Uploaded by Rannie Asis

Intellectual-Revolutions STS

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1. What is the intellectual revolution all about?
Acebuche -The Scientific Revolution (1500-1750) led to the
development of empiricism and inductive reasoning, leading to
the questioning of religious dogmas. Scientific advances,
cultural/societal shifts, and revolution led to equal scrutiny.
The Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries saw
dramatic changes in scientific thought and belief, culminating
in Copernicus's Heliocentric cosmos and Newton's universal
2. Who are the key figures in the revolution?
Asis - The key figure in the revolution is Sir Isaac Newton
(1643-1727) was a pivotal figure in the Revolution, and his
work changed sciences such as motion and optics, among His
contributions to physics, mathematics, astronomy, and chemistry
aided at the beginning of the Scientific Revolution. and
understand the world around us. Throughout his career, he made
significant contributions to the world of science. thorough
3. How did the revolution advance modern science and
scientific thinking at the time?
Balao- Sir Isaac Newton's work was the pinnacle of the
Scientific Revolution, drawing on previous discoveries in
mathematics, astronomy, and physics to develop a comprehensive
understanding of the physical universe.
To investigate the mechanical relations of ordinary bodies,
Newton's three laws of motion and the principle of universal
gravitation were all that was Newton. Where simple laws of
action, determined by observation, Newton hypothesized forces
between particles that allowed him to derive the law. He then
used these forces to predict others. The conformity of
observation to prediction was seen as demonstrating how to
investigate a thing empirically and reveal the laws hidden.
Newton's approach allowed for further experimental research
until a coherent theory was reached.
4. What controversies met the revolution?
Bayod - The Newton-Leibniz controversy over the development of
calculus was a dispute between mathematicians Isaac Newton and
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz over who invented calculus first.
The modern consensus holds that the two men separately formed
their ideas concerning the theory of infinitesimal calculus in
the late 17th century. The controversy started in 1699 and
erupted in full force in 1711.
Cadorna - Leibniz was the first to publish his work, but
Newton's supporters accused him of plagiarizing Newton's vague
ideas. The Leibniz-Newton calculus argument raged on until
Leibniz died in 1716.
Society's leaders saw himself as an expert in optics, and Isaac
Newton.Hooke allegedly claimed that Newton stole the content of
his published work from "Principia" is the title of the
published work.
5. How has the contribution of the key figure impacted society in
general? What are the practical applications today of the key
figure’s contribution to science?
Focus on: How has the contribution of the key figure impacted
society in general?
mathematics, astronomy, and chemistry aided at the beginning of
the Scientific Revolution. So, despite the story of an apple
falling on his head, his contributions revolutionized how we
see and understand the world around us. Throughout his career,
he made significant contributions to the world of science. He
developed calculus and provided a thorough understanding of
optics. However, his most notable achievement was in the field
of forces, notably formulating a universal rule of gravity. In
optics, his discovery of the composition of white light
incorporated color phenomena into light science and set the
groundwork for current physical optics.
Quinto - His three laws of motion, the fundamental foundations
of contemporary physics, led to the creation of the law of
in mechanics. Newton's Philosophiae
Naturalis Principia Mathematica, also known as the Principia,
was published in 1687, making it one of the most important
scientific works in history. It was in this work that he first
laid out his three laws of motion. It provides the three
principles of motion that lay the framework for classical
mechanics in this book. In mathematics, he was the original
achievements, discoveries, and hard work, he can be considered
one of the most influential persons in history, as well as one
of the most outstanding scientists who ever lived. He was
immensely influential in the sciences, many of which are
astronomy. His mathematics, optics, and physics achievements
set the groundwork for modern science and transformed the
Focus on: What are the practical applications today of the key
figure's contribution to science?
Acebuche - He invented the modern telescope. Before Newton,
disadvantages. They were known as refracting telescopes because
they used glass lenses to shift the direction of different
aberrations," or blurry, out-of-focus patches around objects
seen through the telescope. Newton's new "reflecting telescope"
was more powerful than previous models. Since he utilized a
small mirror to bounce the picture to the eye, he made a much
smaller, more practical telescope. Newton's simple telescope
design is still used today by amateur astronomers as well as
foundation for classical mechanics.
Asis - Newton wrote one of the most important scientific works
in history, the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica,
or the Principia, in 1687. In this essay, Einstein first stated
his three laws of motion. According to the law of inertia, an
object at rest or in motion will remain at rest or in motion
unless acted upon by an external force. So, Newton's rule
explains why an automobile will stop when it meets a wall, but
the human beings within the car will continue to move at the
same steady pace until they collide with an external force,
such as a dashboard or an airbag.
Balao - Riding a bicycle is an example of his second law of
acceleration. Your pedaling of a bicycle provides the force
required to accelerate in his equation that force equals mass
times acceleration or F=ma. Newton's rule also explains why
larger or heavier objects need more force to move or change and
why hitting a tiny object with a baseball bat causes more
damage than striking a massive object with the same bat.
Bayod - His third law of action and reaction adds a simple
symmetry to our understanding of the world around us: There is
an equal and opposite reaction for every action. When you sit
in a chair, you exert force down on the chair, but the chair
exerts equal force to keep you upright. It's hard to know if
this is real, but it's a good anecdote for explaining the
science of gravity. It was also the foundation for classical
mechanics until Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.
Cadorna - Newton's theory contributed to the discovery that all
objects, from as tiny as an apple to as huge as a planet, are
subject to gravity. Gravity aids in the rotation of the planets
around the sun and causes the ebbs and flows of rivers and
tides. Newton's equation also implies that larger bodies with
heavier masses exert more gravitational attraction, which
explains why humans who walked on the much smaller moon felt
weightless because it had a lower gravitational pull.
Lansang - Newton contributed to developing a new, specialized
kind of mathematics to explain his theories of gravity and
motion better. It tracked the continually changing and variable
conditions of nature (such as force and acceleration) in a way
that conventional mathematics and geometry could not.
Quinto - Calculus is employed in all areas of mathematics,
physics, engineering, biology, and other disciplines. A lot
goes into the application of calculus, and entire businesses
rely heavily on it. Calculus may have been the torment of many
a high school and college student, but it has proven essential
to centuries of mathematicians, engineers, and scientists.