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Media, Communications & Advocacy Training Concept Note

Media, Communications and Advocacy Training
Concept Note
Basic knowledge of communications, media and advocacy has become essential for every single
NGO staff, particularly for those organizations who works on social issues. Communications is
the heart of every organization. Everything we do in the workplace results from communication.
Therefore good reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are essential if tasks are going to be
completed and goals achieved. As an organization with good image and very good social impact
on the life of people, being in media is a need. Considering the need of SCI-AF on Media and
communication as well advocacy the communication training is designed in order to enhance
knowledge and skills of SCI-AF staff on basics of communications and advocacy. Therefore the
training is designed for 6 days training delivery, one day reporting, and two days training materials
development. Furthermore, in order to achieve objectives of the training, the training will be
delivered by two professional trainers; 1.Communciation, 2. Advocacy.
Training Objectives
The training focus on two main objectives;
1. Media and Communications Training
Enhance knowledge and skills of SCI-AF staff on certain important elements and basics of media
and communications. Specifically, this part of the training will focus on the following topics:
Basic concepts of media and communications
Identifying and collecting success stories
Improving writing skills of the participants
Developing a quality case study/success story
Photo shoots
Framing/capturing short video clips
Developing practical, useable and simple specific material on media and
8. Discussions on how to use the material, which target groups to reach out to, and how.
2. Advocacy Training
The advocacy part of the training will equip the target groups with important knowledge and
advocacy tolls. Advocacy part of the training will answer the following questions:
What is advocacy and its tools?
What would be a feasible advocacy objective for any advocacy activity or campaign?
Who should be targeted in an advocacy campaign and how the best get into the decisionmaking process?
Who should be the face of the advocacy activities or campaign and what sort of support
others can provide?
What sort of messages and communication tools can be develop and use to convince
target audiences in any advocacy campaign or event?
Expected Outcomes
The overall expected outcome of the training are listed below:
Enhanced knowledge of SCI-AF staff on basic concepts of media and communications
Improved writing skills of SCI-AF staff on various formats of media and communications
Enhanced target groups photography and short video clips recording skills
Equipped training participants with basics knowledge of advocacy and its toll
Improved knowledge of training participants on different steps and process of advocacy
Target groups
SCI-AF Project Managers, Project Coordinators, and officers and SCI-AF partner organizations
staff such as; Project Manager, Coordinators, and Program /Project Officers. The total number of
workshop participants would 20-25 attendees.
Estimated Budget
Communications and Advocacy Training
Proposal Budget
1 Developing Materials
2 Printing Materials
3 Delivering Training and Reporting
4 Facilitator
Total Proposed Budget