though this may change to a different recommendation some point in
the future.
When RFC destinations are created manually, the RFC destinations are created using
transaction code SM59, and will be HTTP Connection RFC destinations, type G and use port
6. In addition, sender / receiver definitions should be created for each of the above RFC
destinations using the transaction code SXMSIF.
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Lesson: MBC Connector Technical Settings
Figure 53: Maintain SSF Parameters
In this customizing activity, the parameters for the Secure Store and Forward (SSF)
applications used by the MBC Connector for SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity are specified.
For its security features, the MBC Connector makes use of SSF applications.
Application BSNAGT is used by the MBC Connector's payload security. This means that these
parameters define how the message content of a message type is encrypted/signed and
The MBC Connector uses a dedicated SSFA (Secure Store and Forward) PSE registered as
SSFA application "BSNAGT". For the SAP S/4HANA Cloud editions, it is registered as logical
PSE "SSFA_BSNAGT" for the purposes signing and encryption.
The public key of the SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity tenant is uploaded to the certificate list of
PSE for encryption of request and verification of responses.
The following settings are constant:
HASH Algorithm = SHA256
Encryption Algorithm = AES128-CBC
Check Include Certificates
Check Digital Signature with Data
To enter this configuration, follow the path, Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector -> Maintain
SSF Application Parameters or use transaction code SSFA.
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Unit 4: Configuring MBC Connector
Figure 54: Secure Store and Forward (SSF) Profile Data
In this customizing activity, the SSF profile data are maintained. The SSF mechanism is used
by SAP systems to digitally sign and encrypt documents. SSF is meant to make documents
secure no matter how they are stored or transferred. SSF uses Public-key cryptography.
Users specify whether they want to sign and/or encrypt outbound messages, and whether
inbound messages should be decrypted and verified. The settings are made by message type,
Sender ID, Receiver ID, and an application. Message type, Sender ID, and Receiver ID are
optional. If a message type is not specified, the settings apply to all message types. Default
settings can be made for all messages, and then override those settings for a specific
message types.
As a prerequisite to this step, you have configured the applications in customizing under
Financial Services Network Connector -> Maintain SSF Application Parameters (transaction
Follow the customizing path, Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector -> Maintain Secure Store
and Forward (SSF) Profile Data.
You should now be able to:
Become Familiar with the Technical Settings
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Unit 4
Learning Assessment
1. Which of the following is the definition of Residence Time as it relates to SAP Multi-Bank
Choose the correct answers.
A Residence time defines the length of time messages are stored before becoming
eligible for archiving.
B Residence time defines the time the messages have been active in the MBC
C Residence time defines the time it takes a specific message to be transferred from
the MBC Connector to the bank.
2. The Sender ID represents the house bank a payment message is sent from.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
3. When a customer is using SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, the physical files sent through
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity are in the /BSNAGT/DOWNLOAD directory.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
4. For SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials implementations, the MBC Connector configuration
steps are done using the Configure Your Solution app.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
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Unit 4: Learning Assessment
5. For SAP S/4HANA Cloud Essentials edition implementations, it is the SAP Cloud
Operations group that is responsible for the technical setup steps for SAP Multi-Bank
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
6. A required step for all SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity implementations is to install the MBC
Connector as an add-on.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
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