Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad Supplementary Winter Semester Examination 2022 (B.Tech) I,III,V&VII-Sem Time Table DATE TIME 01-07-2023 10:00 AM To 01:00 PM 01-07-2023 02:00 PM To 05:00 PM 03-07-2023 10:00 AM To 01:00 PM 04-07-2023 10:00 AM To 01:00 PM 04-07-2023 02:00 PM To 05:00 PM BRANCH NAME SUBJECT CODE SUBJECT NAME All Branches BTBS101 Engineering Mathematics- I Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) BTAIC501 Computer Network and Cloud Computing Bachelor of Technology (Chemical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mining Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Petrochemical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Artificial Intelligence and Data Science) Bachelor of Technology (Chemical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Communication Engg. (Sandwich)) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Computer Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Chemical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) BTCHC501 BTCOC501 BTCVC 501 BTEEC501 BTEEC501 BTETC501 BTEXC501 BTITC501 BTMC 501/BTMEC501 BTMIC501 CV501 BTPCC501 Mass Transfer Operations - I Database Systems Design of Steel Structures Power System Analysis Electrical Machine-II Electromagnetic Field Theory Electromagnetic Field Theory Database Management Systems Heat Transfer Surface Mining Technology Design of Steel Structures Mass Transfer - I BTBS301 Engineering Mathematics-III BTBSC301 Engineering Mathema cs-III BTES301 BTCHC701 BTCOC701 BTCVC701 BTEEC701 Engineering Mathematics-III Process Dynamics and Control Software Engineering Design of Concrete Structures - II Power System Operation & Control BTETC701 Digital Communication BTMEC701 Mechatronics Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology) BTITC701 All Branches All Branches Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mining Engineering) BTBS102 BTBS102P BTCOC502 BTCOC502 BTCVC 502 BTCVC 502 BTEEC502 Cloud Computing and Storage Management Engineering Chemistry Engineering Physics Theory of Computations Theory of Computation Geotechnical Engineering Structural Mechanics-II Microprocessor and Microcontroller BTETC502 Digital Signal Processing BTEXC502 BTMC 502 BTMEC502 BTMIC502 Control System Engineering Machine Design - I Applied Thermodynamics - I Mine Environment & Ventilation Engineering BTCHC302 Fluid Flow Operations BTCOC302 Discrete Mathematics BTCVES302 BTECPC302 Mechanics of Solids Electronics Devices & Circuits BTEEC302 Electrical Machines-I BTEEC302 Network Analysis and Synthesis BTETC302/BTEXC302 Electronic Devices & Circuits BTEXC302 BTMC302 BTMEC302/BTMES304 BTMIC302 Analog Circuits Fluid Mechanics Materials Science and Metallurgy Mining Geology Bachelor of Technology (Chemical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Computer Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electronics Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mining Engineering) 06-07-2023 10:00 AM To 01:00 PM 06-07-2023 02:00 PM To 05:00 PM 08-07-2023 10:00 AM To 01:00 PM 08-07-2023 02:00 PM To 05:00 PM 11-07-2023 10:00 AM To 01:00 PM Bachelor of Technology (Chemical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) All Branches All Branches Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering (Electrical and Power)) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mining Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Chemical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Computer Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electronics Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mining Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Petrochemical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mining Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology) All Branches All Branches Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) BTCHC702 BTCOE702A BTCOE702B BTCOE702B BTCVC702 BTEEC702 BTETPE702C BTETPE702F BTETPE702F Pollution Control in Process Industries Elective-VIII (A) Big Data Analytics Distributed System Elective-VIII(B) Distributed System Infrastructure Engineering High Voltage Engineering (C) Satellite Communication (F) Mobile Computing Mobile computing BTMEC702 CAD/CAM BTETPE702D BTES103 BTES103G BTAIHM503B BTAIHM503C BTCOC503 BTCOC503 BTCVC 503 BTCVC 503 (D) Fiber Optic Communication Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics 2. Business Communication 3. Knowledge Reasoning and AI Ethics Software Engineering Machine Learning Structural Mechanics II Soil Mechanics BTEEC503 Power Electronics BTETC503 Analog Communication BTMC 503 BTMEC503 BTMIC503 BTCHC303 Theory of Machines- II Machine Design - I Underground Coal Mining Technology Process Calculations BTCOC303 Data Structures BTCVC303 BTCVC303 BTECPC303 Hydraulics I Building Construction & Drawing Programming, Data Structure and Algorithm using C BTEEC303 Electrical and Electronics Measurement BTEEC303 Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering BTETC303/BTEXC303 Digital Electronics BTBS303 BTMC303 BTCHC703 BTCOE703A BTCVC703 BTEEC703 BTETPE703A BTETPE703A BTETPE703B Engineering Mathematics III Thermodynamics Transport Phenomena Elective-IX(A) Cloud Computing Water Resources Engineering Electrical Drives Embedded System design (A) Embedded System Design (B) Artificial Intelligence Deep learning BTMEC703 Manufacturing Processes-III BTETPE703F BTHM703 BTITE703A BTES104 BTHM104 BTAPE504D BTCOE504A BTCOE504A BTCOE504A BTCOE504B BTCVC 504 BTETPE504A (F) Cyber Security Industrial Enginneering & Management Pattern Recognition Computer Programming in C Communication Skills Elective II (D) Automobile Engineering Introduction to Research Human Computer Interaction Elective-II (A) Introduction to Research Elective-II (B)Cyber laws Concrete Technology (A) Analog Circuits BTETPE504B (B) Embedded System Design BTETPE504C BTETPE504F BTEXC504 BTHM504 (C) Digital System Design (F) Power Electronics Digital Signal Processing Value Education, Human Rights and Legislative Procedures [MOOC/Swayam/NPTEL] 11-07-2023 02:00 PM To 05:00 PM 13-07-2023 10:00 AM To 01:00 PM 13-07-2023 02:00 PM To 05:00 PM 14-07-2023 10:00 AM To 01:00 PM Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mining Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mining Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mining Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) BTITC504 BTMEC504 BTMIPE504B BTMIPE504C BTMIPE504D BTMPE504A Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Computer Engineering) BTMPE504B CV504 BTCOC304 BTCVC304 BTCVC304 BTES304 BTESC304 Bachelor of Technology (Electronics Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Communication Engg. (Sandwich)) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Food Engineering and Technology) Bachelor of Technology (Mining Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) BTEXC304 BTEXC304 BTEEC304 BTHM304 BTHM3401 BTFT304 BTMIES304 BTCOE704A Probability and Queuing Theory Theory of Machines- II Advanced Mine Machinery Mine Electrical Engineering Rock Excavation Engineering Elective II (A) Refrigeration and Air conditioning Elective II (B) Steam and Gas Turbines Concrete Technology Computer Architecture &Organization Surveying I Hydraulics-I Electrical Machines and Instruments Computer Architecture & Operating System Network Theory Network Analysis Measurement and Instrumentation Basic Human Rights Basic Human Right Element of Bio & Food Science Fluid Mechanics Open Elective -X(A) Blockchain Technology Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mining Engineering) All Branches Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) BTCOE704B BTCVC704 BTEEE704B BTETPE704A BTETPE704A BTETPE704E BTETPE704F Open Elective -X(B) Computer Graphics Professional Practices Electrical Traction and Utilization (A) Consumer Electronics Consumer Electronics (E) Mechatronics (F) Electronics in Smart City BTMEC704B Industrial Engineering And Management Fluid Machinery Finite Element Method Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mine Economics Energy and Environment Engineering Business Communication Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) BTMEC704A BTMEC704C BTMEC704E BTMIPE704C BTES105 BTCOE505B/BTAIHM50 3B/BTHM505B BTCVC 505 BTEEE505A BTEEE505B Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) BTEEOE505B BTETOE505A BTETOE505B Transportation Engineering Elective IV A. Illumination Engineering Elective IV B. Advances in Renewable Energy Sources. Electrical Safety (A) Control System Engineering (B) Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mining Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) BTETOE505F BTEXC505 BTHM505 BTMEC505 BTMIOE505C BTMOE505A BTMOE505B (F) Open Source Technologies Microcontroller and its Application Project Management Metrology and Quality Control Applied Mine Surveying Open Elective I (A) Solar Energy Open Elective I (B) Renewable Energy Sources Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) BTMOE505C Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) BTCOC305A Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) BTCOC305B Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) BTCVC305 Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Computer Engineering) BTEEC305C BTES305 BTESC305 Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology) Bachelor of Technology (Mining Engineering) BTITC305 BTMIES305 Open Elective I (C) Human Resource Management Object - oriented Programming in C++ Elective - I (a)Object Oriented Programming C++ Object Oriented Programming in Java Elective - I (b)Object Oriented Programming Java Surveying Building Construction (C ) Signals and Systems Engineering Material Science Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Data Structures and Applications Strength of Materials 14-07-2023 02:00 PM To 05:00 PM 18-07-2023 10:00 AM To 01:00 PM 18-07-2023 02:00 PM To 05:00 PM Bachelor of Technology (Food Engineering and Technology) Bachelor of Technology (Petrochemical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) All Branches 705D BTCHE705E BTCVE705A BTCVE705F BTEEE705A BTEEE705B BTEEE705C BTEEE705D D. Packaging Technology Advanced Petrolium Refining Construction Techniques Water Power Engineering Digital Signal Processing Energy Audit and Conservation Electrical Power Quality HVDC Transmission and FACTS BTHM705 Financial Management BTMEC705C BTES106 Wind Energy Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering All Branches Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) BTES106CM BTCOC506 BTCVE506A BTCVPE506F BTCVPE506G BTEEOE506B BTMC 506 BTMEC506A BTMEC506D BTCVC306 BTHM306 BTHM306 Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering Competitive Programming_I A. Materials Testing &Evaluation F. Town and Urban Planning G. Material, Testing and Evaluation Elective V B. Power Plant Engineering. Applied Thermodynamics Automobile Engineering Fundamentals of Automobile Design Engineering Geology Soft Skill Development Engineering Economics Associate Controller Of Examination DBATU,Lonere Controller of Examinations Dr. B.A.T.University , Lonere